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Tips for trips

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 944
Please give tips for trips here . Please keep it short and sweet and please no blah blah . If you havent got anything to say say it in another thread and dont ruin this one .

If anyone has questions please ask here .

First tips :-

Relax and whatever hapens dont take it seriously just laugh .

Remember that you have taken something and that you will come down from it in at the most a few hours .
Listen to music that won't freak you out. Unless your smoking Salvia.
Be ONLY with people you like and trust. Don't have any drunks around, and you'd be better off if somewhat isolated.

Keep chaos to a minimum.
Try to get a view - go on top of a hill, or if possible (probably not) a high building. These always bring me great realizations.

Also, look at things that interest you... plants, animals, what have you...
And yes... music.
Turn all your phones off, have sufficient sleep under your belt, have no obligations the day after, have some strawberry's or fruit ready for the comedown.

Remember that the restore of the sober life itself, along with the usual consciousness will be the greatest bliss of the entire journey.
Focus on what you want insights in. It is hard if your mind starts wandering, but find some way to keep at the things you want to find out. A ritual as mentioned before can help you do that. One of the ways to go about it is to ask yourself questions before you take the trip. Why are you doing it? What do you want to know? Don't immediately try to find an answer, but just let the question sink in. Last few days before the trip read the questions just before you go to sleep and just after waking up. You may find that the questions change, but that's ok.
Don't have any sharp knives around. You might become intimidated by the shining blades and start playing around with them. Maybe you will even think you're godly enough to lick the blade. Don't! ;)
If you are a creative person, try engaging yourself and possibly others in some kind of creative activity. (Something not too complicated of course)
Show courage when needed!!

Stop thinking and start to deal with your heart.

To quote Richard Ashcroft:

"I know when I'm losing control
I play I am the cosmos
And let the feelings roll"
Some of my tips might be repeated

Keep your i-pod/music player filled with a variety of music - music you always listen to as well as music you listen to while you trip (See some of the psychedelic stuff i recommended)

Change the music or shut it off it makes you uncomfortable

Tripping in a scenic place is a bonus

Trip only when you have 2 days free and have no worries / responsiblities

Keep some joints ready :)

Keep food ready to eat at after your trip gets over. You get really hungry at the end of your trip

Trip with people you trust

Don't trip with abusers or people who will give negative vibes (Very important)

Don't forget you are under the effects of a drug

Shut off cell phones

Do not roam around alone anywhere. You may get lost for several hours on a trip. There are certain places where you don't want to get lost

Do not trip on the comedown of any drug.

Use lighters safely. I've burnt my finger a little bit playing with one when i tripped for the first time
Stick to what you know about yorself. . .be entirely honest,because there is nothing closer to yourself than yourself,and the closest you will get to universal truth,which means no dlusions,and therefore no freakyarse hallucinations.

If you don't think this will work,then what is buddhism?Or,any religion for that matter?
Know what you'll be tripping on. For example: it would really suck to have a huge meal right before you did Ayahuasca for the first time.

If you'll be tripping inside, clean up the area first. This is especially important for things like Salvia where you may move around a bit.

Trip outside. Nature is just so much better than the man-made environment we're used to.

The first time you try something new, do it by itself. Don't take your first hit of acid after smoking a huge bowl of salvia, and doing some MDMA.

Stop thinking and start to deal with your heart.
x2 ;)