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Perfect recipe for Pot Brownies?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mrboxey
  • Date de début Date de début


Elfe Mécanique
So, the holidays are fast approaching and I love the fact that we can have some pot brownies and enjoy them at parties...

Has anyone got any really good recipes for pot brownies?

I have been looking around, but I'm looking for something new and exciting, any help would be greatly appreciated.. And no, it's not the same thing as looking up a good brownie recipe and adding pot :P
Really? Well, yes, assuming that you use traditional ingredients, nobody should have any adverse reactions, and people know what are in brownies, right? Also, I don't know, has anyone ever had an allergic reaction to cannabis? I haven't seen any mention online....
Well the womans reaction to takeing a illegal drug to her frame of mind colapsed and she had an anzity attack
The best edible iv ever had was weed creamcheese pound cake. But here you all go... The secret to the best butter(well most potent). Take your butter let it get to room temp or squishy, DO NOT HEAT and if you have to heat it let the butter cool down alittle. Whip the butter in a mixer once smooth an whippy let sit for a minute then whip your bud in on a slow speed. There you have it use that butter for whatever you please :) if the recipe calls for oil... Use butter anyway lol or get a butane extraction going :D there iv shared my secret to the psychonauts :)
Hmmm... I have never just let the butter go on its own like that.... I'll definitely have to give it a try. And you whip it in on a low setting huh... Sounds interesting... Gonna have to give that method a try.

I was also told that the best way to do it (and not be noticed) was to pop it into garlic butter and make some nice garlic bread... But you can't use garlic butter in brownies :p
:D lol garlic brownies. fyi THC is fat soluble. I always make puna butter then cook with that. And thc is not water souble so that's why bongs do filtter out some bad stuff when you smoke out of them but there are other compounds that get you stoned in pot and I don't know of there solubilaty as of yet :D

I say whip it because thc is vary sensitive to heat and light if I can make puna butter with no heat ill have more potincey. Sorry for my bad spelling lol I'm to lazy to look up the correct spelling on this phone atm.
drizzit a dit:
:D lol garlic brownies. fyi THC is fat soluble. I always make puna butter then cook with that. And thc is not water souble so that's why bongs do filtter out some bad stuff when you smoke out of them but there are other compounds that get you stoned in pot and I don't know of there solubilaty as of yet :D

I say whip it because thc is vary sensitive to heat and light if I can make puna butter with no heat ill have more potincey. Sorry for my bad spelling lol I'm to lazy to look up the correct spelling on this phone atm.

Very true. And hey, Garlic Ice Cream works, so why not garlic brownies :D

On a side note, since it is hot here, I let the butter melt and whipped it like you said, got it mixed in on low setting so I think I got the consistency right. I put the weed in a coffee bean grinder so it came out a nice consistency.

Let's see if it works! :D

Although, I have given up on the brownies... I'm going to do some toll house cookies instead.
:D cookies ftw! I'm happy as hell your tryin it give the bud about an hr or so to take affect after you eat your cookies.
Yep... Eat one cookie, wait an hour... See what happens... Then I guess wait for about another 4, see how I feel before popping another one ;)
Was it nice mang?