Forkbender a dit:
Situations like a battered wife rarely come into existance out of nowhere. You can blame both the husband and the wife for staying in a relationship that isn't working out for years prior to the physical problems start happening. You can blame one part of a debate, but the guilt is spread.
You present your version of the myth of how we got into this mess and how we should get out of it, it is not based on facts, but based on an interpretation of facts. You don't see that most of what you belief is just as untrue as the government lies. I don't support wars, but I don't think they can be solved by starting a war against some secret society of which we don't know the members and their location. Than it will become another war on terror without real enemy, just to fight the good fight. You are scapegoating.
So you would blame a battered woman along with her sadistic partner...??
Admittedly I am aware of the complexity of such a relationship. John Lamb Lash . in his book
Not In HIS Image, sees this kind of relationship dynamic very much part of the Christian religious oppressive mindcontrol. That iit creates a '
victim-perpetrator bond' where the victim becomes attached to abuse, and some go onto abuse. In fact it is always those who've been abused that abuse. But the ones abused do not have to have been abusers.
Wehn we put a 'God' into the mix, then the abusers spin to their victims that 'God'
wills their suffering, which often is carried out on them via persecution, torture, and genocide ( Christian domination of Indigenous peoples) and then the victims can create a bond to such a sick belief as that. So Lamb is showing the similarity between these two seemingly different situations which looked at closer work from the same dynamic.
Then you cease making sense. I won't dissect your logic, but you assume I want to make 'war' on the perps, right? Errrm they have their hands on some MEAN muthfukin weapons dude. What have i got? So maybe that wouldn't be an intelligent idea. they ALSo are stocking up on so-called 'non-lethal' weapons that are far from non-lethal. Like Tasers, and microwave vans, and all forms of control over our bodies and minds. But no doubt you will say nothing when you see a person tasered across the street? Is that starting 'war'? To stand up? What about if they are poisoning your kid's water supply? Is it making 'war' to stand against that?
Seems to me tyou just want to bury your head.
I am simply saying, for example LOOK! look at these clues. You know like any decent detective would? Whats the point of trying to invetigate and prosecutes the innocent party in a crime.
YES this is one BIG criminal for sure. But does that mean you turn your head away and hope it goes away. While they continue destroying everything?
I dont see how it is scapegoating when you want criminals brought to justice. How so?