Quoi de neuf ?

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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

Your suggestions for Psychonaut.com

^ Same here. All of them.

What could be the problem?
sometimes I get mails of new posts and when I open them it says the page doesn't exist. This happens a lot in the "post your artwork" thread.

this topic should be called "your complaints about psychonaut.com".....

this topic should be called "your complaints about psychonaut.com".....
Unfortunately we don't have anyone who can fix these problems. We can easily add forum sections or add (certain) new features to the front page, but for the rest the software of this website is kind of difficult to use.

Tomorrow is my last day at my current job (web editor for an online smartshop). After that I'll be in my own little healthshop again, having lots of time to go through this thread and see what I can fix and improve.
I am not going to so much, but i think i can fix these problems. It are just bugs that are still not been fixed, because this is already a old forum. If it has a good update, i am sure this problems will be gone. And the forum will also technically be much better.

Pm me if you need some help.

This morning i loged on and and clicked the log me on automaticaly box and there were 34 unread posts . I started to read them and after the fourth time i clicked back to the unread posts again i got logged off . It keeps happening and its a drag having to scoure the whole forum for the posts i missed .
Sometimes (happenned to me twice), a topic creates a new page after I posted, but when I try to go to the last page, it says it doesn't exist, and my post is in the page before.
"please tell me what the hell is happend with growkit" has a second page that doesnt exist .
On page 36 of "Your creative work" in the "Art & Philosophy" section it say "No posts exist for this topic" . Has the site software got a zink and lecithin deficiency or are we being sabotaged........
GOD a dit:
This morning i loged on and and clicked the log me on automaticaly box and there were 34 unread posts . I started to read them and after the fourth time i clicked back to the unread posts again i got logged off . It keeps happening and its a drag having to scoure the whole forum for the posts i missed .

Yeah, that's fucked up.

We should be able to sort topics by latest addition.
I dont want to get loged off . I want the list of the unread posts not to disapear untill i want them to even if i log off . Maybe a bit like how PMs can be stored and then deleted when we are through with them . As sometimes i want to answer a thread much later and to have it still on the list .
The "Home" page has just gone Dutch for me :-

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Its realy bad that people can see our profiles , msn adresses , email adresses and web adresses without loging on .
well, I can't see your mail/msn...You can only see it if the person inserts it...
"You can only see it if the person inserts it"

Once its in you might be able to feel it but you cant see it anymore .

ok,write me a mail :wink:
is it possible to create a way to favorite particular threads that would later be accessible from a profile page, a la favorited videos on youtube?
that would be handy
What about a new section called "Loonys corner" or "The bored housewives syndrme" where loonys , mentaly confused people , bored housewives and cowards that cant cary their own responsibility can freely talk about their mental confusion = tarot , i-ching , astrology , violet flame , death valley , 2012 , time wank zero and other looser shit . They could then feel secure to out themselves there without being scared that normal people would rub their own crap in their faces . It would also be good because normal people would not think that we are all loonys and asociate the rest of the site with them and disqualify us all .

I dont expect my sugested names to be used but it would be cool if the name was at least neutral and not that it would be an advert trying to justify mental confusion . Please .
funny that you call that mentally confused... for me personally all that "esorteric bullshit" has helped me to get mentally more at ease.

So you deny that meditation and/or yoga can help a person get more destressed, mentally centered etc? Or am I wrong here?

I think it's quite ignorant of you to dismiss all those matters. So I guess that a christian/muslim/jew/fill-in-random-religion who gets strentgh and courage out of his fate is a loser too? Or perhaps a scientist who gets strentgh out of his science? Is that a loser too?

But it's a good idea though... Hopefully you'll be ignoring that section then ;-)

and for fucks sake learn to type man, all your posts contain lots of spelling errors and typo's... I guess you're German and English aint your native language but still it's a horror to read your posts :P
"So you deny that meditation and/or yoga can help a person get more destressed, mentally centered etc? Or am I wrong here? "

Yes , you are wrong there . I dont say that .

The whole post is a good example of what i mean when i often say many people project things on me .

"for fucks sake learn to type man, all your posts contain lots of spelling errors and typo's"

Fuck off . I write as good as i can . Who the fuck do you think you are to try to impose your standards on other people ? Thats what racists do with black people and nazis with jews . Have we got to take a test to be able to take part in life ? That would disqualify very many people in the world . In my country people like that are called at best snobs and better verbal nazis .