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Your suggestions for Psychonaut.com

therefore this topic
Indeed. Some of us are going to sit around the table (literally) next week to discuss what we want to change/improve and how to go about doing that.

Some suggestions so far:

When I return to the 'Psychonaunt Community Forum Index' it always brings me back to the top, when I am viewing something new the bottom. Is there anyway to make the topic that you were viewing appear at the top instead of the top of the page, if that makes any sense?

plus de lien français..more french link
(my personal opinion: you already have more than the German, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese sections).

I wish the "recent posts" list would be a bit longer (or unlimited if one goes to another page?).

a section for meditation, dreaming and similar stuff would be nice.
a section where you can post articles like those from realitysandwich, boingboing or other sites would be nice too.

Love the front page, but there isn't enough on it! After that the only other thing I can think of is the search engine. It doesn't work a lot of the times.

That the wiki option is on the top of every page again . That the foto gallery is working again . That the option to add a foto is on every forum thread . That when you paste a new post it gets copyed exactly the same as its written and not like now when it sometimes gets split into lines two lines apart . That when you post double spaces between things it doesnt get shortened to one like it does now . That when you go to "home" and click on the words "wiki encyclopedia" the wiki opens . The same with the "experiences" section . That pictures that get uploaded to threads are automaticaly resized because its a real pain when you have to scrole from left to right to read the posts because a picture is to big .

I think it would also be nice if such a list could be generated for separate languages, although that wouldn't be such a concern if the list would be much longer.

Thanks everyone! Any more? Like, an online karaoke plug-in instead of the poll?
may sound trivial (not as much as the karaoke though), but a little shoutbox would be nice, I think.
+1 for the shoutbox, would definately add some community value to the website!

And if you're going to discuss about how things are going to change, don't forget to talk about the modification of the policies on the french forum ;)
@CM I'm already putting the suggestions in a textdoc :wink:

Keep it coming :D
"Ever done anything like it?" ( the question could be put better if you asked "have you ever fucked a site software up like we have ?" = NO !!! ) .

YES . I have used dreamweaver , and my mate AJ makes and sells web sites........... with forums . I`ve watched him and helped him for several years . Software is software and if a person is not an absolut total wally its not hard to learn to use it........ he just has to have P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E and try ....... and be honest enough to ask for help when he has fucked the software up . Again . And as i said we make a copy , play with it and not try to do repairs on a running system ......... and therby fuck it up like now . Again . Buying very expensive software "programmers" to fix problems made by users is not a good idea as the guy gets loads of money and the problem = the user remains . So the only real solution is LEARN TO USE THE SOFTWARE ...... or get milked ....... or get used to living in a ruined colapsing house .

The problem with the browser and the back button = there is a diference between read and read / write mode = you have to store what you have changed before you try to change pages with your browser . If not the site software thinks that when you press the back button you are giving it an instruction to do something to / with it and not just that you want to change pages .

Weather people who need help realise it , or admit it , or not is irelevant . A person is what he says , what he does and the diference between that . The world watches , sees , and makes its conclusion .

The question was also what do you like about this site ?

I like ME the most .

I like it that so many people from so many diferent countrys meet eachother as equals , can talk about anything and who cares what language they can speak .

I like the "feeling?" that there is a sort of self regulating democracy where if someone doesnt like something that has been said we talk about it .

Its also good that the moderators and administrators talk with us , that they join in like equals and that if they talk crap we can tell them without them getting snotty . On other forums there usualy comes a time when moderators start to threaten and ban people who dont lick their arses .

I am also gratefull to Psychonaut NR.1 for organising this site , and all the others . For all his work to get drugs legalised , acepted and for spreading so much information . THANKS .

It would also be good if i could get into the moderators forum ?

I am against shout boxes especialy if people dont have to register to write something ???? What reasons are there for shout boxes ? What does it bring the site ? The site is one big shout box , its a forum !!!! So what are the advantages / dissadvantages please ???
And if you're going to discuss about how things are going to change, don't forget to talk about the modification of the policies on the french forum
I don't think we need to modificate any policies. Whatever applies to the site as a whole applies to the French section and vice versa. It's interesting that last year an underage French teenager didn't know how to handle drugs, killed herself and made the Dutch government reconsider its laws on the sale of mushrooms, and now because some underage French members cannot figure out that the focus of this website is the psyche (as in 'psychonaut') rather than hard drugs, we may have to tighten the rules for everyone to avoid attracting attention from narcotics officers. We never stated which drugs can and can't be discussed, because no one discussed the destructive ones anyway, but now that in a short period several topics have been started on the use of heroin, glue and similar crap we may have to start drawing some lines in this regard...
A really good CMS what can do the job, like photo resising etc, is surely http://www.drupal.org I use this CMS already for a long time. The people who work at this CMS, keep it frequently up to date! It's also good documented, and it has lots of modules, which work great and are not so crappy as you have with joomla or many other CMS systems. Of course there are crappy modules, but there to many great ones :)

Altough Drupal is not that nice for programmers, because your almost don't have to program. Everything can almost be done, by just configurating it correctly. But once you used to Drupal and see what powers it has, it does not matter if you almost don't need to program. It's some GOOD software, for a website like this.

Just take a look at it, experiment for a while, and you will understand where i`m talking about.

HeartCore a dit:
Shoutbox as in music?
um, I don't know about this, but I was think about something like the shoutbox on the right of this page (scroll down) http://www.last.fm/music/Aphex+Twin

GOD a dit:
I am against shout boxes especialy if people dont have to register to write something ???? What reasons are there for shout boxes ? What does it bring the site ? The site is one big shout box , its a forum !!!! So what are the advantages / dissadvantages please ???

people should have to register anyway, if not, there would be quite some bots spamming the box, I guess.

Tiax a dit:
would definately add some community value to the website!

I'm not against the shoutbox, so maybe you would like to list the disadvantages ;)
It would be good if the list of actual threads and the list of people who are on line were on the same page and that we can see them together without scrolling and loosing sight of one of them .

........ And isnt my non comercial free , tax free , money button going to happen ??????
Yes a shoutbox!
I've missed it here, dnbforum.nl has one, very nice.
You can click on a link to view all previous messages (on a sepperate opend floating window)

Also, another solution for the tripreports, wich are now kind-off hidden somewhere.
A friend of mine suggested using a blog module, so you can blog a tripreport and everyone can directly read it and comment on it, I know people post it all around now and you don't see much tripreports very often, so maybe it would be nice to make a more clear area for tripreports.
It would also be good if i could get into the moderators forum?
I have just allowed all the new moderators access to that forum. I thought everyone could automatically, but I found out that I have to do this manually for each moderator. So GOD, Telico, BrainEater and others should now have access to this part of the forum.
What about a forum part called "Traces of NUTS" where we could talk about things that have traces of nuts like "The fartocratic inquisition" ???????
hey GOD i guess you have an obsession about farts ... or maybe a severe trauma :P ... just kiddin...

peace :weedman:
To much jenkem.....
Also the border around posted images wich are uploaded on psychonaut.com itself has to go (IMHO)
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Also the border around posted images wich are uploaded on psychonaut.com itself has to go (IMHO)


I see I've been promoted to your signature. Good stuff.
A part for meditation should be brought up there I think. Don't know if it has already been said, I've only read 2 of the three pages.

I think that things like meditation or lucid dreaming should be part of this forum, as the word "psychonaut" does not only stand for the use of drugs.

It would be great that a well-documented section appears here :)
yeah i think maybe there could be some subcategories of "general psychonautics"... there could be sections like meditation or dreams.
because i think basically these two things are the root of psychonautism
what can be explored can be explored thru the use of many drugs, but
the basics of psychonautism maybe are meditation and dreams.