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So I had a spoon, oil, hashish and a flame...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion lol*fan
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Elfe Mécanique
O hai guyz! So I had some hashish at home but no pipe, so I decided to take it orally. Searched this great board and found out I could crumble the hashish on a spoon, pour some oil over it and heat it above the flame of my cooking appliance. Mixed it with a bit of gin and drank it.

About an hour or maybe 1,5 after it started to really kick in. At first there was a little buzz, but now it was accelerating quickly into full gear. Is that an expression in English? So anyway, my body started to feel very energetic, and I decided to pay my bed a visit.

O by the way, it was only like .3 grams of hashish and lately when smoking it I noticed my tolerance has grown and the effects aren't by far as intense as they used to be.

So anyway, there I was, and every signal from my body was being amplified like a thousand times. I could hear my heart beat loudly and at some point it started racing as if it was competing in a Formula 1 championship. Or did it? In my mind I remained calm and told myself it just appeared to be racing since my experience of time had been altered by the THC or whatever it is that I had unleashed in this body of mine. I told myself everything was alright and my body would take care of it, knowing fully well that remaining focussed on my heartbeat while being scared it would break down could only make things worse.

A sequel of images appeared in front of my mind's eye with more frames per minute than your average industry standard filming technique uses. I felt my mind was more open than when sober, reminding me of mushroom experiences, but differently. The images depicted were normal everyday-world scenes and were very 3D.

So I felt these receptors in my brain being overstimulated. My mouth and throat started to feel dryer and dryer. Everything must have felt a hundred times worse than it actually was, and I reminded myself of that. It felt like air was no longer a gas, as if it was a thick liquid that I was breathing in. It worked though, so I just kept breathing.

Focussing on my breath was the thing to do anyway. Being an experienced mushroom tripper, I have learned the best thing to do for me to prevent 'going bad' is clearing my mind by focussing on my breath. It worked wonders this time too. That doesn't mean I didn't think I was dying during some parts of this trip, I did. But I was also able to let things be, and if I had to die, if this was my time, then so be it. In between exhaling and inhaling, I'd feel as is if I hadn't been breathing for a while. At the moment I'd start inhaling again, I'd feel as if I had been drifting further and further away from my body. I decided I couldn't die, because my family needs me and I don't want to cause any pain. And every now and then I would move my body a bit, just to be sure I was still alive. Or I would open my eyes to remind myself of day-to-day reality.

And I told myself it was just the drug, and it would wear off in time, although it didn't seem like that right then. But eventually it did, I happily noticed the trip was getting less intense. When I got up to drink some water again, I noticed moving around still made me feel sick, but just lying in bed was okay. Then, at some point, I fell asleep.

It wasn't a very insightful experience to me. No lessons learned, except that taking hashish orally this way works very well and I should try a lower dose next time. And maybe that dying doesn't have to be that bad when you just focus on your breath. Dunno how you'd do that when your breath has stopped though...

So I'm eager to hear any remarks and likewise experiences you guys have. I also wonder if it makes sense tripping on these amounts of cannabis. Seems to me it just wasn't made for that, that one should use low doses and switch to psylocybin mushrooms to reach that next level. What would happen if I'd double the dose (not planning to, but wondering)? Would my body really fail me at some point, or would there be a breakthru launching me in hyperspace?

I'm eagerly awaiting your responses.


teh lol*fan
lol*fan a dit:
I also wonder if it makes sense tripping on these amounts of cannabis.
Yes it does. Amazing isn't it? :wink:

Actually what you are doing is closer to the traditional way cannabis has been used. The 19th century that's how people took hash. (Well actually, uncooked, and much larger amounts) If you look back through the cannabis forum you'll see some books i posted from the 19th century, that read exactly like psychedelic trip reports. In India people also ingest cannabis for ritual use.

The amount of THC your body is taking in is FAR, FAR below any sort of poisonous dose. You may be tripping out of your mind, and depending on the hash, the body load can get really heavy and on occasion physically uncomfortable. You could raise the dose a lot and at some point you'd probably just fall asleep.

I've only tried the amount you've done, the same method exactly. Done it a few times.. mostly had good experiences, one very difficult trip as well.. not to be underestimated!
st.bot.32 a dit:
I've only tried the amount you've done, the same method exactly.
It probably was you who suggested this method elsewhere on this board 8)
lol*fan a dit:
A sequel of images appeared in front of my mind's eye with more frames per minute than your average industry standard filming technique uses. I felt my mind was more open than when sober, reminding me of mushroom experiences, but differently. The images depicted were normal everyday-world scenes and were very 3D.

This happened to me whenever I tried cebil the first time. I was watching them while I hurled my guts up. I went into one of them when I stopped puking.

I also get the same sort of body effects, I think, whenever I take a big hit of really good cannabis. Sadly nobody around here has hash. :( I would love to try this method, though.
Do it with grass .

Bake a cake with grass .

Make grass butter .

You dont need hash .
why cook it like that i eat my hash raw!

and hash trips are crazy and one tip dont ever take to much! ever!!

i dont know what a big dose for you is but i know that personally i ate a large large peace about 5 times the amount i would usually trip on

and it brought me to a very bad place (scary as all hell)

and it has been reported to me from friend who have done this experiment at one time or another on themselves and they report the same results

so be carefull

i just noticed you wrote the amount 0.3 thats about the normal amount that i eat sometimes even 0.2 for a lighter trip

its 1.5 and up thats really not a good place in my opinion then again i only did that once
I liked at least 10 grams of very good hash powdered , on an empty stomach but 30 was better .
GOD a dit:
Do it with grass .

Bake a cake with grass .

Make grass butter .

You dont need hash .

I think you misunderstood me, I meant that I wanted to work with hash. I have made peanut butter cookies and buttered toast with gsarr butter. I also have never mixed alcohol with cannabis. unless you count the worst party of my life, lol.

EDIT: That's a lot of hash. How often do you use cannabis? (If you don't mind)
I dont take any drugs at all any more .

If you read :-


and find other information about them you will read about 10 - 30 gramm doses of real hashish being eaten .

If you cant get hash make it yourself from grass ?
Razor29 a dit:
why cook it like that i eat my hash raw!
I tried just eating some hash a while back and it didn't have any effects. It seems you need something to bind the THC to or whatever... that's why there's oil and heating involved. Anyway, I'd sure keep eating your hash raw if that works for you!

and hash trips are crazy and one tip dont ever take to much! ever!!
I read some more about dosage of THC and it seems you'd really have to take enormous amounts, like 1/3th of your body weight, to die on it, or so researchers think based on research in animals. Poor animals...

Anyway, experience is a good teacher and my experience taught me that there are levels at which things get very uncomfortable. I believe it depends on your state of mind, willpower and experience if that turns into hell or not.

Did another trip yesterday using this method, but with a little less hash, it was very interesting and not too intense this time.
you weren't imagining it...your hart was racing for real...THC causes bloodvessels to dilate and heartrate to increase to try to keep the pressure constant, however it sinks a bit or increases depending on the person.
and next time allow yourself to freak out, otherwise there's no fun in the exploration if the ride is smooth :P
but that's my opinion...
i've been in the THC hell
and i had quite some rides
just don't do it too often ;)
personally i would only eat cooked hash unless i absolutely knew where it was coming from and that it was homemade or something. otherwise you just don't know who's touched it or where it's been.

i've definitely fried up weed as well quite a few times. it's not the same. good hash is far easier on the body in my experience

also if it feels like your heart is racing TOO much, stop and feel your pulse. then you'll realize its not nearly as bad as you think it is
Next time better take a smaller dose. Where i come from there is plenty of hash & it is cheap. I cook it once in a while, for a wonderful experience. Its almost like a trip. Me and my girlfriend once saw Requeim For a Dream on a pleasant dose of this stuff. Can't forget it :)
GOD a dit:
Do it with grass .

Bake a cake with grass .

Make grass butter .

You dont need hash .

I made alot of grass butter from my own harvest and made alot of cakes, but never have i had i trip he is describing from eating one of those cakes. And they where very potent. And i will defenitly try this method. but i'll use clean hash (with no additives just pure plant) and then i'll try 0.1 grms
I had ODed myself a few times through eating. The effects can get so strong that there's too much physical activity for actual comfort. But mentally, imagination gets more a powerful shift up than with mushrooms or acid.

There never were much CEV's or deep philosophical thoughts at the peak for me, just imagination. When I took a nap, never reached sleep, I had the wildest sexual and action scenario's in front of me. They appeared very vivid and detailed and my nerves were giving reactions to it as well.

I felt so clear, so healthy, and so much of a green virgin after the effects had wored off after 2 days. I can get very HIGH on weed through the oral route for about 24 hours, and another day with a gentle calmness in where the extended thoughts are experienced as with smoking.

If you're doing multiple grams of hash cooked in the right fats, be aware that the effects are long-lasting and produce more physical effects than other entheogens.

Heroic doses are an amazing life-form, and it's a powerful afrodisiac. I consider it both with 2CB the best a man can get. It is much different than smoking it and should be treated with hymn.

Don't drink coffee or alcohol, the heart is already dealing with episodes in where it has to do a lot of work because of the vein expansion. And don't stress.
Animal fats.

Crush the weed or hash as much as you can.

Take 4 whole eggs(of course, no shell), fishoil, put them in a jar along with the stuff. Shake the jar and the mud is turning yellow with green in it.

Let it stay for about 30 minutes, the THC binds to the fats and will turn brown.

Then do lots of butter in a saucepan and wait till it has completely melted. Put the gas burner as low as you can. Then do the smug in the saucepan and let it cook very calm (lowest possible flame) and then wait till there's a biscuit in the saucepan. This will happen in about 10-15 minutes usually. If the biscuit is there, do not cook longer. Turn the biscuit on a plate and eat it as hot as you can.

Excellent recipe.
Why complicate things ? The less bulk the better . Give your liver and your body less work to do and just powder hash and eat it raw . Then wash it down with a bit of milk . To help you digest it thats enough fat , more just slows down the ingestion process , your body has to do more work and you shit a lot of the goodys out . 20 gramms of the best hash then a little warm milk with a little bit of sugar in it .