Now bare with me because this may sound familiar to you but recently I keep having these 'bizarre' thoughts that we, stoners, or even everyone in society are just playing this long game.
What do I mean by game? A game by definition is a scenario that sets up rules that all players may, or in this game, may not follow, with proper punishments for breaking the rules. All of this comes after the idea that everyone is pursuing a goal of some sort.
So are we just playing a game?
Well recently when I smoke (alone or with friends/new friends), I notice that I have one thought that typically follows from one high to the next, sometimes when I'm not stoned the thoughts creep back into my mind, too.
Not only do I have these thoughts, but my mind(seemingly out of my control) actively searches for things around me to convince me that this 'game' is real. That all the other people around me are just playing this lifelong game. I'm not sure if they are knowingly playing it or just 'blind' to it.
For example in a movie, if a character says anything involving the "game" it throws my brain for a loop. Or a rapper in one of his new songs mentions "money is the game" then I start to think it all over.
Now this might be normal but when I look around no one else realizes these things, which makes the conscious me believe that I am insane.
To be honest this feels like paranoia and anxiety around people but for some reason I can't shake it. To make things worse this 'game' is starting to replace my reality.
Am I insane?
PS: I should add that this does hinder my in social situations, unlike alcohol, weed makes me go crazy. It makes me shy, distrusting (likely to ditch people I know or don't know), and ultimately pushes people away.
What do I mean by game? A game by definition is a scenario that sets up rules that all players may, or in this game, may not follow, with proper punishments for breaking the rules. All of this comes after the idea that everyone is pursuing a goal of some sort.
So are we just playing a game?
Well recently when I smoke (alone or with friends/new friends), I notice that I have one thought that typically follows from one high to the next, sometimes when I'm not stoned the thoughts creep back into my mind, too.
Not only do I have these thoughts, but my mind(seemingly out of my control) actively searches for things around me to convince me that this 'game' is real. That all the other people around me are just playing this lifelong game. I'm not sure if they are knowingly playing it or just 'blind' to it.
For example in a movie, if a character says anything involving the "game" it throws my brain for a loop. Or a rapper in one of his new songs mentions "money is the game" then I start to think it all over.
Now this might be normal but when I look around no one else realizes these things, which makes the conscious me believe that I am insane.
To be honest this feels like paranoia and anxiety around people but for some reason I can't shake it. To make things worse this 'game' is starting to replace my reality.
Am I insane?
PS: I should add that this does hinder my in social situations, unlike alcohol, weed makes me go crazy. It makes me shy, distrusting (likely to ditch people I know or don't know), and ultimately pushes people away.