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Your suggestions for Psychonaut.com

It's been brought up several times now (in this thread and another) that it would be nice to have a forum category specifically for meditation, lucid dreaming, astrology, the illuminati, breathing exercises, crystals, drumming, yoga, 2012, reiki, color therapy, music therapy, herbalism, and whatever else that might not be directly related to the use of psychedelics.

The moderators of that part of the forum would make sure that the section is not used by anyone to criticize and ridicule such matters, as is often happening when such topics come up in other parts of the forum.

How about a category called Esoteric?

[quote:3kh4rw5k]From Ancient Greek
I thought I already posted it but couldn't find it: I'd like to demand a science section please :)
Meduzz a dit:
I thought I already posted it but couldn't find it: I'd like to demand a science section please :)

What should it be about (I'm not opposed to the idea, it's just that I've no idea what such a section could cover) ?
Tiax a dit:
What should it be about (I'm not opposed to the idea, it's just that I've no idea what such a section could cover) ?
I was thinking quantum mechanics, biology, alternative energy, astronomy,...
If there is room for a religion section and not for science, what is this?? :P

You can merge it with the synthetics-extraction and research section or you can create a section on it's own. Non-drug science :idea:
Maybe create an "experimental" subforum for new sections to see how popular they are and how it works out?
Meduzz a dit:
Tiax a dit:
What should it be about (I'm not opposed to the idea, it's just that I've no idea what such a section could cover) ?
I was thinking quantum mechanics, biology, alternative energy, astronomy,...
If there is room for a religion section and not for science, what is this?? :P

You can merge it with the synthetics-extraction and research section or you can create a section on it's own. Non-drug science :idea:

Great idea, I was unsure that the topic I created about NASA a few weeks ago fitted in this forum, I won't have this problem anymore with such a section ;)
"that the section is not used by anyone to criticize and ridicule such matters"

Ahh! Official esoteric false truthes ??? = dont be positively critical when some people spread their "Ì`m an expert" ego fantasys as truthes . Wich would be censorship . I have nothing against esoteric , but esoteric is esoteric and not nesecerily true or fact and that should be made clear . People sometimes get anoyed at Kevin from reality portal for pushing his personal intrests , if honest critisim is not allowed in the esoteric section that would be much worse than anything he has been acused of , OR ???? What are we going to do with those more intelligent , honest people ? Make them wear a star on their clothes ? Send them to dachau ? Or have another pharmacratic inquisition ? = I could get banned because some weak person tells lies or spreads their personal power fantasys as fact and i point it out ??? WOW !!! Little mentaly confused people with no facts can dictate that others have to believe their sickness or be gagged ? Sounds like the catholic dark ages = believe or be burned alive ? Or the jehovas witnesses and religeous fundamentalism ...........with the emphasis on MENTAL . Sieg heil ?

I will leave the forum if that happens .

If its going to be like that why not call it "A private corner where charakterless pseudo experts MIGHT spread backward crap where no one can be honest and tell them ." ................Or "Traces of nuts" .

Esoteric means secret knowledge . = usualy backward irational hippy fantasy shit ego games that have no basis in fact or reality .
I agree with what you said GOD, IMO as long as the critics are constructives I cannot see why we should ban them.
What should it be about (I'm not opposed to the idea, it's just that I've no idea what such a section could cover) ?

I was thinking quantum mechanics, biology, alternative energy, astronomy,...
Sounds like a good idea to me. Solar radiation, DNA, cloning, virusses... Difficult to separate some of those from the 'esoteric' though...
I was talking about forbidding any criticize
I was talking about defining a certain category.
GOD a dit:
"that the section is not used by anyone to criticize and ridicule such matters"

[...rant including comparisons with nazis and holocaust...]

god, you will be allowed to critize this as often you want. but I think it should be made sure that this doesn't happen in every single thread. you could open a thread in which you can critize anything you want.

I think esoteric isn't a good name for this. maybe call it plainly "Substance independed techniques" or something like that.
"Who said anything about banning anyone?"

........me . Well if people arent going to get banned what is going to be done to stop them being honest and constructive ??? Delete their posts , have a thread positive list for "Insiders" ????

I`m sorry it wasnt ment as an attack and i wasnt trying to put you on the line . I just wanted a clarification please , what is ment with "that the section is not used by anyone to criticize and ridicule such matters" ? If you meant basesless or negative slag attacks i totaly agree with you , but honest opinions must be allowed or we are on the same level as the pharmacratic inquisition . ( i mean the pharmacratic inquisition that is definately taking place and not the film ) .( Wow ! i just outed myself and said something positive abou TPI !!!!...........i hope no one notices or my plan to criticise it and therby get the pseudo fact holes out of it and make it publicaly aceptable might not work ??? )
Hi there, I don't know if you have the same bug, but when I get to the home page of psychonaut.com, and I scroll down to "Forum Categories", in the "Français" section, I see "Cannabis" twice. I think that this second (but same as the first) Cannabis section should be replaced by a link to the "Salon".


........me . Well if people arent going to get banned what is going to be done to stop them being honest and constructive ???
The same way we do it for all the forums: you define the purpose (and in some cases the limits) of that particular section. Take the German, French and Dutch "synthetics" forum for example. It says:

Synthetische Psychedelika
Dieskutiere hier über synthetische Substanzen. Pass auf: NICHT über Verkauf oder Erhältlichkeit. NUR allgemeine und anwendungsbezogene Diskussionen sind erlaubt.

Psychédéliques synthétiques
Discussion sur le psychédéliques synthétiques. Attention: seulement sur les expériences et l'usage. Vente ou recherche de drogues sont interdites!

("Discuss synthetic substances here. Note: do NOT discuss sale or availablitiy. Only general discussions regarding their usage are allowed.")

So that means: 1) if someone want to discuss the sale or availability, they should do so elsewhere; 2) if someone wants to discuss natural psychedelics, they should start a thread elsewhere (and moderators might move the topic to a more appropriate location).

What can moderators do if someone doesn't understand the purpose of a particular category? They can contact the person via PM to clear things out, which is always the preferred method. I'm not in favor of banning anyone or deleting posts, unless someone's sole purpose here is to promote their business or to start a flame war.

If you meant basesless or negative slag attacks i totaly agree with you , but honest opinions must be allowed
Yes, that's exactly what I meant. But what I also meant is that posters in that section could freely exchange ideas and practices, rather than spend all their time defending their views or feelings against a never-ending stream of nonspecific criticism and disregard for anything not (yet) proven by Science. Hence I think a "science section", to balance out the "speculation section", would be a great idea.

I'm quite critical of many New Age practices and beliefs myself. I would certainly be tempted to do so in an "esoteric" or "substance independent techniques" forum, but I wouldn't if that would not be the purpose of the category.
Thanks , we are on the same wavelength . You mean let the children play and only say something if whats said is being sold as fact . = people have the right to believe in and talk about not proven things and dangerous hokus pokus but dont have the right to demand that we all call it fact .

What about getting the software to print web adresses on 2 lines if they are so long that the page gets widened to fit them in , i mean like fotos that are to big .
GOD a dit:
What about getting the software to print web adresses on 2 lines if they are so long that the page gets widened to fit them in , i mean like fotos that are to big .

Yes, people have the biggest troubles with resizing...
You mean let the children play and only say something if whats said is being sold as fact . = people have the right to believe in and talk about not proven things and dangerous hokus pokus but dont have the right to demand that we all call it fact .
Yes, that's what I meant.
I think that there should be a possibility to stop some people sending me/us PMs . If there is already please tell me how so i can protect myself . People wonder why i get so anoyed sometimes . Its because when i sleep 2 hours like i did last night i cant function , i cant think straight and i cant balance my replys . The only thing i can do is lash out .

I am sick to death of it , i have dificulty sleeping when i get PMs from mentaly confused people . PMs where people use silly tricks , when in public they are neutral and in the background they try to set me little traps , prove i`m not their definition of GOD . For fucks sake its a fucking name and nothing else .

For example when i get asked if i have grown Daturas and what colour the flowers were . Then when i tell them yes and the colours they split hairs and tell me i`m wrong about one of them , and that that proves what i say on the forum is wrong , that i have no knowledge of Daturas . That i`m talking about Brugmansia . Thereby conveniently for them pretending that Brugmansia isnt also known as tree Datura and sold in garden centers and supermarkets as Datura .

Sorry , as i said i`m disabled and fucking ill with hepi as well and stress like that on top FUCKS ME UP totaly .