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This Goddess and the Occultocracy

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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Forkbender a dit:
zezt a dit:
What do detectives do? What is their role?

Ideally they find out the truth. In practice they find the sources that corroborate the story their client wants to hear.

Your just being cyncial. A good detective loves his job and searches for motive and clues. Real criminals have been caught because of good detecting skills. is then usually lawyers who try and get their client off.

But obviously the reason I ask is because that is what 9/11 is isn't it. A crime. And we look for clues. And I am pointing to these occultist clues and/or signature all over the crime.

I am calling the perpetrators responsible the Occultocracy, because they appear to be obsessed with numbers, and occultist symbolism.

WHY? I am exploring this. And I mentioned that most if not all the 'detectives' on this case seem to be either Christians (who demonize all Paganism, and psychedelics, and homosexuality, and sex outside marriage), and then we have the David Icke camp who preach that reality is an illusory trap, and even death is no escape because draconian reptiles masquerading as shining beings make us come back, etc etc. Thus ensuring we carry on enslaved to the elite who shapeshift into the entities. Which is as absurd as the Christian literalism.

I am trying to understand it from a different perspective. One that understand an authentic Goddess from primordial prepatriarchal time that sees nature as sacred. Not 'fallen' (Christian) nor 'illusory' (Eastern Idealism)

I dont know any other researcher coming from my perspective! The only one, Monica Sjoo, who also spoke and wrote and did art about an authentic understanding of the Goddess and nature, did write an amazingly insightful book where she exposes the 'New Age' (which is what the Occultocracy are a part of!!), in her book, Return of the Dark/Light Mother or New Age Armegeddon?. But this book was published a few years pre-9/11, and Monica Sjoo passed away a few years ago. So it's just me.

It is vital we begin to understand what is going on.
I would be interested in reading a clear and fact-based article or book like that. It would have to really start from the basics of occultism, as I never read anything by an occultist except for a few short texts by Crowley (if you can even call him an occultist, I don't necessarily know).

Don't see my fulminations as severe criticism, please. I'm all about people exploring truth in multiple ways, as long as you can somehow explain your point of view to others in a clear way, therefore showing some basic logical form that can be followed if one is without prejudice. I think that ultimately you exploring these ideas is more important for you than for anyone else, even if they take your warnings seriously. You search in a certain direction and find what you were looking for. Others who blindly accept what you have to say without checking the facts will not benefit. Rather, they will think: "Okay, there is this groups that controls my life and are therefore to be blamed for my misery. I do not control my own fate and am a helpless person. Let me listen to zezt for advice, so I may have a life." You don't want to end up as a guru.
What I mean to say is basically this.

Research like this will have to get scientific in a certain way, before people will accept it as true and will base their attitude towards the groups involved on it.
Forkbender a dit:
I would be interested in reading a clear and fact-based article or book like that. It would have to really start from the basics of occultism, as I never read anything by an occultist except for a few short texts by Crowley (if you can even call him an occultist, I don't necessarily know).

Don't see my fulminations as severe criticism, please. I'm all about people exploring truth in multiple ways, as long as you can somehow explain your point of view to others in a clear way, therefore showing some basic logical form that can be followed if one is without prejudice. I think that ultimately you exploring these ideas is more important for you than for anyone else, even if they take your warnings seriously. You search in a certain direction and find what you were looking for. Others who blindly accept what you have to say without checking the facts will not benefit. Rather, they will think: "Okay, there is this groups that controls my life and are therefore to be blamed for my misery. I do not control my own fate and am a helpless person. Let me listen to zezt for advice, so I may have a life." You don't want to end up as a guru.

Maybe you underestimate people? People are multilevelled. Multidimensional. Sacred! You can only respect them by not patronizing them. Some people in the so-called 9/11 'truth' Movement sometimes say, about certain theories--that dont stick to 'acceptable' agenda, ie: 'Oh no you mustn't say that, you will put people off' etc. That to me is patronizing. It is like, 'we mustn't tell the kids' type of thing.
All I can do is put myself on the line. What I am currently researching and exploring and communicate what I see as vitally important to know. If I didn't think it was vital, i wouldn't bother.

Ok, having said that. Let me take a close look at what you conclude:

Others who blindly accept what you have to say without checking the facts will not benefit. Rather, they will think: "Okay, there is this groups that controls my life and are therefore to be blamed for my misery. I do not control my own fate and am a helpless person. Let me listen to zezt for advice, so I may have a life." You don't want to end up as a guru.[/quote]

Does say the World Bank and IMF control peoples lives?

I would say a resounding YEAH! If they can privatise all your basic needs for living then that is controlling your life, right? From there what do you do? Pretend you ARE in control? But that is a contradiction.

I AM most likely miserable cause my kids are going hungry. I have a right to feel like that, no? Who are YOU to tell me I haven't a right to be pissed off? Are you in my boat? Are you getting food, and water, and shelter? Good for you. But I aint and am miserable, and want to get more control over my life and away from the control freaks. And to do that we need to look AT who is fukin with my water, and shelter, and food, and air, etc etc. Agreed?

So what has the World bank and IMF to do with an Occultocracy? Well I think they have. Because these people are part of the insidious New World Order oppression that is taking over more and more peoples lives.

Are you prepared to view a film? It is over an hour but will show you about peoples plight round the world .
Last thing i want is be a guru. I dont like gurus. All I am trying to inspire is awareness of what is going on when and where i can because it interests me. It is VERY important to be aware of. As much as a parent knowing the evil scam which is 'war', because they could actually lose their loved ones to them, and for what??! Same for the ones who join up. So information about this is very important indeed. A matter of life and death.

Here's film. Make some effort to watch it:

The fourth world war http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=t ... mb=0&aq=f#
zezt a dit:
Maybe you underestimate people? People are multilevelled. Multidimensional. Sacred! You can only respect them by not patronizing them.

I agree. And I think that your theory is an oversimplification of reality. There is no black and white.

Some people in the so-called 9/11 'truth' Movement sometimes say, about certain theories--that dont stick to 'acceptable' agenda, ie: 'Oh no you mustn't say that, you will put people off' etc. That to me is patronizing. It is like, 'we mustn't tell the kids' type of thing.

That is not the reason I think you should put your ideas in another form. You don't have to censor yourself, you should communicate what you have found out in a way that people understand.

Does say the World Bank and IMF control peoples lives?

I would say a resounding YEAH! If they can privatise all your basic needs for living then that is controlling your life, right? From there what do you do? Pretend you ARE in control? But that is a contradiction.

Taking control is not the same as pretending to be in control.

I AM most likely miserable cause my kids are going hungry. I have a right to feel like that, no? Who are YOU to tell me I haven't a right to be pissed off?

I never said you didn't have the right. I just said it is not gonna change one bit.

Are you in my boat? Are you getting food, and water, and shelter? Good for you. But I aint and am miserable, and want to get more control over my life and away from the control freaks. And to do that we need to look AT who is fukin with my water, and shelter, and food, and air, etc etc. Agreed?

Look at them and do what?

So what has the World bank and IMF to do with an Occultocracy? Well I think they have. Because these people are part of the insidious New World Order oppression that is taking over more and more peoples lives.

Just because you perceive them to take more and more control over peoples lives, doesn't mean it is the case. I think people in power are actually loosing grip, because they see that people don't want to be led and controlled.

Are you prepared to view a film? It is over an hour but will show you about peoples plight round the world .

Not now, will give it a shot later this week. I got a suggestion for you too: look at the videos by Robert Arthur Menard, for example bursting bubbles of government deception. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-7040453665540929835. It is based on the Canadian situation, but the message stays the same. It is about how you can reclaim your own freedom, something you might be interested in.

Last thing i want is be a guru. I dont like gurus. All I am trying to inspire is awareness of what is going on when and where i can because it interests me. It is VERY important to be aware of. As much as a parent knowing the evil scam which is 'war', because they could actually lose their loved ones to them, and for what??! Same for the ones who join up. So information about this is very important indeed. A matter of life and death.

If this information is so important, then where are the facts, the undeniable facts that cannot be attributed to coincidence?
I drink all night, and I sleep all day
I drink all night, and I sleep all day

You’re feeling your way through the dark, but you can’t get out
You’re feeling your way through the dark, but you can’t get out
You’re feeling your way through the dark, but you can’t get out
You’re feeling your way through the dark, but you can’t get out

I’ve got my limbs tied up and a blindfold across my eyes
A feelin’ I know that I’m gonna have to tell a lie
My hearts in my mouth, but my mind’s in a furry cup
A feeling you know that I’m dreaming, I can’t wake up

I’ve got my limbs tied up and a blindfold across my eyes
A feelin’ I know that I’m gonna have to tell a lie
My hearts in my mouth, but my minds in a furry cup
A feeling you know that I’m dreaming, I can’t wake up

I won’t kiss, I won’t tell
I won’t give, I won’t go

You’re feeling your way through the dark, but you can’t get out
You’re feeling your way through the dark, but you can’t get out
You’re feeling your way through the dark, but you can’t get out
You’re feeling your way through the dark, but you can’t get out

I’ve got my limbs tied up and a blindfold across my eyes
A feelin’ I know that I’m gonna have to tell a lie
My hearts in my mouth, and my mind’s in a furry cup
Believin i know that I’m dreaming, I can’t wake up

I’ve got my limbs tied up and a blindfold across my eyes
A feelin’ I know that I’m gonna have to tell a lie
My hearts in my mouth, and my mind’s in a furry cup
A Feelin’ i know that I’m dreaming, I can’t wake up

I’ve got my limbs tied up and a blindfold across my eyes
A feelin’ I know that I’m gonna have to tell a lie
My hearts in my mouth, and my mind’s in a furry cup
A Feelin’ i know that I’m dreaming, I can’t wake up

I’m feeling my way through the dark, but I can’t get out
I’m feeling my way through the dark, but I can’t get out
I can’t get out! I can’t get out!
I’m feeling my way through the dark, but I can’t get out
I’m feeling my way through the dark, but I can’t get out
I’m feeling my way through the dark, but I can’t get out
I’m feeling my way through the dark, I can’t get out

The only answer to this thread is a fix of sick psychotic rock'n'roll!
Forkbender a dit:
zezt a dit:
Maybe you underestimate people? People are multilevelled. Multidimensional. Sacred! You can only respect them by not patronizing them.

I agree. And I think that your theory is an oversimplification of reality. There is no black and white.

Some people in the so-called 9/11 'truth' Movement sometimes say, about certain theories--that dont stick to 'acceptable' agenda, ie: 'Oh no you mustn't say that, you will put people off' etc. That to me is patronizing. It is like, 'we mustn't tell the kids' type of thing.

That is not the reason I think you should put your ideas in another form. You don't have to censor yourself, you should communicate what you have found out in a way that people understand.

[quote:2s9va16m]Does say the World Bank and IMF control peoples lives?

I would say a resounding YEAH! If they can privatise all your basic needs for living then that is controlling your life, right? From there what do you do? Pretend you ARE in control? But that is a contradiction.

Taking control is not the same as pretending to be in control.

I AM most likely miserable cause my kids are going hungry. I have a right to feel like that, no? Who are YOU to tell me I haven't a right to be pissed off?

I never said you didn't have the right. I just said it is not gonna change one bit.

Are you in my boat? Are you getting food, and water, and shelter? Good for you. But I aint and am miserable, and want to get more control over my life and away from the control freaks. And to do that we need to look AT who is fukin with my water, and shelter, and food, and air, etc etc. Agreed?

Look at them and do what?

So what has the World bank and IMF to do with an Occultocracy? Well I think they have. Because these people are part of the insidious New World Order oppression that is taking over more and more peoples lives.

Just because you perceive them to take more and more control over peoples lives, doesn't mean it is the case. I think people in power are actually loosing grip, because they see that people don't want to be led and controlled.

Are you prepared to view a film? It is over an hour but will show you about peoples plight round the world .

Not now, will give it a shot later this week. I got a suggestion for you too: look at the videos by Robert Arthur Menard, for example bursting bubbles of government deception. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-7040453665540929835. It is based on the Canadian situation, but the message stays the same. It is about how you can reclaim your own freedom, something you might be interested in.

Last thing i want is be a guru. I dont like gurus. All I am trying to inspire is awareness of what is going on when and where i can because it interests me. It is VERY important to be aware of. As much as a parent knowing the evil scam which is 'war', because they could actually lose their loved ones to them, and for what??! Same for the ones who join up. So information about this is very important indeed. A matter of life and death.

If this information is so important, then where are the facts, the undeniable facts that cannot be attributed to coincidence?[/quote:2s9va16m]

Where are the fact? Staring you in the face which is what I am telling you.
You haven't even watched that film yet? hmmmmm
IF you want to see who the enemy is you have to look at what they are doing. I don't need your agreement on this, it is obvious. I could give many examples here's one:
School is an institution set up by the State, and designed to programme your children to be servile members of the State and to know their place. School kills creativity. And if you do not allow your chilld to go to school and your kid doesn't go for whatever reason--she/he hates it, is being bullied, whatever, then you can go to jail.
If a child doesn't 'fit in' to the school system--is 'slow learner', 'disruptive', 'hyperactive' 'talks back' is 'aggressive', then they are very liable to be 'diagnosed' (even by a teacher!) as being 'mentally ill' with 'ADHD' etc, and then forcibly drugged.
Now, Forkbender, many parents and children (cause they are very new to this sick game of course) are NOT aware what is going on. They take this State's reality as a given, and although some will inevitably be pissed off, they may believe that it can only be that way. Other parents will even agree with this oppression, as will many children. And will happily have their children drugged, and themselves punished. And some kids will happily be drugged because they want to be 'succesful' and please the State. because 'success' is made to be the be and end all right. because the State's propaganda via TV, Hollywood etc makes that the reality.
But many of us can see through this. And I EXPECT people who are into psychedelics to understand where I cam coming from! Though I have found to my despair some don't get the point!
See Forbender, I have been around the block a bit, and knew the psychedelic generation when it first hit the scene. And in them days there WOULD be a general insight that the 'man' was the enemy. However it was still kind of naive because in them days we didn't have the massive access to the info we have now~~LA INTERNET!~~ But even so, generally then, despite that, there wa far more shared spirit about what the enemy is about

You keep saying 'so you look (at the enemy) so what? what can you actually do?' And I am saying, first LOOK. First allow yourself to have the spirit to look. Yeah they may come and taser you to death, but at least you are knowing what is what. WHO is doing it.

You are trying to say I am looking at the situation in black and white? Of course I am not, I see through the dualistic trip. But that doesn't mean there aren't very bad people wanting to control us. because THEY are caught up in black and white. You can see this when you look at the myths they follow, as well as the known-about myths coming from Judeo-Christian-Islam. And you have same in the religion of science, because the followers are influenced subconsciously by their myths which still have hold over them unknowingly

So yes, Forkbender, I am reclaiming my freedom. by the very act of speaking out about this. Not holding back, but exploring this and sharing as much as where I am at. Respcting people by not holding back, and assuming I must patronize them sos I dont make them scared.
By the way, there is in our news that our police may be getting armed with 'non-lethal' 'Tasers'-read electrocution weapons!
I think you are making an extremely crucial large mistake. You don't analyze history, mentality, psychological factors, culture, nada, niente you observe and your observation is extremely flat, I am sorry.
restin a dit:
I think you are making an extremely crucial large mistake. You don't analyze history, mentality, psychological factors, culture, nada, niente you observe and your observation is extremely flat, I am sorry.


I mean, what am I supposed to say to that?
Your answer and responsibility is what? 'sick psychotic rock n roll'?

What you mean wearing their Tshirts sporting the Skull and Bones logos, advertizing the very club the 3 generations of the mass serial killers Bush family have been members of, granddpappy Bush having funded Nazism, and made the family money from the resulting horror.

You mean doing moshing at your sick psychotic rock n roll and gesturing with your hands like all they do to each other:


((how come images dont work here?))

So my point is. Do you not see thatyour psychotic rock and roll isn't just another bad spell these manipulators have put on the youth making them BELIEVE they are being all liberated and rebellious when i reality they are just being played as puppets like the rest!
zezt, you're so funny.

I almost forgot that Hitler was a harmless thing while the eeeeeevil bushes control my life :lol:

I believe in Rock'n'Roll at least I believe it more than I do believe you :lol:

What my comment meant? That you have no idea. You through away Renaissance, Enlightenment, Christianity (Or was Christ just the anscestor of Bush?), you throw away WWII, you throw away the Islam and Buddhism, you through away Technocracy and any belief, you throw away everything our culture, YOUR ancestors have gained and what are you left with? GEORGE BUSH?? Are you fucking serious??? This is the most stupid thing I ever heard. And what is the evil force? Mossad? Freemasons? Dan Brown? Jesus? The Pope? Anslinger? Elvis? Or is it Michael Jackson? Oh man, c'mon. Have you been out in the world or are you just sitting in a room reading Orwell, Huxley and Dan Brown?

The last century and its following technocracy HAS strengthened the imbalance in nature and society. But that is NOT the work of an evil force!!!! Don't be naive, man. It is a long historic path that the western world has followed. It has 100000 influences, there were colonialization, the middle age, Napoleon, the French Revolution, for fuck's sake, there were millions of historic facts and happenings that influenced the world as it is today! And you talk about a stupid, simple-minded, narrow moron who goes fishing and hunting and drinks too much booze, called George W.?? Get real, man.
It has 100000 influences, there were colonialization, the middle age, Napoleon, the French Revolution, for fuck's sake, there were millions of historic facts and happenings that influenced the world as it is today!

the global conspiracy can be summed up in two words

Game Theory
I tend to disagree, as every theory is based on rules and regulations. I don't think that you can see everything in a completely logic order. Although "Today" is the sum of everything that happened, you cannot conclude every aspect logically. Mhm. Yeah.
game theory does not have to produce rational results. mutually assured destruction is a perfect example.
OK then I agree :D Although I don't like the word "Theory". Just call it Chaos 8)
restin a dit:
zezt, you're so funny.

I almost forgot that Hitler was a harmless thing while the eeeeeevil bushes control my life :lol:

I believe in Rock'n'Roll at least I believe it more than I do believe you :lol:

What my comment meant? That you have no idea. You through away Renaissance, Enlightenment, Christianity (Or was Christ just the anscestor of Bush?), you throw away WWII, you throw away the Islam and Buddhism, you through away Technocracy and any belief, you throw away everything our culture, YOUR ancestors have gained and what are you left with? GEORGE BUSH?? Are you fucking serious??? This is the most stupid thing I ever heard. And what is the evil force? Mossad? Freemasons? Dan Brown? Jesus? The Pope? Anslinger? Elvis? Or is it Michael Jackson? Oh man, c'mon. Have you been out in the world or are you just sitting in a room reading Orwell, Huxley and Dan Brown?

The last century and its following technocracy HAS strengthened the imbalance in nature and society. But that is NOT the work of an evil force!!!! Don't be naive, man. It is a long historic path that the western world has followed. It has 100000 influences, there were colonialization, the middle age, Napoleon, the French Revolution, for fuck's sake, there were millions of historic facts and happenings that influenced the world as it is today! And you talk about a stupid, simple-minded, narrow moron who goes fishing and hunting and drinks too much booze, called George W.?? Get real, man.

You see. You dont listen. I am not blaming it all on one Bush or 3. This Occultocracy is transnational. It is not JUST the neocons or the democrats. They are like the frontmen for the ones behind the scenes who never change. They present the false scenario of 'choice' between 'left' or 'right' which is just the same.
And thie power and influence has been around in all the so-called eras you mention. It's called 'history'.

And what you mean by 'out in the world'? as in gettin off your face at some techno rave? I dont know you true. But from what i know already it feels you just use psychedelics as an escape?
mhm nice you only answer to the part of the post you can answer. Fine.
And thie power and influence has been around in all the so-called eras you mention. It's called 'history'.
So what you say is. There is the Injustice League and it thinks "well dude howa we can getta more powa, I am sofaking bored dude" and around 1790 they say "oh duda, it is sofaking boring let's send me friend Robespierre he'll make a fucking mess dude u won't believ he's sofaking good" And then they send Robespierre to lead the Revolution. Bout 20 years later they say "Dude its sofaking boring again let's send me fucking friend Napoleon and we will have mucha more power" and then they send Napoleon. And then they say "Ey dudes I hava good idea lets send myfaking friend Adolf and he'll give us mucha more power". And then they make WWII. And then they say "Ey duda I gota good idea let's create da innernet it's sofaking hilarious and we hava mucha more money and power".

It this how you imagine it? No? Mhm. Pity.
And what you mean by 'out in the world'? as in gettin off your face at some techno rave? I dont know you true. But from what i know already it feels you just use psychedelics as an escape?
?? Techno Rave ??
Look the "You cannot be taken serious because you ........"-trick is so old. Calling the other mad/biased/retarded/whatever is cheap. Why should I use psy for an escape? Just stay at the arguments I give you and answer all of them.
as if conspiracies are always hidden or secret. however to understand what is going on is a different thing.... of course bush was nothing but a puppet...you really think that sucker would've been smart enough for anything???

of course you should be aware that in order to veil what would be really going on there would be spread masses of information to mislead everybody and distract them to draw the attention to othr things or change the perspective of you so drastically that even when looking, people wouldn't see what would be "really going on".

the point is that this really works if you know a bit about psychology and how people care for what's going on in the world. many not at all... most people are led to believe that only caring for yourself is the most important thing ... that's why the preaching with fear and multiple similar factors that take use of these egoistic mindsets are successful... the key is to present authority as truth rather than truth as authority. as soon as you have swallowed that pill
your objection of truth is dependant on them and therefore you are ready to be controlled.

as scary as it sounds it is probably closer to reality as you might think so i wouldn't be so fast about saying "everything about conspiracies" is bullshit. also it depends on the place where you live and how much infos you receive and also on how much mindcontrolled you are. at first you'd need to be able to see a conspiracy, because depending on the factors above, chances are you won't. :P however being a psychonaut probably gives you more chances to perceive than the average person as psychonauts tend to clear their mind more from the mass media bullshit, other propaganda etc.
about the occult-number-guys i only heard few things, maybe you could tell us what you know about them zezt ???
