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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion greenwizard
  • Date de début Date de début
As long as the brain is more or less alive there will be experiences, such as light at the end of a tunnel, encounters with other beings etc. When the brain dies completely, such experiences will also cease to be. It will be the end of this one inhalation of information we call life. Maybe the information I have gathered will be compressed and used to create another lifeform, which might be more or less "my" reincarnation, but of this there is no certainty. For now I'm trying to be satisfied and happy with the notion that death is just the end of consciousness as I experience it now.
I've dreamed quite a few times that I died.

Like being hit by something or being cutted, and feeling my life "going away" slowly. Things like that. Though, it's very rare to dream about this. But I remember the feeling clearly. And it's always the same feeling.

Well, so I'll base my opinion on what I dreamed.

The feeling of dying is so, so familiar. That's why I think it's not something I should worry about. I think more about what I might die from. And that scares me sometimes if I start imagining cenarios :lol:
I felt anxious and stanted in awe to what I was experiencing.
But, that moment, it was always me, you know... It just is, and that's it.
The thing I remember feeling about it, is that my whole life was pointing toward that moment. i.e. "This is it! It's coming!"
It's the end vibration of a note, and waiting for the following note to start.

What happened after I died? I woke up. Now, that's weird! :D
I look to it , like the peak of your life, and as you are the one who consciously is experiencing your own world. when you cease to be, all things cease to be. that can be quite a peak of your existence.

About suicide. Jim Morrison, to me just walked out of life , with such elegance, it really feels like a accomplishment of life in certain cases .

misery a dit:
I'm not kidding, I think I saw about ten people being burnt today. quite intense to watch.

why the hel did you witnessed that? and how?
I once had a strange vision of death on DXM/cannabis, I was dead, laying in a middle of a field, I couldn't feel my body but I was still stuck inside it, and I also still had vision.
And then there was a silly cat that keeped teleporting from one place to another just before my eyes.

I guess I was totally fucked up to imagine things like this...
I'm going to throw this out there, and attack me if you wish

If you want to die, and you've done alot of psychadelics, I'm going to take a stretch and blame it on the psychadelics.
But... Don't you think if the above is true, that something is extremely wrong?

The question really is, if you hadn't taken psychadelics, would you still contimplate death.

Are psychadelics, in a sense... prohibiting those that take them from prolonging life..........................?

^I disagree. Psychedelics showed me how much I love life. If they can either make you want to die or make you want to live until you're 103, it must have something to do with the person taking them.

Contemplating death is not the same as wanting to die.
IJesusChrist a dit:
I'm going to throw this out there, and attack me if you wish

If you want to die, and you've done alot of psychadelics, I'm going to take a stretch and blame it on the psychadelics.
But... Don't you think if the above is true, that something is extremely wrong?

The question really is, if you hadn't taken psychadelics, would you still contimplate death.

Are psychadelics, in a sense... prohibiting those that take them from prolonging life..........................?

Maybe not all psychedelics, but cannabis yes, for sure !
Cannabis is an evil plant, it's interesting for a while, but then you are too depressive to be interested in anything anymore, which makes you want to smoke more and more to palliate it.
Cannabis is an evil plant, it's interesting for a while, but then you are too depressive to be interested in anything anymore, which makes you want to smoke more and more to palliate it.

In death, the microcosm is given back to the macrocosm, you don't result in nothing, you result in everything, in the theory. Quite beautiful theory but when I really imagine death I don't know if I believe it.
misery a dit:
actually I just inhaled little bits of smoke from burning corpses (not on purpose of course, but it happens when the wind turns).
I'm not kidding, I think I saw about ten people being burnt today. quite intense to watch.
Been hanging around at the funeral ghats?
thinking about death and the transitory aspect of life can help giving value to the present moment and to those around. but routine tends to bring us back into zombie mode...

I just wish that my least breath is a peaceful one, where I dont feel any attached business, and can let go with a clean conscience.
misfit a dit:
I've dreamed quite a few times that I died.

Like being hit by something or being cutted, and feeling my life "going away" slowly. Things like that. Though, it's very rare to dream about this. But I remember the feeling clearly. And it's always the same feeling.

Well, so I'll base my opinion on what I dreamed.

The feeling of dying is so, so familiar. That's why I think it's not something I should worry about. I think more about what I might die from. And that scares me sometimes if I start imagining cenarios :lol:
I felt anxious and stanted in awe to what I was experiencing.
But, that moment, it was always me, you know... It just is, and that's it.
The thing I remember feeling about it, is that my whole life was pointing toward that moment. i.e. "This is it! It's coming!"
It's the end vibration of a note, and waiting for the following note to start.

What happened after I died? I woke up. Now, that's weird! :D
hm... ?ive actually d?ed a couple of t?mes ?n my dreams and gone to an afterl?fe. one was a mental ?nst?tute because ? had d?ed by su?c?de ?n the dream. pretty freaky place, actually.

also, ?ve had a feel?ng that ? ascr?bed to death wh?le tr?pp?ng (? halluc?nated myself bleed?ng profusely, and the whole tr?p was set up ?n that d?rect?on s?nce ? had th?s we?rd pulsat?ng ve?n ?n my ?nner th?gh that ? had read could mean a fatal aneur?sm). truly bl?ssful ?s all ? can say.

greenwizard, you are opening several threads about abstract topics. To be honest, you won't find your answers here. Read books, live and learn.
"greenwizard, you are opening several threads about abstract topics"

Its an opertunity for people to talk themselves in circles forever and thereby run away from themselves , to run away from pue awareness .

Stop talking , defineing , thinking and just BE .
Horrigan a dit:
Maybe not all psychedelics, but cannabis yes, for sure !
Cannabis is an evil plant, it's interesting for a while, but then you are too depressive to be interested in anything anymore, which makes you want to smoke more and more to palliate it.

LOL. What crap are you talking about?? I smoke 2-3 nights a week without any problems. I also exercise 3 days a week & do my college work on time.

Just cause you abused the shit out of cannabis and had no life other than that does not mean everyone falls in the same category.
Forkbender a dit:
^I disagree. Psychedelics showed me how much I love life. If they can either make you want to die or make you want to live until you're 103, it must have something to do with the person taking them.
I love life :) Nor am i in any hurry to die. Although i have accepted it may happen anytime. Live in the present. Fully, with awareness.
restin a dit:
greenwizard, you are opening several threads about abstract topics. To be honest, you won't find your answers here. Read books, live and learn.

I agree with GOD. Many of the people that I enter with contact in my daily routine are no appropriate to discuss such topics, that's why I come here.
read agains what GOD said :wink: