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  1. Mrboxey

    the money system is evil

    Getting rid of all money is a certain goal, however, it's not going to get anywhere real fast as we have pointed out in this thread... Knowledge should be free for everyone, however, as you yourself mentioned Jack... There is no incentive for people to teach if they don't get some sort of...
  2. Mrboxey

    Naked Church Shitter Discusses the World Agenda

    That's just gross... Even if he might be half right, nobody is going to listen to a dude who sits naked on top of a church, let alone spreads shit on it... What exactly was his goal? To get exposure? The only thing that he got exposed was himself... He could have gone about it in a completely...
  3. Mrboxey

    the concept of inter-face

    We are all interfacing directly with the universe... The brain simply acts as like a vessel to carry the information, however, scientists have said that the brain is sort of like a computer, but then... What ARE we jacked into??? Certainly raises some interesting questions... I suppose that...
  4. Mrboxey

    Substance use and significant other

    Well, my significant other didn't like me smoking weed, I stopped... She tolerated my smoking cigs, but I stopped... She tolerated my drinking... But now I've stopped... I think anyway.... So... I guess that means that she has a positive influence on me.
  5. Mrboxey

    Cannabis found in secret doorway

    now THAT's way better than any fucking NARNIA! Get me that secret door any day! :D
  6. Mrboxey

    Why do I only have partial control over lucid dreams?

    That would work to a certain extent... However, I was thinking like the movie inception, where they hooked people up to the IVs and put bedpans under them... Ewww...... But then, they would get like a weeks vacation for every 8 hours.... Crazy.... That would be pretty awesome though... Might be...
  7. Mrboxey

    Why do I only have partial control over lucid dreams?

    Well... Here's a question for you... If you had 100% control over your dreams, wouldn't it stand to reason you would have full control over your sleep? And as we know, sense of time in dreams can be really whack... so... What's to say that maybe having 100% control of our dreams would be a bad...
  8. Mrboxey

    the money system is evil

    Well, may be true... However, I'd still like someone to point out WHERE in the current economy is there growth at the moment? I have seen almost everything go spiraling down as if in a flushed toilet. Wages are down, and the price of everything else is up....
  9. Mrboxey

    Why do I only have partial control over lucid dreams?

    Actually, supposedly everyone who appears in our dreams are someone we have seen before, if even for an instant. Someone in the background, or a person we saw in line waiting to pay bills at the bank.. so someone you might not know, but still seen... It's weird how the mind can soak up so much...
  10. Mrboxey

    2012 do u believe the mayans???

    Awww man.... I was really hoping for the aliens.... :( At least give us "project BlueBeam" so we have something interesting to talk about! :p
  11. Mrboxey


    I think as scoring, they would need to see who got the most singles during a routine :p
  12. Mrboxey

    Why do I only have partial control over lucid dreams?

    The teeth falling out represents anxiety. That much I have learned... Hitler chasing you through a child's play area... Sounds to me as if you feel like someone is treating you unfairly (being a nazi) and critical of something you have done recently, and it makes you feel like a child, which...
  13. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    clock, pole, please
  14. Mrboxey


    Actually, it's a lot more boring than it sounds... I mean... Obviously it's different... But check it out for yourself... Doesn't really give them same.... effect.... So... I guess it could be... But... I dunno... I was never a big fan of pole dancing really... Unless she was dancing around...
  15. Mrboxey

    cannabis documentary

    Thanks for sharing... It's definitely one of the more interesting documentary's I have seen in a while. Although, I have seen quite a few crop up as of late... Must mean legalization is closer than we thought :)
  16. Mrboxey

    Why do I only have partial control over lucid dreams?

    Yeah... I still say lucid dreams would be me having an AWESOME party with like 4 or 5 chicks :D But yes, I do believe dreams can have deep meaning, and other times can have no meaning at all.. And sometimes, they come when you least expect them too.. Example, I had a dream last night related to...
  17. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    Drum, Strip, Sexercise
  18. Mrboxey

    Funny Rant... F*** My Job

    Nope Not Mythbusters... And just who would you consider the Dog with them anyway?
  19. Mrboxey

    Why do I only have partial control over lucid dreams?

    I've never been able to have lucid dreams.. I've had a couple where I have thought, "wouldn't it be cool if"... And boom it happened, but actual "Matrix"-like control, nope.. If I could and I could lucid dream I'd be in there banging porn stars till the cows came home :D
  20. Mrboxey


    You know that's CRAZY... So crazy... It just might be right... Kinda makes sense... Like "Don't fuck with me while I'm sleeping bitch" :D
  21. Mrboxey

    When your cold and its cold around you do you get high?

    I guess it's just if you are cold, you tend to not notice the high as much, as the body focuses more on actually keeping essential systems running. So when you get warm again, it's like it relaxes a bit, and thus you get high :)
  22. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    bomb, horny, sex
  23. Mrboxey

    Fat, loss.

    Green Tea, and Ginseng help to increase your metabolism, and help you to burn fat faster. You need to cut out an excess of fatty foods, however, cutting out all fat from your diet is not a good thing as some fat is required to maintain good health as well.
  24. Mrboxey

    Happy New YEAR!

    Good luck with that beefcharcoal :) You might want to add an incentive in there, like more sex for less junk food, that way you are getting more fitness time in and killing two birds with one stone.. or is it killing two things with two stones and a stick? :D
  25. Mrboxey

    Happy New YEAR!

    I already made a resolution to not make any more resolutions... So far I've kept it! :D
  26. Mrboxey

    spicy food

    Well, spicy foods may not help too much with that in that case... You might want to eat softer, easier to digest foods until you are all sorted out. Just to make things easier on your system...
  27. Mrboxey

    Happy New YEAR!

    Well, We are hours away from another new year... How is everyone feeling? Do you think this year was better than last? Why? Do you think you have achieved what you set out to achieve last year? Do you actually make resolutions? What are your resolutions for this coming year?
  28. Mrboxey


    Hmmm... Well, I do also enjoy watching dancing, especially pole dancing lol... Interesting and true... China has a pole dancing team, and they have submitted it to be an Olympic Sport..... Anyway, back on topic.. I think dancing can be an excellent way to express oneself, and it's a way to...
  29. Mrboxey

    2012 do u believe the mayans???

    Awww man... Here I was hoping the Mayans learned about things from aliens. How did the mayans know about black holes anyway? And there's still those weird artifacts they have found in the area that would have been incredibly difficult to make with the tools they had at hand at the time. Not...
  30. Mrboxey


    Dancing is pretty fun, but you need to be pretty self confident in order to dance freely. Most people are afraid to look stupid and be mocked in public. Of course if you are comfortable dancing then you will be generally happier in life as it means you have the self confidence to go ahead and...
  31. Mrboxey


    OK Amos, you are all over the map here kid... First you say in another thread there is very little the body actually NEEDS, and here you are saying that right food rich in nutrition is necessary with exercise? At least be consistent man! YES, exercise is essential, especially if you want to...
  32. Mrboxey

    Food additives

    OK Amos... That's a fucking HILARIOUS thing you just said... How Vegans in India would get Soy Milk? You do realize SOY milk does not come from SOY cows right? Or please tell me you did... Seriously man, what are you smoking? It's gotta be some good, primo, A+ shit there.... And not a lot the...
  33. Mrboxey

    +Nutrition = +Trip?

    Well, in terms of getting the most out of your THC experience, eating any really fatty food will help you trip better. Plan on eating like a McDonalds BigMac about 15 to 20 mins before you plan to smoke a joint, or eat one while smoking a joint to help the intake of the THC. Also, if you eat a...
  34. Mrboxey

    Funny Rant... F*** My Job

    Woo hoo! How many people have gotten it now? :) Let's see a show of hands. And place your guesses!
  35. Mrboxey

    the money system is evil

    All money is worth what TPTB say it is worth my friend... The worst part of the money system slavery, is that it's not even based on anything real anymore :( However, commercialism, capitalism, are both alive and well, and of course the greatest evil of them all is commercialism. You see, we...
  36. Mrboxey

    Funny Rant... F*** My Job

    It's actually a very popular TV show ;) Hint Hint :D OK, so I guess it's an older show, but I don't think it's so old that nobody would remember it? Especially on a psychonaut forum?
  37. Mrboxey

    the concept of electricity

    I don't think harnessing electricity is any different from creating fire. Is creating fire also playing god? I don't believe so. Playing god is more like messing with human genetic code, or splicing viruses to make them more deadly and prolific... *shudder*
  38. Mrboxey

    2012 do u believe the mayans???

    Well, I guess we are stuck in the middle hole still? 2012 seemed to be a big bust, and there wasn't really any anarchy, and wasn't any enlightenment... I guess on to the next major shift time... Why is we as human beings are so fascinated with our own destruction? Why must there be an end...
  39. Mrboxey

    how do i get past restlessness?

    You know what else you could do to relieve restlessness? This works for me anyway... I find that after sexual intercourse you can often find yourself relaxed and not as restless and wanting to take a nap. So you could also engage in self stimulation for the same effect. Of course, you need...
  40. Mrboxey

    Psychonaut Social Network

    Wow.... Not even an attempt to fit into the forum first... Someone really has got to get that guide out about Forum Spamming and how to do it properly
  41. Mrboxey

    When your cold and its cold around you do you get high?

    Well, when it's cold and I feel cold, I find that it is always best to have a drink or two to "warm up" then smoke a bowl. However, on those times when I have felt cold, and it was cold outside (middle of winter) then I didn't really feel high until I got back inside... Weird... Had never...
  42. Mrboxey

    Wohoo... Come out 2012 people... 8 days till doomsday....

    Well, we're still here... Everyone still accounted for? Guess that was a bust :p When's the next Doomsday?
  43. Mrboxey

    Hello everyone :)

    Oh Come on Amos... Thread Hijacking to introduce yourself now?????
  44. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    orgasm, erection, hookers
  45. Mrboxey

    mantras and not-mantras

    Well, mantras seem to be designed (maybe better wording would be "meant to") try and help people reach enlightenment. Like monks and other priests of the middle east. Similarly, most religions have mantras and songs which convey a story, and are supposed to have a higher meaning and eventually...
  46. Mrboxey

    Wohoo... Come out 2012 people... 8 days till doomsday....

    So you would theorize that if I saw something I didn't believe in, it wouldn't be there... ? You mean like if I don't believe in trucks I wouldn't see trucks? or maybe I would replace them with cows or something? Certainly a really weird theory... Although... One thing was in that movie Ice Age...
  47. Mrboxey

    Advice for a inexperienced tripper

    Doing shrooms at 17... Hmmm, I was more into weed and getting laid myself :D However, one more bit of advice came to mind... Don't tell anyone you're 17 and doing shrooms...
  48. Mrboxey

    Recurring Dream

    Well, as someone having psychology, I can tell you... Normally, and often it is things that make us anxious that we dream of again and again.. Or specific failures, but only if we are conscious of failures and of making them better... However, the human brain may be trying to help us, but...
  49. Mrboxey


    Nahhh... The only place it matters at all where you can "perform" is bed... If you got that down, the rest is just performing for the sake of performing :D
  50. Mrboxey


    Yeah, Final Destination 5 doesn't help matters much at all... However, if you know acupuncture at all, you know that the move was complete BS.. it feels AWESOME, epsecially with a hot rock massage... I admit, if you don't trust going in, you are not going to have a good time, but if you just go...
  51. Mrboxey

    What are you listening to today?

    I like listening to a mix of everything throughout the day, so, I like online radio stations: things like icebergradio.com, and radiotuna.com Great stuff :D
  52. Mrboxey

    Alcohol Enima

    LOL... Thanks for giving me a laugh... This is the worst way to do it man... You should have done some research... Go get a tampon from the missus... Now soak the tampon in your alcohol of choice.. Cheap Rum, Vodka works... Then slide the tampon in your ass... Now not sure how long to leave it...
  53. Mrboxey

    A rather odd experience!

    No mushies... Least in mine... And it was creeper... It "Creeped" us the fuck out :D
  54. Mrboxey


    Yep.. Catchy tune.... I think I'll blare it next time I get high :D
  55. Mrboxey

    meditation - a guide/introduction to Tao and Zen

    Yes, it is some really good information. I do find that the use of psychedelics or dissociatives while meditating can actually help in some cases, however, I can see that to actually read and comprehend the information first is the best route to take as well. Very good information, thanks...
  56. Mrboxey

    mantras and not-mantras

    Well, in terms of mantras, it is interesting the correlation between mantras and just regular music. it is true that every kind of music has a different effect on you. Rock can bring you up, sad music can bring you down.. Modern music is not really mantras per se, but it certainly has an...
  57. Mrboxey

    Perfect recipe for Pot Brownies?

    Yep... Eat one cookie, wait an hour... See what happens... Then I guess wait for about another 4, see how I feel before popping another one ;)
  58. Mrboxey


    hahahahaha [video=youtube;KXs8OS6EdAE] Pretty good to get stoned too as well... :D
  59. Mrboxey

    Wohoo... Come out 2012 people... 8 days till doomsday....

    Well, if "Project BlueBeam" is true... Then the world will be united against a fake alien attack or some such thing. But yes, we do need something bigger to unite humanity, and it is going to take longer than the next 2 or 3 days to do it... lol... I'm guessing unity will be united, but only...
  60. Mrboxey

    Another Game

    I just finished reading beefcharcoal's activity....
  61. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    sex, stiff, red light district... (Think the hot smurf threw me off :P )
  62. Mrboxey

    Wohoo... Come out 2012 people... 8 days till doomsday....

    You know.. There was a theory going around that the zombie apocalypse is like the rapture... You see, if we do in fact live in an electric universe (And NASA has confirmed we do) then it is possible that those that have a specific type of brainwave could have their energy transferred elsewhere...
  63. Mrboxey

    mantras and not-mantras

    Let's make this a bit easier: Wikipedia Time: " A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation" (cf. spiritual transformation).[1] Its use and type varies according to the school and philosophy associated with the mantra.[2]...
  64. Mrboxey

    Simulation Theory

    Reality is what you make of it.... As they say :D
  65. Mrboxey

    Perfect recipe for Pot Brownies?

    Very true. And hey, Garlic Ice Cream works, so why not garlic brownies :D On a side note, since it is hot here, I let the butter melt and whipped it like you said, got it mixed in on low setting so I think I got the consistency right. I put the weed in a coffee bean grinder so it came out a...
  66. Mrboxey

    Energy Drinks

    OK, you are obviously not a Psyconaut dude... What do energy drinks have to do with mushrooms? Are you making shroom tea with energy drinks? Or, are you on shrooms right now LOL... This is your second post that really had nothing to do with the topic at hand, well OK, the last post had half...
  67. Mrboxey

    eyes and health?

    Amos, Dude... What are you smoking :D What does this have to do with the eyes?
  68. Mrboxey

    movies, music, psychology brainwashing

    It can also be said that it really isn't the people's fault. Well, in a way I guess, if they are lazy and just accept everything that is told to them by the media etc.. But really, think about it.. If they have never left their hometown, or maybe never read a good philosophy book, or been...
  69. Mrboxey


    Damn, I must be one dominant mother fucker after I drink 6 beers and smoke a joint then :D All I do is yawn at that point before crawling into bed LOL...
  70. Mrboxey

    Tripping for the Holidays:

    Awesome... I always wonder... Hmmm.. That could be a new tradition.. I bet it would catch on pretty quick. "The opiate fairy"... time to write a best selling book, shell out movie rights, and get "The Rock" back in tights :D This time... For a VALID reason!!! :D
  71. Mrboxey

    movies, music, psychology brainwashing

    Hmmm... OK, so the media controls us... Many people are limited in what they believe is right from wrong, which is molded from what people tell us on the TV... Or the radio... So, let's do it again this way: Say you were in a locked room, you didn't have any windows, or even a door (we'll...
  72. Mrboxey

    2012 do u believe the mayans???

    OK Hark, so what you are saying is that we are going to descend into total anarchy... But what would cause total anarchy? There has to be some catalyst that would degenerate our current systems in place. For example: A Carrington Event that would knock out all the power grids... Or a mega...
  73. Mrboxey

    Perfect recipe for Pot Brownies?

    Hmmm... I have never just let the butter go on its own like that.... I'll definitely have to give it a try. And you whip it in on a low setting huh... Sounds interesting... Gonna have to give that method a try. I was also told that the best way to do it (and not be noticed) was to pop it into...
  74. Mrboxey


    Hmmm... Haven't heard this one before... How can it be a sign of dominance? Does it have to do something with the pack mentality that we as humans have, but only at a small level supposedly? (Small level, I could write pages and pages on the pack mentality and how humans definitely do have the...
  75. Mrboxey

    Tripping for the Holidays:

    Hmmm... Wow... Cleaning the room and only found it after 10 years... LOL... Must have been one dirty room back there.... :D Although in all fairness, the last time I actually cleaned my room was uh.... I guess almost 2 years ago now... Maybe I should start cleaning and see if the opiate fairy...
  76. Mrboxey

    Wohoo... Come out 2012 people... 8 days till doomsday....

    4 days and counting... Who's right? The Mayans? The Hopi? NASA? That crazy dude that says the alien over lords are coming? Place your bets, step right up... Whatever happens, it should be an interesting show....
  77. Mrboxey

    Another Game

    I got something of a code maybe they can crack... Gotta keep everything right on track... You may not see me, but I see you... I even see it, when you poo... We scrape and scrounge, check the trash... We track your spending, count your cash.... ATM, swipe at the counter... Hey, I love the...
  78. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    cocaine, cocaine, baggy LOL
  79. Mrboxey

    spicy food

    Can you cite some sources that said they were not good for your health? I can only find benefits :)
  80. Mrboxey

    2012 do u believe the mayans???

    I still say the Mayans were way further ahead in terms of their knowledge of the stars than we are... How is it they knew that the milway galaxy was a spiral? How did they know about the different planets in the solar system? They didn't have telescopes... And how did they manage to create...
  81. Mrboxey

    One World Government: Possible?

    Well, it can be said that all government is an illusion.. Everything is lies, deceptions, and of course, good old fashioned smoke and mirrors. However, that doesn't make anything in the world any less real. I am intrigued, I recall vaguely stories of the towel of babel, and of course there was...
  82. Mrboxey


    You said it... Edibles are great.. I admit, it isn't for those who are looking for instant gratification, but if you can learn a little patience (40 mins come on, you can last, flip on the TV and watch a show lol) it really pays off :D I especially like eating a brownie for example while...
  83. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    Dodge Viper, Chocolate, Cameras
  84. Mrboxey


    The flying Tank was always classic... I used to like to imagine the cops in the game going WTF... As you did an ET like exit :D **edited for the reference... E.T. The movie about the Alien, they were blockaded by cops and ET (the little alien dude) made them fly over the cops and they were...
  85. Mrboxey

    2012 do u believe the mayans???

    That is the scariest part of the whole thing... I mean... HOW did they know so much... And WHAT exactly is going to happen... It's the end of the era, and beginning of a new one... But WHAT is supposed to be happening anyway...?? They aren't really specific... You think they could be a tad...
  86. Mrboxey

    how to delete oneself from the internet

    Could be that he likes his privacy, unfortunately, privacy is mainly an illusion now. :( Freedom is a state of mind, but us having anything private pretty much went out the window a few years ago. But what would people really want with your info? To sell it to advertisers for Spam. :D Other...
  87. Mrboxey

    Funny Rant... F*** My Job

    You did, did you :D So who is it? Or are you trying to trick someone into giving you the answer LOL. We can also give some other hints... "The beatnik only really has one pair of clothes, he NEVER changes... Meaning I gotta throw his ass in the car wash every so often..." -- LOL
  88. Mrboxey

    Funny Rant... F*** My Job

    So this is pretty funny... LOL... Guess who it is :D
  89. Mrboxey

    the money system is evil

    Ok, so the money system exists because we haven't learned our lesson from it yet? :D Sorry, that is a HUGE simplification of what you just said... although am I right that it's sort of where you were going in the post? You mentioned history repeating itself etc, so maybe that is why we...
  90. Mrboxey

    One World Government: Possible?

    So, you think that one world government would only be possible with one world religion? Interesting... This has been postulated by the conspiracy theorists for quite a while, that the first step would be that world religions would be melded, and then basically the new world order would then...
  91. Mrboxey

    Best Strain?

    Very true... Indica strains definitely are NOT made for walking :D... I remember smoking one on a long hike, it was a 6 hour one, so we were three hours from the camp and we stopped and smoked one.. What a LOOOOONG hike back lol... And when we finally did get back, nobody was in the mood to be...
  92. Mrboxey

    The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

    Can you elaborate a little bit more... you say it "doesn't effect much", does that mean that you do notice a difference? If so, what sort of difference? Or are you saying that it doesn't make any difference? And do you notice a marked difference from nights you smoke before, and nights you...
  93. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    Vacation, Easter Bunny, Smart TV
  94. Mrboxey

    Wohoo... Come out 2012 people... 8 days till doomsday....

    Well, as we know... It is now only 7 days to showtime.... I hope there will be a show of some sort... I mean, all the hype and then nothing? Can the world handle another Year 2000 style letdown? :D But seriously, this world does need a change... I'm hoping there will be some kind of change...
  95. Mrboxey

    Wohoo... Come out 2012 people... 8 days till doomsday....

    Alright, so 2012... It might be on your mind... It might not... Either way, we'll find out in about 8 days... 8 days until the end of the world... Or 8 days until major disappointment/relief... LOL I admit, this year has passed by really fast, and there have certainly been some odd things...
  96. Mrboxey

    One World Government: Possible?

    Meh, the questions that keep us up at night for sure.... Oh well... You have a point, but the same goes for the way the world is now... I don't really think human beings are happy unless they are miserable lol... World peace will never be achieved, unless we are facing a common enemy (alien...
  97. Mrboxey


    Hey man... I wasn't dissing you.. Just saying... If you have the fresh stuff, don't go dealing with Rezzin :D I wasn't trying to put you down there. I remember once they wanted me to smoke it... But... It just looked nasty... Sorry lads... But... Not for me, that's for sure...
  98. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    Fine... I'll go again... Where is everyone anyway? Pipe, Horse, GTA5
  99. Mrboxey


    I think in San Andreas you had a jetpack cheat, don't recall tank, but the jet fighter was pretty damn cool too :) I used to like the flying cars too, very Harry Potterish LOL....
  100. Mrboxey

    Tripping for the Holidays:

    Wow, 10 year old opium? And it still did the job? Where was it stored? Where did you find it? How did you lose it in the first place? Details man! This gives me hope for that weed I misplaced a year or so ago.....