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the money system is evil

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well yeah man, maybe the money system is in some sense a lesson for humanity... for example someone said money equals freedom. and well in the human condition this equals enslavement. because it's like a degree of enslavement is mostly not so obviously put on the individuals if they engage with the money system that has a insect like similar structure or so in that sense.
well but also humans are pigs and the pig-insects are those that harm the system a lot, that maybe in principle wouldn't have been so bad. well who knows... i think it's good that one group of people does this and another that etc etc...
but they should also love what they do and not be forced so much into having to love it or so... it's strange to explain...
and then also as i mentioned before it's simply kind of inhumane in the distribution, because there's more than enough for everybody...
in general i also think that it should be thought about abuse more deeply.. maybe one aspect of that could be how we are pushed into ego thinking way too much instead of more naturally finding a good way or so... or like fat people... i dunno lol it's all a bit like kindergarden on another level in a way..

or maybe you could see it a bit like a strategy game... the western people first have exploited all people around the world to get built up really fast and well and now it should be the turn to give a lot of shit back....
a lot of structures are established here so maybe we could recognize that in the end we would be even helping ourselves if we helped the other countries now more and more to let themselves build up and then it can be thought about how much we can help them by telling them our mistakes as a culture and system that we hade made etc etc...

i think the animal farm riddle is that in a metaphoric sense how much the people are willing to sacrifice harmoney for power... and as i said before how and how much the people turn to animals.
it's like not the nazis were right and not the communists and hence also not the communist-nazis. but maybe you can get a meaningful conclusion of that. like how common sense is seemingly a zeitgeist phenomenom and maybe evolves a bit like how computers and computer programs can evolve.
i just think there has to come out a new kind of people after the nazis, the communists and the communist-nazis.
and i also sometimes think that communist-nazis are the worst kind, because it seems they can be like viruses that evolve in a bad way. and it's like they are just agitated/incited groups that are played out against each other.
one of the main basic idiot programs that allows people to be played out against each other is like thinking that it can't be good for everyone. and i really think there are some people that only want such disgusting power at the cost of the whole society.. they don't want us to be free because their freedom is probably a different kind of freedom and depending on our not-freedom. and this is all mental limitation based on system-thinking, because system-thinking is not evolved enough and only based on fears and greed etc etc...
and the hand that feeds is a concept that is also being abused... i tell you these bastards want our souls...
maybe it's like we should get back to the old ways in some sense...
i just think we could even become self-sufficient like gods if we look more within and can be truly honest to ourselves without all the society and TV manipulation fear and anxiety crap etc etc... :'(

and then learning and violence.. i think this is one of the programs of society... to be forced to learn... and in some sense sure that's necessary but at some points it's maybe accepted too much without reflecting anymore about it.
so unlearning can be of great value. in that context maybe learning again simply means that something wasn't learned properly.
i guess one of the most important things is once again simply that you should learn to listen to and understand your feelings.

i want to warn you... try to be very aware when someone tries to push you into learning something. because this can be abused in a not very nice way. the best example is maybe with some tv programs and advertisements that they play at certain times certain sequences of sounds that can subliminally trigger shit... so this is just what disgusts me and how they can make their stupid puppets like that.. bastards!!!...
or strange ego-compensations... some people have no empathy at all and you better push your own free will button before it's too late.
i don't know i am just sick of all that shit...

regarding the drinking example i would say that some people are deadlocked/conservative in their thinking a lot like our culture in the western world is to some extent.
it's like they need something to cling to... like for example religion or drinking.
with your drinking example it probably means either that they can partly let go and/or are learning not only one lesson.

hmmm i think my conclusion to the topic is that a lot of the money-system difficulty is basically based on the assumption that it's not mind over matter.
hmm i just got another thought like where a money-system could be compared a bit to an organism, where the cells and groups of cells etc etc trade all their shit in a cyclic system... kind of interesting... organs or man and woman? hm lol..?? nah, that idea is too strange lol...
maybe the idea of cycles should be taken a closer look at...

i have heard that at first all the money was simply based on a amount of gold, but maybe this isn't so anymore or there are other bases or so??? maybe they are fooling us bigtime already man... just saying...
it's like they are telling us "get back in line and shut up."
maybe we all just need to have more mirrors so they can't drag us into their stupid evil shit.
well i am not saying all is stupid or evil...
i am just saying maybe the treasure when we look within is possibly infininitely greater than playing their stupid ego games or so. if you ask me balance and inner peace are more the way to go than playing the rat race "game or so".

All money is worth what TPTB say it is worth my friend... The worst part of the money system slavery, is that it's not even based on anything real anymore :(

However, commercialism, capitalism, are both alive and well, and of course the greatest evil of them all is commercialism.

You see, we are taught that we have these voids in our lives that can only be filled up by buying an obscene amount of shit we don't need, and really we don't want it, we only want it because we are told we want it. It's amazing how simple brainwashing really is, and it happens every day right there in your living room on the TV, or on your computer via the internet. We are bombarded with ads telling us we "want this" or we "NEED that"... It's sickening. The holidays are the worst time of year for commercialism.

Oh, and what they don't tell you, is that by falling into their trap and actually believing that having all this shit can actually fill any sort of void in your life, you obviously feel let down, and the void gets that much larger, and thus you need to buy even more shit to fill it up... It's a never ending vicious circle man... and I don't think it's ever going to end...

Maybe that's why we are so hell bent on our destruction, and look for it around every corner... Because we know that before we are truly free, we need to basically hit the big old reset button... Although, it would probably only take a short while before the damn money system slavery started again :(
hmm you mean like systems within systems and/or subsystems...??
well i think it has become also something like lifestyle propaganda connected with spying... if you can see it like connected to the movie and music culture or other shit...
or like some people make a program and propagate it and people can supposedly more or less choose whether they want to buy or accept the program or so...

it's like they can tell you how they want you to react suggesting that you act... well it's not easy to explain...
but yeah just take it easy... take your own time and just don't become too paranoid.. that's basically it...

i would sometimes maybe even go as far as saying that systems like capitalism and movie/music culture or other shit
can create bigger powers or entities in the form of energy... because at some points all they seem to do is to put more
pressure on the people.
and well if you ask me, it's relatively obvious that human beings are not always better under pressure..

in that sense i would conclude it's a lot about the dehumanisation and how to counter it... that's why i mentioned philosophy before... but of course it's not like... "hey they have a philosophy so let's just accept everything they say without questioning."
no not at all lol...

and again a short mention of fascism and communism... well i would say hitler has understood a certain idea... that people can become like animals... but hasn't used it properly... and communism understood that the community is important, "basically"...

but yeah relatively obviously nazi-communism is not really the solution either.. just look at TV and then look at the real world and then look at the differences and look at what the differences they tell you are supposed to be...
it's a bit like kindergarden level or so... the question is when and why they could overcome the kindergarden level... :Oo:

and socialism is not yet successful enough, because capitalism/commercialism "spirit" pushes people into having to be egoistic.
however it's probably not all lost.. it's just not found the optimal balance or so yet...
the energy concept seems to be confused.

a good indicator can be when and how people laugh.

Mrboxey a dit:
The worst part of the money system slavery, is that it's not even based on anything real anymore :(
right now money is backed by the growth of the economy, which is why growth is treated as the holy grail by so many economists, so in that sense it still is based on something real. if the economy stops growing, money looses its value, we get inflation and all the troubles connected with that.

the thing with money that makes me very optimistic is that its potential to do tremendous harm may just as well be used to do tremendous good. all the things that money favours right now, depletion of natural resources (so that the economy may grow), monetization of relationships, etc., arise out of the need to bring more and more things into the monetized realm.
if money wasn't backed by the growth of the economy, but by the nature, culture and relationships that are still intact/untouched by economy, we'd live in a radically different world. we cut down forests because the money that we get from it becomes more in a bank account. if it became less (negative interest) we'd think twice whether it is necessary to cut down the forest after all.
what makes me kind of pessimistic, though, is that I have no idea how to change the money. may still take a lot of time.
Well, may be true... However, I'd still like someone to point out WHERE in the current economy is there growth at the moment? I have seen almost everything go spiraling down as if in a flushed toilet. Wages are down, and the price of everything else is up....
this is the whole problem that we being faced with, we are running out of things that can be monetized, hence the crisis. the physical world was the first to be depleted, after that we started to monetize the social realm, things that did neighbours for each other like looking after their kids and so on were monetized by paid childcare, and so it happened with a lot of relationships. then you can monetize the cultural realm, the spiritual realm etc. as long as there are things you can make money out of the economy prospers, it is like a pyramid-scheme, we've hit the bottom now.
after some time you just run out of stuff to monetize, and this is when economists speak of stagnation, and we are faced with the prospect of inflation because money looses its worth, since the economy isn't growing anymore and money derives its value from the growth of the economy.

money embodies what is sacred or holy to a society, and for the past few hundred years it was growth and expansion, but we are hitting our very, very limits right now. we need people to let go of the growth dogma and realize that we need a money that represents what is becoming sacred to us today, conservation of nature, community building, respect for mother earth and each other. such a money is possible and necessary if we want to stay on this planet.
What if the idea of money just disappears?

What if ALL religions are removed?

What if all of humanity was COMPLETELY equal?

The monetary system needs to go. With the technology we have now, the human race as a WHOLE can achieve infinite greatness. The only thing stopping us is the idea that if the product does not bring profit, it is a waste of time. Just think about it.

The fact that you need money to get food is outstanding.

Why does education cost money? The only reason I am able to reply to this thread is because I have a scholarship and am using the University's internet. Why is it that every morning at school we all had to say the pledge of allegiance?

The only reason people say "knowledge is power" is because of the money it can bring. In fact knowledge is not power, money is power, but I'm sure you guys already realize that...

Imagine if everyone had free education. If every single human being's potential was tapped; The unlimited wonder is unfathomable.

Just think about it. We are all blank slates when we are born. Every last one of us. We are all shaped by the sum of our total experience in life.This is what we call our "human nature" or "personality".

You see the women with the culture that says they must cover all their body with sheets. And if they don't, they are ridiculed and sometimes even killed.
If they were not brought up in that kind of society, they would not behave in that way. If a human is born and kept in a room, never to leave, never to read or learn anything, never to see anyone, the human will not become anything. The reason it is hard to reject this fact is supported by what happened to the girl named Genie. Just look it up and you will see.

We are only able to think as for as we know. If you try to change the mind of a person, challenging the very foundation of all they know in their entire existence, it is very unlikely you will succeed, especially with religion. If you are not brought up with a religious background and never even hear about God, you will not be religious. This should make sense to people, with logic, but if one's logic deriving process is corrupted, if one does not even allow something to make sense, it is useless. Sure, something is keeping all of matter and space intact, but the origin of this, in human interpretation, has utterly lost it's way.

The truth everybody knows is that the human world needs to just be removed from existence or revolutionized, or the species will cease to exist.
Getting rid of all money is a certain goal, however, it's not going to get anywhere real fast as we have pointed out in this thread... Knowledge should be free for everyone, however, as you yourself mentioned Jack... There is no incentive for people to teach if they don't get some sort of "reward" back.

Dire straights we are in... Only thing I can think of is just getting the world and splitting it into two factions... Those that want the money system, and those that don't... And see which one flourishes... My guess is the money system one. Unfortunately, we as a race are not ready to fully tap our potential...
i think all of you have mentioned some good points although i wouldn't say i necessarily agree with absolutely everything or so... well my conclusion is that money systems are a mix of cycles of occultism and cycles of society... and well, occultism is just like society not the same for everybody... have you considered the history of the money systems?? how they probably all have got to do with various sorts/levels or even perceptions/projections or so (dunno what would be the best way to explain it) of peace and war and the supposed ideas of civilisation/culture etc etc...
for example think of it as a strategy game but also roleplay, action, adventure, etc etc and hmmm... probably of course also movies lol...in order to make it more interesting or so. just an idea... in this regard the term civilisation makes sense to mention, because we are a so called civilisation and now think of the whole and how the advance of everyone and i really mean everyone on the planet, is being held back by "some definitions/perspectives of culture and civilisation". it's some balance that is missing globally... for example "fortress europe" or americanism, both terms that in my opinion partially and particularly have something very negative to them... i have said it before somewhere else, that we as a "western culture" have robbed and exploited many other countries beyond supposedly civilised behaviour or so... so i would say the new age should be about more humaneness and empathy, then the planet will be a real success.
and now also an imagination help.. i would say the terms cycles of occultism and society simply could mean a polarisation aspect or factor of the humaneness/dehumanisation balance... for example think of the term work horses or other similar terms and then mental/physical/emotional "healing systems/programs cycles or so and money system cycles"... if you can use your brain, that should possibly say it all. just one of many stupidity/intelligence test damn reminders: pharma and music "industry"... :idea:

the question is probably what do we have to learn from the money system and the evolution of it? i think the main lesson is harmony and to be nice to each other, because that seems to be one of the main problems... together is almost always nicer, but we should treat each other appropriately. if we have to exploit each other there should definately be a bottom line or so... to exploit each other nicely lol that's pathetic.. :D :roll: i would say the solution is simply a more "equal money system" and this would also affect the society and how it works etc etc... that the gap between rich and poor is going to disappear more and more, if we go together in the right direction instead of letting us be played out against each other. because like that, not only the poor will be the losers but also the rich. like that, the money system can be balanced more in terms of stupidity test or intelligence test... irregardless, i don't like many rich people, but also not many poor people and middle class people. i guess the question could probably be something like when and how will poker sites be money systems by themselves?? well... cards... :Oo: :Oo: :Oo:
for example maybe there are different stages of money system evolution... and the cards that the people play out and maybe also how they play the cards means how the system will advance or not advance. the probability factor could simply be compared to the uncertainty principle that is known from physics. maybe a bit like guidelines or so... basically how people treat themselves, each other and the world. the question is whether it can be totally be avoided that we are being played out against each other. for example whether we could use that to our advantage... well i think there are always different groups/classes/kinds of people that would be nice and/or complain about each other and the unattached observer would probably notice how and whether the people would only want to exploit each other. whether they are able to make a plan together or can only make their own plans.
in other words how much the concept of ego is an obstacle or a stepping stone or so...

think of big and small nations and corporations, tv and internet :question: :? ... big fish and little fish and "the net or the fishing-rod" lol... :Oo: :? :lol: :retard:
one of the things that i dislike most is that it seems sometimes as if you have to be an asshole to succeed in the money system or should it be called rat race system? but what if not everyone wants to be a rat?? seriously, why can't it be good for everybody??? :? there are really a lot of people that are for a certain reason or so not willing or able to believe that it can be good for everybody and it could be that this probably has got to do with the "concept of ego". i can repeat one main issue. there is definately more than enough for everybody in most of the western world and this says it all (=we are wasting some ressources). the dehumanisation factor should be turned around. as i mentioned before i just hate or lament the for some more and for some less obvious growing meaninglessnes etc etc...the rich want to put us under pressure, so we probably should do the same to them, but multiplicated. :puke::angry: there are many ways to apply pressure... :Oo: but also i really don't think that it should still be a rich vs poor game or so... that's too retarded.. it's probably more about sophistication and/or that we know what we are really doing. we simply need god! and possibly more understanding about astrology and life-science.

maybe for example if there is so much shit that is there to buy we need enough people that buy the shit... i say we need more consumers so there is a community friendly aspect to it also... that the people get together to consume lol... or how do you think should that sort of aspect be balanced or so?? should there be more people that don't have a lot of money and think they need more all the time but can't have it, however also are possibly training or pushing themselves in not wanting more, or should there be more people that think all the time they need more or don't think they need more but can have it etc etc.. ??... i figured that it's indeed to a certain extent a societal control thing... that some people must think along the lines of: "do i want that a lot of people can have this or that shit (too)"? :roll:
don't get me wrong... i don't want a control state... not at all... i just want something like a certain minimum degree of humaneness and healthy common sense!! well an approximation could maybe be a healthy concept similar to "checks and balances" of the US. sadly that still a lot of politicians in the US and so many other countries seem to be corrupt etc etc... maybe the question is what's the best way to get rid of or integrate the corruption in a meaningful way... understand?? it's like politics is show business for ugly people... but what if they get some shows are they then happy and can be better servants to society, which is supposedly the function of politicians? just joking a little bit, but there is also truth in it... it's like they can have their ego pushed or inflated and if the population abuse the retarded personalities of the politicians in the right way then they can possibly have more or better shit etc etc... mind you it's just some ideas and simple speculation..
for example as retarded and ugly as a lot of politicians are, if we want them to be nice, we should be nice to them and then if they don't react, we can draw our own conclusions etc etc... it's as simple as that. and towards the argument of intimidating mathematics... what about a "new class" of peaceful people or so? :smirk:

well sometimes people think they are good while they are not.. debunk/expose/unmask are the key words right there... and sometimes people push their luck and/or bluff too much and/or not enough from another perspective... understand? :) :Oo:
also just thought again of the term "monetized relationships"..i think it's more or less obvious how the individual and collective dehumanisation is possibly measured by how monetized relationships are. in that sense knowledge is power, because it's always like a more or less humane game that is being played. if you want robots think about what empathy would mean to them. i think there would be different kinds of robots.. for example those that only care about having fresh air or others that have ego issues that they think they have to project and then maybe some that are mentally enslaved by animal behaviour patterns or so (= possibly they don't really know what it "really" means to be really human) etc etc.. maybe you will understand when you will see animal robots... :\\ :( of course all varieties can be imagined and well basically after having been shocked by TV and the idiots that can come with it quite a few times i came to the conclusion that you are in a advanced position if you are aware that you don't have to buy their shit or programs or so and can think for yourself. mental limitation is something that such people want to sell you. please beware and be aware! lol!!! :|
sometimes it's funny, but sometimes it's just sad... really... :crybaby: :(

and maybe it's a bit drastic or so but i don't care .. there's a saying on a wall in the street where i live: "only when the last capitalist is hanged with the intestines of the last bureaucrat, will we know what freedom is." not sure whether i remember it totally right now, but i just thought i'd mention that. :!:
i think it means that governments have been fooling us way too much ... that hasn't changed so much in the last centuries. classism and/or/vs individualism is still the issue... planet of the apes or common sense...:puke: :paranoid: :?
but life should be fun... :roll: :-|

Have you guys heard of the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project?

They are lengthy but they explain a lot.
I am not really sure that to what is right to go for money system or not. But i think the need is to distribute and control it equally and more effectively. As the factor of in-equivalent distribution always disturbs the system and leads to too many probs. That could just be resolved by some proper and correct measures, rules and regulations by higher financial authorities.
well i guess that's basically it. it's been said a lot already but not done properly everywhere. the fairness aspect.. how people and nature are so much exploited and that should have limits. so yeah what if higher financial authorities are corrupt ?... then it would be more difficult to fight it or get rid of it, because there would probably even be something like rings of corruption.. but yeah i also think a lot of the rich people at least in some sense or some of them are similar to mafia or so..
anyway do you guys think it makes a difference whether you only think you should become rich or you wish weahlth and prosperity for everyone? if you ask me, there can be a difference because it's all energy etc etc.. but not ony that. it also means maybe such people don't really understand how society functions well... isn't it at least relatively logical that it would be better for everyone if wealth is more widespread than focussed only in a few people? basically that more people are wealthy. because often it seemed to me that maybe in principle the happiness of people depends on food, cloths and shelter. of course it's a bit different everywhere and for everyone, but i just think more wealth in general would also lead to more peace. it's interesting to think about it. personally, i can tell i have given up on accepting limited argumentations in terms of paradigms and perspectives. because if you can't imagine something, then is it more or less likely to experience it in reality? and then what bothers me somewhat to a lot is also how people are being played out against each other without noticing and there is so much shit but they can't get it and are being made crazy like that...or like 5 or more bakeries or so next to each other .. i mean i want that all people can afford good food and especially with food so that it's not wasted because nobody buys the shit... it doesn't help the sellers and not the buyers, both sides lose lol... like this people are more being divided by food instead of united... in my opinion with competition it should be similar like with egoism... it should be healthy... and that also means watching a bit out for others etc etc... shit like that... i hope you know what i mean!!... a possible conclusion: maybe it's even going into a direction where inflation would make real sense, because it seems there has also been an inflation in products and services and whatnot.. lol hmm just some ideas .. enough for now... :roll:

ophiuchus a dit:
the only way to correct a problem is to first recognize it as a problem. living in a rainforest? why don't you bring something real to the debate? is escapism your idea of problem solving? nobody should have to abandon society. there is no reason why society should not evolve, and talking about it is how to direct the nature of that change. is there a problem with that?
Ah when it comes to problems theres an easy solution. I hope you don't mind if I borrow from one great mans thoughts? "Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem". Hell even S. Hussein learnt it when he was exile in Cairo, Egypt.
lol yeah man... rofl... great idea...:lol: well if you ask me it's about the ability to dream or something like that as weird as that may sound... concerning death i would say what if people learn to differentiate between sleeping and dreaming?... that would probably be weird lol... but maybe it would eventually lead to a revolution of the idea/concept of mind or so? who knows...
anyway to me the notion of death simply means that humans are limited. :roll:
hmm this reminds me a little bit of the book "brave new world" by aldous huxley.. the story is a lot about the twisted soul of the "modern world" or so... for example classism and classes of happy slaves... i think it's very alarming!!.. i would say a lot of people are selling their souls in one way or another... what some people are willing to do for money... :? hmmm but yeah i remember that also terrence mc kenna warned a lot againt cultures and ideologies.

peace :weed:
Hmm everything said above is interesting but in a way lets me stunned.
well i think it's actually notably interesting or at least certainly notable that the subject of death got involved... i suppose this could probably say a lot by itself in its own way. maybe it's for some people more and for others less an argument that's more or less self-explanatory.

so no need to talk about that more... right?? hell no... what about important questions like reincarnation... if a money system dies as what or how would it reincarnate or not reincarnate?? etc etc... :Oo: i guess i'm simply looking at it from such an angle, because money seems to be so "important". in these times it's metals, papers or digits... also, isn't it at least relatively obvious that money has been becoming more and more unreal or something like that "at least in some sense" and can you draw a really meaningful conclusion that makes sense? maybe think of reality and evolution of thought. but there's probably many levels of "means to the end" concepts or so? i think it should be obvious that over the course of history money systems or what supposedly drives them or so have been expanding or trying to expand, nevertheless it should also be obvious that expansions are not always good or at least certainly not always good for everyone. from what i've seen it seemed to me it's part of or besides society traits, something what can set directions of how a society is or is not working or evolving. i think this means that people should consider and think about when their alarm bells ring in terms of something like submission or revolution.
that's the point... that people should not just give up their individuality and personality because of what they are being told at work. :roll: in my opinion this means that if you are very aware you can see whether a money system is based on war on relatively subtle levels. well i know the fight for survival can be seen everywhere in nature, but humanity has taken that shit to a whole other level which is not really natural at all anymore.
now... what else is there to say... do people really think the money systems have a mission or is saying that or not saying that just being misused a lot to justify the self-righteousness that is from their perspective something else or so... of course....or other shit like that... up to you!!!! really??? :roll: isn't it obviously questionable if supposedly relatively not obviously what is considered authority is telling us not to question.
hmm so... if i would want to summarize it because all the stupid talking gets a little bit on my nerves, because at least the somewhat prevailing impression i keep getting is that not so many listen anyway or the people who could make the changes don't really listen. that doesn't get us anywhere. we need more drastic measures.
i guess it's probably a bit like in the a middle ages... and if history repeats like that what exactly could be the real lesson? i tell you, it can all change really fast, actually faster than we may or can think... if the right buttons are pushed, enough people wake up... etc etc... seriously... :x lol that reminds me of a quote from a movie... maybe it fits somewhat. "first you got to get mad, you got to say "i'm a human being my life has value! god damnit!" "
so i guess that probably means what money systems and what can come with them does or can do to the human spirit and mind. crazy shit...:| :angry:

a possible short summary would be: all "we" want, if i can speak for more people than myself, is more "real" fairness. if you ask me i would say it should be clear that if someone does a tough and exhausting job, there should be a proper payment. the important step in that process should probably be for example having to do the work by yourself in order to know from experience how hard the work really is. it's basic common sense opposed by purely exploitative considerations... i suppose that has been like that for a very long time on this planet. well it's like it seems to me, many test how far they can go... actually a bit like in the animal world. evaluation of ranks or so and then use or abuse of them.
and if some people want to be animals... alright for them... but what if some people simply want to be people... ?? maybe the book and movie "animal farm" is generally also interesting to look at it in that context.
is it true that some people only work in order to get the money.. sort of like the end justifies the means... and others work because of aspects like adventure, community, experience, training or maybe simply any form of rewards or advancement in general? are especially ant or insect principles or maybe also other natural principles "translated" in general missunderstood, not so much looked at and/or simply not evolved enough or too evolved whatever that may mean in local regions and/or widespread areas etc etc...?
i am not sure whether i can bring the terrence mc kenna quote often enough in context to "culture", but not sure whether i remember it right.. anyway... it was something like: "what we need as a culture/civilisation or so is an awakening." what about a nicer story for possibly each and everyone and all the planet??? really... :?:
to make that a little bit clearer and to sum it up, now one more terrence mc kenna quote, but i also don't remember it right lol...: "it's good to have a plan. if you don't have a plan, it's likely you will be part of someone else's plan."
but then again.. i guess even that can be good and/or bad... go figure... :Oo: ;)
so if you ask me, maybe the mission of humanity or the lesson or challenge of money systems is for everyone to at least try to tell particularly nicer and better stories??
one great idea and/or question would be how to bring the markets back? aren't markets at least in some sense more fun or real or so? or how to meaningfully combine markets in big and small towns/cities and what does that tell about society? i tell you, these kind of arguments have been up for a while and if that can be seen as waves and oceans or so it could mean whether humanity succeeds in killing itself. big humanity vs small humanity whatever that may mean.. if you ask me in such scenarious mostly nobody wins...
i'm basically very sick of seeing so many people, especially in markets, not selling their shit... in my opinion sellers vs buyers is a too retarded "game".. lol seriously... if the main focus of markets is profit think about what can be left behind... well i've said it before and i hope you can get it by yourself. down with stupid market raisers and all the fake shit.. :\\
one drastic example now... the story of the book "brave new world" by aldous huxley... i can say it alarmed or rather shocked me somehow... i suppose at least some people know of the indian caste system which is a societal class system or so.
alpha, beta, gamma, etc etc "people"... right? i can tell you i found all this shit reminds me of race-like thinking... but also the fight for survival in nature.
this is where it possibly gets interesting. really, can you imagine that order and chaos are also something very natural, but then again can you see how a lot of humanity has disconnected itself from nature, it seems mostly step by step. well i already mentioned that... however what about greater possibility or potential for differentiation anyway? for example alpha with beta and gamma elements or other variations etc etc... i would say it's fascinating to think about it in that way and maybe can help to open the mind to imagination or the eyes to reality. it appears to me some people don't even think about questioning reality, authority or basically anything i guess.

Great thoughts all around! One thing though; nobody seems to focus on the solution, it's all problems.
I love solving problems and workin things out, so here I go...

We all know (right?) that Entheogens have been supressed and kept out of mainstream consciousness, and that for a reason.
There is something to be attained there, isnt there? In my opinion, Entheogens have been held down because they go beyond this plane of existence, and by doing so they teach us that the cessation of life here only means the continuation of that same life somewhere else. Energy, right?
Entheogens help you rid yourself of fear, and that's why it takes a certain amount of courage to engage in Psychedelic experiences, naturally. To rid yourself of fear, you must be fearless to some degree. Ready and willing to challenge yourself.
The Elite dont like us, and fearlessness is the reason. Fear is, at this point at least, a prerequisite for control.
I dont know about you, but I for one cannot be controlled. It's not happening, plain and simple.
The reason? Fearlessness, instilled in me through the wisdom and power of Entheogens.
The way I see it, we're all on the right path, and the only thing we have to worry about is not straying.
So dont stray...
Great thoughts all around! One thing though; nobody seems to focus on the solution, it's all problems.
I love solving problems and workin things out, so here I go...

We all know (right?) that Entheogens have been supressed and kept out of mainstream consciousness, and that for a reason.
There is something to be attained there, isnt there? In my opinion, Entheogens have been held down because they go beyond this plane of existence, and by doing so they teach us that the cessation of life here only means the continuation of that same life somewhere else. Energy, right?
Entheogens help you rid yourself of fear, and that's why it takes a certain amount of courage to engage in Psychedelic experiences, naturally. To rid yourself of fear, you must be fearless to some degree. Ready and willing to challenge yourself.
The Elite dont like us, and fearlessness is the reason. Fear is, at this point at least, a prerequisite for control.
I dont know about you, but I for one cannot be controlled. It's not happening, plain and simple.
The reason? Fearlessness, instilled in me through the wisdom and power of Entheogens.
The way I see it, we're all on the right path, and the only thing we have to worry about is not straying.
So dont stray...
money is slavery. You spend most of your week working for someone else so that you scrape togeather enough money to just about pay for your place of dwelling the food on your table and the clothes on your back and then any that is left over is spent on something which in reality you do not need to survive putting the money straight back to the people who gave it to you. The average person is a slave to the machine of economics and the more you earn the more things there will be to take it away from you until you get to the person at the top pf the chain I think the figure that is thrown around these days is that 1% of the population holds 90% of the money or some other equally stupid ratio. so unless you are one of these people you are a slave to the system of economics. And if you dont help this system the IRS in america or HMRC in uk will hunt you down like dogs to get their share of your blood sweat and tears. Murder gets you 10 years in UK out with good behaviour if you are lucky(personlly I can't see how a murderers' sentence should be abreviated because they good little caged monkies. sorry for the tangent) fraud gets you 50 to life and you will serve the whole sentence no matter how good a monky you are. Other evidence shows this as well say you get busted for what ever crime you can think of. Get a good expensive lawyer and your sentence is reduced or even thrown out. Cant afford a good expensive lawyer and you serve time and pay expenses of the court aswell. Or the buying process of anything large you must have a history of buying known as a credit report and without a good credit score you are not allowed to have things like a house to live in one of lifes basic needs for all humans. Things like this are rotting the core of human society but we cannot simply get rid of money as there is not enough reasorces in each country to become self sufficient and not all countries will have goods or materials for a bartering system to work globally. We have gone to far down the bad path persuing power and now we are so far away from any globally viable alternatives options to change humanities direction. We need a big change and there is nothing like a good apocollypse to set things straight. There have been a few major extinction events throught out history just need one to happen to us to put things right maybe once the world has changed and a new species of inteligent life has evolved they will improve on our failings.
Jixxy a dit:
Great thoughts all around! One thing though; nobody seems to focus on the solution, it's all problems.
I love solving problems and workin things out, so here I go...

We all know (right?) that Entheogens have been supressed and kept out of mainstream consciousness, and that for a reason.
There is something to be attained there, isnt there? In my opinion, Entheogens have been held down because they go beyond this plane of existence, and by doing so they teach us that the cessation of life here only means the continuation of that same life somewhere else. Energy, right?
Entheogens help you rid yourself of fear, and that's why it takes a certain amount of courage to engage in Psychedelic experiences, naturally. To rid yourself of fear, you must be fearless to some degree. Ready and willing to challenge yourself.
The Elite dont like us, and fearlessness is the reason. Fear is, at this point at least, a prerequisite for control.
I dont know about you, but I for one cannot be controlled. It's not happening, plain and simple.
The reason? Fearlessness, instilled in me through the wisdom and power of Entheogens.
The way I see it, we're all on the right path, and the only thing we have to worry about is not straying.
So dont stray...

I like you comment on control and fear but control is not just deciding to not follow the rules. You are being controlled you are at the end of the day posting this comment online on a website which advertises products run by a business using a computer you bought with money you hopefully earned in your job where you paid taxes! You are one of the masses just like me and everyone else. Unless you totally opt out of society and become a homeless hermit living completely of the land ensuring that nothing you do provides any profits to anyone they have won as you are in the group of controlled people. But dont feel bad you are not in a position to do anything about it as an idividual.