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Im so happy, i have really good weed now :).

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion trick
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So awhile back I posted a thread asking a few questions about hydroponic systems, because i was setting up my own.

Well I attempted to grow some nothern lights, but i got arrested and couldnt take care of the plants and it was a complete loss.

But then I tried again with Buddah Kush, and Sour Diesel.

Let me tell you.... :D 3 plants each, I got around 4 oz's give or take of off each plant, and the quality is just amazing.

I have most of it jarred up with some orange peel, burried in the back yard.
Oh and not a single seed, and it was my first ever hydro harvest. :D

I just wish I had some way to take pictures of my setup, and harvest and what not.. but im to poor to have a cammara lol.

After I sell a bit of this to friends [because people we reserving small amounts of the weed before the plants even grew] mabey ill be able to afford a cammara lol.
You should totally delete that post if you dont want to get busted by the DEA. They see that and your chances of getting busted just skyrocketed 80-90 percent.

Watch these two videos, for your own sake:

Barry Coopers "Never Get Busted!"

Barry Coopers "Never Get Raided!"

Barry is an ex-narcotic officer who raked in huge amounts of drugs and cash, and who also teaches you how to "Never Get Busted!"!!!! Very good films.

Buy (20$) or DL from TPB.
This one?
trick a dit:
After I sell a bit of this to friends [because people we reserving small amounts of the weed before the plants even grew] mabey ill be able to afford a cammara lol.

It's dangerous to talk about it! Beware that even friends can abuse you, and can say something like, give me some of your shit or i will go to the police! If your doing it the right way, you can make lots of cash. But i have seen so many people make the same mistake about talking with other people about there plants, that they finally got arrested.

CaduceusMercurius a dit:

That's a good one! :D
CM made a good announcement about this type of thing. ;) I've yet to grow my own weed, but I bet that it's just that much more special after taking the time/care to grow it.
I brouse thu proxie servers, so im not to worried about the police comming to my doorstep, im using my laptop off of a cracked wireless network.

WEP cracking is pretty easy, I havent paid for internet in ages.

EDIT: and to the whole friends turning on you thing, theres only 2 people who knew about them, and they to are growers. they were just interested in the strains i have.
there tends to be honor among growers. who else do you turn to when you need to borrow a cup of 13/14 or for advise when it all goes funny?
Ha, ya I know exactly what you mean. I ran out of hydroponic fertelizer and got some from my friend. how many people just have that sitting around.

And both of them helped me with the whole timing the lights to make them bud, because i understand that theres a point in the germination stage that would produce the most thc if I triggered the plant to flower then. I could just be talking out of my ass, but they helped me with that. So im hooking them up with some of the product.
JustinNed a dit:
CM made a good announcement about this type of thing. ;) I've yet to grow my own weed, but I bet that it's just that much more special after taking the time/care to grow it.

The announcement I made referred to a Dutch case. No one ended up in jail. And no one got into trouble because of public posts, it was a PM thing. I posted that warning to make our members aware that you shouldn't trust people who only make use of this forum by sending private messages. And that especially sharing your physical address with someone is at your own risk. Always has been, I just wanted to remind everyone of that, not create a general paranoia.

Personally I'm living a public life. I regularly post my name, and everyone knows where I live. But where I live the things I do are either legal or tolerated. If I had lived outside the Netherlands, I'd do all the things GOD and others have recommended, regarding proxy servers, encrypted mail and what have you. I wouldn't take any risk.

I found out the day before yesterday that one of my internet pals (we share an interest in yoga and shrooms), whom I've known for three years now, was searched at the border of Dubai, and arrested for some dust in his pockets. No sniffing dogs were involved. Seems these police officers get paid for every person they arrest.

This guy sure likes shrooms, acid and cannabis, but in this case he had absolutely nothing on him, he simply went to visit his Iranian parents. They locked him up a month ago, and it's unclear when they'll let him out again (probably within one or two months though). They forced him to sign papers admitting he was smuggling dope, even though he didn't... Hm, not very much related with this topic, but I just wanted to share. :cry:
But why are some governments so paranoid about drugs?? I have never understood that.
The heads of many are the cotton for the red carpet.
Trick its quite cool you got a nice harvest. How long did it take you to grow it?? I wish i could smoke some of it.

I really hope you can buy your camera soon :) Enjoy your weed bro.
in response to CM.
i dont use a proxy and there is easilly enough information posted here to find me (police) but its so rare for me to have drugs now i dont really care. the police have more chance of winning the national lottery than catching me with anything ilegal. having said that they wouldnt pay for a new door or any floor boards they pull up. my door cost £700. still, it would be funny listening to them try and break it down, its pretty high security
lol about that... and to think of the quantity of forums and text that is being shared on the internet, and the amount of people that brag without actually having anyting they say, I doubt this is the place they will be looking to bust growers !

Anyways, about that comment by Brumangsia : Haven't you all noticed that the red carpet and the red tie symbolises blood drinking ? It's all there in movies like Dracula and the Wizard of Oz (more subtle in the latter, spiral with red and gold ?)


I'm not saying any of those people are blood-drinkers... but maybe they dream about it, who knows ! Like I said in other posts I don't beleive or disbeleive anything, to me it's all holographic and could be happening on another plane of reality.

We all know already that when they drink it they spill it all on their chest (those in the movies at least) , thus the red tie. The shape of the trapezoidal knot is also very symbolic and important to "them".

http://www.bundestag.de/htdocs_e/info/s ... index.html

Gotta love this :P

http://cgi.cafr.ebay.ca/VISCONTI-THE-FO ... 240%3A1318

(I'm assuming noone had 9k to put on a pen so this isn't for commercial purposes, rofl)
I noticed that I disagree with a lot of people about good herb. A lot of times when I got this stuff from the coffeeshop it really hurts my troath. I have been told that it comes because the drying to fast so it won't get a 'cure'. it seems that a lot of people think the best weed is that you get stoned as possible. Second most weed seems to be indica or a hybrid. I've been told also that the indica gives a more harsh smoke and also the more 'stoned' feeling while the pure sative gives a more high feeling. I was curious what you people think about that?

(diiferent subject, maybe I need to make a new thread of this but want to share this feelings. I have a little a obsession with comparing psychedelics, same as with the 'real' psychedelics, I didn't do LSD, 5-MEO dmt, ketamine, 2c-B and 2c-i of which when I run itn to it I would definitly try it, but actually I am never actually make effort to get it(maybe i would do an 5-MeO-dmt extraction), the rest doesn't ever botter me.
I still think marihuana/ hashish is the greatest, maybe it wouldn't give the bliss you got from the 'real'ones but the subtility makes it great for me. I have mushrooms, nn-dmt and mescaline. But the last time I am not feeling really into mushrooms. I like the relaxed feeling and empathy from mescaline, and with dmt I go crazy but one part still think s clear (maybe because of the anaesthic/trance, but it's more easy for me to just let me totally go up into the feeling (maybe because it's short), but with mushrooms, even if I prepare my set and setting, because of the chaos there is always some moments of real anxiousness and I am afraid that some accidents might happen when I totally loose reality.)
Yes indeed a good cannabis takes a few days to cure, thats merely time for the crystals to oxidise and really dry up to some extent while some of the more harsh insecticidal essential oils have time to evaporate through. If you dry it up all at once it gets trapped in the leaves and it becomes a hard smoke ; if you are used to this you can smoke with only little puffs and well contain the smoke in your mouth before breathing in so it gets more humid and thus softer.

Make sure you check if your herb is not too dry as well for the same reasons.

Indica is not necessarly harsher but certainly makes you more "couch potatoe" and munchies, it is also more efficient for pain. Sativa tends to be more high and insightful, and can even lead to hallucinations.

Cannabis , subtle psychedelic ? Have you ever tried eating a well prepared butter in good quantity ? Thats definately not subtle me having to crawl to the toilet to puke from too high of a dose and then hallucinating that the toilet seat is paradise with birds flying around chirping (the noise of the toilet flush) and with rich flora all around (full blown closed eye visuals)... I must have stayed there for an hour before I realised this place was not my home since it was all horizontal, and usually I see vertical. That was a deep insight at the time and it required all my strength of will to get back upwards because my skin was fusioned to the toilet seat by what seemed to be cannabis resin.

What led me to become sick was very powerful paranoid delusions , hearing people talk about me, etc... it was very overwhelming so be careful with high doses, you need to be very strong minded. I managed to crawl back to my bed and instantaneously fell asleep flat on my belly with my knee pointing up (a very unnatural position) I woke up 12 hours later in the same position , with terrible munchies !

Oh good old times... I don't recommend trying this out however, it could be dangerous !

As for psychedelics, I'm really curious about DOB or DOM I don't really remember but it's supposed to be twice as strong as good acid and it's a phenetylamine like mescaline. Apart from that your anxiousness is totally justified because you COULD do stupid things if you're talking what I consider overdoses of them for recreation, they are a tool, not a toy.
"Yes indeed a good cannabis takes a few days to cure, thats merely time for the crystals to oxidise and really dry up to some extent while some of the more harsh insecticidal essential oils have time to evaporate through. If you dry it up all at once it gets trapped in the leaves and it becomes a hard smoke"

no. what you dont want is any oxidation of the resin at all. its also nothing to do with the essential oils. the harshness comes from chlorophyll, sugars and starch, along with any nitrates left in the cells.
the slow cure drying method is one of fermentation adapted from the tobacco industry. sugars, starch grains chlorophyll and some of the nitrates are droken down by microbial action and enzymatic action within the cells.

inorganic nitrates tend to remain within the cells unchanged which is why experienced growers will flush the pots if using soul, or change the nutient solution at least a week before harvesting, forcing the plants to use what they have within the cells. this produces material lighter in color and milder to smoke.

the down side of a slow cure can be huge numbers of bacteria and fungi in the finished product. many of these bacteria are normally associated with food poisoning and the fungi can cause respiratory/pulmonary infections
Yer having fun breaking all my childhood illusions ? :cry:

All the times I made me some good golden oil in the past I always let it oxidise in the open air for a week... I don't mind if it destroys it, it tastes better and the high is more satiating.

I found out the same was true for my cannabis... let it dry in the open air, put in into bags, put it back in the air, put it back into bags, until the branch cracks slightly after a day in the bags.

Of course you must flush, I assumed everyone knew that by now...

Hail and welcome to my new hydro-soul garden, with this machine we can transfer your soul to a pot, and you can become pot !
