i read in a magazine that teeth breaking or teeth falling out, not sure exactly what it was can stand for or symbolize aging/fear of aging in the sense that you maybe fear losing your bite/bitingness/bitchiness/ferocity/fierceness/arimoniusness/rattiness/snapishness... lol i don't know what word is the best it's something like that.. think a bit about it and something will probably make sense to you in a natural way... but hmm maybe it's not necessarily exclusively related to aging... or like aging in a symbollical way... hard to explain lol...
maybe try to remember how you have felt in the past and what changed.. for example how was the relationship to yourself. do you really love yourself or does sometimes fear stand in the way?? are you aware of the fear??? try to analyze your feeling and feel yourself from inside out.
or maybe it's directly related to food... maybe you eat wrong in some sense without knowing!! and blood symbolizes pain and probably life or the loss of life. are you afraid of death and how or why?? i would say be honest to yourself and then you can probably find a solution that feels right to you. for example what sense would it make to have the fear?? can you really go into the feeling or is too much fear??? what can you do?? is it only fear of not being able to do something?? then maybe it's related at least in some way to death...
but don't believe what i say... just try to find out for yourself and be nice and gentle to yourself.
mind you i am only speculating... and you are probably the one who has to find the right way to do something... i mean it seems like you are having the dream not somone else right?? however it could still be that others have similar dreams because i would speculate that it could be almost a archetypal dream type if you can say it like that...
i tell you don't be afraid!!! just try to not suppress your real feelings!! everything will be well!!! believe in yourself!!!
another suggestion i would want to give you is that it could (also?) have to do something with the lack of a natural body feeling.
maybe take some moments when it feels alright to you to just sit down and don't try to be or do anything... just breathe and be you... because as i see it for a good feeling for yourself you need to be somewhat calm
and have at least the right direction to inner peace... so don't make yourself mad please!!! can't explain it very well again.... :? i just hope you understand what i mean!!! i wish you all the best!!!

everything will be alright!!!