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On the subject of fucking around . We shouldnt forget about sexualy transmited diseases . If people fuck around they fuck around and have a bigger chance of getting such problems .
more recently i was involved in a far more complicated, sometimes awkward web of relationships. i was sleeping with A (had been on and off since i was 17), A was living with E, E was sleeping with M, I was sleeping with M, i was sleeping with F, E was trying and failing to get F into bed. M was sleeping with G and R. it all kind of worked out ok untill E had sex with an 11year old girl and mistakenly told A while we were rolling one night. A told me a week or so later, i informed E that i knew and was not happy and would not keep it a secret. E and A ran away to London expecting angry villagers with pitch forks and burning torches (in reality he only had me to fear but the end result would have been the same. there are no excuses for that sort of behaviour IMO)
you could go through that alphabet with you stories !!
^^^ Indeed it has nothing to do with fucking around, in that it is not it's first moment of expression, necessarily.

For starters I think lots of sexual institutions lying around are genito-centric--you need genital caressing for it to be considered sexual; in some people you even need to stimulate their genitals for them to feel actively sexual. Sexuality is the expression of love through the body, directly. Love may begin and develop through the body, or somewhere else indeed, anywhere else: all forms of language, intentionality, empathy, companionship, unity, sense; everywhere.

From my experience, and since open love is the only love I recognize, a Love regime often has lots of consequences, higher intensified genital contact may just be one of them and it's not by any means wrong; and again it is by no means necessary. Love, in its foundation space: sociality, usually gets people fucking around a bit more and more freely. I insist, from my experience.
Actually, I am really surprised that this exists as a term and that people in some places actually live by polyamory and that it exists!
I've actualy always had such feelings
since forever

that you could love two best friends equally just as you could be totally wholly and sincerely in love with two people at the same time.
I've always thought that really the main issue with people's jealousy is their insecurity and if you can get past that, and know that they are with YOU for a reason. The thing is to live in the moment. People destroy things with jealousy when they hold on to them too tightly, afraid that they will slip past.
I'll admint, I've even held on to things too tightly, because I too can be afraid and insecure.
But I think to be with one person your entire life is a strange concept [marrige] because
there are sooo many beautiful people in the world

love has always struck me as a universal thing
that you feel for everything that is alive
in different ways and to different degree's -of course

but polyamory seems like something natural to me.
I'd like to try it one day maybe if I ever fall in love with someone together enough and broad minded enough to agree.

good post.
Youve never been in love . Love is not about the fear of being alone or loosing or captivateing someone . Its about fullfilment . About two halves of a whole completeing themselves .

Polyamory might exist and be practicable for a very few people but as i said no one here is talking about that they are all talking about ego and gratification .

The word is about love , several people loveing eachother not about group sex .
No, I don't mean that what I mentioned above is what love is AT ALL.

What I meant, is that some people take love
and mess it up
by worrying about being alone ect.

I have been in love, I know it. It's one thing I am sure of GOD, although I see what you're saying.

I meant to say that many people could not accept Polyamory because they are too hung up in a "relationship" setting with being exclusive

I think that with acceptance, polyamory becomes more possible.
I think that I could do that one day.

But I know that love is such a powerful thing, I have never had the urge to be with someone else besides who I was with in a relationship.

I can't dexcribe to you what love is GOD, but you are right it is for sure NOT based off fear, not at all. That is an oppositte of what love is, totally.
I cannot, however: describe to you waht it is to love
and to be in love

feelings and words are not the same language.
But trust.

I know I took this too personally, but I felt I had to clarify.
Nina_is_alive a dit:
I've always thought that really the main issue with people's jealousy is their insecurity and if you can get past that, and know that they are with YOU for a reason. The thing is to live in the moment. People destroy things with jealousy when they hold on to them too tightly, afraid that they will slip past.

Nina_is_alive a dit:
But I think to be with one person your entire life is a strange concept [marrige] because
there are sooo many beautiful people in the world
It is possible to be with one person your entire life if there is full freedom (not necessarily sexually) and love in the relation. Just cause there are so many beautiful people does not mean you have to share your sexual energy with all. :)
I`m still waiting for someone to provide some facts . Where did it happen ? When ? How often ? And dont come with bullshit about harems , some moslems or mormons . They didnt find eachother and all fall in love with eachother . It was part of their religeon or the controle by a man or family .
toogoodforyou a dit:
if there is full freedom (not necessarily sexually) and love in the relation. Just cause there are so many beautiful people does not mean you have to share your sexual energy with all. :)

Oh yes.

I don't mean sexual energy in particular
Love energy more than anything

But even sexual energy in a very casual context with others who you care about
[cuddling, hugging, maybe dry kissing]
shouldn't be much of an issue in particular either -though
GOD a dit:
I`m still waiting for someone to provide some facts . Where did it happen ? When ? How often ? And dont come with bullshit about harems , some moslems or mormons . They didnt find eachother and all fall in love with eachother . It was part of their religeon or the controle by a man or family .

GOD what are you talking about?
This isn't paligamy we are talking about and mormans don't even enter the context.

and FACTS?!
there are no facts in love
and there are no "rules" to open relationships in general

just liek any relationship
subltelys vary from person to person

Love is what you make it
and can be gone about- as you and the others concrened: wish

I think Facts are irrelivent [excuse my spelling] and calling for them makes little sense...
You didnt understand what i was asking . Give me facts about polyamerous relationships .

I said that those relatioonships arent polyamerous and asked that no one claim that they are .

The rules of polyamory are that the partners love eachother . From and for themselves out of themselves .

there are no rules God. who told you there were rules?
If there are any rules, they pertain to honesty, not love itself.