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Your suggestions for Psychonaut.com

GOD a dit:
Who the fuck do you think you are to try to impose your standards on other people ? Thats what racists do with black people and nazis with jews . Have we got to take a test to be able to take part in life ? That would disqualify very many people in the world . In my country people like that are called at best snobs and better verbal nazis .
I don't mean this bad or anything, because I can see why you say these things and I agree, but your "ranting" about esoteric loonie stuff could also very well be interpreted as you putting your standards on other people. Maybe that's why everyone's having such a hard time digging that shit.
And before you start boasting about your comand of english you should look up the definition of the word esoteric . Its got nothing to do with meditation or yoga .
GOD a dit:
"So you deny that meditation and/or yoga can help a person get more destressed, mentally centered etc? Or am I wrong here? "

Yes , you are wrong there . I dont say that .

The whole post is a good example of what i mean when i often say many people project things on me .
Perhaps I did project something here, my fault...

For me yoga/meditation is family of the Esoteric-Things-Family ;-)

GOD a dit:
"for fucks sake learn to type man, all your posts contain lots of spelling errors and typo's"

Fuck off . I write as good as i can . Who the fuck do you think you are to try to impose your standards on other people ? Thats what racists do with black people and nazis with jews . Have we got to take a test to be able to take part in life ? That would disqualify very many people in the world . In my country people like that are called at best snobs and better verbal nazis .
I'm sorry but last time I checked racism and spelling were too different things... And I agree with gammagoblin...

I just think it's ridiculous that you're calling esoteric things stupid/loony/etc while your posts are full with typo's and spelling faults... You don't appear very "educated" like that. Plus, it's hilarious that you call things stupid, while your posts appear stupid/dumb because of all the errors ;-)
wtf? There's no real correlation between these two :?

If I type fast I also make mistakes and there are other forums where I really don't care for my spelling. I am not native speaker either, what makes the difference? Just because GOD doesn't like what you do? C'mon man, why do you care? I know a lot of people who e.g. dislike my music and call it stupid, why should I care? And btw, GOD has a quite specific humour...So cool down please, it isn't nice reading that stuff and it isn't nice getting personal either.
If you read my posts you can see I'm calm btw... I already stated quite some times that I think it is normal that people do not like esoteric ism... But the way he expresses his feelings is childish to say the least.

I have nothing against his person, just something against the way he expresses himself, just like he has something against esoteric ism... He calls people with an interest in esoteric ism childish, loony and dumb...

I call people who express themselves like he does and whom still make a lot of spelling errors childish, loony and dumb

Now tell me where is the difference? If I would offend someone with my posts, which I doubt btw, I apologise. Oh and I also type fast, but I use the preview function and I think about what I'm saying... That's a good thing imho, if more people would do that a lot of trouble would be avoided, on-line and off-line ;-) But hey I could be wrong there, wouldn't be the first time I'm wrong at something, that's being human ;-)
I know that this behaviour is childish but that's no reason to behave childish, too IMHO...That's exactly what I say, there's no difference, why do you not behave better instead of getting to the same niveau?

Why are his spelling errors so important for you? I don't understand that.
My last post on the subject .

" could also very well be interpreted as you putting your standards on other people. Maybe that's why everyone's having such a hard time digging that shit."

Facts and rationality are not standards that i invented . And if you feel like that why are you trying to put your standards on me by saying "everybody" and "that shit" ? Facts and rationality are not shit and everybody doesnt agree with the loony esoteric fringe .

"I just think it's ridiculous that you're calling esoteric things stupid/loony/etc while your posts are full with typo's and spelling faults... You don't appear very "educated" like that. Plus, it's hilarious that you call things stupid, while your posts appear stupid/dumb because of all the errors"

Wow !!! Here we go again . Someone projecting things on me again . I`m not against all esoteric things . A lot of what we know and do in our scene and in the world in general started out in the esoteric world . I`m just against the loony esoteric fringe spreading confusion . We dont want to fall even more back into the dark ages do we ?.

"I'm sorry but last time I checked racism and spelling were too different things.."

How hipacritical and bigoted can you get ? Discrimination and snobism are discrimination and snobism . And what have esoterics and spelling / typing mistakes got to do with each other ? What has stupid got to do with type errors or gramar/spelling mistakes . You contradict yourself and show your ignorance .

"He calls people with an interest in esoteric ism childish, loony and dumb"

Jesus you are crass . Your falsly projecting your ignorance on me again .

"I call people who express themselves like he does and whom still make a lot of spelling errors childish, loony and dumb "

Ignorant nazi/snob propaganda/theory ?

"I think about what I'm saying."

So do i .

Bye Bye .
This isn't a language forum.

The message is in the meaning not in the seepllling.
GOD a dit:
I`m not against all esoteric things . A lot of what we know and do in our scene and in the world in general started out in the esoteric world .
Good to read! Too bad your posts gave me another feeling.
restin a dit:
I know that this behaviour is childish but that's no reason to behave childish, too IMHO...That's exactly what I say, there's no difference, why do you not behave better instead of getting to the same niveau?

Why are his spelling errors so important for you? I don't understand that.
Spelling isn't important too me if the persons post is interesting and not childish... GOD's his post sensed childish and ignorant

but I'll shut up about these matters now because I have the feeling I'm boring you guys with it :lol:
This is boring me :-

"*General Error*

Could not insert search results


SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '755741307' for key 1

INSERT INTO phpbb_search_results (search_id, session_id, search_array)
VALUES(755741307, '3fd658ab0654c574145dc923f525e997',
'a:7:{s:14:"search_results";s:47:"30017, 30242, 30734, 30944, 31051,

Line : 707
File : search.php"
Last week i have experimented with phpbb3.0 a newer version of the forum on psychonaut.com. It has much more options and features that could make the forum much more fun. I also did try to combine phpbb with drupal, which worked good enough. Drupal will gives the opportunity to have much more features and options then phpbb3.0 already has. But the most important thing is that there are almost no huge bugs in it like god shows here above. So i really think it's time for a update of this forum and keeping the same design.
That sounds good . I think its very important to keep the site looking the same . I`ve never seen a site where the look was changed for the better . They always get crappyer .
GOD a dit:
That sounds good . I think its very important to keep the site looking the same . I`ve never seen a site where the look was changed for the better . They always get crappyer .

For me this design feels as if there is a certain vibe to this website, that attracts a lot of very interesting people. I have seen many other psychedelic/related forums, but nowhere else on the internet i could find such an interesting group of people.
I agree . I like the design because its not to flashy . The colours are eye friendly . Its not cluttered up with irelevant shit = the screen isnt full of things that you have no idea what they are for or dont need . Its simple to use and understand . The type is readable .

I think a site should be functional and do what its suposed to do and this one does .

Most sites get improved to death .
i definitely agree w every one that the look of the site should NOT be changed
the colours here are wonderful
i can think of several other websites that deal w similar subjects that have dark coloured backgrounds and light coloured texts--terrible, terrible, terrible!
I agree on not changing the appearance, it's perfect...

And BTW, who cares of the few spelling errors GOD does, he doesn't do that much, and it doesn't make it harder to read his posts, so I don't see where is the problem... I probably do some mistakes too, english isn't my native language... Although I tend to reread most of my post and almost always end up editing them to add something I hadn't thought about and at the same time I correct my errors/typos.

Looks to me your using this argument to defend "esoteric bullshit", which is a very bad argument, as there is absolutely no relation between the two...

I think there should be a section called "Esoterism & Fantaisies" or something like that.
My personal opinion .

I think shit blinking and flashing icons should be banned . Or soon the people with inferiority complexes who use them will have them flash so fast that we all get epileptic fits . Maybe then they add their favorite shit music .
"Sorry, but the maximum filesize for all Attachments in your Private Message Folder has been reached. Please delete some of your received/sent Attachments."

I cant PM any fotos . I havent got any posts in my message box .
Theres seems to be something wrong with my message sending system . I just got this PM :-
" i got an email notice of a new PM, but no message in the actual inbox. re-send please " .

Its not the first time .
I always have a difficulty finding things back. I would be nice that by entering a keyword get a list of all the treads containing this word.