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Last time on LSD-25

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion toogoodforyou
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Elfe Mécanique
Hi guys, I just graduated recently and i had got my hands on some hoffman blotters. I had one whole blotter. It was pretty strong (not just strong cause its hoffman, i have done other blotters also)

Till now i have used LSD approximately 8-10 times. I have used it for exploring my mind as well as dancing purposes.

After this trip i realized the following things, I have learned immensely from LSD-25. It is the one which has taught me to actually love people close to me. It has taught me accept myself as i am. It has given the strength to be an individual and quit all drugs. It has taught me that i need to help myself first before i can really help others.

I also have learnt using lsd again and again is pointless, atleast in my case. I realized that you can dance on any music you like without any drug or alcohol. There are healthier ways to explore the mind and consciousness, like meditation.

Smoking Pot reduces your awareness and abilities. Ofcourse it depends how you use it, but the truth is 80% of the pot smokers i have seen till now are lazy people and low achievers. Majority of people who use drugs on a long term have financial issues.

Medicinally Pot must be having benefits. But for recreational purposes it is slightly addictive.

I've used drugs in moderation and i'm glad it has been that way.

I've learned a lot while reading Osho books while being stoned. Now i'm learning to convert that knowledge or philosophy to real action.

Currently i've enrolled myself for the meditation program i had joined 2 years back. The meditation is awesome and I have never felt better. I'm much calm now and thinking with a clearer head. I accept myself the way i am.

I want to thank all you guys for all the valuable information i recieved from this site during my drug using phase. You guys guided me really well, and i was extremely aware of making any stupid mistakes while using substances.

People who still use drugs will not be judged by me :) Who am i to even judge them.

Now i'm starting my life with a new awareness and new perception. My fiance has followed my footsteps and she is doing the same.


Loads of love to all you people!!

P.S: The meditation i am currently practicing is from the Art of Living course. Its absolutely mindblowing.
toogoodforyou a dit:
I also have learnt using lsd again and again is pointless, atleast in my case.
Have you already tried ingesting two or three blotters at once? It's indeed a bit pointless to keep ingesting 80 to 120 ug, but why don't you give 250 to 500 ug a try?

I realized that you can dance on any music you like without any drug or alcohol.
Duh... Whoever told you otherwise?

There are healthier ways to explore the mind and consciousness, like meditation.
You can't, and shouldn't, compare the two.

Smoking Pot reduces your awareness and abilities. Ofcourse it depends how you use it, but the truth is 80% of the pot smokers i have seen till now are lazy people and low achievers. Majority of people who use drugs on a long term have financial issues.
So you think there's a causal relationship between those things?

Medicinally Pot must be having benefits. But for recreational purposes it is slightly addictive.
There are also other purposes.

P.S: The meditation i am currently practicing is from the Art of Living course. Its absolutely mindblowing.
No thanks.
i've proposed this myself...

but then i just tendo to discard repetitive experience and just do higher doses much less often, while only using lower doses to experiment with mixes

but then, i've spend the last two nights high... i did have a gap of 4 months going, though.
Even though I agree with Ivar, I ain't going to make any attempts to pull someone back. We're not a religious corner and it would be daft to insert our individual conviction into the awareness of toogoodforyou. The world is already full of this form of captivation.

He senses himself and has come to tell us that he made a choice for his own seat. It is for our notion.
I've met people who felt they learned what they can from psychedelics and stopped.. there are many reasons to use psychedelics and different ways, if the opening poster found what he was looking for that's great.. I wish him all the best in his endeavors.

I've thought about whether or not I would ever find a reason to quit using psychedelics.. For me they are just tools (profound, maybe) and I use them in specific ways for certain effects. I can't see any reason why I would ever stop using them, any more than any other tool.. as long as they aren't disrupting my life

I have to remark on the pot comment.. the majority of pot smokers I know are currently acing degrees, working multiple businesses, or are computer programmers, teachers, scientists.. I work a full time job and run a small business and work on music projects. I've only met a few lazy pot smokers in my time.. Maybe it's because I tend to avoid lazy people in general. I think being lazy is a choice, you can smoke pot to be lazy, you can play world of warcraft all day. (I can however be incredibly productive on pot, unlike when I'm playing video games)
Brugmansia a dit:
Even though I agree with Ivar, I ain't going to make any attempts to pull someone back.
I'm not really suggesting he goes back to his old pattern (which wasn't satisfactory after all), but rather realizes he never really experienced the full potential of psychedelics. I can say the same thing about myself.

We're not a religious corner and it would be daft to insert our individual conviction into the awareness of toogoodforyou.
I don't think it's an individual conviction. The first LSD researchers all agreed that low doses simply do not allow anyone to fully benefit from these substances. If toogood has only done LSD to dance and have lofty thoughts, then surely he has never explored its full potential, and thus is in no position to compare it to meditation, yoga, pranayama etc. He's not the first to publicly announce a permanent abstinence from psychedelics, and he's also not the first to compare them to 'meditation' in the same breath. Moreover, it sounds like he's come back here to preach. He already convinced his fiance, and by mentioning the name of the program, I get the feeling he wants to arouse our interest as well.

He senses himself and has come to tell us that he made a choice for his own seat. It is for our notion.
I don't think it's just for our notion. Moreover now that he's following a certain 'course', I can no longer accept his words as his own, but as echoes of his teachers or the course material he's reading. He became a follower, his fiance "followed in his footsteps", and he wonders if any of us would like to follow him too.

If he had simply come here to talk about the Art of Living, without lashing out at pot smokers, or talking about his recreative use of LSD, I would have taken him seriously. Now he just sounds like me in 1993 when I abandoned LSD and cannabis to join the Hare Krishna movement. I had found true peace and enlightenment then, or so I thought.

Now I do both: psychedelics and meditation, and others are doing that combination much better than me. Why can't toogoodforyou do the same?
Congratulations, toogoodforyou. This is your breakthrough and I would say that even if you were to use acid again in a year or so, that it would be radically different. The true depth of psychedelics and the depth of meditation can be the same and they amplify each other. Good luck on your future endeavors.
Getafix a dit:
but rather realizes he never really experienced the full potential of psychedelics.

Freedom is inherently tied with detention and vice versa.

I began using entheogens in the search for something higher like heaven or whatever you want to call it. Because I didn't felt content within the world since I was born. I was searching a remedy for this alienation.

The radical change till today has been that I will always sense my Self within my head and body. There's no heaven, no other world and that excitement has been gone. There's only the Self.

Heroic doses and DMT break-throughs, Salvia break-throughs have taught me that I will never be in able to leave my seat within. We are locked up in ourselve with an hidden immense fear to face this.

I can love, be with someone but I'll be still single for life because my skin is a boundry and this sense cannot be forgotten anymore. We cannot exchange seats as human beings and therefore, I'll be never be truly together with someone.

Now that the ignorance has been gone, I can sense my Self but that comes along with another form of individualism. I'm unbiased, uncontracted and tender, but the line with the world has been cut off.

This might turn out into a drastic life for some.

The first LSD researchers all agreed that low doses simply do not allow anyone to fully benefit from these substances. If toogood has only done LSD to dance and have lofty thoughts, then surely he has never explored its full potential, and thus is in no position to compare it to meditation, yoga, pranayama etc. He's not the first to publicly announce a permanent abstinence from psychedelics, and he's also not the first to compare them to 'meditation' in the same breath. Moreover, it sounds like he's come back here to preach. He already convinced his fiance, and by mentioning the name of the program, I get the feeling he wants to arouse our interest as well.

Now I do both: psychedelics and meditation, and others are doing that combination much better than me. Why can't toogoodforyou do the same?

Because there's too much doubt and inhibition.

As I said, I agree with you. I do know the potential of entheogens and underline what the researchers say. I do believe also he shouldn't compare meditation/yoga etc with entheogens. But one who hasn't tasted the Self and his area, searches for sympathizers and becomes a follower, since there is no choice to make. Only a choice to draw a line. Comparison is a natural occurence for those tied with the collective world. I cannot really blame him for doing it.
High five, you have done the exact same trip I did, although it wasn't really a trip, it was just like a hey, LOOK.

I'm really glad you learned. Don't be afraid though - the urge will come back to do lsd, but you have to be above it. Right now you are the smartest you will be for a while... you'll slowly go back to the old you, and it is up to the deepest part of you to decide whether you listen fully to the knowledge of this trip - or if you go back to your old exploring ways. (whether they really were good or bad I will not judge)

Congratufucking lations :D
Getafix a dit:
toogoodforyou a dit:
I also have learnt using lsd again and again is pointless, atleast in my case.
Have you already tried ingesting two or three blotters at once? It's indeed a bit pointless to keep ingesting 80 to 120 ug, but why don't you give 250 to 500 ug a try?

I have done 80 to 120 micrograms the 1st time i did acid. This dose was approximately 250 micrgrams. Pretty sure about that. Thanks, but i'm done with LSD for good :)

High five, you have done the exact same trip I did, although it wasn't really a trip, it was just like a hey, LOOK.

IJesusChrist a dit:
I'm really glad you learned. Don't be afraid though - the urge will come back to do lsd, but you have to be above it. Right now you are the smartest you will be for a while... you'll slowly go back to the old you, and it is up to the deepest part of you to decide whether you listen fully to the knowledge of this trip - or if you go back to your old exploring ways. (whether they really were good or bad I will not judge)

Congratufucking lations

Thanks bro :)

I am pretty positive i have and am working towards changing my ways. Thats why i have taken up meditation, just for myself.....And it is helping me immensely right now.
Getafix a dit:
Brugmansia a dit:
If he had simply come here to talk about the Art of Living, without lashing out at pot smokers, or talking about his recreative use of LSD, I would have taken him seriously. Now he just sounds like me in 1993 when I abandoned LSD and cannabis to join the Hare Krishna movement. I had found true peace and enlightenment then, or so I thought.

Now I do both: psychedelics and meditation, and others are doing that combination much better than me. Why can't toogoodforyou do the same?

Firstly, i am not trying to change you. I respect your decision. So you do the same. If i want to meditate without using psychedelics just respect my decision.

Haha, i had done their meditation program earlier even before i used LSD and it was just amazing. That is the reason i am heading back. I really love the approach they have used as a non-profit organization, giving meditation directly to the masses. Its amazing how they are delivering meditation to rural areas and helping them develop in all kinds of ways.

My father has enough money to send me to any other 'commercially' successful meditation place anywhere in the world, but i have chosen this one cause of the above reasons.
Getafix a dit:
st.bot.32 a dit:
I have to remark on the pot comment.. the majority of pot smokers I know are currently acing degrees, working multiple businesses, or are computer programmers, teachers, scientists.
Right. Check this out:

The 10 Most Successful Potheads on the Planet… Cool Enough to Admit It

Guys i have done pretty well in my college too. I've done well in all exams and projects... all while i smoked pot. But now after graduation its time to quit.

You guys really believe that people like Richard Branson and Michael Phelps smoke pot even today?? Or do you think they went through a phase in their college days?? You guys think Obama still smokes pot??

Look its cool if you guys want to smoke. I just felt like expressing that i have quit.

Marijuana has some medicinal benefits. But..... I was using it for relaxation, and now i believe through meditation i can be extremely relaxed without it.

Cheers :)
st.bot.32 a dit:
I have to remark on the pot comment.. the majority of pot smokers I know are currently acing degrees, working multiple businesses, or are computer programmers, teachers, scientists.. I work a full time job and run a small business and work on music projects. I've only met a few lazy pot smokers in my time.. Maybe it's because I tend to avoid lazy people in general. I think being lazy is a choice, you can smoke pot to be lazy, you can play world of warcraft all day. (I can however be incredibly productive on pot, unlike when I'm playing video games)

I have to agree with st.bot.32 concerning pot. Pot will not make you lazy, it is just an excuse for being lazy. And I am probably the perfect example. A little bit about me just to explain what I mean.

I was always a very bright student during school years, but I still managed to fail my first university year because I was lazy/uninterested with my studies and too submerged with video games (World of Warcraft). Then I moved to Montreal, and I started my new major (Software Engineering at McGill Univ.) and I also started smoking weed almost daily. My first semester was great! My second semester though...was atrocious (somehow I had lost interest/being lazy again) and somewhere in my mind, I wanted to blame weed..and thought I should stop and get my life back on track. But instead of stopping to smoke weed, I just got my head together and focused on my studies, and this semester was my best so far! And I smoke a joint or two every day.

The only thing you need to succeed is willpower. No drug or herb can or will ever keep you down if you have that. Weed doesn't make you lazy, but it will be the secret "excuse" in your mind if you let that happen.
Took a break from pot in May, June, July. Meditated regularly, been working also. Now I've started smoking a bit of pot in August :)

So far so good... I also got my final results in June, scored the best amongst all years of my graduation :) This was one of the semesters i smoked pot. But i worked pretty hard for it.

Thinking of dropping Lucy if i get a holiday with my fiance in the next 7-8months