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Do you believe in the present?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion greenwizard
  • Date de début Date de début


Alpiniste Kundalini
The theory is:
If you can divide a time unit to infinity ( 0,00000000000000000etc seconds).

How can the present moment exist , if an infinite fraction of a time unit has already passed?

its a strange paradox.

We are allways moving towards the future, the theory of relativity explains that how much greater your velocity is , the faster time goes in relative prespective.

We are simply time traveling at the speed of our planet.

Present is an illusion :?:
"Time is an illusion - or it is nothing" (Hegel I think) :idea:

Can you explain your calculation,please?
greenwizard a dit:
The theory is:
If you can divide a time unit to infinity ( 0,00000000000000000etc seconds).

How can the present moment exist , if an infinite fraction of a time unit has already passed?
The moment is part of a flow. It has no existence outside that flow. Within the flow it exists, but by itself it does not.

We are simply time traveling at the speed of our planet.
Yeah, we're spiralling through space. After a full orbit, the planets do not arrive at the place they were before. That is why every moment is unique.

Present is an illusion :?:
No, the present is what it's all about!!
restin a dit:
"Time is an illusion - or it is nothing" (Hegel I think) :idea:

Can you explain your calculation,please?

I think there's really no calculation , only the conclusion that you can divide something to infinite.
I agree with that! what you call flow , I call time travel :D
you may not divide by infinity as infinity is not a rational number. You can work with limits, where n tends to infinity but that's not the same (in this case, the moment would tend to be infinitly small,yes, that's a good thought). :wink:
i remember a lot of my first cannabis "trips" were about experiencing the present, the point at which the phenomenon of awareness begins..

i noticed that i experienced the "present" as an end result of many internal mental processes (which all in themselves take time, like say, the time it takes your visual cortex to process outlines, textures, shapes, pattern recognition, identify from memory, etc), along with all other sensory processes and internal thoughts.

also, i noticed that time was not perceived seamlessly, but perceived in chunks. i especially noticed this when listening to different types of genres of music with drastically different rhythmic structures, or doing different mental tasks. or tasting a flavor. sensory exploration in general. depending on what you are doing, you may even perceive time in a non-linear fashion

but that's just my trips :P
you can see it in two apparently contradictory ways:

either present is an illusion and really does not exist, or it does and it's all there really is.

time is an illusion and therefore there is only the present left.. (I dunno if you were quoting my quote,if no,sorry :wink: )
Everything is now . Now is a time wave that is being surfed . Now is an event horizon .
the ancient zeno paradoxes really speak to me in the infinity ideology,


and I think time really applies to one of his paradoxes
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
No, the present is what it's all about!!


Past & future only exists cause of the present. most people live in the past or in the future. living in the present is what its about :)
in practice it only comes close to zero but it will never be zero
I think it never comes close to zero. sure , humans can only divide and measure time units to a certain small level. but it never really comes close to zero, it really is a loooooong way to become zero. infinite is just. infinite
the present is already the past by the time you experience it as the present