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What do you think of the machine elves?

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I have yet to meet the elves but my friend broke through on salvia about a week ago and encountered them. He started describing them and i said "yea the machine elves." and he looked at me like how did you know and i was like "self transforming machine elves. Hes like yea exactly. Then i said jeweled self dribbling basketballs. and he was like "yea, they were bouncing up to me. (he doesnt read about psychedelics but has a decent amount of experiences with them) he later explained them singing forth complex structures. So my questions are:

What do you think these elves are? (spirits, entities, aliens, gods, human conciouness on other planes, segments of the psyche. etc.)

What do they do?

What is their purpose?

What have they taught you and/or told/shown you?

Any other information or ideas about them.
Oh god...


:shock: You listen too much to Terence McKenna and believe him.

"And what was going on in this place (aside from the tastefully soffited indirect lighting and the crawling hallucinations along the domed wall), what was happening was that there were a lot of beings in there, a lot of what I call self-transforming machine elves. Sort of like jeweled basketballs all dribbling their way toward me. And if they had faces they wouldve been grinning at me, but they didnt have faces. And they assured me that they loved me, and they told me not to be amazed, not to give way to astonishment. And so I watched them, even though I wondered if maybe I hadnt really done it this time! And what they were doing, was they were making objects come into existence by singing them into existence."

Thank god I never met any of them on a salvia trip. :D
LOL!! Machine Elves indeed.....

Don't take visual hallucinations and (placebos from reading stuff) so seriously.
Maybe you put ideas in your friends head just like mckenna did to you?

If you had told him they were time traveling electronic gypsies and crystalline self-wanking cocks he probably would have agreed.

If you hadn't told him what you think they are maybe he could have formed his own idea and then we would have this so-called 'consensus' that everyone sees them.

I saw extremely realistic aliens on an acid trip and I am 99% sure they were a hallucination caused by a drug making my brain go crazy. I don't take them seriously. Maybe there was meaning behind it and maybe there wasn't. I think there is usually always something more worth my time thinking about after a trip than things like this. I get very obvious messages from trips and don't need to meditate on the trans-dimensional pixie demons or worry about if they live in mushrooms or shoes.

There are lots of posts on this subject and many of them recent so that's why you're not getting very good replies. :D

Welcome to the forum!
adrianhaffner a dit:
the objective terms you put to them, will never be accurate to describe that which is ENTIRELY subjective

EVERYTHING is entirely subjective!!!
I believe thinking everything is subjective is childish
To my mind, this is a false debate. The psychedelic experience has both objective and subjective components. We psychonauts share some of the physical, sensory and emotional effects of psilocybin mushrooms, for example. However each trip is unique, and each individual has its own trip.
IJesusChrist a dit:
I believe thinking everything is subjective is childish


it stands to reason that everything is subjective, the existence of anything objective is purely speculation, just an arbitrary hypothesis based on no evidence whatsoever

adrianhaffner a dit:
by that same logic, isn't your sentence subjective :lol:

EVERYTHING is subjective, so yes 8)

TwymX a dit:
The psychedelic experience has both objective and subjective components.

this ^ is a contradiction, experiences are, by definition, entirely subjective
maxfreakout a dit:
adrianhaffner a dit:
by that same logic, isn't your sentence subjective :lol:

EVERYTHING is subjective, so yes 8)

how about this one: so by the logic of "everything is subjective" being entirely subjective, then objectivity may exist somewhere, no? :!:
adrianhaffner a dit:
how about this one: so by the logic of "everything is subjective" being entirely subjective, then objectivity may exist somewhere, no? :!:

i dont understand what you mean, why may objectivity exist somewhere?

everything is subjective because consciousness constitutes reality
The only objective fact is i exist .
wow you guys did a good job steering this nowhere. Ive read several accounts of these orb like beings, i wanted to know if you had experienced them. And my friend described them to me first and they matched the description so i told him what they were called. You guys really hate this topic goddamn. I just wanted to hear about peoples experiences with beings whilst tripping and you guys freaked the fuck out. I like to learn things, maybe we could compile some information from some reports and get some shit done. Instead of nily-nallyin around about what dose we're gunna take our first time and how to extract you head for your assplant.

Lets figure some shit out about this whole trippin balls things guys, then maybe people'll actually take us more seriously.
If you want to talk about machine elves please do . Nobody is stoping you .

I think the fact that some people claim to have seen machine elves on saliva shows how psychelogical it is . The hallucinations that are called machine elves by some people were to do with DMT and not saliva . If people now see or want to see things like that good for them .

So , what do you want to talk about ? Please start . Tell us what you think . And if you care about the thread join in it .
this thread is a crazy giggle its all word play you dont even have an objective. but anyway
if suggesting "I" is subjective then he must still exist to suggest "I" rather than say "it"

"I think therefore i am"

dont even get me started on a paradox because they can't exist.