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the concept of inter-face

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BrainEater
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hi all!!! 8)

maybe at first it may seem like a bit strange topic i know and sorry for that... but i just wanted to tell you all about an idea that i have thought about quite a bit lately. it's the idea of interface...
i think it's a somewhat abstract idea in some sense, but maybe it can help to open the peoples' sense for empathy and more understanding in the long run. at least that's what i am hoping. i would say it could be a basic but also very advanced concept and it reminds me a little bit of the animal world. think about it lol...

i thought especially in these times but also before it could be interesting... it's like sometimes how you look at each other or eye contact, how or whether you smile etc etc can say more or say it better what/than you could say it with words.

basically an interface is what is supposed to make a connection betwen humans and machines. but well interestingly enough some people are more acting like machines or programs and some less... of course it's a matter of interpretation and/or perspective...
also i read somewhere that some supercomputers are handled by psychologists lol... :Oo:
it's interesting because it's about consciousness in some sense... or something like about what's in between the faces, if you translate the word directly. anyway..

so well yeah i also wanted to warn you a little bit, because i have made some experiences with that shit...
for example with TV it was as if they sometimes wanted to hypnotize in a bad way..:puke:
beware and be a little bit careful but not too paranoid...
learn to listen, understand and trust your feeling. so others don't get too much bad ideas or so of thinking to need to tell you how to feel or shit like that... seriously.. if people start going in such a direction too much or so you should be ready to say "until there and no further" or something like that...

or dependancy... some people tend to have attitudes of wanting to make others feel smaller by for example suggesting them that they aren't anything without them or similar shit...
so yeah i guess it all just boils down to how it's all kindergarden in some sense or so... and you can either laugh and/or cry... i say logics can be a matter of perspective just like perspective can be logic. anyway lol...
do we have a body or are we a body??? lol :retard: :lol: :roll:


I am sorry, but I am having a bit of trouble finding the point here. You are basically trying to say how we interact with other people is important?

Sincere apologies for the confusion :D
lol easy man... well i guess i dunno for sure myself lol... possibly, what you say could be a point... of course...
hmmm well some people seem to tend to act and others react more, but maybe interaction can be a whole other level. maybe you know what i am trying to say lol... i think it's like sometimes it is easier to say something without saying anything or so... hmmm :Oo: :retard:
or hmm how exactly are other people supposed to know what you want to say, if you don't really know it yourself??? way too many questions lol... :weed: :P

I feel like we are creating things in our image not us acting like a pc :D if we cant find other life in space or w/e why not create it, and while we have the upper hand abuse the caveman like state similar to -(because I didn't want to put like twice and don't mean to sound intelligent) an alien getting slaves for gold labor :P. but simplistic thinking is almost military/primal in a sense of "binary thinking' as in asses the simplest details as quick and thorough as possible use them to your advantage and branch out while keeping 1's and 0's in play at all times. but idk what to say this world is odd (Rush~roll the bones - YouTube - not the best rush song but my feelings for life)
well let's say i trained myself a little bit. the retardism and dumbing down programs started to get on my nerves, literally... and well again that's most certainly a point i guess, where i have to say until there and no further or so.
however i am asking myself why not creating something in our image and acting like a pc. if you really know who you are etc etc i would speculate that could be more convenient or practical lol... i think this simply means that it can also be good, if you don't know what you are creating. the question is what would that be supposed to mean lol... if you ask me, i would say it's corruption of consciousness.
i guess i agree that this world is odd, but maybe we are odd, too... :-o :lol:
numbers and/or odd. :P :lol: joking lol... :)

I love "corruption of consciousness". I just wanna try to through out there if you/we do know ourselves and think(99.9%) we know what were creating there's usually some crazy random outcome and the creation is a mistake but works for something else my example would be lsd, but I do feel humans have a higher craziness lvl then math but after I write that I think we are math soo...
i am not totally sure about your polarisations, but i like the matrix too lol... logically, according to the matrix it's all math in some sense or way... i dunno i guess it would be like it's all math or nothing's math lol...too easy..
to calculate or not calculate lol... lol :lol:
well what does it mean to calculate lol... who knows... nobody knows... the mystery of the calculator lol... i would say why not time travel lol? hmm hehe lol... 8) or simply the mystery of the lol... :) but that would be insane lol... hehe how retarded lol... ;)

We are all interfacing directly with the universe... The brain simply acts as like a vessel to carry the information, however, scientists have said that the brain is sort of like a computer, but then... What ARE we jacked into???

Certainly raises some interesting questions... I suppose that when our time on this planet is over, we will finally get to know the truth.. At least I am hoping....
what even is thought? :wasted:
even thoughts are more or less electrical impulses in the brain... maybe odd thoughts are something else ... who knows lol...
well regarding the matrix i think we are plugged into one or many natural and artificial matrices and maybe even mixes...
but no reason to worry lol... the question is will the one or the zero save us. :paranoid: 8)
:lol: :lol: :lol:

drizzt liked your sagas,read almost every book about you :)
ok..brain is something like a mother board of matrix vehicle called man which our souls drive through experience called life on earth..problem is that our vehicle was hacked and now we think that our vehicle is all that is and we are living in constant fear of losing it, of survival..there is lots of viruses in matrix which keeps us in state of fear, food that we eat, stressed jobs which keeps constant tensions in our reletionships with our close ones, wrong use of sex energy because we are bombarded with materials which influences us to stop flow of it, to intersect its primal original function and so on, and so on... so we come to drugs which are taken without understanding and guidence to use their maximum potential..
every day is new experience, every next moment you are someone else, every time is now..
knowing your real self is not enough, it is being that divine potential we must tend to reflect..
and to be that, first we must get rid of all our fears and all that low vibrations that we manifest because we are collectors and matrix triggers them.. then we are not we, but just another energy grinder.. you have free will and nothing that is not you, like negative emotions etc. can't touch you without your permission, but because we don't know that, because we don't understand this idea,because we are hacked, matrix is organized to fill you with those little vibes you subconsciously accept to transmit.. example - you are home, not scared, so you decide to watch horror movie.. subconsciously accepting fear to manifest in this dimension through you..
We can be both influenced and be the influencer in our environment. Life is all about choices but external factors determine our path to such a degree and we do not realize how little choice we might have simply because our brains are pre-determined to react to situations in a particular way. We are coded to be happy or sad with certain stimuli and everyone is different in that regard, but are the same in that we are bound by our own physical constraints, whether that be the body or the mind.
The Conscious Influencer.. that is the answer we must seek and goal to achieve.. and all we need is to remember :) sounds easy