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This Goddess and the Occultocracy

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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Forkbender a dit:
Doesn't your whole attitude boil down to being conscious? Isn't that what everybody here is preaching? To be conscious? Everybody projects his or hers own little fear on the subject they are conscious about. And then they think that what they are conscious of is somehow true, that the way they interpret the world is the only possible way and the one true way. Egoism in action, which is ultimately the enemy we are all fighting within ourselves. This is part of your process, I don't need your process, I need my own.

Are you a Buddhist?
It is an interesting system of thought, although I align myself more with daoism and zen.
Restin: search for Bilderburg group... Or the wealthy Rockefeller's, Rothschilds etc.

My sceptisism about al these theories is dissipating, the scheme is perfectly feasible. World domination is one of the most prominent aspirations of 'leaders' in history. Take the roman empire, Napoleon, Hitler...

It's a pity though that David Icke includes reptillians/jews in his theories, and all the others all suffer from messiah-complexes which is a good reason to discard all they say as BS, but there very well might be a core of truth in their stories.
Forkbender a dit:
It is an interesting system of thought, although I align myself more with daoism and zen.

The trouble I have with systems of belief like Buddhism and Zen is that they presume you can go beyond an 'ego'. And that one can 'escape' the 'trap' which is birth and death.
For me this is patriarchal mysticism which fears nature, though it pretends not to. And also pretends to not have an 'ego' when in fact it has like the rest of us. Which begs the question what do we mean BY 'ego':

"The terms "id," "ego," and "super-ego" are not Freud's own but are latinisations originating from his translator James Strachey. Freud himself wrote of "das Es," "das Ich," and "das Über-Ich"—respectively, "the It," "the I," and the "Over-I" (or "Upper-I")"

the 'I'? Agreed?

Alan Watts defined the sense of 'ego' as being like the strain one feels when one 'tries' to listen, see, hear etc. That that tension becomes our sense of 'me'

But as much as I love Alan, it has to be said that he was an alcoholic, and in the real world what do we mean when we romanticize about being 'egoles

I am not saying Alan did so. I just find his whole story completely fascinating. WAS he caught in some contradiction. I dont know

We hear of Zen monks/masters who abuse their authority, and in Buddhism we know it began extremely misogynistic!

And we know many Buddhists are against the use of entheogens cause the Buddha told them so :)

So I am distrustful of all that. Of Eastern belief systems, as I am by Judaic-Christian-islamic belief systems, and belief systems that take science as the last word too!
VerusDeus a dit:
Restin: search for Bilderburg group... Or the wealthy Rockefeller's, Rothschilds etc.

My sceptisism about al these theories is dissipating, the scheme is perfectly feasible. World domination is one of the most prominent aspirations of 'leaders' in history. Take the roman empire, Napoleon, Hitler...

It's a pity though that David Icke includes reptillians/jews in his theories, and all the others all suffer from messiah-complexes which is a good reason to discard all they say as BS, but there very well might be a core of truth in their stories.

I completely agree! I often think if they are infiltrators put there to ridicule serious in-depth investigation into what the Occultocracy have done, are doing, and are planning to do!

What core of truth in their stories do you propose? I would be interested in any theories you might want to share.
I completely agree! I often think if they are infiltrators put there to ridicule serious in-depth investigation into what the Occultocracy have done, are doing, and are planning to do!
I think it's safe to say that they're not doing it on purpose, they're just genuinely deluded.
zezt a dit:
The trouble I have with systems of belief like Buddhism and Zen is that they presume you can go beyond an 'ego'. And that one can 'escape' the 'trap' which is birth and death.
For me this is patriarchal mysticism which fears nature, though it pretends not to. And also pretends to not have an 'ego' when in fact it has like the rest of us.

Yes and no. There is an assumption that there is some sort of personality that can be transformed. But the transformation is not of your own doing. 'You' cannot become enlightened, 'you' need to go away before the enlightenment comes in.

Zen and daoism are by no means fearful of nature, they rather harmonize with it, acting naturally and spontaneously is one of the consequences of their practice (which is in essence a non-practice).

We hear of Zen monks/masters who abuse their authority, and in Buddhism we know it began extremely misogynistic!

And we know many Buddhists are against the use of entheogens cause the Buddha told them so :)

So I am distrustful of all that. Of Eastern belief systems, as I am by Judaic-Christian-islamic belief systems, and belief systems that take science as the last word too!

No belief system is complete and true, but you can be truthfull by practicing truth, doing away with all theory.
zezt, man, YOU want a New World order ???
Ok, suppose these theories are in fact completely deluded, what do you think the wealthiest men/most powerfull men in the world have been having secret meetings for? (bilderburg group)

How do you explain (nearly) all presidents of the united states attending some fucked-up 'molech'(the owl) ritual at bohemian grove?

Just out of curiosity...
Ok, suppose these theories are in fact completely deluded
If that refers to my statement (in which I also used the word deluded), note that I was specifically talking about the shapeshifting reptiles who turn into humanoid shapes after drinking the blood derived from Satanic sacrifices. Or something to that effect, it's been a couple of years since I frequented David Icke's site. The information about the Bilderburg group, etc. is basically common knowledge.

How do you explain (nearly) all presidents of the united states attending some fucked-up 'molech'(the owl) ritual at bohemian grove?
Heh, that myth was created by born-again Christian Alex Jones. The owl was probably just an art object, not unlike "the man" at Burning Man. Bohemian Grove is just an art festival for the rich and powerful.
Since 1954. AFTER French Revolution, AFTER Lenin, AFTER WWII.

US presidents: tell me, since when does America exist?

And how do you wanna organize it? How do you wanna make the heritage? Son? How do you choose the successor? How can you guarantee that he will not betray you? And my questions are still not answered. Who wants a New World Order? zezt wants one, communists want one, fascists want one, and now? Why do people want total world power? No normal being wants it. How do you guarantee that everyone that joins your club is really wicked? Leading a secret group throughout the history is nearly impossible.

And listen: I do not say that there are no wicked power-hungry people now, ok?
Okay, the bohemian grove thing is probably not the best example. But I find the Bilderburg group highly suspicious.

How the club is arranged I'm not quite sure. But most theories include the freemasons, who have a perfect hierarchical order for a conspiracy like this. You need to spend your complete 'masonry carreer'(so to speak) on reaching higher decrees. The highest of which is 33, most people in freemasonry don't even get past decree 3 or something. And you need to have certain decrees to be told certain truths about the organization.(the pyramid scheme) Then again this is all hearsay.

What I find most convincing in al these theories is the deliberate poisoning of the population through additives, fluoride and aspartame. I'd like to know what counterarguments you have for that. (like fluorizing water, even though all kinds of doctors, scientist etc are now claiming fluoride has no beneficial effects, and some sources report that Hitler supposedly used fluoride to keep the people dumb)
Okay, the bohemian grove thing is probably not the best example. But I find the Bilderburg group highly suspicious.
So do I. I find the World Bank also very suspicious. And WEF. Still, as I said, this is no evidence for a historical and global conspiracy.

I think the freemasons are a club of adult children who want to play conspiracy. They are imho quite harmless... A lot of people, especially in the noble society were extremely bored (they had no job etc, read Oscar Wilde) and wanted to play myths. Mhm.
What I find most convincing in al these theories is the deliberate poisoning of the population through additives, fluoride and aspartame.
I have never heard about fluoride in the water of Switzerland, especially in Zurich, the water is very clean. I don't know much about aspartame, please tell me more !!! But what I wikipediated is that it is a sweeting- additive. Most things nowadays are produced with additives, as the taste is MUCH stronger (ever tried a natural yoghourt with fresh bananas in it? No comparison with the mixture they produce, not even adding bananas). This is a huge problems, our taste is becoming very numb and doesn't have fine sense. I think this is mostly money making and economy, as mixing tastes together is much cheaper then buying bananas. I don't know the number but you needed some kilos (!!) of fruits to make the yoghourt taste as it does now, with chemicals. Can you explain what you exactly mean with poisoning? This is not a critical question but a begging for more info :wink:
Coincidentally, I am reading Oscar Wilde right now :lol:

About the fluoride/aspartame,

Not all countries have high fluoride levels in the water. But some have under the false flag of 'it's good for your bones and teeth' but it turns out to be a toxin. Bringing about the risk of many illnesses(alzheimer and autism are said to be related to fluoride, note that there is a very sharp rise in autism and alzheimer in the U.S.) it ruins the central nervous system, and affects the hypothalamus.(plenty of info about it on tube and google, you'll have to verify it for yourself tho). And Aspartame is being used excessively in food and drinks nowadays, though it has an insanely big list negative effects. I do not know many specifics on aspartame(besides it's supposed carcinogenic nature).

But the point is you could interpret this as a sign the corrupted non-caring industrialism, but some of the symptoms of these toxins we are bombarded with are very suspicious and fit into the theories quite well.
I see. Of course we cannot decide, why this is so. But the populations are so bombarded with different addictions, poisons and idontknowwhat that it is possibly true. But as I said, I do not oppose today's propaganda and whateverelse but the claim of history :wink:
The fact that we are bombarded with propaganda as well as with all kinds of poison(to us, the animals, the environment) I consider a certainty. But if there's some club of men behind the curtain I'm not quite sure.

But what is a fact is that: someone with a bit of understanding in psychology can easily manipulate people into having them doing what he wants. In a similar fashion religion could be regarded as another conspiracy to make sheeple out of people, I don't think that is necessarily the case though.

And if people such as the Bilderburg group would have control of most of the media networks, terrorizing us with propaganda would be plain simple. A great example: the war on terror. I mean do you believe that by bombing the fuck out of Afghanistan America thought they could get Bin Laden? Even moreso do you think 9/11 was really done by terrorists?
In a similar fashion religion could be regarded as another conspiracy to make sheeple out of people, I don't think that is necessarily the case though.
be VERY careful with religion. A lot of people here dislike e.g. Christianity but be really careful, religions are a huge topic and 3-D if you get what I mean.
But what is a fact is that: someone with a bit of understanding in psychology can easily manipulate people into having them doing what he wants.
It is a common myth that the psychologist can read your thoughts :wink: That's luckily not the case. Psychology is a science, like physics and has millions of theories but none really applies to human beings. You can react so or so or so or so. Maybe you talk about people like Hitler or Goering but such people are rare and what they have is not a hardcore knowledge of the human soul but Charisma, a LOT of charisma. They could talk, just like the guy from Thank you for Smoking.
And if people such as the Bilderburg group would have control of most of the media networks, terrorizing us with propaganda would be plain simple.
Reuters has huge powers as it controls nearly every paper in Europe. It is a fact that they change/adjust some things but is that journalistic art, a need to attract the reader or hunger for power?
A great example: the war on terror. I mean do you believe that by bombing the fuck out of Afghanistan America thought they could get Bin Laden? Even moreso do you think 9/11 was really done by terrorists?
I don't know what to believe in that case, really. Something is foul, that's what I know.
No!! I'm not implying every psychologist can manipulate people. What I'm saying is people can be very easily manipulated. A rough example the sad music in zeitgeist: addendum makes the viewer a whole lot more susceptible to the tenets put forth in the film. And a way better example google: embedded commands. It's a very simple form of hypnotism, but strangely enough very affective. There's an englishman who's quite popular on Youtooob, and he very effectively demonstrates how easily one can manipulate people(to some extent of course) when one knows exactly which 'strings to pull' or 'buttons to press'. (Derren Brown, and you can also check out Marco Frezza, both very intriguing to watch)

And a clear example of mainstream news not being objective, is the whole 9/11 scam, the American press played along with the governments' sham. And people do not feel the need to question mainstream succesfull newspapers or newstations, therefore they are very effective means of spreading propaganda.(eventually people did question the media and government tho, but it was a perfect trigger for the so-called 'war on terrorism').
zezt a dit:
as much as I love Alan, it has to be said that he was an alcoholic

why does it need to be said? what are you bringing on the table by saying it? it's like you just disqualified all his teachings by casually mentioning that little factoid. I personally don't care that he indulged in drinking, because I, you and everyone else indulges in all kinds of stuff all the time. I can be called a pothead (as most of the members of this forum) and it's just a word.

read this, if you have the time.
In a 1930 New York Times article,[60] Einstein distinguished three styles which are usually intermixed in actual religion. The first is motivated by fear and poor understanding of causality, and hence invents supernatural beings. The second is social and moral, motivated by desire for love and support. Einstein noted that both have an anthropomorphic concept of God. The third style, which Einstein deemed most mature, is motivated by a deep sense of awe and mystery. He said, "The individual feels ... the sublimity and marvelous order which reveal themselves in nature ... and he wants to experience the universe as a single significant whole." Einstein saw science as an antagonist of the first two styles of religion, but as a partner of the third style.

now with this occult symbolism theory of new world order taken over by sorcerers and enmy's and such, a very dogmatic view which i will clearly dismiss imediatley. here a perfect site for such view's and conspericies. http://www.thewatcherfiles.com

Also most of us here should already know that symbolism is the language of the subconscious mind, i can vouch that there is no cult/sorcerer or any bad witch or pagan doing any kind of mind control or NLP, once again modern myth turned into conspiricy although i do agree sheeple can be very easily manipulated for their lack of knowledge not only of themselves, but of also the world and things alike. as a pagan myself and my studies in the occult i say there is no "enemy" or such childish dogmatic view of such a deceiving conspiricy agaisnt the human race.

To make things simple, "if" there was an enemy, it would be the government, not just the us, but other allied nations that gained such an ego after ww2, for governments hold power/control/ give and take restrictions? rules? law? and even limit freedom, ofcourse the last thing any government wants is to lose control of its sheeple as long as it promisses to take away all the scary's, the death fearing unknown of human potential in all sects of mind, i have talked to quite a few ppl who find such subjects boring, useless, and most often say at the end of their dismissive statement, ignorance is bliss.

At the moment the only thing that comes to mind of an impiring image of occult symbolism in history and in our modern culture is the post of i beleive snips from the Prometheus comic and the explanation of the tarot representing the major changes in history and predictions of future change, by CaduceusMercurius . I forget which thread it was in but if you read it, i will provide you with a more posivtive view point of the occult integrated in the past and present.