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This Goddess and the Occultocracy

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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You know what, I'm gonna let you belief that I'm just another numbnuts, because you seem to get off on that.

What I meant was that there is no single person or group of person that can be blamed for the way things are going. There is, like you see all around you and project even on me, massive compliance. I'm all for empowering people and letting them think for themselves, but they don't do it for a reason. Somehow they are comfortable in their suffering. And like I said, I don't believe there is some (in)visible hand behind the compliance, it is just based on stupid neglect because people think they aren't worthy of love.

I do care about the people that died on 9/11 and their familymembers. I just don't care who did it, because it can't be undone and chasing people for being terrorists (be it statewise or extremistwise) doesn't stop them from doing it again and again and again. People seeking fulfillment outside of themselves will rarely find it.

BTW, what have you done in the cosmic battle against the enemy?
Forkbender a dit:
You know what, I'm gonna let you belief that I'm just another numbnuts, because you seem to get off on that.

What I meant was that there is no single person or group of person that can be blamed for the way things are going. There is, like you see all around you and project even on me, massive compliance. I'm all for empowering people and letting them think for themselves, but they don't do it for a reason. Somehow they are comfortable in their suffering. And like I said, I don't believe there is some (in)visible hand behind the compliance, it is just based on stupid neglect because people think they aren't worthy of love.

I do care about the people that died on 9/11 and their familymembers. I just don't care who did it, because it can't be undone and chasing people for being terrorists (be it statewise or extremistwise) doesn't stop them from doing it again and again and again. People seeking fulfillment outside of themselves will rarely find it.

BTW, what have you done in the cosmic battle against the enemy?

What have I done. I am here speaking out against it. Which is more than you are. You are saying that the crimes they do doesn't matter.

God forbid this should happen, and forgive me if your mum is not alive, but if so, if a mainiac raped and murdered your mum would you say it doesn't matter who did it? What if someone who hadn't done it was punished, would that matter to you.
Now, what if you say you do care (I HOPE you do or theres NO hope for you quite frankly), say same happens to your next door neighbour, do you care then. or is it only when it has happened to you?
Would you care that there is a criminal running round raping and killing peoples mums or not? Answer.
zezt a dit:
What have I done. I am here speaking out against it. Which is more than you are.

Let me get this straight. You have spoken about something that a lot of people don't believe and has only spawned resistance and you are giving yourself credit for it? Masochist!

You don't know jack about what I have or haven't done so stop interpreting everything to your own worldview.

You are saying that the crimes they do doesn't matter.

Please don't put words in my mouth. The rest of your post is based on this false assumption.
zezt a dit:
druglessdouglas a dit:
there are no shortage of female occultists. Dion Fortune springs to mind
about 50% of my friends are female occultists

as for secret societies. as long as they are bound up in dogma and secrecy all the better IMO.
(i cant work out the point of this thread, sorry)

ignore the machine

Oh god people like you make me despair. yes really. I know....what CAn you do

But listen. Your apathy does not dull MY spirit. I just look at you with sadness

your fanaticism lifts mine. good luck on your crusade. let us know how it goes
Wish I could reply the way druglessdouglas did... I'm getting carried away. Enough internet for today!
zezt a dit:
Neo's passport

what i don't get is how do you explain to yourself the fact that the Enemy has actually taken the time to put all these little ingenious clues out there. do they want us to solve the mystery? do we get a prize if we succeed?
aren't you the guy from the other 9/11 thread "matrix in action" or so?
Symbolism: who made these symbols?
Enemy: People who wear glasses are my enemy. I think they have four eyes. I really, really do understand people who dislike the system. I am one. But the system is not all over evil. No system is. A system is human-made, therefore it contains errors that can, yes they can be fatal and create a lot of misery. And even if our freedom is illusion- I still can read Nietzsche, Voltaire or even Hitler if I like to! If I have a fever, I do not have to fear death. Yes, we have to help the poor but not by destroying everything around us! And why the fuck do you talk about the movie "matrix"?? It is great, genious, artistic but not a prophecy! You are a rebel and you seek an enemy and you found it - have fun playing with your toys.
I'm still coming down from Awakenings(techno party) from last night. Got home @ 8 a.m. I cant sleep, really strange :roll: :shock: :lol: but i'm laying in bed reading the forum on my sellphone and i must say that this topic the one filled whit the most paranoid B.S. I've read in a long time. You really belief that? And you want others to belief what you belief and if they don't burn 'em @ the stakes? And how about the movie the Number 23 did you saw that? En do you belief that 2 (2.0909091x11=23....) or is there only room for the number 11.
you got home at 8 am. 8+3 (the number of holy trinity) =11. Can't you see the symbolism??
That's right! Cling tight to your beloved 'scepticism and rationalism', and debunk the whole topic without even trying to comprehend what is being said. Of course the whole numerology thing sounds like pure paranoia, but everyone of us can see that messed up things are happening. Whether it be humanity overall or some occultocracy, we shouldn't exlude possibillities.

I tend to discard of these theories as paranoia as well, but I can see a core of truth in there. And I do believe there is a reason for the fact that vast numbers of people are getting into this conspiracy thing.

Go outside look for bees, drink some tapwater spiced with fluoride, eat shit loaded with aspartame etc... (this isn't evidence of a conspiracy, this is evidence of things getting fucked-up)
Forkbender a dit:
zezt a dit:
What have I done. I am here speaking out against it. Which is more than you are.

Let me get this straight. You have spoken about something that a lot of people don't believe and has only spawned resistance and you are giving yourself credit for it? Masochist!

You don't know jack about what I have or haven't done so stop interpreting everything to your own worldview.

You are saying that the crimes they do doesn't matter.

Please don't put words in my mouth. The rest of your post is based on this false assumption.

the fact that the 2?, 3, ? users here are adamant they dont give two shits what criminals are causing havoc for the animals and people and insects and trees of planet earth does not either intimidate me or kill my spirit to want to talk about this. is this or is this not a forum? Do you not have people who start off discussion threads? Or do you regulate what can be discussed? I dont think so, so whats the problem?
If I am a 'masochist' in your eyes, does that make YOU a 'sadist'?

And like I know jack shit about what you and you have done, same goes you making remarks about what i have or haven't done. Focus on what i AM doing here!

And you have typcially dodged the question I asked of you. Do you want to see criminals who raped you loved ones walking about free, and people not caring about it? Simple question isn't it?
druglessdouglas a dit:
zezt a dit:
druglessdouglas a dit:
there are no shortage of female occultists. Dion Fortune springs to mind
about 50% of my friends are female occultists

as for secret societies. as long as they are bound up in dogma and secrecy all the better IMO.
(i cant work out the point of this thread, sorry)

ignore the machine

Oh god people like you make me despair. yes really. I know....what CAn you do

But listen. Your apathy does not dull MY spirit. I just look at you with sadness

your fanaticism lifts mine. good luck on your crusade. let us know how it goes

I dont dig...? Why should 'fanaticism' lift your spirit??
This scepticism is the reason why a conspiracy would be very feasible. If a real UFO caught on film, were to be put on youtube, no one would believe it anyway.
???????? a dit:
zezt a dit:
Neo's passport

what i don't get is how do you explain to yourself the fact that the Enemy has actually taken the time to put all these little ingenious clues out there. do they want us to solve the mystery? do we get a prize if we succeed?

Good question!

I think from what I presently understand about this, that these people like to communicate what they are doing to others of their ilk round the globe. Call it strutting their stuff. A bit also like the serial killer leaving calling cards. or in THIS case 'invitation' cards.

Also, there maybe sorcery agoing on here. These occultists are very much seriously into numbers in a deep way. And I should imagine that using these numbers, and other symbolism prior to, and during, and after the event will do some form of magick that most of us are not savvy to.

When i say 'do some form of magick', i am meaning that for THEm that is their intention. 9/11 was meticulously planned from at least the 1940s, and it is a very important springboard for their scheme of taking over the globe. Centralized totalitarianism. And this includes space and our consciousnesses!
restin a dit:
aren't you the guy from the other 9/11 thread "matrix in action" or so?
Symbolism: who made these symbols?
Enemy: People who wear glasses are my enemy. I think they have four eyes. I really, really do understand people who dislike the system. I am one. But the system is not all over evil. No system is. A system is human-made, therefore it contains errors that can, yes they can be fatal and create a lot of misery. And even if our freedom is illusion- I still can read Nietzsche, Voltaire or even Hitler if I like to! If I have a fever, I do not have to fear death. Yes, we have to help the poor but not by destroying everything around us! And why the fuck do you talk about the movie "matrix"?? It is great, genious, artistic but not a prophecy! You are a rebel and you seek an enemy and you found it - have fun playing with your toys.

Who made these symbols?

Well a symbol by itself is not dangerous. take the inafamous swastika. As a form, a pattern, it is harmless. But what it has been made to stand for it is not harmless when used for those means. And also the upset it causes for those who were affected by people who used it, and those fearful of those who use it and what they could do given the opportunity.
As far as I am aware the Nazis were very into Tibetan mysticism because they had the idea that the Aryan superrace originated from there. So they took the original symbol from Buddhism and reversed it

I never said the system was all over evil did I? And its human made and is not perfect, sure.
Then you say --yeah we can help the poor but not by destroying everything around us--. What do you mean by 'everything'? Are you poor btw?

And then you go off on one. I have just before told you about the Neo's passport scene. Were you shocked? I was. Were you. Forgot about the bloody film a moment. WERE you shocked?

And yes i AM a rebellious. Against a system such as this. But I do nnot have to seek AFTER an enemy. it is already closing in all round. Depending on peoples apathy!
Christenhonden a dit:

I wonder what you are symbolizing here/Kind of bringing in the fruitcakes whilst the 'intellectuals' discuss serious matters...? or... 8)
VerusDeus a dit:
That's right! Cling tight to your beloved 'scepticism and rationalism', and debunk the whole topic without even trying to comprehend what is being said. Of course the whole numerology thing sounds like pure paranoia, but everyone of us can see that messed up things are happening. Whether it be humanity overall or some occultocracy, we shouldn't exlude possibillities.

I agree. I tried to comprehend the world in the way zezt does for a number of years and it didn't help me or anyone else one bit, so I looked for another way, trying to be the best person I can be and stick to what I know is fact.

zezt a dit:
the fact that the 2?, 3, ? users here are adamant they dont give two shits what criminals are causing havoc for the animals and people and insects and trees of planet earth does not either intimidate me or kill my spirit to want to talk about this. is this or is this not a forum? Do you not have people who start off discussion threads? Or do you regulate what can be discussed? I dont think so, so whats the problem?
There is no problem.

If I am a 'masochist' in your eyes, does that make YOU a 'sadist'?
No. Why would that be the case?

And like I know jack shit about what you and you have done, same goes you making remarks about what i have or haven't done. Focus on what i AM doing here!

I am and it is not making sense to me. So far you haven't tried answering my questions.

And you have typcially dodged the question I asked of you. Do you want to see criminals who raped you loved ones walking about free, and people not caring about it? Simple question isn't it?

Just because I hypothetically (I haven't been in that situation) would like to see some people burn in hell, doesn't mean I would be right. I didn't answer this question before, because you put words in my mouth, saying that I think that crimes don't matter. I think they do matter, but it is not to be blamed on a single group without a lot of compliance from the so called victims. Seeing that you are not willing to listen to what I have to say, just puts you into the 'people who try to enforce their opinion on me'-file in my mind. Compassion is the only way to convince somebody, not blaming and projecting shit on others. Don't blame others for all the misery in the world, as you are part of the same system and can either do something about it or talk shit about some secret society doing all the bad stuff. Everything is related, don't make false distinctions.
let's get this straight. The year has 12 month, right.
According to wikipedia:
January: 1 - the first number, the origin, number of God, Sun and Man.
February: 2 - Devil, Moon, Woman
March: 3 - Trinity, "full" number, ...
April: 4 - matter, bad luck in Japan (or China or both) as it goes over the fullness (3)
May: 5 - senses, manliness,sexuality
You get my point?
8. May is capitulation of the Third Reich.
20. April is the birth of Hitler.
22. November is the assassination of Kennedy.
Nearly every date has a special occasion.

Every number has its symbols, depending on the culture, therefore why do you say that one number is more important?

PS: Discordianism has solved it all: the Law of Five.