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One World Government: Possible?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mrboxey
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Elfe Mécanique
You know, I have been hearing a lot about the NWO, and the goal of one world government, some people even go as far to say as the one world government will be run by the UN.

I don't know, I think that while communications, and methods of control and monitoring have improved drastically over the past say 30 years, having one world government would be literally impossible....

I mean, if we had one world government, we would have one world ID card which would be awesome for traveling etc, but it would also mean one world currency? and if we had one world currency, who would say what is worth what and where?

For example, say we switched to the credit system, and everything was worth and valued based on credits... Well, how can a cup of coffee now worth say $3 which converts to say 3 "credits" in Europe, be compared to the same cup of coffee in say a third world country which would be say only $0.20, but now has to be worth 3 credits? Same as a house worth say $80,000 in the US, translates to say 80,000 credits, you go to India and a $20,000 house translates to 80,000 credits? I don't think that would work out too well...

I don't know... Seems like this should almost go into the money system slavery thread, but the thought is valid for my current discussion.

So, now you have one world government, and one world ID, one world currency... Everything is now connected via the banks etc as normal, but now cash doesn't exist, it's all online transactions and bank cards.... I could see that, that would be pretty awesome in and of itself just because crime rates would go way down no? Because it would be cashless, people wouldn't be robbing banks or convenient stores, basically all CASH crimes would be gone... You wouldn't have any cash to steal.. Of course, that wouldn't stop product crimes of course... As people could still steal products....

I don't know... The whole idea of one world government in some ways is a very scary thing, but in others I kinda wish they would do it, because it would make things sooo much simpler for everyone on the planet. The laws etc would be interesting... And of course, if we had one world government, there wouldn't be any more wars then would there? Or do you think the wars would just go from being between countries to just being called uprisings?

Who would make the laws? Which laws would the one world government adopt? Which laws would they choose to get rid of? It would be a real mess to sort out which to use and which not to use...
the world is balanced as is and the only thing that might bring us together as a spices is a alien attack lol. but i believe we should all alwayz have our own ways of government and living. and hears the question iv been wondering... if someone did win an the world was one a controlled be it controlled by the Nazis, christian or the Dali lama and everybody was ether happy enlightened or part of a perfect society controlled by one government and everyone down to lost islanders has a ID chip or mass enlightenment and we get all the answers and take over all of space then what? after a master plain has been reached and the leaders get past any ego or wtf ever that might have had brought them to that point. then what. whats the point to anything. to suffer and strive is to live. sry i just been thinking about this lately.
Meh, the questions that keep us up at night for sure....

Oh well... You have a point, but the same goes for the way the world is now... I don't really think human beings are happy unless they are miserable lol...

World peace will never be achieved, unless we are facing a common enemy (alien perhaps), or the aliens come down to earth and they take us aside like children in a sandbox and say "cut the shit already!"

You should read up on project Blue Beam... Interesting stuff to say the least... Interesting stuff...

Makes me wonder if they aren't going to put it to the test for December 21st 2012... Everyone is expecting something to happen, so that would be the perfect time to unleash project Blue Beam...

But yes, you know, I often wonder what the point to anything is on this planet..

If you start thinking about the vastness of the universe, and how we are but a tiny spec even within our own Galaxy and there are millions if not billions of galaxies out there, makes you wonder what the point to anything is....

Hard to wrap your head around sometimes...
if you ask me god is maybe not only our friend, but also our enemy. because well obviously, if it's not too much beyond your capacity of understanding, god is not only beyond duality, but beyond anything.
so why should the infinite intelligent want to agree with the stupidities that we do. maybe we should just learn to listen better and think and use our brains properly.
don't you think god is already in fully in control or do you think god's ways are not incomprehensible.
well i am just saying that i am simply disgusted by the ways of many humans. in my opinion something like "together is always nicer, but we should treat each other accordingly or so" could be a phrase that could rougly describe what i mean. but it doesn't express what i want to say fully.
for example why should we expect respect if we don't pay respect ourselves?? of course it's a matter of perspective, but that's what i am saying. sometimes it seems something like formalities etc etc can impair the natural communication and it all becomes artificial and fake.
maybe it boils down to that for my part i wouldn't really want a one world government AT ALL, if it would consist of simple puny humans lol... but then again i don't even like a lot of aliens either... lol...:-|

i think the one world governement idea is similar to kingdoms in rennaissance times or so, when some kingdoms pushed into becoming more centralized at the cost of the population, but with relatively little overall benefit or so. i guess i can only point again to how we need god and "how" it's about oneness in a certain way in that context. hard to describe with words, really. please forgive me the comparison and i hope you get the mental leap it's a bit like the matrix. "unfortunately, i can't tell you what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself."
it's like we can all go talking forever and ever on, but only because we talked much doesn't have to mean the outcome or some result has to be good or only because we talked little it doesn't have to be bad.
another idea related could be that history taught us some lessons, that we maybe have to learn well first. for example how personality cults with too retarded people can make the people dumb. and the notion of reptilian "humans"... get the point? :-| .

my conclusion is that the idea of a one world government should be considered differently. for example maybe you know of the concept of a multidimensional reality and the "concept" of peace.
and a good suggestion could be to subscribe to the right kind of mental imprisonment. like the benefits of mental imprisonent, right?? well just joking a little bit, but think about it.
for example like is it always good that basically anything is possible at all times?? some food for thought and
i hope what i wrote isn't too confused lol..
ok i can simplifiy it a little bit more. nowadays religion is basically mostly retardism, consumerism, capitalism and whatnot so well the planet and the inhabitants are kind of sick.
the way to the cure is relatively simple. a rough description is: heal yourself and you heal the planet, heal the planet and you heal yourself. do you wish more integrity with the artificial system or the natural system?? and do you think both are totally healthy on this planet? because well you could even distinguish between a natural and a artificial matrix. it's a not so easy topic, depending on your level of intelligence and your perspective on intelligence. sometimes i think we should just have another flood lol... but well hmm maybe this is also a story that could be interpreted in many ways...
hmm ok enough for now... ah and think of GOD. and maybe something a little bit stupid now but also somewhat deep .. maybe you can spell backwards and think of what an awful amount of bad smells we have been producing as a "civilisation". just saying... humanity has to learn humaneness.

So, you think that one world government would only be possible with one world religion? Interesting...

This has been postulated by the conspiracy theorists for quite a while, that the first step would be that world religions would be melded, and then basically the new world order would then have a foundation for the one world government...

Yes, it is sort of like the times of old, where the Egyptians, and Romans, and then the British, were ultimately trying for one world empire/government I guess you could say... Didn't work out too well for them though... That's for sure...

Although were they really looking for one world government.. I mean, Hitler in WWII was hell bent on world domination, but I don't think they were hell bent on one world government, then I could be wrong...

I think it would be nice to have one world government with only one set of laws... It would make traveling a lot faster, easier, and less stressful.. Imagine just deciding one day to pack up and move to say Italy... No paperwork, VISAs, or filling out a huge form and going to interviews to see if they will allow you to stay or not...

I think a big part to having one world government is we need to finally accept that we are not alone in the universe, and just as before we had different governments for every town/village (you said so in medieval times) that they went under the king, and eventually it formed countries, well.. It's the same with earth and other planets... Earth becomes sort of like a "country" in the solar system...

So... I think we will need to have one world government at one point, but it's all based on perceptions... It's that, or I am just smoking some really good shite :D
well i would say you might have to ask yourselves some questions for example like: what obvious and not so obvious price(s) would you be willing to pay for more comfort?

or yeah just channel the force like obi-wan kenobi...:D lol hmm i guess i simply want to warn you man. some ideas you are seemingly pointing at is a bit like the story of the tower of babylon. the question is how much significance does the story have on a symbollic level. i don't know the story very well, but as i remember it, an important aspect of the story was language and how people first were one people and had one language, but then god came and confused their languages so they stopped building the tower. well not sure, but it was something like that and i think it's kind of a deep idea...
maybe the important question is why, as wanting to become like god, symbollically (?) building a tower that reaches up to the sky, why god stopped them.

my interpretation is that the desire to become god is on one hand a very stupid retarded one, because it's supposedly already always all god anyway and on the other hand a either harming/disturbing or not depending on perspective philosophical quest or so...
if you ask me, it's about the ability and quality of internalisation and interpretation of feeling.
maybe the question is not whether it's god or not, but how it's god and that would probably be a hint to simply pay more attention to what is really going on or something like that maybe.

i would say maybe some people would have the need for the illusion of a one world government and well i suppose if you watch closely enough that illusion is attempting to be served so well yeah... what else can you say lol...
it's another level in another age of illusions. the modern globalised world and its citizens... they are all retarded/sophisticated in their own ways. it's like old wisdoms and sayings can begin to make sense again and stuff like that..
so... well what does it all mean etc etc??? can't you make up your own mind lol..
hmm alright now.. have a nice day... lol :Oo::retard:


p.s. i just remembered that maybe reading the book "a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" could possibly in a funny way answer your questions or at least give some thought impulses or so. because i think it's somewhat bit a philosophic topic also...
Well, it can be said that all government is an illusion.. Everything is lies, deceptions, and of course, good old fashioned smoke and mirrors. However, that doesn't make anything in the world any less real.

I am intrigued, I recall vaguely stories of the towel of babel, and of course there was the tower of babylon.. It would be interesting to get both those stories again, I know the very rough idea of what they were about...

However, if I recall correctly, the tower of babel was about control, and babylon was floating gardens or something... But, I am by no means an expert on the subject, and I am too lazy to look it up, so if someone wants to post it... LOL... :D

Anyway, I can see how some people would be against one world government, but really, would it be so different from the government of today? We would still have our privacy violated, and laws and taxes to pay... So, what's the difference if it is X or Y person? And what difference does it make if it makes travel and business easier?

I can't personally see how one world government could possibly be any worse than the governments we have now, except that tax evasion would then be impossible LOL...

So, let me pose this question... WHY would you say one world government is bad? You lose privacy? We already lost it, same thing. other than that... What else?

Answers please :D Oh this game is fun ;)
That's the big plan.
One world goverment, one currency.

The people will not be treated as humans. Just numbers, that they work and consume.
The human life will have no value any more...

Tha humanity steps into very dark ages...

"WHY would you say one world government is bad? "

Because the people who will rule you, they are puppets of the banks and big companys, and the'll never decide something GOOD for you.
Only to make you slave
yeah.. i also think the scenario you guys are suggesting is terrible and we don't want it to be reality!!!.... but it seems to me it's already like that in a lot of places in the world i know... so yeah....:roll: i still hope very much that more and more people eventually will wake up.
also if you ask me, the absolutely wrong assumption is to think a world government should or could be made by humans.
it's absurd, really... think about it... believe me, we would be a lot better off with the real god. but you don't have to believe me. :retard: :question:

btw when i say the "real god" i am talking about the creator of the whole universe, solar system, planet earth etc etc...
the point is in some sense we're living in a dark age right now... but there's also a lot of positive potential... no need to give in to all the fear mongering that is going on... however certainly a good portion of healthy common sense required/recommended.

what is also required is some more humaneness and intelligence. for example i think they should ship some shit that is too much in the stock of the supermarkets to this and the other country.
shipping companies would also benefit and better ship food and other stuff instead of weapons.
and in the end i am sure we would also benefit if the other countries can evolve, if they like to. i don't mean that we should totally bring them our so called culture, more like simply more helping somehow... after all in history it's the christians who have destroyed a lot of other cultures and killed populations..
if you ask me, what it's really about is real civilisation and not barbarians.
i don't know.. just sick and tired of the overwhelming "senselessness" i did feel in one or the other moment... and definately more than sick of the so many disgusting dumbing down programs in TV... it's just sad how the beautiful planet is being destroyed...
it means our "culture" and "civilisation" is to some extent and/or in some sense barbaric (!)...
the patterns in TV and radio are too often way too negative and boring.. :\\

the reason its possible is because so many people dont think that the NWO is the bad guy in this story, because their governments are knee deep in this, they chose to foolishly follow their government and believe that its the right way
Yes it is possible, and we are heading that direction, but the internet has helped with the modern culture clash, as we are mixing and mashing all over the world, and people resist change, but the end result is inevitableYes it is possible, and we are heading that direction, but the internet has helped with the modern culture clash, as we are mixing and mashing all over the world, and people resist change, but the end result is inevitable
world domination by one goverment will be next sadly step and will comes sooner as we think. the rise of states is just written.