Quoi de neuf ?

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Alpiniste Kundalini
im about to do some research on Google... about the science of yawning and will put some links for you all. but my question or thought's w/e are. when SWIM is tripping on LSD, mushrooms and maybe other psychoactive's SWIM seems to yawn alot more then while in a regular frame of mind. does this happen to anyone else out there? on mushrooms i also feel specifically the skin stretching across my temples as if my head where enlarging >.> but SWIM has done both these substances over a couple dozen time's and see's the same result when the substance is purest and known 100% to be real its kind of how SWIM can tell its the right stuff. any thoughts or help are welcome and appreciated thank you for your time. its an OK day :).

link stuff's-

Yawn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

TLC Family "What makes us yawn?"

Contagious Yawning: Evidence of Empathy? | The Thoughtful Animal, Scientific American Blog Network

More than a sign of sleepiness, yawning may cool the brain

dogs feeling your pain through yawning?
Dogs Feel Your Pain - ScienceNOW

found some stuff-

Wiki -There have been studies that suggest yawning, especially psychological "contagious" yawning, may have developed as a way of keeping a group of animals alert. If an animal is drowsy or bored, it may not be as alert as it should to be prepared to spring into action. Therefore, the "contagious" yawn could be an instinctual reaction to a signal from one member of the "herd" reminding the others to stay alert. Nervousness has also been suggested as a possible reason. Nervousness often indicates the perception of an impending need for action. Anecdotal evidence suggests that yawning helps increase the state of alertness of a person. Paratroopers have been noted to yawn in the moments before they exit the aircraft.-

sound's right whilst tripping to me.

other claims that sound good -

states that yawning is the body's way of controlling brain temperature.

yawning is used for regulation of body temperature

-this is what im looking for lol-
Another hypothesis is that yawns are caused by the same chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain that affect emotions, mood, appetite, and other phenomena. These chemicals include serotonin, dopamine, glutamic acid, and nitric oxide. As more (or less) of these compounds are activated in the brain, the frequency of yawning increases. Conversely, a greater presence in the brain of opioid neurotransmitters such as endorphins reduces the frequency of yawning. Individuals in opioid withdrawal exhibit a greatly increased frequency of yawning. Patients taking the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Paxil (paroxetine HCl) or Celexa (citalopram) have been observed yawning more often.[citation needed] Excessive yawning is more common during the first three months of taking the SSRI's. Anecdotal reports by users of psilocybin mushrooms often describe a marked stimulation of yawning while intoxicated, often associated with excess lacrimation (tearing) and nasal mucosal stimulation, especially while "peaking" (undergoing the most intense portion of the psilocybin experience). While opioids have been demonstrated to reduce this yawning and lacrimation provoked by psilocybin,[citation needed] it is not clear that the same pathways that induce yawning as a symptom of opioid abstinence in habituated users are the mode of action in yawning in mushroom users. While even opioid-dependent users of psilocybin on stable opioid therapy often report yawning and excess lacrimation while undergoing this entheogenic mushroom experience, there are no reports on mushrooms in the literature regarding habituated users[clarification needed] experiencing other typical opioid withdrawal symptoms such as cramping, physical pain, anxiety, gooseflesh, etc.

but i feel as if all these things might work together.

id still like to hear what people have to say :)
Yes I experienced a lot of yawning when out there, especially on natural stuff. Not so much the LSD side of things.
When I go to sleep on LSD and have no help sleeping from other chemical's I can't seem to ever get my arms comfy or in a good position. lol
LOL I was never able to sleep on the stuff... or anything else reproductive! Mushrooms though, man what a great experience they were always my favorite!
Wow.. I didn't know that yawing cool the brain.. as I do yawing all time and I dont think LSD out any way... doing yawing really helpout a lot in our body like maintaining brain temperature...;)
yup, yawning and shrooms goes hand in hand 4 me
One of my old gf said I moved in my sleep alot after a day of lsd.
Never yawned... Although I remember seeing other people yawn and their jaws just extend to unbelievable lengths....

I always linked yawning with boredom more than being tired. As mentioned, it's the bodies way of telling you to stay alert perhaps.. But then, why is it when we yawn we feel more tired? (At least in some cases I do anyway). It's kinda counterproductive to be yawning and then being more sleepy if it's meant as an alert for us to become more active lol...

And if you got a bunch of people sitting around and bored, than yawning might be the bodies feeble attempt to entertain you...

The part on brain temperature I am not sure of.. If you're out in the middle of winter and it's minus 40 degrees outside, I can't see it being a benefit to yawn as if this is true it would lower the brain temperature a lot....
i heard somewhere that yawning has supposedly something to do with attention and the mind... i think it could make some sense, because it seems yawning has also got something to do with breathing and the mind has got something to do with the brain and the brain needs oxygen. just an idea.. lol..

One note a lot of people look past is yawning can be a sign of dominance.
drizzit a dit:
One note a lot of people look past is yawning can be a sign of dominance.

Hmmm... Haven't heard this one before... How can it be a sign of dominance? Does it have to do something with the pack mentality that we as humans have, but only at a small level supposedly? (Small level, I could write pages and pages on the pack mentality and how humans definitely do have the pack mentality...)

So, yawning would be considered a sign of dominance, so the person who is the most tired/bored is the dominant one?

Would that be a good sign then if the chick your banging yawns in the middle of straddling you? :D
Think of dogs and lions. It's like "look at my teeth mofo ill eat you". I'm a dog person and iv personally always seen the mentality of body language or animal language I don't know how to properly put it :). dogs talk most with there eyes, barking and howwilling is kinda of an attention getter or location deal. Yes they snarrle but a yawn is kind of passive dominance as in "if anyone was thinking of fighting me have a better look at what ill kill you with". This is just what I think I got nothin to back it up besides my words and experiences. I feel in humans this dominant yawn occurs at specific points so maybe yawns have different meanings in different situations for humans and maybe/probably animals I don't see why not both, we tend to think of ourselves as special but I do feel different yawns to different situations would be more of a human thing.

Next time your yelling or speaking dominantly to your dog watch to see if he yawns.

P.s - I'm glad I made this post I love these yawning theorys and science really can't explain it :D you guys are the real scientists anyway.
i would say it could demonstrate mindfulness but also mindlessness... and it would depend on the situation and person whether it would be good or bad. i think it just means how much a person is listening to the natural body feeling or so.
it probably is connected to the subconscious, because breathing is at least for most people a relatively subconscious thing.
it's like yawning is a special type or mode of breathing. maybe like a inbetween-state something lol...
i think i somewhat agree with drizzit... i have had experiences where everyone was totally tense and trying to pay attention etc etc... but well what is disregarded by probably a certain kind of people or so that this kind of behaviour is often only because of fear or so and so in such a situation... for example school lol... yawning could be a natural behaviour because of not taking stupid shit too serious. some stupid people seem to think that you can't be an easygoing person and be responsible at the same time. or think of acted yawning...
ah well i dunno lol... just some ideas...

Damn, I must be one dominant mother fucker after I drink 6 beers and smoke a joint then :D

All I do is yawn at that point before crawling into bed LOL...
Mrboxey's ganna be king! Lol
Yep.. Catchy tune.... I think I'll blare it next time I get high :D