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spicy food

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i think it's a interesting topic. because it can maybe help and not, depending on how you use it. like a matter of balance....
well generally, spicy food can make you feel hot and sweat. hence it could be seen as some sort of inner heat process thing lol...
like for example opening the pores..and also with body temperature it's always a matter of balance, because it has to be kept on a relatively constant level.
so maybe if something specific in that context or so in the body isn't in the right balance, then spicy food can help???
also it works on the taste nerves... and has like a burning effect.

in that sense or a similar sense maybe it also influences the acid in the stomach or so and can help to kill off aggressive
bacteria or so??? because the acid in the stomach is probably more meaningful than we may think, in the sense how
we should keep the right balance in the strength/intensity of the acid or so... listening to your body is very essential
and can help a lot, when you were too mind-focussed or so... because if you don't feel your body yourself, who else
is supposed to do that??? LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

so, if you have disturbances or so in the digestion, it seems it may help you to eat spicy food, if it's used in the right balance or so. i also read that it can stimulate the blood circulation in the mucuous membranes.

what thoughts do you have on the topic??? or what experiences have you made with spicy food in your life??? :P

Some said that too much in spicy foods has a higher chance to have an external hemorrhoid. So take an extra precaution in eating too much spicy.
Spicy foods are worst for the stomach. They cause indigestion and gastric problems. Ulcer is another disease which is most of the time, caused by eating spicy foods. Certain types of cancers especially stomach as well as pancreatic cancer can easily develop in individuals who consume lots of spicy foods.
So please eliminate spicy foods from your diet !
i believe in small amounts they can aid digestion. they also increase blood flow, which can be beneficial. it is consuming to much spicy food though, that will go overboard and cause things like food to be passed TOO quickly, or blood vessels to be dilated TOO much, causing hemorrhoids.

all things in moderation!
Personally, I do not believe in eating spicy foods in order to aid one's digestion. They actually pose more problems than the benefits and that is why, in my opinion, these should not be used on purpose.
well, i've found that the amount of spice definitely determines how beneficial it can be for me. keep in mind that everyones idea of "spicy" is different. when i personally say spicy, i like it no hotter than just a slight tingle of the tongue, not an actual burning while i eat, anymore than that and i find little or no benefit.

i believe that many peoples idea of spicy is overkill in an exponential degree.
i believe that many peoples idea of spicy is overkill in an exponential degree.[/QUOTE]

This is the point. Most of the people, I have come across have this meaning of "spicy". Well, in such a case I believe, zero amount is recommended since that much extent of spices can very easily damage your stomach. Stomach wall is made up of delicate cells and excessive acids tend to dissolve these due to which, ulcer occurs mostly.
"Stomach wall is made up of delicate cells and excessive acids tend to dissolve these due to which, ulcer occurs mostly."

i agree, and the only reason i bring this up really, is because it is something that really must have extra care in preparing, and not just mentioned as "good" or "bad".

i mentioned this because in ayurveda, they make a strong point about this. (hot) spices are nearly always prepared with some kind of dairy, as well as alkaline food items to help combat a lot of these issues and make them more palateable. really all of the recipes are designed so that all the spices used compliment each other, not only in terms of flavor, but in terms of nutrition. they create a synergy that the items could not provide alone. good stuff, i recommend some reading on ayurveda, unfortunately i don't have anything specific...
Jenefer a dit:
Spicy foods can be eat but their regular usage may be cause of different problems.The point is eat them at safe level.
The greater usage worst for stomach.They can be cause of indigestion and Ulcer. Gastric is also disease which started with the continues usage of spicy foods.

This is true that spicy foods cause many health related problems. But what about the"safe level"? What is the criterion to define that safe level? The level which might be safe for you might not be safe for me and vice versa.
I wouldn't consider it a part of the spicy foods we are talking about, nonetheless, you are absolutely right! The spicy foods we are talking about contain capsaicin, the burning element in things like hot peppers. There is none in garlic. Rather allicin is the main active component in garlic, onions and leeks and as was mentioned is a wonderful and natural antibiotic, which really deserves it's own topic.
Very true. Garlic is wonderful for health but definitely it is not included in the category of "spices". Same is the case with onions and leeks.
I don't like to eat spicy food because spicy food is not good for our digestive system. Garlic is not included in this category. I am just talking about spicy food.
The most common cause of ulcer development in the developing as well as developed countries is the consumption of spicy foods. We should stay away from them as much as possible.
Healthy diet is the necessary thing to do if we want to spend a healthy,fit life.Spicy foods are worst for the stomach. They cause indigestion and gastric problems. Ulcer is another disease which is most of the time, caused by eating spicy foods.
JoseManalo a dit:
Some said that too much in spicy foods has a higher chance to have an external hemorrhoid. So take an extra precaution in eating too much spicy.

That's an urban legend and isn't true. I eat spicy foods all the time, and this has never happened to me. In fact, I have never once heard of anyone ever experiencing this. It's just a myth.

While it can cause irritable bowels, it doesn't cause hemorrhoids.

Spicy foods are actually good for you for many reasons, they help to boost the immune system, and can clear out your sinuses. They are also good for your heart, and the best part about them for me is they taste amazing!

Of course, as with anything, too much is a bad thing as well. But too much doesn't cause ulcers in the stomach like some thing either, ulcers are actually caused by a bacteria. While spicy foods may irritate the condition, they don't cause it.
Its a fact that excess of any thing is bad for health. I like spicy foods and enjoy eating them. But I heard they are not good for health. So I try my best to remain in limit while eating them.
Norris a dit:
Its a fact that excess of any thing is bad for health. I like spicy foods and enjoy eating them. But I heard they are not good for health. So I try my best to remain in limit while eating them.

Can you cite some sources that said they were not good for your health? I can only find benefits :)