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This Goddess and the Occultocracy

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
  • Date de début Date de début
Uhm well, but saying that the whole history was controlled by one group/"force" is...............

Propaganda occurs, yes. And now? We are in a world where every group,human,race has its interest. A politician has to sell himself. And now? The force behind G.W. were some very rich people. And now? Did they kill Caesar? A lot of conspiracies are extremly simplificated. "George B. is evil and he has friends in Afganistan.........so he caused everything!" It is much more complicated.
restin a dit:
Uhm well, but saying that the whole history was controlled by one group/"force" is...............

Reversed megalomania, as zezt is definitely not part of the group. Same problem, different angle.
restin a dit:
mhm nice you only answer to the part of the post you can answer. Fine.
And thie power and influence has been around in all the so-called eras you mention. It's called 'history'.
So what you say is. There is the Injustice League and it thinks "well dude howa we can getta more powa, I am sofaking bored dude" and around 1790 they say "oh duda, it is sofaking boring let's send me friend Robespierre he'll make a fucking mess dude u won't believ he's sofaking good" And then they send Robespierre to lead the Revolution. Bout 20 years later they say "Dude its sofaking boring again let's send me fucking friend Napoleon and we will have mucha more power" and then they send Napoleon. And then they say "Ey dudes I hava good idea lets send myfaking friend Adolf and he'll give us mucha more power". And then they make WWII. And then they say "Ey duda I gota good idea let's create da innernet it's sofaking hilarious and we hava mucha more money and power".

It this how you imagine it? No? Mhm. Pity.
[quote:1ia1x1j7]And what you mean by 'out in the world'? as in gettin off your face at some techno rave? I dont know you true. But from what i know already it feels you just use psychedelics as an escape?
?? Techno Rave ??
Look the "You cannot be taken serious because you ........"-trick is so old. Calling the other mad/biased/retarded/whatever is cheap. Why should I use psy for an escape? Just stay at the arguments I give you and answer all of them.[/quote:1ia1x1j7]

what didn't I answer? Lay it out, and i will try. I try not to consciously duck away from questions

Boredom drives these conspirers? Most likey. A very deep boredom/void for sure. otherwise how could they do what they do? Cause so much suffering and death and misery? For profit!
To have SO much money. Its said that the drive for this elite--who have unimaginable money--is not more as such--though they do do that too. it is more power. A sense of controlling. So this to me is pointing to something deep that needs looking at.
Ie., the motivation for the evil going on in the world.

So even though you are parodying what I am saying by using street lingo, you are proabaly not far from the truth. Theres this video where WBush meets Blair and they didn't know they could be heard, and Bush goes 'Yo Blair' when he spots him!

I also have seen a video that connects the serious street gangs with the very elite groups I am talking about. A connection between the 'bottom' and the 'top'!
Most people take gangsterism as just a coincidence of our times, but once again, these things are planned via various mindcontrol put out by the schools, massmedia etc

ps--the reason i ask if you use psychedelics to escape. A personal question. is that you get personal with me. I get personal with you.
However you want to swing this.
BrainEater a dit:
as if conspiracies are always hidden or secret. however to understand what is going on is a different thing.... of course bush was nothing but a puppet...you really think that sucker would've been smart enough for anything???

of course you should be aware that in order to veil what would be really going on there would be spread masses of information to mislead everybody and distract them to draw the attention to othr things or change the perspective of you so drastically that even when looking, people wouldn't see what would be "really going on".

the point is that this really works if you know a bit about psychology and how people care for what's going on in the world. many not at all... most people are led to believe that only caring for yourself is the most important thing ... that's why the preaching with fear and multiple similar factors that take use of these egoistic mindsets are successful... the key is to present authority as truth rather than truth as authority. as soon as you have swallowed that pill
your objection of truth is dependant on them and therefore you are ready to be controlled.

as scary as it sounds it is probably closer to reality as you might think so i wouldn't be so fast about saying "everything about conspiracies" is bullshit. also it depends on the place where you live and how much infos you receive and also on how much mindcontrolled you are. at first you'd need to be able to see a conspiracy, because depending on the factors above, chances are you won't. :P however being a psychonaut probably gives you more chances to perceive than the average person as psychonauts tend to clear their mind more from the mass media bullshit, other propaganda etc.
about the occult-number-guys i only heard few things, maybe you could tell us what you know about them zezt ???


I think this 'look at me i am a clown' act from WBush is an act. He is rather a slick operator. otherwise he wouldn't have got to be pressy. His dad is certainly in the know, and like father like son.

Your right about how people are manipulated to only care about materialism. This is crucial mindcontrol for the perps because it makes sure they keep their power. To keep people frantically wanting to acquire more idealistic materialistic dreams. And the violence this causes the many who cant realize the dream.

And your belief that psychonauts --of all people--should be able to view things with clearer eyes than most people who are severly mindcontroled with the drug of schooling, mass media, political propaganda, etc etc. YEAH. That is why I encourage such a debate here :)

"about the occult-number-guys i only heard few things, maybe you could tell us what you know about them zezt ???"

That they seem obsessed with numbers. With 'power numbers'. And that you will find these numbers connected with seemingly (to a naive observer) unrelated events. And example: The assassination of JFK; the laying of the foundation for the Pentagon; Bush seniors's NWO speech; NASA's space programme; 9/11; 7/7. etc; the Roswell crash; WW1; the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki; the building of the Twin Towers; the founding of New York city; the signing of the Constitution; the building of the New Freedom Tower; the addresses of prominent people; the one dollar bill...............etc

So this connects those events etc right ? There is something going on! me or you what do we do? We get up and go about our day not caring about numbers. Well when I say that I must say this:

OK, I was reading this great article yesterday about time. Most people just take time for granted right? They look at the ticking clock and thats that. Direct their day by it, and thier week, cetra by the calendar. But these have a beginning.
For example the clock was first put on churches to mecahnize the 'peasants' who followed a more organic time guided by the movements of the sun, and moon, and the seasons. But imposed on that was this unnatural mechanical time, divided up into ticks
And our week into days, so that everytime say monday comes we act in same old way, and so on. Like automations. This is living by numbers too right?

The control freaks take this to absurd levels of control which seems to be their kind of occultism. Thing is we must becomes AWARE of this!
Forkbender a dit:
restin a dit:
Uhm well, but saying that the whole history was controlled by one group/"force" is...............

Reversed megalomania, as zezt is definitely not part of the group. Same problem, different angle.

what do you mean. Elaborate?
Who wants power? Who wants to institute the New World Order?

1) Religious groups.

Reason for hope: as time progresses, monotheism becomes increasingly absurd. Even now churches are becoming more and more empty. Even Islam and Judaism are becoming less influential on the new generation. Instead there's the internet for everyone, and the internet presents information in an open way: Wikipedia, Erowid, MAPS, the various conspiracy sites some of you still frequent, documentaries on Google Video etc. Whatever is true, whatever is factual, gets circulated and stored on the Internet and slowly but surely everyone becomes informed. Science makes new discoveries about the origins of life, the origins of religion and the nature of this cosmos. Satyam eva jayate: the truth will always surface and triumph. If it's ever going to surface, it's going to be now.

2) Rich families.

Reason for hope: They get most of their support from religious people, like Jews or Zionists, and Christians. And as already mentioned, they will lose their influence on the younger generations as time passes on.

Fortunately all religions are like empires: they eventually crumble.
zezt a dit:
Forkbender a dit:
restin a dit:
Uhm well, but saying that the whole history was controlled by one group/"force" is...............

Reversed megalomania, as zezt is definitely not part of the group. Same problem, different angle.

what do you mean. Elaborate?

You ascribe too much power/control to others and too little to yourself.
zezt: I want you to answer a (I apologize) indirect question.

How do you imagine it?

You don't have to give a masterplan, if you had it you wouldn't be here.

But I gave examples: French Revolution, Napoleon, WWII and I will add the Russian Revolution by Lenin.

Now I want you to answer:

Was 1 force behind it?

Who consists of this force about?

How could they control the invention/invent by purpose things like school, internet, ...?

OK, I don't use psy for escape. Why do you have this idea?
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Who wants power? Who wants to institute the New World Order?

1) Religious groups.

Reason for hope: as time progresses, monotheism becomes increasingly absurd. Even now churches are becoming more and more empty. Even Islam and Judaism are becoming less influential on the new generation. Instead there's the internet for everyone, and the internet presents information in an open way: Wikipedia, Erowid, MAPS, the various conspiracy sites some of you still frequent, documentaries on Google Video etc. Whatever is true, whatever is factual, gets circulated and stored on the Internet and slowly but surely everyone becomes informed. Science makes new discoveries about the origins of life, the origins of religion and the nature of this cosmos. Satyam eva jayate: the truth will always surface and triumph. If it's ever going to surface, it's going to be now.

2) Rich families.

Reason for hope: They get most of their support from religious people, like Jews or Zionists, and Christians. And as already mentioned, they will lose their influence on the younger generations as time passes on.

Fortunately all religions are like empires: they eventually crumble.

It is true thatr the Internet/Web is very revolutionary for the potential flow of information it provides, as well as adding our own voice, images, presence. That's true.
But many still dont seem to know how to use it. Theres seems to be a fear of stepping to far outside the box. Hence the often accusation of 'conspiracy
theory' if one questions what the media, and 'educational institutions' ,and Big Science is telling us is reality

I am not meaning to believe unquestioningly what one might find, but some won't even LOOK! Like for example about the Occultocracy.

And this powerstructure is not something different from the monotheism belief systems. That is one of their branches of social control. So exploring this IS important because this power structure is all-pervasive. To say so is not to relinquish one's power, but to keep one's power to be able to see this. It is when one forgets they are oppressed, and why they feel uneasy is when it gets truly toxic. That is when this very State will claim you are 'defective'/'mentally ill'!

Our hope is being able to talk about this freely and openly. To get things out in the open, because these people love secrecy. Manipulation of the gullible is their power. As well as crushing rebels of course!
Forkbender a dit:
zezt a dit:
Forkbender a dit:
restin a dit:
Uhm well, but saying that the whole history was controlled by one group/"force" is...............

Reversed megalomania, as zezt is definitely not part of the group. Same problem, different angle.

what do you mean. Elaborate?

You ascribe too much power/control to others and too little to yourself.

My power, Forkbender is exactly my capacity to explore what they are up to. If I can see that their wars are corrupt rotten hellish calculated profit-making events for a core rich set, then my POWER is seeing/understanding , and therefore not allowing my child, and/or myself go to their war/invasions.
restin a dit:
zezt: I want you to answer a (I apologize) indirect question.

How do you imagine it?

You don't have to give a masterplan, if you had it you wouldn't be here.

But I gave examples: French Revolution, Napoleon, WWII and I will add the Russian Revolution by Lenin.

Now I want you to answer:

Was 1 force behind it?

Who consists of this force about?

How could they control the invention/invent by purpose things like school, internet, ...?

Admittedly from the average person's vantage point this is difficult to comprehend. And they know this

OK, I don't use psy for escape. Why do you have this idea?

Admittedly from the average person's vantage point this is difficult to comprehend. And they know this:

o Interview in Göring's cell (3 January 1946)
• Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.
Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.
Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.
o In an interview with Gilbert in Göring's jail cell during the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials (18 April 1946)

and listen to this infamous quote from Adolf Hitler!!

[b:1l2kc1x9] "
“Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.
Nice Quotes from Goering.
I a dit:
zezt: I want you to answer a (I apologize) indirect question.

How do you imagine it?

You don't have to give a masterplan, if you had it you wouldn't be here.

But I gave examples: French Revolution, Napoleon, WWII and I will add the Russian Revolution by Lenin.

Now I want you to answer:

Was 1 force behind it?

Who consists of this force about?

How could they control the invention/invent by purpose things like school, internet, ...?
Please tell me!
restin a dit:
Nice Quotes from Goering.
I a dit:
zezt: I want you to answer a (I apologize) indirect question.

How do you imagine it?

You don't have to give a masterplan, if you had it you wouldn't be here.

But I gave examples: French Revolution, Napoleon, WWII and I will add the Russian Revolution by Lenin.

Now I want you to answer:

Was 1 force behind it?

Who consists of this force about?

How could they control the invention/invent by purpose things like school, internet, ...?
Please tell me!

I just told you!
no you didn't. You just said "People who want a New World Order". Hitler wanted one, the UNO wanted one, Jesus wanted one, do you or do you not say that this is one organisation?

OK so you say that they invented schools and the internet because they are cruelly creative?
zezt a dit:
My power, Forkbender is exactly my capacity to explore what they are up to. If I can see that their wars are corrupt rotten hellish calculated profit-making events for a core rich set, then my POWER is seeing/understanding , and therefore not allowing my child, and/or myself go to their war/invasions.

Okay. I dig that. But you don't have to get complicated to be against war.
restin a dit:
no you didn't. You just said "People who want a New World Order". Hitler wanted one, the UNO wanted one, Jesus wanted one, do you or do you not say that this is one organisation?

OK so you say that they invented schools and the internet because they are cruelly creative?
Do YOU want a New World Order?
Depends which one.
Forkbender a dit:
zezt a dit:
My power, Forkbender is exactly my capacity to explore what they are up to. If I can see that their wars are corrupt rotten hellish calculated profit-making events for a core rich set, then my POWER is seeing/understanding , and therefore not allowing my child, and/or myself go to their war/invasions.

Okay. I dig that. But you don't have to get complicated to be against war.

Depends what you mean by 'complicated'?

And you can have so-called 'anti-war' groups who when looked at close are limited-hangouters
zezt a dit:
Depends what you mean by 'complicated'?

And you can have so-called 'anti-war' groups who when looked at close are limited-hangouters

I don't understand one word.
Doesn't your whole attitude boil down to being conscious? Isn't that what everybody here is preaching? To be conscious? Everybody projects his or hers own little fear on the subject they are conscious about. And then they think that what they are conscious of is somehow true, that the way they interpret the world is the only possible way and the one true way. Egoism in action, which is ultimately the enemy we are all fighting within ourselves. This is part of your process, I don't need your process, I need my own.