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LSD vs. Shrooms?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nina_is_alive
  • Date de début Date de début

LSD or Magic Mushrooms?

  • LSD

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  • Shrooms

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Glandeuse Pinéale
Hi everyone, I am just curious what the general differences are between using LSD and using Magic Mushrooms, I know that LSD is supposedly more intense and also from what I have heard, not as safe? I've experimented with Cannibis some and not much else. However, I am curious about other psychedelics as well, and feel I am mature enough to use them in a mature way to just expand my general perception of the world, and as a means for creativity curiousity and discovery to flourish.
However, I must come home to parents at night, and I am also concerned about the dangers [physiologically mostly] as well as the differences that these two substances bring.

Can anyone give me some advice or imput?
Thank you :D
High Nina_is_alive , welcome to the forum .

What do you mean with the question ? What people prefer ? What people think is the safest ? Or what ? Maybe you can also be a bit more specific about what you mean by the rest to please ?
I suppose what I want is just a general opinion [best if backed by experience]

on how the two contrast
and which you would recommend for someone new to the whole world of psychedelics when it comes to intensity and saftey
for the most part
you can feel free to share whichever you prefer and why
that would be wonderful as well.

I hope that better clarifys?
and thankyou for the welcome, by the way. :)
Ambiguous question. They are both evenly since they they both have their unique character for different rewards.

LSD is more euphoric and predictable to me, shrooms are more adventurous with wondrous episodes.

Combining them together is what a psychonaut is looking for if sufficient courage for capitulation is found.
They are both members of the 'tryptamine' family of psychedelics. This just means they are structurally similar in certain respects....which means that they have certain things in common, but if you have the choice, and you're asking for advice on what you should try first, I'd recommend mushrooms. LSD is, dose-wise, the most potent psychedelic known to man (or woman), and can be a bit intimidating. Not to say mushrooms can't, because they too can be a wild ride, I just think they are gentler to a new explorer.

LSD can be very abrasive in a way that can lead to a lot of introspective, analytical thoughts, and sometimes they aren't always pleasant. All that from a little piece of paper, too.....mushrooms, usually, are made into a tea, by boiling with water, and you have to imbibe a good bit more to get the effects, because they aren't as potent, by weight, as LSD. Don't take that to mean they aren't a VERY strong hallucinogen when a high enough dose is taken, they are. They can be intense, but to me they aren't as psychologically abrasive as LSD, they give you more visuals generally, as well. LSD CAN give you visuals, but there is a very heavy emotional content with LSD usually, it's not unusual to find you're psychoanalyzing yourself, with an accuracy that may be uncomfortable.

You didn't ask, but if you are a new seeker, I'd recommend you consider the phenethylamine family as well......(MDMA and mescaline are phenethylamines).

They are much friendlier, but they take you to a different space, which is not necessarily better, just different, and, usually, more pleasant.

But the tryptamines are great teachers and you can learn a lot from them.

Learning isn't always pleasant.

+ 1 . Well said .

For me psilocybe mushrooms are LSDs little brother and i`d recomend you to try psilocybe mushrooms first but find out about set and setting before you do them .

Here is the right place to ask if you have any questions at all . There are people here with VERY much experience with everything you can imagine . If you are sincere they will tell you everything you need to know and explain it in detail .
spice a dit:
Learning isn't always pleasant.

One of the biggest things I learned was that if you want to learn and are willing to face it all, it becomes much more pleasant, while if you fight and resist the learning process it just makes it harder.

I'd say mushrooms, preferably with a friend present at a moderate dose (up to 3 grams). LSD can be very weird if you don't know it. I remember my first few trips and they really taught me a lot, while at the same time it was just totally different than anything else. The weirdness can be a big distractor, because it can both be horrifying and extremely funny.
Strange enough LSD is literally the only substance which has always been heaven to me. It guarantees me serenity and witnessing the beauty in everything and everyone.

I have experienced strong discomfort on weed in the past (heartbeats with the thought of losing breath), intense episodes of fear on shrooms (with occasionally phases of almost not being in able to take it anymore). Even on bigger amounts of San Pedro I had dark moments. (Just very worrying moments, but nothing drastic) and MDMA made me sometimes anxious because of the physical effects I was being aware of.

But I have seen people, both in real-life and online, who are certainly not always content with acid. I had a good acquaintance who was baffled through LSD. He commited suicide later. Although I will probably never know for sure whether it would have happened or not without acid... but his leaving message was a metaphor which was in line with the belief he gained out of his ride.
i think everyone has summed up the effects of both. Safetywise, lsd and psilocin are some of the least toxic drugs out there (in comparison to active dose). it is impossible to physically overdose on acid unless you start stuffing hundreds of doses of the stuff into your mouth

and agreed, mushrooms are probably easier for an initiate. the duration is so much shorter if you end up overwhelmed. my first acid trip was quite difficult especially in the second half when i was exhausted (but it was so worthwhile, still my most profound trip ever), my first mushroom trip was just beautiful (and very worthwhile).

i agree wtih brugmania, about acid.. In a good setting and appropriate dose I can't imagine it getting out of control. I find it so refreshing, wierd how some do have such a hard time with it. I like how it opens me up to my inner visuals and imagination with such clarity, i really like the length of the journey--there are certain subtleties that happen during the later hours of the 12 hour trip that i really miss when i take mushrooms. But i'm not dissing mushrooms by any means, they have their own flavor, and one of the most insightful journeys I've had was on mushrooms. I find i need to physically and psychologically prep myself more for mushrooms than for acid. Anyway, both are rewarding if used correctly.

either way, i think preparing yourself mentally, learning everything you can, having a good set/setting and someone experienced about with you is the most important thing for your first time, whichever you choose.
Brugmansia a dit:
But I have seen people, both in real-life and online, who are certainly not always content with acid. I had a good acquaintance who was baffled through LSD. He commited suicide later. Although I will probably never know for sure whether it would have happened or not without acid... but his leaving message was a metaphor which was in line with the belief he gained out of his ride.

I think many of these people cannot accept or try to resist the ego loss during the trip. Nor can they accept the changes in their reality/perception afterwards. I mean a good dose can really RAPE your ego, and bring you down to earth.
Nina_is_alive a dit:
I know that LSD is supposedly more intense and also from what I have heard, not as safe?

It is not safe if you are careless about its use or if you have any serious psychological problem or depression. Avoid dosing with either shrooms or lsd when you are in a bad mood or feeling very anxious or something.

You sound quite sane so i don't think you will have any problem, just dose moderately for the first time. Don't use it very frequently. Trip with people who won't fuck with you. Don't resist the trip once you start tripping.
I have only done shrooms, and had varying trips, mostly quite hardcore and "bad"...
From listening on here, however, acid actually seems to be more euphoric, and easy gliding...

Shrooms to me is more like up-DOWN-UP-DOWN-up-down-up-DOWN-UP-down
imo, shrooms are more special & magical then lsd,
although i voted lsd, coz it has (to me) less mindfuck, more visual effect, and will most of the time be a funny wacky experience.
Shrooms are a more serious trip, it teached me more, what in fact is great too.. But on the moment of tripping itself, i prefer the LSD-feelingsz
Nina_is_alive , I hope you can distinguish between the posts where people are giving you good advice and the ones where people are talking about their personal problems .
GOD a dit:
Nina_is_alive , I hope you can distinguish between the posts where people are giving you good advice and the ones where people are talking about their personal problems .

and the ones who are doing none of both :lol:

Terrence McKenna said in one of his talks, that mushrooms are stronger then LSD, i'm not sure about that actually...
It has much to do with the dosage. You can have a very string acid trip when you take 400 µg of acid, but when you take 75 grams of fresh cubensis mushrooms, i think you will have also a very strong (maybe stronger) trip...

It's the dose that plays a big role, so i guess it is impossible to compare just two substances who have quite the same , but still very unique, effects

Most people take 35 grams of fresh cubensis as a reference of one dose, coz the smartshops sell it in that dose...And one acid-dose can vary very more, from 100 µg to 400 µgon one blotter... So what's one dose of acid?
Most of the acid thats around comes in doses of 100 miicrograms , if you are lucky , and less . A nice dose of acid is 100 - 125 micrograms and a good strong dose is 250 micrograms .

Dont eat fresh mushrooms make a tea out of dried ones as its easyer on the stomach , you come up quicker and the experience is smoother .
GOD a dit:
Most of the acid thats around comes in doses of 100 miicrograms , if you are lucky , and less . A nice dose of acid is 100 - 125 micrograms and a good strong dose is 250 micrograms .

Dont eat fresh mushrooms make a tea out of dried ones as its easyer on the stomach , you come up quicker and the experience is smoother .

God I hope you realize that bad trips can happen to other people too. You have to take into account the possibility. I'm just telling this guy I took mushrooms my first time alone and it was the scariest shit of my life. I don't think thats just a personal problem that is bad advice...

It is my uneducated, and possibly bad advice that from reports and talk around the forum, acid seems to be a much more stable trip.
Mushrooms are bending me much stronger than acid. I just can't back up a previous thought sometimes. Mushrooms disconnect me more from the external world. LSD keeps me straight but intensifies my sensory, everything that comes in is no longer filtered. This is where overreaction in some may come from. Mathematical precision, the measured fractalisation of LSD through chemistry may be not respond to what the users belief is about nature. Nature is odd, so is the forest, so are the mountains. It's not symmetrical.

But it seems that the universe holds this mathemetical perfection of ultra symmetrical energy. So what is nature to someone? Perhaps that makes up which of the two you tend to prefer.

Oral LSD Dosages

Threshold 20 ug
Light 25 - 75 ug
Common 50 - 150 ug
Strong 150 - 400 ug
Heavy 400 + ug

Entheogenic Mushrooms

Oral P. cubensis Dosages
Threshold .25 g 1/100 oz
Light .25 - 1 g 1/100 - 1/28oz
Common 1 - 2.5 g 1/28 - 1/10oz
Strong 2.5 - 5 g 1/10 - 1/6oz
Heavy 5 + g 1/4oz +

I find this quite accurate. (Erowid) First time ever I estimate I only took 50-100 ug. The first acid trip changed my vision of life like nothing else and it was so intense that I had to recover for weeks, the solid inner peace was bliss. After that, I increased dosage each time (up to 500 ug in liquid form, 4 drops with a dissolution of 125 ug) but it never got me back to that immense change I had the first time.

It seems that acid has a sort of tolerance/trust, 125 is just mild to me now. I even can get irritated on a too low dose because it gets boring on the second half. Possible because of it's predictable path which it gets after you've done it regulary with delight. Pushing it above 300 makes it heaven to me. And frequence of ingestion needs to be twice a year.

My first cubensis trip was 25 grams fresh. The effects are still equally as back in days if I take that dose today, and it seems that in the long-term mushrooms leave more fields undisclosed and it never runs out of fields you haven't discovered yet. If you'd take them too frequently or with an inproper purpose they are still forgivable and will show you the magic immediately again if you sort it out before the next trip. LSD definitely doesn't tolerate this and answers with pulling grey lenses over your eyes. And will make you incertain about it's behaviour for the next time. Shrooms are more lighthearted, even if you break the rules. LSD shows more authority if going outside the guidelines. Shrooms ties me more into the sensations of the now, while LSD has a lot of past and future present in it's realm.
I have never taken LSD in really high doses. The most I had was 200mcg probably on a good blotter and a black microdot once (don't know how much that had, but it was pretty good!).
These trips always seemed a little nicer to me than mushrooms, which tend to go to the dark side with me, even in the lower doses I took when I was younger.

Don't be fooled into thinking that mushrooms are just a nice ride because they're natural, and LSD is the real deal because it's synthetical.
Mushrooms for me are a very intimidating and strong psychedelic. If you take enough they bring on a full blown trip that is far from easy to deal with if you're unexperienced.
LSD is different and longer acting, no doubt, but as I said, mushrooms have always been more intimidating to me, in every dose harder to deal with than lsd (except for the high doses of lsd that I can't talk about, but I believe they can also really hard to deal with)

What I like better? Well, shrooms, because I can grow them easily and I don't have to depend on illegal sources to get a product that can or cannot be any good. And because a strong shroom trip is a really good and long-acting anti-depressant for me.