Holofractale de l'hypervérité
- Inscrit
- 2/11/06
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- 4 372
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:I never abused the good ones however, like speed, MDMA, LSD... I left those to small doses as they should be... but Amanita, Datura, Salvia... most people wouldn't ever attempt what I did. I was a bit crazy yes, but I was in love...
Talk about contradiction...
But what has it brought you? I find Salvia too odd to get a message out of. To me, it's an amazing full blown experience but it lacks clearity as well. I just feel connected with an ancient culture. As walking with a torch through a cave while I'm living a life of thousands years ago. I love seeing what my appearance would have been if I was born thousands of years ago.
But I don't see the benefit in being completely lost and streched out in everything and nothing. It is also a state of being fucked up sometimes. Especially with datura and sometimes amanita.
It makes me wonder when people tend to believe that acid goes more insane as the dose is strongly increased.
As I said, 200 mics changes your world but drops you between the shore and ship. Hence your personal sixties story.
Triple that dose and you'll feel so clear that you have gotten life back with no inner stream of thoughts about the future or past. That's how nature itself has originally given it to humans. From where we started to invent something as a past or future by making our first movements.
As long you care about your house, your family, your life itself and everything in it you'll always remain with a certain loaded energy which holds you into bondage.
The highest level of a smoked DMT experience perfectly describes this model. The point that you don't exist anymore, and no longer carry any knowledge about what you had, who you were including your roots, is freedom.
LSD, shrooms and cacti do have this possibility as well, but you'll have to ingest sufficient material and give it all of yourself and and go with the thought that it'll be your last trip ever (it won't be though

Freedom = merely your own existing consciousness and nothing more. And at the same time it's detention because nothing else is present, not even the thought of being in your room. You'll realise that freedom and detention are the same when you have fully recovered. But the experience itself is being in the middle of the eye.
I just realised that everyone is God by having an awareness. But that awareness is not solitary present in this world and that's what shrinks the visibility of seeing it all of yourself.
The way you'll cope with life further is hardly accompanied by gravity once you've witnessed your personal beginning.