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Danger of Islam!

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I don't think that is true. I never heard of it before.
Yes you have . I said it ages ago here in another thread . I saw a program about the guy who had been murdered and it talked about his right wing views , his friendship / links to the politician and that he was a trouble maker with a history of mental problems .
Those people I talk about who fund both parties are well known mesmers... they're the same who choose who's going to be the next pop star in the same way, everything that touches politics is their playground.
I certainly didn't read that. I don't read everything here, you know.

If you could link me to it/the program it would be great. And I would stand corrected.
Sorry i cant link you to it . Just like i couldnt link anyone to it last time i said it . But i do remember the BIG row that started when i said that the film maker was a trouble maker........
Can't seem to find the thread. Did you misspell van Gogh in that thread?

I can only find one thread where you mention that we should look at his past and there wasn't really a reaction to it.
Sorry . Dont know . Cant remember . Lets just put it down to old age and forget it .

Yes , the search function is CRAP .
Wow !!!! You admit that what you said could be put down to old age ????? How old are you ?????? Maybe you should fix insulin !!!!!!

What havent you been smoking ??????
Stop twisting my words. 8)
Oooops !!!! Caught in the act again ............
so why couldn't you watch Submission again?
Because I got a memory. It's pretty neat, actually, makes you able to recall things like this.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
This religion is meant to preserve an old tradition
It replaced the old traditions of the region. It also replaced old traditions throughout Asia.

It's written very clearly in the book that it's not meant to be exported or used to convert people ; that is wrathful. It's not for nothing they call their place their holy land ; it means to be a true follower of Allah, you must live out there, or you're just being pathetic and unflexible.
From the perspective of the Quran, this entire earth belongs to Allah. I don't understand where you get the idea from that there is an area that is originally Islamic. Just because Mohamed was born somewhere doesn't make that land the property of his followers.
Just as i thought that the thread had been rescued .
Didnt you tell us that you were going to leave us and have a holiday ? I was realy looking forwards to it .
It's not a question of property... who the heck in his right mind would actually want to live in the middle of the freakin desert and call this holy land.

Prophets and people who's tradition is in peril and who thrive to attain spiritual goals that go hand in hand with their genetic heritage... I submit to you it hadn't replaced the tradition, it has camouflaged it, and purposefully so ; because they received manipulations that are downright wicked to their genetics ; of course it would only bring more controversy if I attempted to explain how.

Have you visited these places ? You would know you do not dream the same way as other places on earth there.

I'm not trying to justify, or even procrastinate that some people are too poor to afford going to live elsewhere, that would be pointless.

But I think it's important that we see it for what it is. Let them have their land that the prophet Mohammed blessed, we need to accept science for what it is in our culture, and be a little more logical.

This way we will be able to seize a more clear message of what mohamed meant for his people... the only danger of islam is people talking around it to feed the fire, or people ignoring it and blowing on it inadvertantly.

The book does not say that the planet belongs to Allah, it says that the whole world(s) belong to Allah, and thats something very different, its in relation to the earth silica matrix, but then again people go wacko when I talk like this, so I'm not going to insist.

Reminds me of Jesus... here you have a genius prophet speaking in methaphors and parables, and noone freakin understands him ; well I sure hope some people do.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
that the whole world(s) belong to Allah, and thats something very different, its in relation to the earth silica matrix, but then again people go wacko when I talk like this, so I'm not going to insist.
Indeed, the Quran describe the 'worlds', which are very similar to the Hindu and Buddhist divisions of 7 or 14 lokas (which include bhu-mandala, planet earth, in the middle), the Sufi division of 5 regions (tanazzulut), or the four worlds of the Kabbalah (olam). There are descriptions of heavenly realms, hellish realms, and Allah is of course Lord of them all.

I could relate to anything else, and explain to you that all the violent verses are metaphors for the realm of imagination.
I know you have learned to interpret everything holographically, but neither Mohamed nor his any of his followers expounded upon the art of holographic interpretation. He and his men didn't just sleep with children holographically, or beat their wives holographically, that was simply the way things were done in those days. The Quran was written in dead earnest. Of course, if you take it upon yourself to teach the Islamic community the art of interpreting their scripture holographically or metaphorically, I would encourage you, but you will be faced with deadly opposition, and you would undoubtedly run into trouble trying trying to explain verses like these:

Sura 4:11 - The inheritance of the male shall be twice that of a female.

Sura 4:3 - If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great.

Sura 2:223 - Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like.

Sura 9:28 - O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque.
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