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Danger of Islam!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Our society turned you into Brugmansia. :D

They kept my physique alive after birth. That society left some space and freedom which I used to cultivate my own building plan. Nameless. Unhindered.

Can you expound on that, because the way you put it, it doesn't make sense to me.

In any system they see, they chase, they ensue, they bounce. Unintentionally heightened. And electrical signals declined in force.

Is this still on topic? I can't tell.

I can. But I'll withdraw from here on.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
The mess we're in was nobody's fault in particular, some things are just unavoidable

the west has been at war with the arabs since the crusades.

radical muslims aren't attacking just for religious reasons, it's politics, it's defense, it's revenge

the west using the arabs duringr wwi, continued western interference in palestine, the us funding what became the al quaeda, the gulf wars, the war on terror which has turned iraq from a somewhat liberal nation to rubble. the west has continuously fucked over the middle east big time and the west is blamed and hated
I moved all the health discussion here: DMSO (for restoring health)
Some members wrote a few posts that contained both statements on DMSO and Islam. The parts about Islam were as follows:

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
and the middle east had fucked their own native people before that... lets NOT FORGET.

Karma is a WHEEL, not a cube. It goes round and round.

Pariah a dit:
Alright... here goes:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion" .... "to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

Can we agree on this statement?

I've already put something similar in the "human rights" thread, but I think its relevant here.

Pariah a dit:

"Geert Wilders wanted to show Fitna in the House of Lords."

We had a similar situation (on a smaller scale) at my british Uni: the BNP wanted to take part in debates about asylum seakers among other things, and there was a bit of controversy about that. I personally think it would have been good to let people show just how foggy the BNP world view is in a debate, but because people see them as insighting religious and racial hatred, they are wary of giving them to much room to breath.

Personally I think the same goes for this Geert character: let him in so we can show just what we think of his ideas: let him say his bit, then laugh him out of the country.

I assume the British government wouldn't allow admittance on the grounds of his insighting intolerence, is that the case, or something unrelated?

Pariah a dit:
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
"We're not blaming Islam, nor Mohammed, nor any religion in particular. The mess we're in was nobody's fault in particular, some things are just unavoidable, with the Ice Ages and aliens (?) messing things up and all. But we have to be realistic about the present. We shouldn't make religion, or any religion in particular, our enemy, but like I said we can try to reduce their negative impact on modern society and the next generation. Encouraging moderate forms of Christianity and Islam is one way to go, helping people disentangle themselves from these belief systems altogether is another."
Now *that* makes sense to me, thanks. (well, apart from the bit about aliens :lol: )

CM @ Ground Control
Thanks Ground_Control :)

I just Googled 'Islam shariah law and psychedelics' and this thread is number one of the list!!

This is good and means that this is being expressed in the public domain!
st.bot.32 a dit:
the west has been at war with the arabs since the crusades.

radical muslims aren't attacking just for religious reasons, it's politics, it's defense, it's revenge
Certainly, it's quite complex. And it's because the scripture was written in a time of extreme political upheaval that it's one of the most 'radical' texts around.

Pariah a dit:
Now *that* makes sense to me, thanks. (well, apart from the bit about aliens :lol: )
I understand. We don't know what exactly transpired, and if it relates to the Ka'bah in Mecca at all. Within one or two days I'll start a separate topic about what I'm hinting at here.
zezt a dit:
Thanks Ground_Control :)

I just Googled 'Islam shariah law and psychedelics' and this thread is number one of the list!!

This is good and means that this is being expressed in the public domain!

Don't you feel sad when you realize how shortsighted you actually are?
HeartCore a dit:
zezt a dit:
Thanks Ground_Control :)

I just Googled 'Islam shariah law and psychedelics' and this thread is number one of the list!!

This is good and means that this is being expressed in the public domain!

Don't you feel sad when you realize how shortsighted you actually are?

No, because I know it is not me who is shortsighted :)

It is people like you who just drop useless accusatory ad hominem remarks like that. Which really aren't about the actual debate as such, but want to change the subject away from properly exploring what's been said, and being said. Because you would like to begin a 'Danger of Zezt' argument, right? So...start a thread bout it? I won't be shy. I will attend

What I do is encourage free flow of debate, and like any FREE flow of debate, it may not be liked by everyone. Especially those stuck in rigid forms of thought, and having defensive attitudes
This article is interesting because the author doesn't just expose Islam, but also the other major religions. And although he quotes Richard Dawkins, he also rightly reminds that he also is caught up in physicalism!

Why I am not a Muslim http://www.serendipity.li/eden/why_i_am_not.htm#muslim

"When one examines how Muslims live and act there are are good and bad features. The good is that there is a strict code of ethics, according to which good Muslims are honest, reliable, fair, generous and considerate of others; they do not lie, cheat or steal. Fine. I wish everyone was like that.

On the other hand, Muslims act this way (if they do) because they are are following a strict code of conduct (not just a code of ethics) which tells them how to act in all situations. There is not just a Muslim way to pray (which, in the case of the Sunnis, is the same in all mosques from Casablanca to Jakarta) there is also a Muslim way to do anything (including defecating). This code of conduct, which regulates the behavior of a strict Muslim in every way (Islam is thus a totalitarian religion), is modeled on the life of the Prophet Muhammad and subsequent Muslim religious leaders. If Muhammad did something in a certain way then that must be the right way to do it and as a good Muslim one must do it that way. Thus in Muslim societies cats are looked upon with favor but dogs are not (consequently cats far outnumber dogs) because Muhammad supposedly liked cats but disliked dogs...

A characteristic of all contemporary Islamic societies is their repression of women. Drawing attention to this can be fatal. In 2008 an Afghan student of journalism, Parwez Kambakhsh, was convicted of blasphemy, and sentenced to death, for asking questions in class about women's rights under Islam and for distributing an article on this subject which he had obtained from the internet. In October 2008 an Afghan appeals court commuted his sentence to 20 years imprisonment."

Please read whole article, and if possible the other 'why I am not a...etc'
it is because you don't answer questions and arguments and let CM do so. You only post videos and texts. Wow.
zezt a dit:
Now, I am well aware you'll do not like Wilders. But do you think this is a wise move by British pariliament?
Well, now that he's not going, we'll never know in what way and to what extent his presence would have disrupted 'public order'.

They should have let him in, making sure no truly offensive words and statements would be published by the media, and see how the different groups within the muslim community had reacted to his mere showing of a film that's already on the internet.

It's not that Wilders was going on a lecture tour or anything. They should have let him in and dealt with the situation responsibly.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
zezt a dit:
Now, I am well aware you'll do not like Wilders. But do you think this is a wise move by British pariliament?
Well, now that he's not going, we'll never know in what way and to what extent his presence would have disrupted 'public order'.

They should have let him in, making sure no truly offensive words and statements would be published by the media, and see how the different groups within the muslim community had reacted to his mere showing of a film that's already on the internet.

It's not that Wilders was going on a lecture tour or anything. They should have let him in and dealt with the situation responsibly.

The crucial thing in this I think is the stopping of the freedom of speech. And this means also the media not being stopped from reporting about it either.

To understand the story more see this video:

Islam Controls the House of Lords?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HVbGEVz ... annel_page
Whoa! I didn't know this Lord Ahmed actually threatened to gather 10.000 muslims to physically keep Wilders out of the House of Lords. That's outrageous!!

[quote:2b5h5rnr]A member of the Lords intended to invite her colleagues to a private meeting in a conference room in the House of Lords to meet the Dutch politician Geert Wilders, an elected member of the Dutch parliament, to watch his controversial movie Fitna and discuss the movie and Mr. Wilders’ opinions with him.

Barely had the invitation been sent to all the members of the House when Lord Ahmed raised hell. He threatened to mobilize 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr. Wilders from entering the House and threatened to take the colleague who was organizing the event to court. The result is that the event, which should have taken place next Thursday was cancelled.

Lord Ahmed immediately went to the Pakistani press to boast about his achievement, which he calls “a victory for the Muslim community.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Whoa! I didn't know this Lord Ahmed actually threatened to gather 10.000 muslims to physically keep Wilders out of the House of Lords. That's outrageous!!

[quote:102zlzcb]A member of the Lords intended to invite her colleagues to a private meeting in a conference room in the House of Lords to meet the Dutch politician Geert Wilders, an elected member of the Dutch parliament, to watch his controversial movie Fitna and discuss the movie and Mr. Wilders’ opinions with him.

Barely had the invitation been sent to all the members of the House when Lord Ahmed raised hell. He threatened to mobilize 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr. Wilders from entering the House and threatened to take the colleague who was organizing the event to court. The result is that the event, which should have taken place next Thursday was cancelled.

Lord Ahmed immediately went to the Pakistani press to boast about his achievement, which he calls “a victory for the Muslim community.
zezt a dit:
There was no mention of the Lord Ahmed, and the threatened 10,000 muslims at all
Or his bragging about a victory for Islam...

On this page the editor points out exactly the same thing I did earlier:

"Britain has banned Dutch politician Geert Wilders as a threat, on the grounds that its imported Islamists will be violent if they see him: Let’s get this straight: A Dutch politician is banned from Britain not because he’s violent himself, but because the Islamists that have been welcomed to Britain could tear the joint apart."

And Ed Husain, the co-Director of the Quilliam Foundation, says:

“Geert Wilders is undoubtedly an ill-informed, hate-driven bigot with many unpleasant views but he is not directly inciting violence. As a result, unlike in the case of Yusuf al-Qaradawi, I do not support the decision to ban him from the UK. By threatening parliament with a mob, Lord Ahmed is contributing to the negative portrayal of Muslims and their religion.
I think it's funny to see you guys go at it... no offense ; but CM's avatar is red and Zezt is blue...

Don't judge people by the color of their avatar. :wink: But now that I think of it, I did like my previous avatar better.

Ahha ! I knew there was something to it !

Funny that he has horn and eyes instead of tits ? :P

I would make it green tho... little green man on a violet blotter would suit you better !

I make rhymes ! hahaha
the melody is not good though. And the rhyme is impure.

A little green man on a violet blotter
Yeah I'd say that would suit you better.

Or maybe rather

A little green man on a violet blotter
Huh, I swear you would look much hotter.


A little green man on a violet blotter
You'd look so hot I could use some water.

uuuh I should rather stop here...
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