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In my social environment mostly everyone flirts, touches, kisses and fucks when felt apropiate. If alone with friends sexual bubbles involving more than two sprout there and there. It can be quite funny on public, people stare and make comments when they see three persons kissing at the same time.

And um well, my social environment is filled with bis, pansexuals, transexuals, feminist marxists, socialist revolutionary attempts, social shock blockades, graffists, dancers, anarko aristocratic mumbo jumbos, and neosituacionists. I guess something like that is what it takes eh.

I defend polyamour. How else can you love someone if not by loving everyone? Maybe I'm too much of a pantheist. Monogamy may happen, if it just by chance happens, and well, there's not a chance with so much beautiful bodies lying around.
The title of the thread should be changed to polyfuckery as the subject has to do with fucking around , ego and not love .
GOD a dit:
The title of the thread should be changed to polyfuckery as the subject has to do with fucking around , ego and not love .
No, this thread has nothing to do with swinging, orgies or cheating on your partner. Polyamory revolves around love and openness, with sex being a side issue. For this reason it's a subject that often comes up in circles where ego boundaries are dissolved by communal living and/ or use of psychedelics. You yourself have already opened a topic for wife swapping and orgies (Dodgy Parties) where sex for the sake of ego gratification can be discussed.
Your confused again . Again .

"You yourself have already opened a topic for wife swapping and orgies (Dodgy Parties) where sex for the sake of ego gratification can be discussed."

Yes i opened that thread and its about partys and partly abouit fucking and has nothing to do with amore . It wasnt opened to give anyone a chance to talk about fucking around either . What has that got to do with what i said in this thread ? Nothing . Dont twist my words , again .

More of your confusion :-

"No, this thread has nothing to do with swinging, orgies or cheating on your partner"

I didnt say it has .
What a hypocrit you are . I didnt chase anyone . I made a coment that the thread is about fucking around and not about love . Your comment is typical for you , emotionaly crippled . It doesnt have anything to do with the theme of the threasd its just an attack on me , just like youve done in several threads since you talked absolute crap about crack and sleep deprivation . Get some experience in life and the things that you pretend you know about and not just look those things up in the web .

It would be cool if the thread got back on topic .
GOD a dit:
Your confused again . Again .
Don't blame me for the confusion you create. By not being specific, your words "the subject has to do with fucking around , ego and not love" pertain to the contributions of all who posted before you, i.e. me, Nomada, magickpencil, st.bot.32, Horrigan, IJesusChrist, Twilight and Space-is-the-Place. The first post of the thread is clearly about love, as it contains a very clear definition of the word and the two videos discuss loving relationships, not sex.
I love everybody, but I do not have sex with everybody.


By the way, I am an Pan-amorous heterosexual Monogamist pervert myself.
More confusion caduceus . I didnt say anything about any of those people . Your just trying to cause trouble again and pretending i said something about them . Your trying to divide people up into for me or against me .

So lets get away from people with petty grudges against me and back on toipc . I dont think that polyamory has anything to do with love i think its about fucking around . I havent noticed anyone talking about love , just about sex and sexual gratification .
i believe its possible to be in love with more than 1 person
but for 2 people to love you and also love each other would be quite rare as its hard enough to find 2 people that genuinely love each other in the first place
let alone all 3 (or how ever many more)
Personally im monogamous and my ego is at a point where if there is another male in the picture i would be jealous and angry but im also at the point where i wouldnt want 2 girls unless it was purely for sex because if i love someone i want to give them all i have, rather than give each girl half each
if you get what i mean..?
Crimzen a dit:
because if i love someone i want to give them all i have, rather than give each girl half each
if you get what i mean..?
Yes, that's why I think it would only work if love flows in all directions. Because if you give "half" of your attention, and the other girl (or man) gives "half" of their attention, that person would still get "full" attention. And how can you measure who gets the attention when you're enjoying life together? But as already pointed out, this is a type of triad that is very rare, possibly only taking place in communes. It would be a triad without "primaries" and "secondaries".
yeah it would have to be equal or it wouldnt work at all
but at some point you will have spent more time with one than the other and one may feel left out or jealous
if you schedule your time to spend equal amounts of time together it would just be unnatural
and its not like you would always do everything as 3

i once knew a guy in a relationship with a girl who was herself in a relationship with another girl
he hated the other girl but accepted and put-up with her because he didnt want to hurt girl A by making her choose between them
he didnt mind at all that they were seeing each other but the dislike between one another led to alot of jealousy and spite
in the end he decided to leave her as it was becoming too hard on them all
i think that there would have to be love on all points of the triangle for it to come close to ever working
and all 3 would have to be quite enlightened so as not to let egos interfere
When I was a child, I remember of liking many girls at the same time.
And maybe you experienced that too.
It felt quite natural. Because I felt their beauty, and didn't care at all if they wouldn't want anything with me. I liked them anyway.

Anyway.. I don't know what love is and how powerfull it can be (i'm talking about sexual love).
But, I wouldn't mind at all, the orgies stuff. Though, I never been in one. It would feel weird, on the beggining, I suppose. But when you break boundaries, what follows up can be quite amazing.

As long as the partners have mutual respect and affection, I'm fine with it.
I wouldn't have sexual relations with a stranger.
I read a book once about a love-hexagon.

It was complicated.

Maybe a love-pentagon would be transformative.
Well, in the end my (!!!)personal(!!!) view is that it's a beautiful in theory, but I couldn't do it in practice
In Germany theres a guy called Rainer Langhans and he lives with 6 women since the 60s . ................ he must have a lang hans .........

"Langhans lebt in München mit Christa Ritter, Brigitte Streubel, Anna Werner und den Zwillingsschwestern Jutta Winkelmann und Gisela Getty in einer als soziales Experiment aufgefassten Lebensgemeinschaft, die er als „Harem“ bezeichnet. Anders als in einem orientalischen Harem haben die Mitglieder der Gruppe jeweils eigene Wohnungen. Die Frauen führen außerdem teilweise weitere Beziehungen"
I'd like to make a decisive distinguishing between hedonism and exchanging spiritual love/sexual senses.

I think loving more girls at once is fairly possible, as well as seeing another man loving your girl (including stroking and subtle arousal of physical bio electrical senses without having to ignore any negative energy within yourself, since it remains absent if you've gotten yourself to a certain level), if certain ethics are truly sensed by those who are involved.

Transcending in the last thing what humanity won't let go into the collective, and where it fights for to claim it for it's own gravity. Love.

If has a lot to do with proper self-value, proper self-love. And knowing how we are connected by being in the soup from where we solid individuals are made of. Only in that way the earth's crust for the practise will exist.

But I'll stop here since words are just pityful to describe it.

The world we're living in: "Are you listening NEO? "Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?" "I was..." "Look again" Oops, the sharp boyfriend who saw his girl got a glance from another man.
"Et par le pouvoir d'un mot
Je recommence ma vie
Je suis né pour te connaître
Pour te nommer


"And by the power of a word
I recommence my life
I was born to know you
to name you


Paul Eluard
Crimzen a dit:
Personally im monogamous and my ego is at a point where if there is another male in the picture i would be jealous and angry but im also at the point where i wouldnt want 2 girls unless it was purely for sex because if i love someone i want to give them all i have, rather than give each girl half each
if you get what i mean..?

Thats why i guess someone pointed out 2 couples loving each other works better than 3 people. In 3 people there is bound to be issues of jealousy or possessiveness.

Guys, if a group of people truely love each other and leave the egos aside.... Love making is bound to happen between different people. It is VERY natural. There is nothing dirty about it.
All the hippies who'd gone to Goa in the 1970's and whichever other places, they were obviously into all this. LSD had opened up their minds, destroyed their egos. If you look at photos on Goa Gill's website, you will see groups of guys and girls completely naked obviously they were into polyamory. These people must have had strong bonding and trust....

Even all the young Israeli's who travel in groups after their army or whatever look like they have multiple lovers. And they are strongly bound with each other.