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This Goddess and the Occultocracy

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
  • Date de début Date de début
mrvn a dit:
I'm still coming down from Awakenings(techno party) from last night. Got home @ 8 a.m. I cant sleep, really strange :roll: :shock: :lol: but i'm laying in bed reading the forum on my sellphone and i must say that this topic the one filled whit the most paranoid B.S. I've read in a long time. You really belief that? And you want others to belief what you belief and if they don't burn 'em @ the stakes? And how about the movie the Number 23 did you saw that? En do you belief that 2 (2.0909091x11=23....) or is there only room for the number 11.

maybe your doing to much partying I dunno. Join in when you got a clearer head. it helps :?

Where have I said i WANT you to believe and if you dont i will brun you at the stake/ is you still trippin?

I also never siad ONLY 11. There are other numbers these controlfreaks use as 'power numbers like 33, and multiples of 11s, etc

No i aint seen the film 23. Enjoy it?
VerusDeus a dit:
That's right! Cling tight to your beloved 'scepticism and rationalism', and debunk the whole topic without even trying to comprehend what is being said. Of course the whole numerology thing sounds like pure paranoia, but everyone of us can see that messed up things are happening. Whether it be humanity overall or some occultocracy, we shouldn't exlude possibillities.

I tend to discard of these theories as paranoia as well, but I can see a core of truth in there. And I do believe there is a reason for the fact that vast numbers of people are getting into this conspiracy thing.

Go outside look for bees, drink some tapwater spiced with fluoride, eat shit loaded with aspartame etc... (this isn't evidence of a conspiracy, this is evidence of things getting fucked-up)

Hey verusDeus, yes we agree :) ...usually people fall inthis trap. And it is a trap set BY the very people I am wanting to expose. its the term 'conspiracy'. It is designed to stifle any dissent, and talk about corruption,and things you point out. THE connecting of the dots. And a BIG dot is mindcontrol.

Didn't Bush jnr quickly use that very term 'conspiracy theory' very soon after 9/11:

""Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories
concerning the attacks of September the 11th;
malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away
from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty."
Forkbender a dit:
VerusDeus a dit:
That's right! Cling tight to your beloved 'scepticism and rationalism', and debunk the whole topic without even trying to comprehend what is being said. Of course the whole numerology thing sounds like pure paranoia, but everyone of us can see that messed up things are happening. Whether it be humanity overall or some occultocracy, we shouldn't exlude possibillities.

I agree. I tried to comprehend the world in the way zezt does for a number of years and it didn't help me or anyone else one bit, so I looked for another way, trying to be the best person I can be and stick to what I know is fact.

zezt a dit:
the fact that the 2?, 3, ? users here are adamant they dont give two shits what criminals are causing havoc for the animals and people and insects and trees of planet earth does not either intimidate me or kill my spirit to want to talk about this. is this or is this not a forum? Do you not have people who start off discussion threads? Or do you regulate what can be discussed? I dont think so, so whats the problem?
There is no problem.

If I am a 'masochist' in your eyes, does that make YOU a 'sadist'?
No. Why would that be the case?

And like I know jack shit about what you and you have done, same goes you making remarks about what i have or haven't done. Focus on what i AM doing here!

I am and it is not making sense to me. So far you haven't tried answering my questions.

And you have typcially dodged the question I asked of you. Do you want to see criminals who raped you loved ones walking about free, and people not caring about it? Simple question isn't it?

Just because I hypothetically (I haven't been in that situation) would like to see some people burn in hell, doesn't mean I would be right. I didn't answer this question before, because you put words in my mouth, saying that I think that crimes don't matter. I think they do matter, but it is not to be blamed on a single group without a lot of compliance from the so called victims. Seeing that you are not willing to listen to what I have to say, just puts you into the 'people who try to enforce their opinion on me'-file in my mind. Compassion is the only way to convince somebody, not blaming and projecting shit on others. Don't blame others for all the misery in the world, as you are part of the same system and can either do something about it or talk shit about some secret society doing all the bad stuff. Everything is related, don't make false distinctions.[/quote:1rc88ybt]

So, is a battered wife to blame for the husband who batters her?
Is the starving child to blame for the adults in power who create that situation?
if anyone is not making sense it is you.
We HAVE to be aware what is going on or else you are just living a lie.
I realize it is not JUSt tyrants, but the people that are apthetic to what is going on. Like it was in Nazi Germany etc etc.

HAVE compassion for the victims of injustice not the perpetrators.
IF you are not getting in the know about this dude, then you are screaming and dropping bombs on innocent people aren't ya? Ie., let me spell it out. if you KNOW that it was not a bunch of Arabs with boxcutters that did 9/11then you HOPEFULLY wont said your children off to their poxy profit-driven 'wars' right? Dont you think it worthwhile to see through their Big Lie?
restin a dit:
let's get this straight. The year has 12 month, right.
According to wikipedia:
January: 1 - the first number, the origin, number of God, Sun and Man.
February: 2 - Devil, Moon, Woman
March: 3 - Trinity, "full" number, ...
April: 4 - matter, bad luck in Japan (or China or both) as it goes over the fullness (3)
May: 5 - senses, manliness,sexuality
You get my point?
8. May is capitulation of the Third Reich.
20. April is the birth of Hitler.
22. November is the assassination of Kennedy.
Nearly every date has a special occasion.

Every number has its symbols, depending on the culture, therefore why do you say that one number is more important?

PS: Discordianism has solved it all: the Law of Five.

yes I hear what your saying. Everything is significant. I dig. monday tuesday etc. Actually everything IS sacred. if only we realized that!

But, how come 9/11 didn't happen on 10/12? answer that?
Situations like a battered wife rarely come into existance out of nowhere. You can blame both the husband and the wife for staying in a relationship that isn't working out for years prior to the physical problems start happening. You can blame one part of a debate, but the guilt is spread.

You present your version of the myth of how we got into this mess and how we should get out of it, it is not based on facts, but based on an interpretation of facts. You don't see that most of what you belief is just as untrue as the government lies. I don't support wars, but I don't think they can be solved by starting a war against some secret society of which we don't know the members and their location. Than it will become another war on terror without real enemy, just to fight the good fight. You are scapegoating.

If it happened on the 10/11 you would ask the same thing. Because it did.
yes I hear what your saying. Everything is significant. I dig. monday tuesday etc. Actually everything IS sacred. if only we realized that!
As a form, a pattern, it is harmless. But what it has been made to stand for it is not harmless when used for those means. And also the upset it causes for those who were affected by people who used it, and those fearful of those who use it and what they could do given the opportunity.
Contradiction? You said yourself, that it is man that gives these numbers/symbols the meaning they have. A number is basically abstract. Numbers do not exist in the outer world. Mathematics is a human system. The same with symbols: swastika has no natural meaning but only a cultural one.
Then you say --yeah we can help the poor but not by destroying everything around us--. What do you mean by 'everything'? Are you poor btw?
And yes i AM a rebellious. Against a system such as this.
1. I am not poor but it it an experience I want to receive. Are you?
2. You say yourself that you are rebellous. That means, that you want to destroy the system. But let's be honest- it is too late to withdraw capitalism from Africa- they already use it and destroying the money would only leave poor and dying people (worse than now!) If you destroy the homes of Europe, you will not make anyone happier/wiser/better. No revolution in this world was used for good. French revolution? Depends on the focus. What is sure is that it cost a lot of lives. I believe in socialism but not in communism.
And then you go off on one. I have just before told you about the Neo's passport scene. Were you shocked? I was. Were you. Forgot about the bloody film a moment. WERE you shocked?
It is quite long ago that I watched the movie and I never paid attention on Neo's passport. What do you want to say with this scene?
1. The "evil force" created it as an "easter egg" and to laugh a bit
2. The Warchovski (sorry for the spelling) Brothers are visionairies and wanted to send us a message
3. It is pure hazard
4. Destiny sent us a message
Dude who the fuck cares that numerology is just a human creation, and no people haven't dropped easter eggs(at least not in that way), but have you ever heard synchronism?

I don't care that you think all this is nonsense, but I wan't you to at least toy with the suggestion of something like that being possible.

Practice what you preach, demonstrate your open-mindedness!
I think the reason people are kicking against these ideas on this thread is that its being aggresivley put forward, which in turn makes me (personally) less likely to entertain its ideas, and more likely to ridicule the (seemingly) fanatic dedication to the idea.
Explain synchronism as you understand it.

Look, if a capitalist and a socialist debate it doesn't consist of the capitalist saying "yea you're right" and the socialist saying "yeah sure you too". I want answers. Why is numerology and date interpretation important if every number/date is important? Why is there an enemy? Why is Bush so important? It is my right to question what you say and I will use it. I don't have to believe it. Open mind? I will believe or consider what you say when you can convince me. Before you say that I use my open mind and let you think what you want. But it is a discussion, ain't it?
Hmm you've got a point there. But still assume you would believe this conspiracy theory wouldn't you be very ardent about it?

Anyway, I don't mind people calling eachother fruitcakes or whatnot, because we're all a bunch of fruitcakes aren't we? :lol:

Restin: I'm not the best person in the world to give definitions to words, but my interpretation of the word is: Events that seem unrelated but against all odds do correlate. I experience this daily when surfing psychonaut. For example I tripped on mushrooms yesterday and before I did that, I wanted to read up on how to properly trip and what to do when panicking etc... So I go to psychonaut and one of the active topics was ofcourse about this subject.

I couldn't convince you by the way, in fact hardly anyone could, it is like religion, convincing anyone to believe is pure manipulation. What I was saying is research the subject yourself before debunking it.
"wouldn't you be very ardent about it?"

Yes, I probably would, although it wouldn't make me any more right.

A favorite quote of mine:
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. - Friedrich Nietzsche

"we're all a bunch of fruitcakes aren't we?"

Pfft, I'm not.

Woop-woop-woop,woooooo! wooop, woooop, woooo! :drool:
Hmm you've got a point there. But still assume you would believe this conspiracy theory wouldn't you be very ardent about it?
Of course...But most of the people (me is also guilty of that) want either rational arguments/arguments that are somehow connected to logic (although I hate logic...) or things that accord to the own belief...therefore it is extremely hard/impossible to "convince" someone of a conspiracy theory or a theory that is based on interpretation. I believe it is a defense mechanism as else we would be bombed daily with new beliefs and wouldn't know where to go.
Events that seem unrelated but against all odds do correlate.
Mhm yes! I also believe that. But that doesn't necceccarily include an evil force? I mean, zezt calls up a force that tries to manipulate everything: 9/11, etc. But what I and maybe you talk about is something bigger: God, Nature, Life, whatever you call it. I mean, it is not G.W. Bush that sent brainwaves to the others to open a thread about panicking during shrooms?
On the other hand, one can argue, you concentrate more on things that correlate than on things that do not. You pay more attention if you see a tiger after you dreamt of it than if you don't.
I couldn't convince you by the way, in fact hardly anyone could, it is like religion, convincing anyone to believe is pure manipulation. What I was saying is research the subject yourself before debunking it.
Sure. But it is just the arguments that don't convince me. I didn't tell zezt to stop believing what he wants but if he starts telling his stuff around and try to mobilize us, he needs something that has a matter.
About the synchronism and the evil forces... the idea is that there are evil forces at work, and the whole secrecy is unravelled by the coincidental synchronism.

And for the convincing, the most important reason for why I couldn't convince you of this, is that I almost ended up taking the conspiracy theories as absolute truth because of the synchronism I encountered along the way as I researched this subject. Like pieces of a giant puzzle falling into place. So many things that 'interconnected'. I read 1984 then got into the whole subject, and it almost seemed as if George Orwell was a prophet.

I still don't want to believe the whole thing though, because it would surely mean that world destruction is imminent and even moreso inevitable. And wouldn't really help in my struggles against becoming a misanthropist.
Forkbender a dit:
Situations like a battered wife rarely come into existance out of nowhere. You can blame both the husband and the wife for staying in a relationship that isn't working out for years prior to the physical problems start happening. You can blame one part of a debate, but the guilt is spread.

You present your version of the myth of how we got into this mess and how we should get out of it, it is not based on facts, but based on an interpretation of facts. You don't see that most of what you belief is just as untrue as the government lies. I don't support wars, but I don't think they can be solved by starting a war against some secret society of which we don't know the members and their location. Than it will become another war on terror without real enemy, just to fight the good fight. You are scapegoating.

So you would blame a battered woman along with her sadistic partner...??

Admittedly I am aware of the complexity of such a relationship. John Lamb Lash . in his book Not In HIS Image, sees this kind of relationship dynamic very much part of the Christian religious oppressive mindcontrol. That iit creates a 'victim-perpetrator bond' where the victim becomes attached to abuse, and some go onto abuse. In fact it is always those who've been abused that abuse. But the ones abused do not have to have been abusers.
Wehn we put a 'God' into the mix, then the abusers spin to their victims that 'God' wills their suffering, which often is carried out on them via persecution, torture, and genocide ( Christian domination of Indigenous peoples) and then the victims can create a bond to such a sick belief as that. So Lamb is showing the similarity between these two seemingly different situations which looked at closer work from the same dynamic.

Then you cease making sense. I won't dissect your logic, but you assume I want to make 'war' on the perps, right? Errrm they have their hands on some MEAN muthfukin weapons dude. What have i got? So maybe that wouldn't be an intelligent idea. they ALSo are stocking up on so-called 'non-lethal' weapons that are far from non-lethal. Like Tasers, and microwave vans, and all forms of control over our bodies and minds. But no doubt you will say nothing when you see a person tasered across the street? Is that starting 'war'? To stand up? What about if they are poisoning your kid's water supply? Is it making 'war' to stand against that?

Seems to me tyou just want to bury your head.

I am simply saying, for example LOOK! look at these clues. You know like any decent detective would? Whats the point of trying to invetigate and prosecutes the innocent party in a crime.

YES this is one BIG criminal for sure. But does that mean you turn your head away and hope it goes away. While they continue destroying everything?

I dont see how it is scapegoating when you want criminals brought to justice. How so?
zezt a dit:
maybe your doing to much partying I dunno. Join in when you got a clearer head. it helps :?

Where have I said i WANT you to believe and if you dont i will brun you at the stake/ is you still trippin?

I also never siad ONLY 11. There are other numbers these controlfreaks use as 'power numbers like 33, and multiples of 11s, etc

No i aint seen the film 23. Enjoy it?
yep youre right i was still tripping balls when i wrote my first comment this morning. And a bit grumpy...
So please don't take it to seriously :lol: i don't want to offend anyone who is on this forum although i'm part of the "geenstijlgeneratie" :lol:
note i only read it i'm not a "reaguurder" again :lol: its not a thing to bring that kind writing over to this forum.

Yes i saw that movie,

No. Didn't liked it

They might as well changed the nr 23 in to goldfish and you would have the same story, but i'm kinda high so :lol:
You are confused, zezt.

Just because I don't believe in blaming some third party that nobody knows by name, doesn't mean that I will look the other way and bury my head if confronted with wrongdoings. I meant 'war' in a figurative way. You continuously blame and blame, without looking to yourself for your role in all of this. ("May he who is without sin cast the first stone.")

What I propose is that people think for themselves and don't blame their own and other's misery on others, because it doesn't help them if they do. Being aware of something is entirely different than placing the blame, because by blaming you think of yourself as innocent. It is not so different from what you say, that people should stand up for what they think is right. Being a victim isn't empowering at all and never helps people stand up for themselves and take responsibility for their own lives.

I don't blame a battered woman for her own battering, but I do think that a lot of the times battered women could have seen it coming if they would've looked in the right direction and could have asked for help. Both the man and the woman have a responsibility when they are in a relationship. When they both don't take this responsibility the relationship will not work out, which will manifest in different ways (i.e. people not talking to each other, having affairs, physical abuse, psychological abuse, etc.) and in different directions (the woman may manipulate the man and the man may abuse the woman, for example). There is no black and white if you put actions like these in perspective and look at the way things turned out the way they did.
Pariah a dit:
I think the reason people are kicking against these ideas on this thread is that its being aggresivley put forward, which in turn makes me (personally) less likely to entertain its ideas, and more likely to ridicule the (seemingly) fanatic dedication to the idea.

I am just direct is all. I could say same about the re-actions. That they aggressively try and make me not speak or think about this. Or ridicule.

To me it is simple. Do you see these occult symbols, and sigantures over 9/11 etc? Then from there we move on. feel me?
Forkbender a dit:
You are confused, zezt.

Just because I don't believe in blaming some third party that nobody knows by name, doesn't mean that I will look the other way and bury my head if confronted with wrongdoings. I meant 'war' in a figurative way. You continuously blame and blame, without looking to yourself for your role in all of this. ("May he who is without sin cast the first stone.")

What I propose is that people think for themselves and don't blame their own and other's misery on others, because it doesn't help them if they do. Being aware of something is entirely different than placing the blame, because by blaming you think of yourself as innocent. It is not so different from what you say, that people should stand up for what they think is right. Being a victim isn't empowering at all and never helps people stand up for themselves and take responsibility for their own lives.

I don't blame a battered woman for her own battering, but I do think that a lot of the times battered women could have seen it coming if they would've looked in the right direction and could have asked for help. Both the man and the woman have a responsibility when they are in a relationship. When they both don't take this responsibility the relationship will not work out, which will manifest in different ways (i.e. people not talking to each other, having affairs, physical abuse, psychological abuse, etc.) and in different directions (the woman may manipulate the man and the man may abuse the woman, for example). There is no black and white if you put actions like these in perspective and look at the way things turned out the way they did.

What do detectives do? What is their role?
zezt a dit:
What do detectives do? What is their role?

Ideally they find out the truth. In practice they find the sources that corroborate the story their client wants to hear.