le Hutin (EEEEEHeh)
- Inscrit
- 3/4/20
- Messages
- 858
En bon consommateur, je reçois des newsletter de mes shops. Dernièrement, c'est à dire après le ban de la 3-mmc, est apparu sur plusieurs d'entre eux l'Euthylone.
Les RC shop vendent "Euthylone is a synthetic entactogen and stimulant of the cathinone class. It is the β-keto analog of MDEA. It is considered to be one of the best available stimulants. Euthylone has been inspired by the legends like 3-mmc, 4-mmc!"
Apres un petit check je trouve sur PNwiki que "Eutylone acts as a mixed reuptake inhibitor/releasing agent of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.[2][3] These are the neurotransmitters in charge of pleasure, reward, motivation and focus. This is done by inhibiting the reuptake and reabsorption of the neurotransmitters after they have performed their function of transmitting a neural impulse, essentially allowing them to accumulate and be reused, causing physically stimulating and euphoric effects.
In comparison to methylone, it has much lower affinity for the norepinephrine transporter, while its affinity for the serotonin and dopamine transporters is similar.[4][5] The results of these differences in pharmacology relative to MDMA is that butylone, like its close analog ethylone is less potent in terms of dose, has more balanced catecholaminergic effects relative to serotonergic, and behaves more like a reuptake inhibitor like methylphenidate than a releaser like amphetamine; however, eutyulonestill has relatively robust releasing capabilities."
Un stim léger type MDMA en moins potent, ce que pourrait expliquer que d'un autre côté, tout ce que j'ai trouvé soit de
KnowyourstuffNZ (en anglais) :
"The big concern this season was people who presumed they had MDMA. In previous years, Last year, 90% of what people brought to us as “MDMA” turned out to actually test as MDMA. This year, only 66% of the “MDMA” was actually MDMA. Instead, our testing mostly found eutylone, more than 350 samples.
Eutylone is a stimulant that is much more dangerous than MDMA and has caused severe and adverse reactions. We published alerts about eutylone in December, right at the start of the season."
Un truc crade selon une asso de RDR néo-zélandaise donc, mais ça veut pas dire grand chose je crois. Ca a surtout l'air mal connu, et je vois donc mal une asso recommander de le prendre quand même.
Donc voilà, si certains d'entre vous ont une idée de ce que c'est que cela, je pense que ça peut en aider plus d'un (dont moi)
En bon consommateur, je reçois des newsletter de mes shops. Dernièrement, c'est à dire après le ban de la 3-mmc, est apparu sur plusieurs d'entre eux l'Euthylone.
Les RC shop vendent "Euthylone is a synthetic entactogen and stimulant of the cathinone class. It is the β-keto analog of MDEA. It is considered to be one of the best available stimulants. Euthylone has been inspired by the legends like 3-mmc, 4-mmc!"
Apres un petit check je trouve sur PNwiki que "Eutylone acts as a mixed reuptake inhibitor/releasing agent of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.[2][3] These are the neurotransmitters in charge of pleasure, reward, motivation and focus. This is done by inhibiting the reuptake and reabsorption of the neurotransmitters after they have performed their function of transmitting a neural impulse, essentially allowing them to accumulate and be reused, causing physically stimulating and euphoric effects.
In comparison to methylone, it has much lower affinity for the norepinephrine transporter, while its affinity for the serotonin and dopamine transporters is similar.[4][5] The results of these differences in pharmacology relative to MDMA is that butylone, like its close analog ethylone is less potent in terms of dose, has more balanced catecholaminergic effects relative to serotonergic, and behaves more like a reuptake inhibitor like methylphenidate than a releaser like amphetamine; however, eutyulonestill has relatively robust releasing capabilities."
Un stim léger type MDMA en moins potent, ce que pourrait expliquer que d'un autre côté, tout ce que j'ai trouvé soit de
KnowyourstuffNZ (en anglais) :
"The big concern this season was people who presumed they had MDMA. In previous years, Last year, 90% of what people brought to us as “MDMA” turned out to actually test as MDMA. This year, only 66% of the “MDMA” was actually MDMA. Instead, our testing mostly found eutylone, more than 350 samples.
Eutylone is a stimulant that is much more dangerous than MDMA and has caused severe and adverse reactions. We published alerts about eutylone in December, right at the start of the season."
Un truc crade selon une asso de RDR néo-zélandaise donc, mais ça veut pas dire grand chose je crois. Ca a surtout l'air mal connu, et je vois donc mal une asso recommander de le prendre quand même.
Donc voilà, si certains d'entre vous ont une idée de ce que c'est que cela, je pense que ça peut en aider plus d'un (dont moi)