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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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How much do you guys pay for an ounce in your country??
in the past 5 or so years its raised from 200 to 300 and recently 350 although if you know the right people you can still get them for 300 (i dont know these people lol)
also how much do you guys get in a 25er? (if you pay 25..)
and for $50?

i wana see how we stack up price wise, i personaly think that these days ounces are way overpriced because if you want to sell you can only make about 100 to 150 back in profit if you sell the whole thing, which is ridiculous
it depends on who you get it from... but i can get a nickel (7 grams) for $55-$70 depending on the person. an oz usually runs 180-220 ($220 being the chroniccccc) QP usually runs between $550-800, also depends on quality and who you get it from. a pound at the moment is kind of expensive.. its running close to $3000, but is usually around $2200

i never pay more then $10 a gram. what are the prices where ur from for a gram?
Whats QP ?
$45 for a quarter of decent, fresh stuff, $60 for moderately better quality.. you can get a deal on a half.. for like $80 or something. have never bought an oz.

go across the border and it more than doubles.. runs like $20 a gram :roll: for the ok stuff.
I hate ounces :D I calculate with grams. Here it is 1.5-2 grams for 20 Francs = ca 30 Euro I think. Quite expensive.
1.5g for 10$
1/8 for 20-25$
1/4 for 40-45$
1/2 for 60-70$
ounce for 130-140$
quarter pound for 330$
pound for 1200-1300$

those prices are for mids, which is all that's around
Whats mids ?
A "duust" : €25, ranges from 3.5 to 4.2 grams

25 grams range from €130 - €160
QP = quarter pound of weight.
mids is shitty weed. where i come from weed is generally divided into 3 categories. mids, dank, and headies (which almost always has it's own retarded fake name, ie trainwreck, snow cap, etc when it's good but obviously not deserving it's name.)

mids is the stuff that still gets you high, but will give you a headache if you smoke blunts. dank might give you a headache at the end of the day, if your lucky. headies probably wont give you a headache at all. this is assuming you smoke at least 3-7 times a day relative to a gram (+ or - a little) each time you smoke in a sitting
Netherlands if you go through the coffeeshops prices for weed run between 4 euros/gram (for all the leftovers of all weed mixed, really varying quality) to around 12,5 a gram (blows your head off usually). This equals to ~90 euro's/ounce to 290 euros/ounce. If however you get it from people who grow I've heard they'll usually sell you 100 grams for 300 euro's, and you'd be able to even get good quality.
I think that's quite accurate, although this might be old knowledge as I've been smoking weed my mother grew for 3 months now :P
I want to meet your mom .
In India you get good quality hash for 1200Rs / Tola that is approx. 24US$ for 11-12grams.

The grass here is bad tasting, quality is Okay. You can roll around 10 joints of grass from 100 Rs. (2$) of stuff. So the cost of grass is really very cheap. Most of it is grown outdoors. 2 packings in my bubler can get me really high.
adrianhaffner a dit:
QP = quarter pound of weight.
mids is shitty weed. where i come from weed is generally divided into 3 categories. mids, dank, and headies

mids is the stuff that still gets you high, but will give you a headache if you smoke blunts. dank might give you a headache at the end of the day, if your lucky. headies probably wont give you a headache at all. this is assuming you smoke at least 3-7 times a day relative to a gram (+ or - a little) each time you smoke in a sitting

you need to get your facts straight... mid stands for medium... and iv never EVER got a headache from smoking "mids" you must be thinking of "schwag"

schwag, then mids, then your dank,headies

mids are decent, there not the best, but they get the job done...

and i never find alot of seeds, theres seeds but not a whole mess of them like in schwag... and there not full of stems either, and as for the trichomes every piece of weed is different
tomatoes, tomatoes same spelling different sound. Bunk/Shwag/Mids/Snicklefritz its all the same crap. quit trying to sound like you know the difference between them when its alllll the same. you arent going to spend $3.25 for bunk, then $3.50 for shwag, then $3.75 for mids.. its whats around for whatever price... some people say a quarter, some people say nickel, 7grams. its the sameeee thing.

iv gotten plenty of headaches from smoking bunk weed, which i still paid $10/g for, and still got me high.. its all about the strain, where it comes from, how its grown, and what its laced with.
we dont get grams here
which i find retarded because we dont use ounces for measuring anything other than drugs

you cant get anything for less than 25
sumtimes u get a 25er for 20 but its usually crap stuff or not a well packed baggy

dam our weed is skyrocketing in price in comparison to your prices
im gona need to start growing or something, try and lower prices myself lol
i mean if i sell my weed for 250 an oz people will come to me first
i wouldnt sell in ounces though because that lazy its like giving weed away, letting others have your profits lol
Nowadays if i buy in belgium somewhere i pay € 6 / gram ... Sometimes if your very lucky you'll find someone who sells it for €5/g
But i most of the time go to holland for weed or hash.
In holland, there's a big range of prices and quality, from 4/g to sometimes even more than 20/g ... But i almost never buy any cannabis that's more than 10/g , that's just way too much for a plant...
Mostly i buy the moderate weed and hash which is about 6 to 9 euro per gram, depends on the strain, and in which coffeeshop you buy it.
i wish we had coffee shops in canada... im heading out to BC soon.. i hear thats the closest Canada comes to Amsterdam.. but i guess well see what happens!