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Advice for a inexperienced tripper

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Kalifornia
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Matrice Périnatale
I'm looking to take shrooms this weekend, but i don't know how confident i feel about doing them.

I've only tripped 3 times before, the first time i took approximately 1.5g's dried shrooms. It was fun, but not very impacting. The second time, i ate around 4g's dried shrooms. i had a great trip for the first 3-4 hours, after which nausea kicked in. I felt like it was the end of the world as i lay waiting to throw up, i thought i was guna die. Eventually i threw up, it was amazing... and i came down nicely The experienced helped me realize that psychedelically should be taken a bit more seriously.

My third and final trip was 2 tabs of LSD. I had a great night, i was enjoying the trip and all, until around 6 in the morning. I had gone over 24 hours without sleep, i was still tripping, and i thoguht sleeping was necessary Unfortunately i could not fall alseep and i had a huge anxiety attack. For the next two weeks i had flashback anxiety attacks, i stopped smoking weed to prevent any more. I am scared of having those horrible anxiety insanity feeling emerge again.

It's been two months since.

So as i said, i wanna take shrooms this weekend (only <2g's) Now, i am a bit nervous. I'm hoping you guys are a bit more experienced and can give me some advice on psychedelics in general. I don't know if i should trip, i don't wanna have anxiety attacks again. Should i wait? And if so, how long? What can i do if i start feeling overwhelmed? Would benzos help if an anxiety attack comes on?

Any advice would help! As a side note, i'm 17 and i always trip with a few very close friends.
yup shrooms are volitile and if u are in a dark place with alot of neon when u come out into the day light u can see in shadows and every thing black is brown.
Hi Kali,

In order to gain some respect, you need to introduce yourself in the dedicated section. Woops, no, you do not : you are 17, good bye, that was nice meeting you. Your brain cells will not be mature untill you are 22, untill then, you should avoid taking any psychedelic drug at all. And if you are anxious with the idea of taking tryptaminic drugs, you should really avoid taking them.

And this is what I say to people when they are about to take shrooms for the first time :

It's going to be weird.
It's going to be out of control.
But that is what you are looking for, so accept it when it comes.
You need to see it as a roller coaster : you are not going to be able to choose where it goes, and at wich speed, but you can choose to smile and scream "Woooohooo, awesome !!!!" while raising your 2 fists in the air, or you an close your eyes, cry and repeat to yourself "Mummy, I don't wanna die !".
The ride will be the same, and it will be rough. But in the first case, it will be tons of fun and you will be impatient to jump aboard again. In the second case, it can be very traumatic.

Shrooms should no give you nausea. Make sure you eat them on an empty belly, do not drink alcohol, and keep hydrated.

"2 tabs of lsd" is not a dosage. You have no idea how many mg you took, theefore it was not very smart from you. Being cautious, you would have taken half a tab first, and redroped the rest 2 hours later if necessary.
Why do you say shrooms should not give nausea? I've heard of plenty of people throwing up on it.

Now i appreciate the rudely stated advice, and i understand i won't be gaining respect here. That's not what i'm looking for. But still, thank you haha.

I'm just looking some tips from experienced psychonauts, i sure would respect any advice i get. I know i shouldn't take drugs at this age (let alone very strong psychedelics,) but being a dumb teenager i'm going to anyway.
I've tripped before, i know it's weird, i know it can be out of control. What i really want is some advice in coping strategies for if i start having a bad trip. For example listening to music or trying to just meditate are some things i've heard help.

And as for the acid i took "2 tabs of", weather i was weighed it or not doesn't matter to date (of course, i will weigh it next time). I wasn't overwhelmed by the trip, i experienced a comedown anxiety attack. Now, the question of weather it was actually LSD is still in the air.
Kalifornia a dit:
Why do you say shrooms should not give nausea?
What i really want is some advice in coping strategies for if i start having a bad trip.

Lots of people experience nausea, just because you haven't doesn't mean that it doesn't happen to others or that you won't in the future.

Take with lemon or orange juice, vitamin C and citrus helps to process it. It speeds things up. Eat beforehand, it will reduce the possibility of nausea.

Set and setting are important. Until you gain experience, have a sitter who isn't tripping be with you. Someone with a cool, calm nature. Outdoors is great, but not necessary. Calm music of what ever kind you like. At least until you've gained experience, then you can go heavy if you like. No crowds. You can watch a movie if you like, no horror or violence, stick to comedy, again, at least until you have a few trips behind you. After you know what to expect, then you can change things. Shrooms make you laugh, that's why comedies are good.

Keep your mind clear of negative thoughts, at least as much as that's possible. If you start having a bad trip, sit outside, fresh air, don't wander off, have your sitter talk to you calmly. Tell them before to keep it calm if you get a little off track. No dancing naked in the moonlight on the picnic table, not unless there are others willing to do so as well. Believe me, it has happened.

Start low dose, don't jump it at 5 gms, 1 to 2 is good beginner level.

These are all just precautions. If you have the right mind set going in, you'll be fine. Don't even start if you're angry or agitated. Although trips usually only last 4 hours, make sure that you have another good 4 hours to slide down the other side.

Is that the kind of advice that you were looking for?
It's to late if u are already thinking negative thoughts. If you dont know how to focus then yer lost to a dream like reality when u trip. Only happy go lucky friends will be able to help you. But I'm into both dark and light stuff. I'd do a day trip if yer easylie scared. But if u want to be then i'd do it in a forest at night! mmmm laughing to much hurts and if yer with alot of ppl tripping they will be laughing soon after. If its a small group of ppl then do something firsts and watch as they will allfollow you...maybe that was just me.
Cultosaurus a dit:
Lots of people experience nausea, just because you haven't doesn't mean that it doesn't happen to others or that you won't in the future.

Take with lemon or orange juice, vitamin C and citrus helps to process it. It speeds things up. Eat beforehand, it will reduce the possibility of nausea.

I have never experienced nausea eating shrooms, and none of my friends ever have (and I have been shrooming with quite a bunch of people). And I am still waiting for someone to explain me the chemical reason for the psylocibes to cause nausea... There is no more poison in 'em than in your average Portobello mushroom. I noticed that people who find the taste gross tend to be more prone to nausea. I actually like the taste.

I would not suggest to eat beforehand : the effects will be extremely inhibited, it is a terrible waste.

@Kalifornia : let me tell you more clearly : the rules of the forum impose you to introduce yourself. But you are facing a ban anyway... Oh, and you cannot "weigh" a lsd tab. lsd is dosed by the microgram. Hence the necessity to test it safely. Anyway, you do not seem to be very interested in risk reduction, but if some day you decide it's time to grow smarter, the necessary intell is here, on the forum.

As far as escaping a bad trip goes, there is no magic trick. Make sure you listen to positive music (tunes that make you feel good when you are sober), drink a glass of O.J, eat something sweet, and hang on to the idea that what you are experiencing is just temporary. A smart, relaxed sitter is indeed a good protection against some risks. Being in a comfy place at a good temperature also helps. But as Cultausorus said, your mindset is the most important aspect.

Please excuse the lack of nuances in the way I express myself, I am not a native English speaker.
Cultosaurus a dit:
Lots of people experience nausea, just because you haven't doesn't mean that it doesn't happen to others or that you won't in the future.

Take with lemon or orange juice, vitamin C and citrus helps to process it. It speeds things up. Eat beforehand, it will reduce the possibility of nausea.

Set and setting are important. Until you gain experience, have a sitter who isn't tripping be with you. Someone with a cool, calm nature. Outdoors is great, but not necessary. Calm music of what ever kind you like. At least until you've gained experience, then you can go heavy if you like. No crowds. You can watch a movie if you like, no horror or violence, stick to comedy, again, at least until you have a few trips behind you. After you know what to expect, then you can change things. Shrooms make you laugh, that's why comedies are good.

Keep your mind clear of negative thoughts, at least as much as that's possible. If you start having a bad trip, sit outside, fresh air, don't wander off, have your sitter talk to you calmly. Tell them before to keep it calm if you get a little off track. No dancing naked in the moonlight on the picnic table, not unless there are others willing to do so as well. Believe me, it has happened.

Start low dose, don't jump it at 5 gms, 1 to 2 is good beginner level.

These are all just precautions. If you have the right mind set going in, you'll be fine. Don't even start if you're angry or agitated. Although trips usually only last 4 hours, make sure that you have another good 4 hours to slide down the other side.

Is that the kind of advice that you were looking for?

Yes, thank you very much. All that advice will help a lot:) I'll l


Yeah, i guess i missed that. Now, i am very much so interested in risk reduction... otherwise i would just go ahead and keep tripping without any cares. obviously i am new to psychedelics and i want to stay as safe as i can (tripping at this age doesn't help), but i will do so anyway. Thank you anyhow, i appreciate the advice.

I have two questions.

1. I trip with very very good friends. We've all been firends for over 5 years, i can trust these guys. But, we trip without a sitter. If a friend of mine starts freaking out, i've noticed that the "bad vibe" really spreads. It can make me feel pretty bad. Is this normal, preventable? Next time we will probably trip with a sitter.

2. is tripping alone a good idea? When i'm more experienced of course. I know people do it, but i can imagine feeling lonely.
triping around abunch of sober ppl sucks if u are a giver but if u are a taker it wont matter
Kalifornia a dit:
1. I trip with very very good friends. We've all been firends for over 5 years, i can trust these guys. But, we trip without a sitter. If a friend of mine starts freaking out, i've noticed that the "bad vibe" really spreads. It can make me feel pretty bad. Is this normal, preventable? Next time we will probably trip with a sitter.

Again, no magic trick ; jusy know that it is normal to be oversensitive to your environment (that is why it is often said to cautiously care the set and setting), and to be affected by one of your fellow trippers bad trip. The best way to avoid it is to be loving and caring. I know it sounds kinda lame, but telling your firends that everything is cool, patting his shoulder, or reminfing him that he is in a safe place with friends who love him (her) will generally work.

As far as tripping alone goes, it depends on the people ; to some, it is the only enjoyable way to trip. As far as I am concerned, I do not like it. In any case, you should be comfortable with the molecule you are using, which implies at least some experience. In any way, make sure the rip you plan to do alone does not convey a physical risk for yourself. It is a really dumb way to die.
you worrying about other people will just increase the likely hood of you having a "bad vibe" if your not a too confidant tripper its best to keep away from people who don't no how to react to a bad trip it will just lead to a domino effect .oh and by the way some one mentioned vitamin c which is an MAO inhibitor which will effect the tripp some claim it will increase in others say it will have adverse effects, probably best to stay away from maoi if your worried about the tripp.
Kalifornia a dit:
2. is tripping alone a good idea? When i'm more experienced of course. I know people do it, but i can imagine feeling lonely.

It's one that is neither good nor bad. It's entirely a personal decision. In recent years, I've always been alone and quite enjoyed myself. As long as you are comfortable by yourself, tripping by yourself is fine.
Couple of bits of advice:

1. LIMIT your intake: As suggested before, only do 1.5 g at first to see where it goes, and then if it feels alright, drop more, or just experience the ride as it is.
2. DON'T drink the tea: The tea is very tricky, and sometimes it can take a bit longer to feel the full effects, and this means you will sit there for an hour, and say.. Oh, that was piss.. Let's do some more.. And 8 cups later, that first 2 is hitting you, and then you are there for the duration.. Now, you might be in for a good time.. But likely once you have done that with the shrooms, it's going to be a very weird ride at the least.

3. Uhmmm... Well, My last bit of advice would be to not do shrooms at the age of 17... But to each their own... Everyone has a path to walk.. May you find the one you are meant to find...
nobody is going to be banned for not introducing themselves, but it is recommended...

i would advise anyone new to tripping to NOT plan a day about it. what i mean by this is to trip on a day when they will have NO obligations that day, or the day after. if your plan was to go to a party later that night or run some errands at some point, then it is not going to go well... plan to do nothing but lay around wherever it is one decides to do them. if one feels like doing something AFTER the peak, then by all means go at it.

i think the majority of bad trips occur when the person takes a psychedelic, and then tries to function like they would an any other type of drug. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
ophiuchus a dit:
nobody is going to be banned for not introducing themselves, but it is recommended...

i would advise anyone new to tripping to NOT plan a day about it. what i mean by this is to trip on a day when they will have NO obligations that day, or the day after. if your plan was to go to a party later that night or run some errands at some point, then it is not going to go well... plan to do nothing but lay around wherever it is one decides to do them. if one feels like doing something AFTER the peak, then by all means go at it.

i think the majority of bad trips occur when the person takes a psychedelic, and then tries to function like they would an any other type of drug. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Very True... I made this mistake myself... I figured we would have some shroom tea before work one day, we normally did wake and bakes, so we figured we could hack it... Let's just say that day at work SUCKED the big one, and the day after sucked even more because we had to explain a LOT of shit, and had double the work because we didn't get jack shit done the day before :(
ophiuchus a dit:
nobody is going to be banned for not introducing themselves, but it is recommended... .

Nope, but for being 17, surely.
Doing shrooms at 17... Hmmm, I was more into weed and getting laid myself :D

However, one more bit of advice came to mind... Don't tell anyone you're 17 and doing shrooms...