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Ten things you should think of when trying psychedelics.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Forkbender
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the thing with metathinking is that you can't enjoy something and think, at the same time, that you're enjoying it. Because then you ask yourself how much are you enjoying it and if is possible to enjoy it more. After that you fall into an infinite regress of feedback as the post above me adequately shows.

I think that people should think intensely about all the rules, set, setting and so on and so forth but, when they actually swallow the potion they should forget about everything, as Nomada explained, and thrust in the preparations.
Oh shit, i metathink alot actually!
Not just while high, but like always.....

I've started to analyze everything, if im not metathinking im just analyzing....
its weird....

My brain is getting twisted, meta thinking scared me now! :lol:
hmm. i do totally agree it can distract from and ruin a trip.

but i have trouble really making any rules on this topic for myself. i think metathinking has its place. it depends on the trip.. sometimes i take psychedelics (or ingest hash or large amount of thc) for the purpose of thinking and analyzing myself, my senses, etc. i love how my thought patterns change, how i start seeing things from different and abstract angles. also during some trips (especially when going in a negative direction), thinking about the effects i was experiencing, and more importantly WHY i was experiencing them--taking a step back and saying "what the hell am i doing" was actually a good thing

but in any case, the higher the dose the less you have to worry about metathinking anyway :P (unless you've tripped a LOT maybe)
Djones a dit:
Then I think, what does 'understand' mean?

I don't know!!

I don't get it, weird, hmm!?

But if I don't understand what the word 'understand' means, then how can I even say I don't understand, what I'm not understanding?

And this just goes on and on and on.

If you are standing under it. Get out of the way. :wink:
the thing with metathinking is that you can't enjoy something and think, at the same time,
One think that really confused me during my first DMT trips was whether I was 'enjoying' any of it. The music I listened to didn't become more enjoyable in any way, and the visions were bizarre, but not making me laugh or feel comfortable in any way. So does the DMT experience belong to the metathinking category rather than the enjoyment mode?
^I enjoyed the hell out of my first experience.
i got an idea :D

x. Turn off your cellphone :lol: Everyone knows how embarrassing drunk text messages are...
haha oh yeah
Forkbender a dit:
^I enjoyed the hell out of my first experience.
Well, the strongest trip was quite enjoyable actually, especially the first minutes.
This can come under 'prepare' i suppose, but prepare your SOUL / SPIRIT.

It took me 1 and a half years of sub-conscious preparation before I took mushrooms for the first time.
This is, of course, if you want the experience as a psychonaut.

If you just want to get mashed or whatever, preparing the soul is irrelevant.
For a true psychonautic trip, I think you need to prepare your soul/spirit for the up and coming ride.

I guess this could fall under many of the other catagories that other peeps have mentioned here.
arimane a dit:
the opposite.We can live,feel,and gather what an experience can give us.
The metathinking is an alienating process, you are getting away from an experience that should,in my point of view, fully lived and then,later,analized.
True i'm really done with the thinking part when it comes to acid, cause i generally think quite a bit. On acid its much more ofcourse. Next time i use it i'm gonna just shut off my mind and experience it while staying in the present.....
Make sure there's nothing that will give you a scary trip, like for me electric cords look scary as hell on shrooms, they look like black worms slithering around everywhere.
keep thoughts clear, do not over analyze anything
toogoodforyou a dit:
True i'm really done with the thinking part when it comes to acid, cause i generally think quite a bit. On acid its much more ofcourse. Next time i use it i'm gonna just shut off my mind and experience it while staying in the present.....

I find that's purely a set and setting thing for me. If I drop acid and go out for a night I'm going to be analysing everything, my behavior, people around me, how I react to them, my thought patterns, etc. If I dropped gonzo style all the time I'd probably stop taking acid before long. It's always interesting, but I always find it quite challenging.

If I'm at home laying down with my eyes closed listening to tunes or in silence, or trancing out looking at paintings acid becomes an entirely different experience. These trips are the "float away" kind for me, by far the most imaginative and synesthesic.. a lot of people I know can't handle being alone on psychedelics for some reason. Our brains must be wired completely differently :D I personally think they are missing out on the best part of psychedelics!
st.bot.32 a dit:
toogoodforyou a dit:
True i'm really done with the thinking part when it comes to acid, cause i generally think quite a bit. On acid its much more ofcourse. Next time i use it i'm gonna just shut off my mind and experience it while staying in the present.....

I find that's purely a set and setting thing for me.

Shall keep that in mind :) Also its the intent you do it with
Many people don't realize (I didn't) that emotions are many times at the core of a true psychedelic experience....many people have defenses that are so good at evading emotionally charged thoughts that low dose trips are not effective, and merely serve to irritate. Many times these highly charged emotions manifest themselves as physical symptoms, and the only real cure for this is to do more.

I find this particularly true with LSD.....take Uncle Terence's advice; If you don't think you did too much, you probably didn't do enough'.

Be prepared to deal with whatever emotions lie beneath the surface, be as honest as yyou can with yourself about what may come to the surface.
spice a dit:
Many people don't realize (I didn't) that emotions are many times at the core of a true psychedelic experience....many people have defenses that are so good at evading emotionally charged thoughts that low dose trips are not effective, and merely serve to irritate. Many times these highly charged emotions manifest themselves as physical symptoms, and the only real cure for this is to do more.

or actually, we need a sticky called "this should be a sticky, but it isn't" and then link all the threads like this that didn't quite make it that high but are still very useful, moreso than the majority of threads, and then stick them all in one place. this could be any topic that could be considered beneficial to any given person who visits the forum. i dunno, just thinking out loud :lol: :idea: