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Agree!restin a dit:This is leading nowhere.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:This is the land of the native, it has always been and they are drugging the native population to make them so numb they forget, if you saw what happened here you could draw thousands of parallels.
GOD a dit:Him and the dutch "politician" that was mentioned in several posts very negatively earlyer in this thread were friends .
GOD a dit:Yes you have . I said it ages ago here in another thread . I saw a program about the guy who had been murdered and it talked about his right wing views , his friendship / links to the politician and that he was a trouble maker with a history of mental problems .
You mean Theo van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn were friends, which everyone knows and can understand (both were smart and broadminded). But whether Theo was ever 'friends' with Geert Wilders is questionable. I can imagine they agreed on the matter of Islam, but not on much else.magickmumu a dit:Yes
They where friends.
Van Gogh even made a movie about the conspiracy's (joint strike fighter) surrounding the murder on Fortyun.
I don't understand what you're trying to say. The worlds does include all the planets within them, including the earth. And like I tried to explain, the Quran draws heavily on its Persian heritage, which in turn stems from the ancient (not the modern) Vedic era. But in the Vedas and Puranas there are no suggestions to spread any particular religion or set of laws all over the world. India has always been the home of many different religions: the jains, the buddhists, the vaisnavas, the shaivites, the sikhs, the christians, the muslims etc., each with their numerous subbranches. When I was an active vaisnava I was tought to respect the Quran and Bible as scriptures similar to the Vedas, and the names Allah and Jehova as referring to the same almighty known to others as Vishnu etc. We had scholars pointing out the many similarities between the Purana's, the Bible, the Quran and the Torah. Where do you base your statement on, that India is the only country that openly rejects the Quran?Ahuaeynjxs a dit:Yeah heaven, hell, holy land... all worlds, it does not include a planet, it's written black on like old golden yellow ; this is far from a vedic text no ? Or would it be a coincidence india is the only country that openly rejects it ?
It sounds nice that way, but practically he created another sect.What I'm saying is that mohammed made a nice meta-cube of information meant for his people to live in peace with their own origin and transcend the cube for themselves and become one big community.
Hitting on a woman? We're talking about slapping women in the face here, beating them for not being a submissive wife at all times (like my neighbour in Amsteram would do a couple of times a week). There are no stories of Mohamed seducing anyone.Hitting on a woman here means you are trying to seduce her... and it must mean mohammed meant it literally ? Thats total nonsense...
Now that's what I call utter nonsense, sorry for being so bold. No one payed the thousands of muslims rioting in the streets of Denmark and other European countries. You're denying the fact that "dressing up like a muslim" and "sacrificing themselves" isn't anything new or invented by recent imams or politicians. It's something that's encouraged again and again in the Quran itself. (To avoid misunderstandings: I'm not talking about the really big terror attacks we saw in the past decade. Some of them were indeed False Flag operations.)Ahuaeynjxs a dit:Yes, indeed... I'd like to see any true extremist muslim. To me in their interactions with me they were always very balanced, very outgoing people.
"They" is just another generalization. Yes, there are lots of muslims by birth who fit your description. But were they really studying the Quran and going to the Mosque to pray every day? Were they abstaining from all intoxicating substances, including all entheogens?They actually seemed more sane than most people out here, because they felt like guests, they did not feel like many white people who think they are at home in north america.
[quote:13ywm6by]And now they're pissed that it dosen't work with the muslim so they hire jerks with no life, dress them as muslim and make them sacrifice themselves or create violence so they have a justification for the crap they tell us in the news.
[/quote:13ywm6by]I call the bullshit rule, Zezt you smell like a troll.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:Yes, indeed... I'd like to see any true extremist muslim. To me in their interactions with me they were always very balanced, very outgoing people.
They actually seemed more sane than most people out here, because they felt like guests, they did not feel like many white people who think they are at home in north america. This is the land of the native, it has always been and they are drugging the native population to make them so numb they forget, if you saw what happened here you could draw thousands of parallels. And now they're pissed that it dosen't work with the muslim so they hire jerks with no life, dress them as muslim and make them sacrifice themselves or create violence so they have a justification for the crap they tell us in the news.
I call the bullshit rule, Zezt you smell like a troll.
I'm really beginning to think he does, god... this makes no sense at all.
I'd bet you're a freakin target of the monarch operations, you should be getting help... I don't like to see you hurting yourself like this.
zezt a dit:The Muslims believe that all the Non-Muslims are “kaffirs
Just so everyone here understands: two Dutch celebrities were killed. Theo van Gogh was killed in 2004, by a muslim. That muslim claims he didn't kill Theo because he felt offended by him, but because it was his religious duty to do so.magickmumu a dit:No i don't think he was friends with Wilders.
I misunderstood![]()
Mohammed Bouyeri murdered Van Gogh in the early morning of Tuesday November 2, 2004, in Amsterdam, in front of the Amsterdam East borough office (stadsdeelkantoor) on the corner of the Linnaeusstraat and Tweede Oosterparkstraat, while he was bicycling to work. He shot him eight times with an HS 2000 handgun, and Van Gogh died on the spot. Bouyeri then cut Van Gogh's throat, nearly decapitating him, and stabbed him in the chest. Two knives were left implanted in his torso, one attaching a five-page note to his body. The note threatened Western governments, Jews and Ayaan Hirsi Ali (who went into hiding). The note also contained references to the ideologies of the Egyptian organization Takfir wal-Hijra.
Who said muslims are less than human?JJJ a dit:These views I think are much more dangerous than the Islam itself is 'dangerous'. Yes, believing many things in the Quran is stupid, but thinking that Muslims are less than human like this is just as stupid.
Yes, I've had friends from muslim families, though I've never been friends with practicing muslims. I did have a friend, born in the Netherlands, who was a serious muslim for more than three years (i.e. studying the Quran and praying every day). When he finally left Islam to explore hinduism, he received death threats for months on end. When I met him in Antwerpen, I had long conversations with him about Islam. Later on I read a book on the matter, which simply repeated everything he had told me, but from a scholarly point of view. A year later I lived in an apartment next to a moroccan family. They were alway friendly to us, but we could hear through the walls that the man of the house beat and verbally abused his wife at least two times a week. At age 13 I received a death threat from a fellow I knew, Saïd.Did you hear CM say how HE has Muslim friends, but they are far away from the indoctrination of the Qu'ran?
Zezt said. His idea that all Muslims consider it their duty to 'kill, rob enslave or exterminate' non-Muslims dehumanizes them, at least from my idea of what is a human. And of course the idea of Muslims as he describes them is nonsense, as 99% of them could never recognize themselves in it. I think Zezts statements in this post are purely racist.CaduceusMercurius a dit:Who said muslims are less than human?
Be careful with this kind of reasoning, I would say. Enough Christian and secular men that beat their kids and women, without first having to read about it any kind of book. The problem of such people I think is mostly a personal problem. If the link between Islam and beating your wife were so strong and inevitable, then most of the Muslim men would beat their wifes I think, and I know they don't.A year later I lived in an apartment next to a moroccan family. They were alway friendly to us, but we could hear through the walls that the man of the house beat and verbally abused his wife at least two times a week.
Still, it's you who considers that less than human.JJJ a dit:Zezt said. His idea that all Muslims consider it their duty to 'kill, rob enslave or exterminate' non-Muslims dehumanizes them, at least from my idea of what is a human.
Against what race?I think Zezts statements in this post are purely racist.
That paragraph was just a summary of some of my interactions, I didn't draw any conclusions from them.Be careful with this kind of reasoning, I would say.
I know.Enough Christian and secular men that beat their kids and women, without first having to read about it any kind of book.
We would never want to go back into the Dark Ages, and never will,
That would be a heresy. The book is the spotless message of Allah Himself, it cannot be edited or modernized. Modern commentaries can be developed however, and that's something that will hopefully happen, like you say, from within. Up until now writing such commentaries has always been a risky business though. Many revolutionaries have been killed by fellow muslims.JJJ a dit:The book could use some modernization then,
CaduceusMercurius a dit:Against what race?I think Zezts statements in this post are purely racist.
Psychonauts are by nature interested in different philosophies, traditions and religions. If racism disappeared anywhere, it was in the hippie movement, where cannabis, psychedelics and eastern philosophy made people see beyond the color of skin or the country of birth. You'll see hippies and psychonauts discuss religion, but such discussions do not involve racism.GOD a dit:Several posts in this thread break the rules of the forum . Rasism isnt allowed .