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Why do I only have partial control over lucid dreams?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion beefcharcoal
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Glandeuse Pinéale
Whenever I have a lucid dream, I try to do things out of the ordinary but I'm limited by rationalisation. Last night I had another lucid dream and tried to fly, but my feet only left the ground for a second. I tried to win a lot of money but only won a little. Why did I even need money in a dream?
Yeah that's some interesting questions man. Last time i dreamt that i was aware of my dreaming state & so i flew but it was quite difficult as i was constantly strugglin with the gravity, and needed extreme speed to be able to get off the ground.
I'm really looking forward to the night i have a decent lucid dream, like Wiley Wiggins in Waking Life slowly starting to levitate when he realizes the light switch doesn't work.
Fuck realism :angry:
yeah everyone seems to be able to do extraordinary things in their lucid dreams and i just cant seem to handle it and get past the 'reality' which sucks. I'm hoping I can somehow train my mind to forget about reality. Any ideas on how to do this?
I don't know about you but my problem is that my dreams aren't lucid enough. Like 65% lucidity 35% determinism you know ? I think that if i had the same awareness i have in my waking life i would be able to do really whatever i want (but i still have to explore lucid dreaming, it only happened to me twice).

I mean, if you're really lucid, you know perfectly that you're not in what we call reality. To me that's the proper way to forget about it
Yes what you explained seems to fir my perfectly. Any ideas on 'how to make them more lucid' haha?
I've never been able to have lucid dreams.. I've had a couple where I have thought, "wouldn't it be cool if"... And boom it happened, but actual "Matrix"-like control, nope..

If I could and I could lucid dream I'd be in there banging porn stars till the cows came home :D
maybe you have formed a split personality lol... but don't panic lol!!!

i guess my interpretation would be something similar to how it's said in the movie "waking life", that you are wakewalking through your dreams and sleepwalking through your waking life.
maybe you have stretched your imagination too much so to say... or rather... not stretched it enough... ;)
it could mean you should or could dream more in the waking life so you can really sleep in the dreams so to say...
i would say it's a reality paradigm thing or so...
how can you counter the exagerated rationalisation responsibly.. do you know what it's based on?? i think it's often fear and sometimes very strange society fears or so...

maybe you don't believe so much that so many things are possible in your waking life and this influences the dreams...
so it could also mean to go beyond fear...
i have read that taking fear to a psychological level is simply making it more complicated...
probably "sometimes" it can be good to just feel the feeling whatever it is.. than to suppress it...
even if or maybe even especially if it's fear...

wow braineater that sound complicated. I would never have thought of it that way.
well maybe it sounds more complicated than it really is... and maybe some dreams are synchronistic or so... whatever that may mean lol... lol but i dunno man... it's only speculation...

basically i guess in some sense it's true that what i think sigmund freud said, that unconscious desires get fulfilled in the dream state...
maybe this just means how little we truly understand ourselves...
i think also that obviously it's got to do with will and will power...
you're probably not aware enough of your will and hence have no real power over or through your will.. if that makes sense... :)
it's like maybe you want money, but not at all cost and hence only got some.. that would be logical from some perspective.. and at least to some extent or so it's also like even in dreams you have to practice shit lol...
or you were afraid of flying too much or had not enough trust/faith in your power...

beefcharcoal a dit:
Whenever I have a lucid dream, I try to do things out of the ordinary but I'm limited by rationalisation. Last night I had another lucid dream and tried to fly, but my feet only left the ground for a second. I tried to win a lot of money but only won a little. Why did I even need money in a dream?

From my understanding... The reason is that when we are sleeping the part of the brain that deals with rationalization which explains the clouded lucidity you experience.

Listen to your dreams as they are trying to tell you something. What it is, I would not know but it is something only you would know. Read up on money as a dream sign and think deep about whether it applies to you.

Dream Moods: Your Dream Symbol Interpretation
Yeah... I still say lucid dreams would be me having an AWESOME party with like 4 or 5 chicks :D

But yes, I do believe dreams can have deep meaning, and other times can have no meaning at all.. And sometimes, they come when you least expect them too.. Example, I had a dream last night related to something I hadn't thought of in months, and not sure why it happened to pop its way into my dreams last night....
Yeah I've had the same experience where something happens in a dream that I havent thought of or done for months. I use to think that dreams didnt mean anything, but then last year I went through a bit of a rough patch use to have a crazy ass dream of Hitler chasing me through a childrens soft play area.

Also I've came to realise that when I get stressed I have a recurring dream of my teeth falling out.

Weird :paranoid:
The teeth falling out represents anxiety. That much I have learned...

Hitler chasing you through a child's play area... Sounds to me as if you feel like someone is treating you unfairly (being a nazi) and critical of something you have done recently, and it makes you feel like a child, which you aren't.

Are you a child in the dream? Or are you your normal self?
Yeah I did some research into the teeth falling out because I would get paranoid that my teeth would randomly just fall out in real life.

In the dream I am my normal self. I'm also pretty calm (not as terrified as I'd imagine I'd be if the situation were real haha). Sometimes I'm with a friend (not someone I know in real life though).

Very Strange..
Actually, supposedly everyone who appears in our dreams are someone we have seen before, if even for an instant. Someone in the background, or a person we saw in line waiting to pay bills at the bank.. so someone you might not know, but still seen...

It's weird how the mind can soak up so much information and us not really be aware of how much information is stored in there.

I'd love to be able to use 100% of the power of my brain.. Recall everything down to the last detail on command... Must be awesome...
I liked braineaters point of not believing in possibilties in real life and thus having troubles with them in dream. what I also think is that even though more things are possible in dreams, I doubt it is possible to have complete control over them in much the same way you don't have complete control in real life - it is the unaccounted-for that makes life interesting anyway.
dreaming and waking may or may not be very different from each other - both are states in which something seems to be going on.

I think that dreaming doesn't solely take place in the head, as our cultural assumption seems to be. with that in mind I don't think that it is neither possible nor desirable to have full control. but yeah, learning to fly shouldn't be too much of a trouble ;) keep trying
Mrboxey a dit:
I'd love to be able to use 100% of the power of my brain.. Recall everything down to the last detail on command... Must be awesome...

Would be super useful for my exams, must say!
ararat a dit:
I liked braineaters point of not believing in possibilties in real life and thus having troubles with them in dream. what I also think is that even though more things are possible in dreams, I doubt it is possible to have complete control over them in much the same way you don't have complete control in real life - it is the unaccounted-for that makes life interesting anyway.
dreaming and waking may or may not be very different from each other - both are states in which something seems to be going on.

I think that dreaming doesn't solely take place in the head, as our cultural assumption seems to be. with that in mind I don't think that it is neither possible nor desirable to have full control. but yeah, learning to fly shouldn't be too much of a trouble ;) keep trying

Thanks for the input. Very interesting points you made there. Yeah I think the same, I think like real life you can only control your own actions, and even then they depend on the context.
Well... Here's a question for you... If you had 100% control over your dreams, wouldn't it stand to reason you would have full control over your sleep?

And as we know, sense of time in dreams can be really whack... so... What's to say that maybe having 100% control of our dreams would be a bad thing? I mean.. Think about it... You have 100% control over your dream, hence when you wake up... I'd think some people might extend too much, even by accident, and wind up crapping the bed for example, or forgetting to eat... And to the extreme, what if you stayed in there for what seemed like a day, but you really spent two days in bed???
Yeah I 100% understand what you're saying. I wonder if your body would allow that to happen. I imagine you would lose control of the dream and wake up once your body is ready. Would be interesting to find out though.
I also wonder if it is possible that if you had 100% control of your dream, would reality eventually replace your dreams. Like I mean would your subconscious know you need food, so while in the dream you could sleep walk etc and get food and do what you need to survive without actually waking up?