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Possibly noob LSD questions

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Annihilation
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I've been wanting to try LSD for a while now but I have a general concern and few questions

Well firstly I must say that my friends are very sketchy about me trying it because there is a guy in our city that is supposedly permafried or something off acid and walks around talkin to himself and his nick name is acid mike because as a story I once heard said he was on acid at a party at a farm and then cops came and he hid in a barn and wasn't found for two days when he was found apparently he was screwed up. But ya that's the story if its true or not I'm unsure

I was wondering if something like that is probable to happen to me?
That's my main concern

I was also wondering if LSD is a good first psychoactive as I have not tried any other yet?
you can't get lost in your trip.
you can take so much acid you're brain will go loco yes, but nothing bad can happen if you prepare.

make sure you have time (+/- 2 days, to chill out and clear up the mess you made :p), space (not just 1 room/house, you may want to make a walk,..), and friends you can trust ofc :)

nothing bad can happen, it's over before you know it :)

and about acid being a good 'firstone'..
don't know.
Shrooms were my first trip, as we could legally buy these.

I was gonna take my first acid at a massive party (was looking out for it for months)
I just wanted to know what would happen to me, so we ate the mushrooms, and 1 week later I tried acid.

guess it's gonna be okay :)
Thanks for the quick reply,
From what I read it's not a likely thing if I prepare which I will because I need to wait for a good oppurtunity as I live with my parents cuz I'm 18 so I don't know when I'll be able to try it yet
Annihilation a dit:
I was also wondering if LSD is a good first psychoactive as I have not tried any other yet?
I would say that mushrooms are likely to be more easily obtainable, and they do give a very similar experience. In a way, it's the same experience (='the psychedelic experience') but just with different accents. The good thing is that mushrooms give a much shorter trip, like 4-6 hours instead of +- 10 hours for acid. That could make the trip more comfortable.

If you would not consider taking mushrooms instead of LSD because LSD is more 'famous' from a historical perspective, then I would say that your motivation is not sincere :-) . So I would say, sure you can start with LSD, but do not take a high dose at once. And, if you can get mushrooms more easily: they're just as good, and maybe even better to start with!
I`ve never heard of any healthy person haveing lasting mental problems even after the strongest and worst trips . The only people who could be in real danger are people who already have problems and then abuse hallucinogens .

The story about the guy is probably total bullshit .

Prepare properly and relax and youll be OK . Moist people have a little aprehension as its a totaly new thing / experience , but when the trip starts they laugh about it . It doesnt realy do anything to you . It doesnt change your "you" . It just gives you a diferent perspective . Usualy a very colourfull , interesting and amazing experience .
Acid was technically my first 'trip'. Someone paid me a solid and spiked a drink I had w/ what he said was a tab of hoffman lsd ... I doubt that, but I was also 'slipped' X in a l8tr drink and candyflipped my first time, I was 15.

If this is going 2 be u're 1st trip ever, try smoking some salvia a few times. It'll make u trip balls and give u an idea of what tripping is like. It's not for everyone.

Just remember, though drugs can produce similar effects, each substance has it's unique properties and everyone reacts differently.

Enjoy the experience, and remember your mind makes the experience start ... U're just along for the ride!
thanks for all your responses they have made me for comfortable with the thought of taking lsd!

to GOD: i was pretty sure that story was bullshit, from what i have been reading it didnt seem right.

also im not sure about mushrooms availability in my city, although that and salvia ive wanted to try as well. i just thought from the trip reports and erowid that lsd would maybe be more to what im lookin for but ill definately try those eventually i think.
If you would not consider taking mushrooms instead of LSD because LSD is more 'famous' from a historical perspective, then I would say that your motivation is not sincere Smile . So I would say, sure you can start with LSD, but do not take a high dose at once. And, if you can get mushrooms more easily: they're just as good, and maybe even better to start with!

i'm not so sure about that, as mushrooms are much more brainfucking than LSD in my experience. The only thing maybe is that the LSD-effect lasts longer, but hey, when ur tripping hard on mushrooms; a minute seems to be an hour. You experience time in very strange way, so one can't say mushrooms are better to start with then LSD cause the effect wears off quicker... (imo) But whatever :p

If you consider lsd, i'd say to take only one half of the blotter first, for a first-time psychedelic trip..
i would actually say take the whole hit (this is what i did on my first trip). be mentally prepared, follow appropriate rules, keep a sense of humor, and roll with whatever comes

the few people i know who have taken half hits on their first trip came away extremely disappointed. all that happens is you get an uncomfortable, slightly speedy, unfulfilling body buzz and never "get there". a mild mental trip without any of the sensory magic or depth that acid has to offer

also nowadays unless you've lucked out on your sources, most blotter is weak, even a whole hit might not be enough
^ + 1 .
commenting on all of this:

you're not gonna end up a loony. although extreme intelligence and sanity share an interesting border.

take one hit, the potency varies, but it's pretty safe to say your world won't be shattered(temporarily, of course) with this kind of dose. or if you decide to do mushrooms, eat about 1 dried gram, the dose with these is a little bit more consistant. the are very similar, still different but it's an either or thing, only slight nuances change

don't smoke salvia first, this could potentially scare you into thinking that's what lsd mushrooms or peyote are like, AND IT'S NOT. salvia is a whole other beast. and tread lightly in it's presence as it's the most visceral, raw, and mind boggling thing on can experience in current society. thanks god it only lasts about a minute. it's something to try, dont get me wrong, but prepare first with the classic psychedelics, then decide if you want a psychedelic shotgun fired in your face.
st.bot.32 a dit:
i would actually say take the whole hit (this is what i did on my first trip). be mentally prepared, follow appropriate rules, keep a sense of humor, and roll with whatever comes

the few people i know who have taken half hits on their first trip came away extremely disappointed. all that happens is you get an uncomfortable, slightly speedy, unfulfilling body buzz and never "get there". a mild mental trip without any of the sensory magic or depth that acid has to offer

also nowadays unless you've lucked out on your sources, most blotter is weak, even a whole hit might not be enough

maybe, but what's worse being dissapointed or a having a frightening first trip?

On my first trip (35g very fresh cubensis, so full dose) i suddenly came to a point that i wanted to stop the trip. It was maybe because i did it with people i didn't know very well... So that's why i advice to just take half a dose (or 3/4 of it) on first times. A half year later i tried mushies for the second time, and that trip was really great. It's just, first times are usually way intenser.
if your dissapointed, then next time take a full dose of it.

and indeed, it depends on the strength of the blotter.... But as one don't know how much lsd is put on the blotter, one can sure better take only half, on first times (imo).
Maybe it are some of 300µg, and it'll surely won't be dissapointing then, but on first times, it can make people freak out a bit.

when you have some more experience with it, you can take much much more, as you are known with the spheres this substance bring you into.
i'd say just look up things like set and setting and you'll know what you need to know. it is important that the place and situation where you are in makes you feel comfortable and everything's alright for you.

in nature it is always nice to be if it's warm and good weather and of course having good friends with you, who you can trust, is worth a lot, too.

maybe it would be better to start at home, but i don't know... you should know better! and don't think like you have to take them, if you don't feel alright about it, just don't take the acid at that time and maybe some time later...

it could probably be smart to start with a low dose, but of course you can increase the dose after a while and when you have got a grip on how it feels and so on and then decide if you want more!

most important thing in my opinion: don't panic!!! 8) just be cool and try to take it easy and be aware that panicking would in most cases make it only worse!! but don't worry!! everything will be fine! just listen to your feelings, try to understand and trust them and don't let others tell you shit about that.

peace & have a nice trip buddy!!! :weedman:
about your story. In my school there were two famous acid stories.

The first one was about a guy who took acid and then thought he was a glass of milk. Yeah, a glass of milk. And so, he feared that he would fall over and be literally spoiled. And he didn't come back from the trip and stayed at a psychiatry.

The second one was about a dude that took acid and thought he was a strawberry and thought everyone would want to eat him. He especially feared whipped cream (guess why hmhmmmmmm). He also stayed in a psychiatry.

Sooooo I hope you all had a good laugh, such stories are total bullshit - don't worry.
adrianhaffner a dit:
commenting on all of this:

don't smoke salvia first, this could potentially scare you into thinking that's what lsd mushrooms or peyote are like, AND IT'S NOT. salvia is a whole other beast. and tread lightly in it's presence as it's the most visceral, raw, and mind boggling thing on can experience in current society. thanks god it only lasts about a minute. it's something to try, dont get me wrong, but prepare first with the classic psychedelics, then decide if you want a psychedelic shotgun fired in your face.

See, I didnt do my research on Salvia before I tried it. My friend said it was just like robo tripping, ROFL, he'd only taken enough for a 2nd plateue effect, he had no idea of how to explain it to me. None the less, being not prepared for it is now on my top 3 trips of all time, and about it only lasting a minute, the stuff from PK lasts 1 min, the tincture extract, can last upwards of 40 45 min, about as long as smoking dmt.

I like the analogy of a psychedilic shotgun in the face, that's what it is, I was in a full +++ in 15 secs and back to + in 5 minutes. Amazing the things I saw. I never wrote a trip report for it, but if there's any interest as usual I saw some pretty kick ass stuff. but yeah, do 1/3 gram of salvia and u'll have a full trip on 90 secs. Intense, uncontrollable, basically my first salvia trip taught me how to handle even the WORSE acid trips.

Enjoy the experience, remember set and setting mean EVERYTHING! be calm, load your mind with a happy place, watch fantasia, and have fun!

Oh this goes w/o saying, but I'll say it anyway (thus it not going w/o saying) try to have an experienced trip sitter or atleast a group (or less if u want a private experience) of people who have read the trip sitters guide (found on erowid.org, like pretty much everything) a few times and feel comfortable with what you plan to do. That will make or break the experience.
I wish I was a cheese sandwich.
GOD a dit:
I`ve never heard of any healthy person haveing lasting mental problems even after the strongest and worst trips . The only people who could be in real danger are people who already have problems and then abuse hallucinogens .

The story about the guy is probably total bullshit .

Prepare properly and relax and youll be OK . Moist people have a little aprehension as its a totaly new thing / experience , but when the trip starts they laugh about it . It doesnt realy do anything to you . It doesnt change your "you" . It just gives you a diferent perspective . Usualy a very colourfull , interesting and amazing experience .

GOD a dit:
I`ve never heard of any healthy person haveing lasting mental problems even after the strongest and worst trips . The only people who could be in real danger are people who already have problems and then abuse hallucinogens .

The story about the guy is probably total bullshit .

Prepare properly and relax and youll be OK . Moist people have a little aprehension as its a totaly new thing / experience , but when the trip starts they laugh about it . It doesnt realy do anything to you . It doesnt change your "you" . It just gives you a diferent perspective . Usualy a very colourfull , interesting and amazing experience .


Relax, feel good, respect yourself and the substance you're taking.

There will be no problems =)

by the way, I'm now reading my methodology book, a really stupid subject IMO, and I see how in these book they say stories like that of your friends!

Like guys suiciding on the first trip, or having permanent psychosis... all of them, for sure, have done it 'cause having family or social problems

something disgusting. :shock: