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i mean, if i still smoked, i'd eat it. it'd be no worse than smoking, just go through the liver instead of the lungs (and liver?).

as it stands now though, my cardio regimen wouldn't fare well if i started inhaling tar and carcinogens again. only as medicine: vapors and tasty treats P;
ophiuchus a dit:
i think if i was desperate enough to mess with the stuff again, i would just eat it.
You are a monster! what a beast,
hahaha that would be so horrid eating resin
i agree about the smoke its rather exhaust like, but it eating it is like eating bong water in burnt organic form...lol

i smoke resin when im out of weed and im hanging for a little stone, which is about at least twice a month
im ganna try it in pill form and post my effect (im thinking poor digestion lol) once i have the balls to eat it that is :D
I had this one metal pipe a friend gave me it was shaped like a saxaphone sorta and when wesmoked outa it I'd have weed inside to catch the rezzin. U can form huge balls of pot and ressin. Also I have found out if u wish to move it around cigerit plastic is a good use and a flat nife. Ater we smoked thru it placeing the pipe in the frezzer keeps the ressin brown not black. And I've also found if you keep a pipe dirty girls well always be around to clean that shit out and smoke it if u dont want too. I learned all this in school in kentuky.
haha! i never thought to try peanut butter and resin on toast....

im pretty sure it'd be active edibly since its all basically been cooked before it becomes resin

i just dry it for a day and smoke the crap with some tobacco, doesnt taste great but if you're running dry it does the trick for sure (it aint no kush or anything though lollll)
Rezzin is not something you want to be smoking or eating in my opinion. I think it's much like the others described here: Like the black shit if you run your finger inside an exhaust pipe of a car.. To me it doesn't have enough value to be of any use..

And remember the old saying for cigs "Only crackheads smoke the filters..." I have pretty much the same opinion about rezzin.

Would you smoke the filter of a cigarette? No? Would you eat it? No? Then why would you even consider doing the same thing with Rezzin?
Causeits realy the juice if u dont smoke seeds and stems
Hark a dit:
Causeits realy the juice if u dont smoke seeds and stems

Smoking stems and seeds isn't good, however, if you want a really non-wasteful experience you can always take the stalk and smoke the weed from there, that way there isn't any waste from the plant, and there isn't really any resin (rezzin) to speak of....

Or you can always just use roaches and some those? Or just take the roaches and swallow them with PB.... Yeah, that would be way better than smoking the rezzin (resin) for sure....

Of course, to each their own, and if you want to go ahead and smoke the resin (which has a very nasty flavor by the way) be my guest :D
If I could make a good use out of something nasty like cig filters or engine resin I would. Like a good every day use, or if a situation called for it. An for the non wasteful save your stalks an use a cold water extraction to make hash :). But I don't smoke cigs and never would eat tobacco and I don't think humans can eat it without ill effects. I still would like to brake down rezzin and study it for Shits and giggles.
drizzit a dit:
If I could make a good use out of something nasty like cig filters or engine resin I would. Like a good every day use, or if a situation called for it. An for the non wasteful save your stalks an use a cold water extraction to make hash :). But I don't smoke cigs and never would eat tobacco and I don't think humans can eat it without ill effects. I still would like to brake down rezzin and study it for Shits and giggles.

Well, even if rezzin has some THC left in it, it is definitely sticky and nasty, and I don't know what else you would do with it, it's literally like tar.. Even if it does have THC, I can't see it being enough to get you the same feeling unless you mixed it with other fresh stuff, and still it's like the age old question... Would you open a cigarette butt and put the tar from that into a fresh cigarette? No? Then don't do the same with rezzin.

I quit smoking though, so all good there.. I don't have to deal with rezzin... No waste, and no rezzin and no pipe to clean, or stained fingers :D
:c I stated the different feeling of rezzin in the beginning and cigs are different from pot. Id do about anything with pot, I would try anything else if i were to gain enlightenment from it (iv eaten car oil as a child and got vary sick, but that's part of shamanism lol). Just keep a open mind mang think of what we can learn by the things that people hate or see as useless. I'm not trying to offended nobody :(
drizzit a dit:
:c I stated the different feeling of rezzin in the beginning and cigs are different from pot. Id do about anything with pot, I would try anything else if i were to gain enlightenment from it (iv eaten car oil as a child and got vary sick, but that's part of shamanism lol). Just keep a open mind mang think of what we can learn by the things that people hate or see as useless. I'm not trying to offended nobody :(

Hey man... I wasn't dissing you.. Just saying... If you have the fresh stuff, don't go dealing with Rezzin :D I wasn't trying to put you down there.

I remember once they wanted me to smoke it... But... It just looked nasty... Sorry lads... But... Not for me, that's for sure...
Mrboxey a dit:
Well, even if rezzin has some THC left in it, it is definitely sticky and nasty, and I don't know what else you would do with it, it's literally like tar..
resin is sticky because thc is sticky... resin is full of thc, however, it is also full of carcinogens...

Mrboxey a dit:
I quit smoking though, so all good there.. I don't have to deal with rezzin... No waste, and no rezzin and no pipe to clean, or stained fingers :D

i keep saying it man, but this is the way!
You said it... Edibles are great.. I admit, it isn't for those who are looking for instant gratification, but if you can learn a little patience (40 mins come on, you can last, flip on the TV and watch a show lol) it really pays off :D

I especially like eating a brownie for example while watching The Simpsons, it usually kicks in close to the end of the first epsiode, then I am in the groove by the time the second episode starts! ;)
there are heaps of names for it, im sure there would be more local terms?
black gold
black death
and my personal favourite: bong-poo lmao

i collect it every time i clean my bong which is around every week or 2
that way when its super dry and you're fiending a cone you've got an alternative
i say fuck it, it's better than nothing imo
but yea, eating it is the best method, then again...i duno how efficient/economical the whole thing is
i suppose you're getting it all in you so there'd be no waste but its going to your stomach to be digested instead of to your bloodstream via the lungs

i smoke 99% of the time but if i've got enough cash to lash out on a bit of extra bud to make brownies it's like an occasion more-so than normal everyday smoking is