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  1. T

    Last time on LSD-25

    Guys i have done pretty well in my college too. I've done well in all exams and projects... all while i smoked pot. But now after graduation its time to quit. You guys really believe that people like Richard Branson and Michael Phelps smoke pot even today?? Or do you think they went through a...
  2. T

    Last time on LSD-25

    Firstly, i am not trying to change you. I respect your decision. So you do the same. If i want to meditate without using psychedelics just respect my decision. Haha, i had done their meditation program earlier even before i used LSD and it was just amazing. That is the reason i am heading back...
  3. T

    Last time on LSD-25

    I have done 80 to 120 micrograms the 1st time i did acid. This dose was approximately 250 micrgrams. Pretty sure about that. Thanks, but i'm done with LSD for good :) High five, you have done the exact same trip I did, although it wasn't really a trip, it was just like a hey, LOOK. Thanks bro...
  4. T

    Last time on LSD-25

    Hi guys, I just graduated recently and i had got my hands on some hoffman blotters. I had one whole blotter. It was pretty strong (not just strong cause its hoffman, i have done other blotters also) Till now i have used LSD approximately 8-10 times. I have used it for exploring my mind as well...
  5. T

    why do you do drugs?

    Lol you feel worse afterwards?? LSD has the best comedown. I love staring at a beautiful natural view as it wears off. With MDMA i feel slightly down but not very much since i don't abuse. Plus i eat extra healthy after it wears off. Cannabis has no comedown for me. My addiction is reading...
  6. T

    Cannabis After Working Out

    Sex for me is the best after the cannabis smoke after the workout.
  7. T

    Cannabis After Working Out

    I have tried smoking little amounts before working out. I felt slightly slow, maybe more focussed. Now i just use cannabis after my exercise... the only problem is eating too many junk muchies.
  8. T


    There are many techniques out there. Just pick one and start. Starting and not analyzing is the solution. I like the 'Sudarshan Kriya' by the organization Art of Living. Don't care about the organization but the technique is pretty good.
  9. T

    Alienation anyone?

    +1 Why the fuck would anyone want to hang out with a superficial or stupid person and talk about things they don't understand. When i hangout with 'normal' people i prefer activities or hanging out in groups. I think at times people should stop categorizing people and just accept them as they...
  10. T

    Are all smokers junkys ?

    I think its a very stupid habit. But to each his own, if certain people want to waste their money on them let them as long as they don't blow smoke on me. I get damn annoyed when people light cigarettes in my car. Personally i never touch cigarettes. Last time it was when i was trying to fit in...
  11. T

    What do you think of the machine elves?

    LOL!! Machine Elves indeed..... Don't take visual hallucinations and (placebos from reading stuff) so seriously.
  12. T

    Girl troubles ... on going

    Are you dating the girl just for emotional security or do you actually enjoy her company and personality?? Is there sex in the relationship?? Sex will get you closer with the girl. Personally i don't believe in relationships without sex. I've always been patient, and never rushed into a...
  13. T

    Who thinks psychadelics are more than drugs?

    Not in that particular post. I was talking about anger in other posts. He takes things way too seriously in certain threads.....
  14. T

    Who thinks psychadelics are more than drugs?

    +1 I'm not even argueing. Its just that, in your 1st post of this thread which said 'Its a drug' or something like that made it appear as if it has no benefits. Be happy for a change dude. Why so much anger?? Chillout
  15. T

    Who thinks psychadelics are more than drugs?

    For all you science heads out there Steve Jobs travelled to India with a Reed college friend (who also was the 1st employee of Apple) in search of spiritual enlightenment, during this time, Jobs experimented with psychedelics, calling his LSD experiences "one of the two or three most important...
  16. T

    Who thinks psychadelics are more than drugs?

    I believe the above, and i think anybody who has ever tried psychedelics and is mentally healthy will believe in it too. I feel it also broadens your perceptions and vision and kills your ego. Also, they can be used to have fun in moderation.
  17. T


    +1 I love life :) Nor am i in any hurry to die. Although i have accepted it may happen anytime. Live in the present. Fully, with awareness.
  18. T


    LOL. What crap are you talking about?? I smoke 2-3 nights a week without any problems. I also exercise 3 days a week & do my college work on time. Just cause you abused the shit out of cannabis and had no life other than that does not mean everyone falls in the same category.
  19. T

    Alcohol far more dangerous for teens than cannabis

    I know a few people who abuse cannabis often. They are lazy, but they do their stuff in the end. They go for work, they complete their school work. Are the people who you are talking about abusing alcohol also?? I know several people who use alcohol, and are very unhappy with their lives, work...
  20. T


    +1 It is possible to be with one person your entire life if there is full freedom (not necessarily sexually) and love in the relation. Just cause there are so many beautiful people does not mean you have to share your sexual energy with all. :)
  21. T

    montreal psychedelic trance scene

    LOL !! I guess its happening everywhere. The commercial parties which has plenty of posers, cokeheads, alcoholics or 'e-tards'(which will dance on anything) trying to look cool and 'psy' are out & the real psychedelic music scene is going underground.....
  22. T

    New Lover of Lucy round these parts

    After 6-7 months from my last acid experience, i've got my hands on 2 Shiva blotters again :)
  23. T

    Free (psychedelic) music sites

    Hehe, looks interesting... what type of psychedelics music is it?
  24. T

    Free (psychedelic) music sites

    http://trippytrance.com/forum/ Again, all kinds of psychedelic. Need to register here though
  25. T

    Turn On, Tune In, Trance Out

    Interesting read http://www.scribd.com/doc/2230062/Turn- ... Trance-Out Download it, and read it for a clearer view.
  26. T

    How many joints you smoke a day, everyday??

    Yes, it does. It can fuck up your sleeping schedule. But, if i smoke large amount of strong stuff i'll sleep soon for way too many hours. But some of the people i know who smoke up everyday and have fixed sleeping pattern (those who HAVE to get up early at any cost for college/work) they...
  27. T


    Osho has never recommended or taught intensive meditation techniques as far as i know. Must be the overuse of drugs that screwed them up. Goa Gill is still with his wife. So i'm assuming it was free love then, and not just orgies.
  28. T

    How many joints you smoke a day, everyday??

    Usually i smoke about 2-3 days of the weak in the evening or night. 1 joint is sufficient, unless i'm smoking with a few people.
  29. T


  30. T


    God, you should read some of his good work. There a lot of it. Hmm, in the ashram here not everyone visiting the ashram is into psychedelics but there is a demand for some hash though. A few of them do acid or have tried it sometime.
  31. T


    According to Osho the uniform is to make the person look silly == Destroy the ego. Maybe a minor percentage of people consider it 'elitist' to wear the robe. But yeah, the real reason is to drop the ego.
  32. T


    Do you mean Osho followers by any chance? Who also went by the name Bhagwan Rajneesh. I stay in the city where Osho used to stay, and conduct all his lectures back then in the Ashram. Now its a Meditation resort. Most of the people who visit there look very sane...... i'm sure they are. Infact...
  33. T


    All the hippies who'd gone to Goa in the 1970's and whichever other places, they were obviously into all this. LSD had opened up their minds, destroyed their egos. If you look at photos on Goa Gill's website, you will see groups of guys and girls completely naked obviously they were into...
  34. T


    +1 Thats why i guess someone pointed out 2 couples loving each other works better than 3 people. In 3 people there is bound to be issues of jealousy or possessiveness. Guys, if a group of people truely love each other and leave the egos aside.... Love making is bound to happen between...
  35. T

    LSD purchase site?

    Hmm, its definitely not worth any risk. I can get a blotter (around 150 mics) here for roughly 600rs or 12$ in USD
  36. T

    Do you believe in the present?

    +1 Past & future only exists cause of the present. most people live in the past or in the future. living in the present is what its about :)
  37. T

    Free (psychedelic) music sites

    http://www.psy-mania.com http://psytrance-il.blogspot.com/ All kinds of Psychedelic music. Dark, Full-On, Goa, Chill
  38. T

    montreal psychedelic trance scene

    Wow, lucky you. Looks like a nice party. The country i come from, was quite liberal about psy parties until a few years back. Now its more underground or small private scenes most of the time. Its more relaxed in certain states.
  39. T

    LSD vs. Shrooms?

    Acid can be the same at times.....
  40. T

    HPPD, anyone?

    Call it HPPD or call it temporary visuals or any shit. But yep, the answers to those Questions are what we would all like to know.
  41. T

    Camping trip

  42. T

    Are we all just playing a game?

    True. Game is also what everyday non-aware people are playing in their daily lives. When you are sitting with a friend and both go silent, there is some awkwardness.... cause people cannot stand the emptiness that is inside all of us. So they keep creating dreams and dreams. And want more and...
  43. T

    LSD vs. Shrooms?

    It is not safe if you are careless about its use or if you have any serious psychological problem or depression. Avoid dosing with either shrooms or lsd when you are in a bad mood or feeling very anxious or something. You sound quite sane so i don't think you will have any problem, just dose...
  44. T

    LSD vs. Shrooms?

    I think many of these people cannot accept or try to resist the ego loss during the trip. Nor can they accept the changes in their reality/perception afterwards. I mean a good dose can really RAPE your ego, and bring you down to earth.
  45. T

    Favorite music to trip/get high to?

    Hehe, i've not purchased any cds yet. But i will soon. If you liked Kindzadza i'm sure you'll also like the Highko albums from the same site.
  46. T

    WHEN to do psychadelics.

    +1 Psychedelic full moon parties are common where i come from also.
  47. T


    In India you get good quality hash for 1200Rs / Tola that is approx. 24US$ for 11-12grams. The grass here is bad tasting, quality is Okay. You can roll around 10 joints of grass from 100 Rs. (2$) of stuff. So the cost of grass is really very cheap. Most of it is grown outdoors. 2 packings in my...
  48. T

    Favorite music to trip/get high to?

    Guys you can download Kindzadza - Waves from inner space, Alien Mental - Mind Hack from http://www.psymania.com I think you can download the old Shpongle albums from that site too. Seriously give this music a try on acid. Its crazy.
  49. T

    WHEN to do psychadelics.

    +1 Unless i'm on some kind of a holiday with easy access to psychedelics or something.... in such cases i would drop acid 2 days in a row (with 8 hours of sleep in between) without worrying much. The most important criteria for me is i should be free from all responsiblities when i drop it...
  50. T

    bad brains.

    10 suicides per 5000 people is nothing, considering various psychological issues people can have.
  51. T

    bad brains.

    Mindfuckked maybe you are hanging out with the wrong kind of people. There are shit loads of idiots in this 'drug scene' who consume all kinds of shit without researching on it. The people you are talking about must have used acid along with other drugs. Most of the people who i know that fall...
  52. T

    LSD purchase site?

    I've got a reply from them pretty fast. It seems genuine. But you never know. Please hide the url. The poster or some admin. We don't want to fuck it up if its genuine.
  53. T

    Ten things you should think of when trying psychedelics.

    Shall keep that in mind :) Also its the intent you do it with
  54. T


    Did acid on an mdma comedown. Most stupid thing i ever did. Should have done it vice versa
  55. T

    A few questions about MDMA

    Best of luck dude. I've met people like this who claim of doing MDMA every weekend and behaving as if there is no bad effect then they finally land up in a mess. But the fact is there are serious side effects if you misuse these substances. From the looks of it you seem to be heading in the...
  56. T

    LSD purchase site?

    I'm really excited... just wrote an e-mail to them
  57. T

    LSD purchase site?

    Fuck, this is absolutely crazy. I'm hoping its legit. Sounds too good to be true. If any of you guys buy from them & get a delivery please let me know :D
  58. T

    What college majors and careers would appeal to a psychonaut

    Sounds great :) But make sure the troubled kid in you is gone before you start helping others. Best of luck
  59. T

    Joe Rogans letter to Kellogs (about Michael Phelps)

    Excellent letter. Feels good when somebody famous leading a healthy life supports cannabis or psychedelics
  60. T

    HPPD, anyone?

    I agree with God & St.bot.32 I myself have similar experiences after a heavy set of squatting.... lol.. something like a free light show. But many people experience this thing although they have never used any psychedelics
  61. T


    Listening to music on my precious headphones Chilling with my dogs with the air conditioning on (if its summer) Playing counter strike Working out Reading (i've been reading Osho lately, amazing writer/philosopher) Watching Family Guy/Going for movies with my girlfriend after getting stoned...
  62. T

    your perfect XTC pill...

    Mine would be in the form of MDMA crystals :)
  63. T

    What college majors and careers would appeal to a psychonaut

    Yes, but the subject you find interesting should also have the ability to get you enough remuneration so you can live decently.... or maybe afford that special trip abroad, where you can do psychedelics in beautiful places :)
  64. T

    Under age psychedelic use??

    They could be harmful psychologically if enough care is not taken. Imagine a kid getting a scary trip. It would be bad if the kid wasn't prepared. But yeah, i understand your point of view... it could be very benefitial if the right kid takes the right psychedelic.
  65. T

    Under age psychedelic use??

    Ahhfuckit, if you are 17 you can smoke weed once in a while
  66. T

    Under age psychedelic use??

    Its not safe, when the brain is developing. Adolescents can be immature when taking these substances and may abuse them. They are very prone to get carried away. I have a few 'friends' who started smoking weed very early around the age of 15 (they thought it was very cool to get fucked up) and...
  67. T

    sleep deprivation

    I've been up for 24 hrs right now.... but not as a part of any experiment nor to get any kick out of it. Last night i was reading, listening to music, using my computer and stayed up. In the morning it got way too late to sleep cause i had to head for college, if i slept i'm sure i wouldn't have...
  68. T

    New Lover of Lucy round these parts

    Welcome funkateer, Last time i did lucy it came in the 'Shiva' blotter. It was very good. Dunno when i'll do it next or what form will it come in :)
  69. T

    What college majors and careers would appeal to a psychonaut

    You don't have to take a degree to study mushrooms, or all those herbs that get you high. You can just study them as a hobby.
  70. T

    Ten things you should think of when trying psychedelics.

    True i'm really done with the thinking part when it comes to acid, cause i generally think quite a bit. On acid its much more ofcourse. Next time i use it i'm gonna just shut off my mind and experience it while staying in the present.....
  71. T

    How long have you been getting high and on what?

    Forgot to add, in 2006 i did Salvia Divinorum 10x which my friend brought from the U.S. It was quite a wierd experience cause many people around were not using anything and were completely sober.
  72. T

    What college majors and careers would appeal to a psychonaut

    Nothing is really fixed. I'm studying business, my girlfriend has studied finance and i know several psychonauts who have chosen various fields, everything from engineering to arts & social studies. So just choose something which you are passionate about and will also get you some decent income.
  73. T

    so theres this person growing

    Here in India i think they mix the male & female plants.... There are many seeds but we still get bombed with the weed we get. Ofcourse the weed i smoked in USA was much more potent as in it took less amount to get that high. Maybe you can ask him for a sample smoke to make your decision.
  74. T

    Horizon: Cannabis: The Evil Weed?

    Can somebody please give a brief summary of this video. Or atleast the conclusion. (don't tell me after all these years of smoking up ---> weed = bad!!) Thanks
  75. T

    Do all hallucinogenics cause anxiety?

    Timothy Leary has described the common visions (including the anxious ones) people get during the LSD trip.... He's given specific instructions which are to be read / heard when you get that scary vision during your trip. Although some of the wording he has used is very wierd.... it might be...
  76. T

    How long have you been getting high and on what?

    2002 - 2009(maybe forever) Hash / Grass... Not on a regular basis. With breaks in between. 2005 - Ecstacy. 3 Pills in the whole year out of which 2 i did 2 nights in a row (Learnt my lesson) 2006 - LSD 1 time in the whole year and 1 XTC pill. 2007 - LSD. 4 times in the whole year. 2008 -...
  77. T

    What was before the big bang?

    There are some questions in life we can never get an answer. Or we can not be sure of the answer. Questions like the one you asked pretty much fall into this category. (E.g. What is the purpose of our existence?) Dont waste much time thinking about this..... lol Religions are man made, mostly...
  78. T

    What's your hair and beard like?

    Short hair / Medium hair on top. At times a stubble or styled beard... Clean shave once every week.
  79. T

    Are psychonauts special?

    Are you sure they are psychonauts and not junkies???
  80. T

    Are psychonauts special?

    Can you elaborate what you mean by current psychonauts?? Temporary or something?
  81. T

    Weak link found between smoking pot, testicular cancer

    God thanks for your dissection :)
  82. T

    So I had a spoon, oil, hashish and a flame...

    Hehe, sure bro..... :) I will This 23rd is Mahashivratri, many people will be lighting their chillums :)
  83. T


    The whole cosmos is special and we are a part of it. Existence is special. Its just that everything appears physically different. We are not the mind, not the body.... we are the consciousness
  84. T

    Favorite music to trip/get high to?

    Guys also try Talpa - When The Somberness Becomes A Game on acid or mdma i'm sure you'll love it. Very psychedelic. Hell... i love the album even when i'm sober and haven't tripped out in months.
  85. T

    Best Rave Drug, Besides MDMA?

    1)80 - 200 mics of LSD if tolerance is low 2)MDMA powder 3)Both (Take MDMA powder after you are 2 hours into the LSD trip) 4)Little Mescaline
  86. T

    Is there any way I can control my high?

    PsycheSmirk maybe its paranoid personality disorder which gets intensified after you smoke up?? or maybe your tolerance is pretty low.... you don't usually smoke as much others or as often as others?? Having a low tolerance is a good thing actually. I like to keep mine low by taking breaks in...
  87. T

    So I had a spoon, oil, hashish and a flame...

    I'm from India & next time i travel to manali i'll definitely find out if the locals are using saliva. The hash out there is super awesome. Its soo soft and pure. Another substance you get out there is hash oil, you can apply little on the body of your joint with this and smoke it.
  88. T


    Caduceus, same thing happens to me if i smoke weed and not hash :) Once the high starts fading i feel sleepy. Maybe it depends on the type of weed / hash a person smokes.
  89. T


    I had similar problems with pot 'abuse' earlier. It made me turn into a lazy person with moodswings. One of my LSD trips helped me realize this. I stopped abusing around 7-8 months back. Ever since then i smoke pot only 2-3 times a week that too only at night when i have finished all my...
  90. T

    You're favorite bud's or hashish

    Where i come from you don't get any specific types of grass (no names) and its of okay quality. But yeah, the grass makes me laugh like crazy. And hash helps me concentrate and gives me that stoned feeling. When i wanna have a blast i just mix the two :)
  91. T

    So I had a spoon, oil, hashish and a flame...

    Next time better take a smaller dose. Where i come from there is plenty of hash & it is cheap. I cook it once in a while, for a wonderful experience. Its almost like a trip. Me and my girlfriend once saw Requeim For a Dream on a pleasant dose of this stuff. Can't forget it :)
  92. T

    Fill in: You reached your hand to grab something...

    During my bungy jump when i was in mid-air free falling (world record holding height during my visit to south africa) i had a strong urge to hold on to something
  93. T

    Tips for trips

    Some of my tips might be repeated Keep your i-pod/music player filled with a variety of music - music you always listen to as well as music you listen to while you trip (See some of the psychedelic stuff i recommended) Change the music or shut it off it makes you uncomfortable Tripping in a...
  94. T

    My view of life, death, afterlife, psychedelics etc.

    I'm an Indian and i agree with you.
  95. T

    how do you space your trips?

    Last year i did acid three times. I learned many things immensely, the most important thing is that 'You cannot know the unknown. You can get a few glimpses at max' I did MDMA once last year, in a very beautiful mountain covered with snow. The year before i did acid thrice again. This year i...
  96. T

    Favorite music to trip/get high to?

    Also listen to these albums on acid (comfortably into the trip) Psykovsky - Debut V.A. - 1001 Nights Just focus on the music :)
  97. T

    Favorite music to trip/get high to?

    Next time you guys are tripping on LSD you should really listen to this it will take you on a wonderful journey: Shpongle, Hallucinogen Go to http://www.psylentharmony.net/downloads.html and download a few DJ Sets the guy has made. Some are amazing. The music is similar to the above kinds...
  98. T

    Im so happy, i have really good weed now :).

    Trick its quite cool you got a nice harvest. How long did it take you to grow it?? I wish i could smoke some of it. I really hope you can buy your camera soon :) Enjoy your weed bro.