Meduzz a dit:
A better clarification would be a definition of "ordinary state".
Day to day, ordinary consciousness. The state of consciousness you are in when you
arent tripping on entheogens
Phenomenologically, the ordinary state can be characterised by 'tight' cognitive association binding. The best way to explain what this means is with reference to the distinction between appearance and reality (and incidentally this is very relevant to the subject of HPPD). In ordinary consciousness, appearance and reality are so tightly binded to each other (within the individual's system of mental representations) that they can be conflated in the individual's belief system - ie the individual can believe, completely convincingly, that they are the same thing, ie that appearances actually ARE the relaity that they point to.
So take the example of a table (classic examples given in philosophy classes are tables and chairs

). There is a table in front of me, the light reflects from the surface of the table onto my retina, the light pattern is transduced into my brain, and my mind creates an internal representation of the external/material table based on the reflected light pattern on my retina. So the table that i 'see' is NOT the same thing as the 'real' table. But I am able to believe, when i look at the table in the ordinary state, that i am seeing a real table.
Contrasted with this is the visual perception of a table when i am in the 'loose' state of cognition (ie the mystical/religious experience, the dissociated state), when you take LSD then look at a table, it does not have the same degree of coherence that it does during ordinary consciousness, for example the surface of the table is rippling and warping, covered in dynamic geometric patterns. The effect of this visual effect on LSd, is to 'dissociate' the appearance of the table, with the reality of the external table, in the intense mystical experience, it is impossible to mentally conflate appearance with reality.