CaduceusMercurius a dit:
I posted those images of Promethea in the
Tarot & entheogens thread. It wasn't really a prophesy though.
For religion it can be demonizing it, and for official science it can include dismissal, ridicule, and pathologizing such experience. But crucial to understand is that both orthodox religion and science suppress it! And such suppression fostering repression can bring dire consequences, and it is doing!! because it is suppressing natural reality.
[quote:3iwo8zem]Well, if you pay attention to this thread, I have made it very clear that I do not share those notions at all. In fact all that myth is coming from the New Age agenda which is part and parcel with the global elite, and their plans for a New World Order.
I think the New Age is pretty much self-generated and self-maintained. "They" may try to direct it in certain directions, but to me New Age is simply the result of East meeting West because of improved means of transportation in the 20th century. Indian gurus were eager to spread their methods and ideas in the UK and USA, which some did with great success. Likewise British and American celebrities and numerous hippies were very eager to travel to the East and become converted. Similarly LSD-25 had a major influence on the New Age movement which cannot be attributed to intent of a certain elite. Stories of aliens and spaceships were bound to develop with the invention of airplanes and our increasing understanding of the solar system and planets in other solar systems. In fact there were already numerous stories like that in ancient texts such as the Veda's, which describe ancient airplanes, spaceships and extensive interplanetary travel, with many types of beings, including shapeshifting reptilian humanoids, like Ravana and other rakshasas in the Ramayana epic.
So no, I'm quite certain David Icke is genuinely deluded about this particular matter, and no one deluded him but himself. Unless one knows the purpose of myth, there is a tendency to take such stories as historical accounts.[/quote:3iwo8zem]
I understand the the so-called New Age mainly derives from the Theosophical
Movement :
" The Racist Legacy of Alice Bailey
The New Age movement has inherited many of its reactionary notions from the Theosophists. The Theosophical movement, founded by the Russian aristocrat Helena Blavatsky in the USA in 1875, was THE New Age movement of its time and was very influential. Alice Bailey and Rudolf Steiner, both of whose thinking has reached deep into the New Age psyche, started out as Theosophists.
Madame Blavatsky first channeled the so-called Hierarchy of Masters, occult adepts, Mahatmas or the White Brotherhood, who are said to be immortal, and to materialise and dematerialise anywhere at will. More recently New Age channeler Phyllis Schlemmer, for instance, has stated that her "Council of 9" are the same Secret Masters that Blavatsky and Alice Bailey channeled. These Masters are said to rule the world by occult means." Sinister New Age Channelings
Who or What is speaking? ... lings1.htm
Already, in Indian culture we have a caste system which believes in karma and 'transmigration', and that if you are poor you are working out your 'karma' (which will include literally shovelling the shit of the rich ones who believe that is
their karma!).
And this dodgy concept translates into New Age thinking as the further dodgy concept of " you create your own reality", meaning that if you are poor, abused, oppressed, raped, vulnerable, 'mentally ill', etc that that is your own fault because you are creating your misfortune by how you think! And this idea is great for the ruling classes, because then they can blame the people they are screwing left right and centre and not feel any guilt for lack of compassion and empathy and understanding and abuse and oppression and genocide!
As for LSD. It would be naive to imagine that the Ocultocracy did not try and infiltrate the psychedelic generation of the 1960s. Of course they did. For example, MK ULTRA and their desire to use LSD for mindcontrol. The fact that it was the CIA who made sure vast quantities of LSD made it to the streets. And the mass promotion of Eastern idealistic beliefs, and New Age beliefs.
Now some investigators like of course, the Christians, who are rabidly anti any psychedelics which they demonize, but even Alan Watt, who believes that psychedelic experience is wrong.
Here is a good critique of Alan Watt. Let me say though that although I agree with the authors views regarding Watts' anit-psychedelic stance, I dont agree where he believes Watt is anti New Age, bcause I am anti-New Age. I believe Watt plays into the hands of the New Age, maybe unknowingly. I also am not a fan of Ken Wilbur, nor his Integral theory, but here's a taste of what Watt believes about the New Age and psychedelics:
" "psychedelics were released to induce mass psychosis and fragmented personalities which are easier to control"
""Some of these drugs make permanent physical changes within the brain itself"
""leary took a paycheck from the CIA to tell people to take LSD"
""crowley was sent out to make psychedelics interesting to youth"
"crowley wasn't so dumb to take psychedelics from a shaman himself but he popularized it" ... nsion.html
So you can see Alan Watt is just a bit more than confused regarding the vast significance of psychedelic experience. Although we share a critique for the New Age, he tends to throw big baby out with the bathwater by affording the occultocracy such vast power that they even are in control of our psychedelic
experience . Feel me?
Anyone who understands how cults work know that when people ecstacize they can become highly suggestive. Because their bodyminds are very flluid. But what many critics of ecstatic movements fail to dig is that it is not
ecstasy -- a natural human/animal right, and experience at fault -- it is who is being allowed to manipulate this experience. And who is allowing themselves to BE manipulated.
If ecstasy is intelligently understood. And the intent of an ecstatic sacred experience is deep insight and bonding with nature, and animals, and community, then that can only be a beneficial experience.