Forkbender a dit:
zezt a dit:
And that idea and apathy, and elitism, I feel, is the danger of Eastern forms of religious indoctrination, including Buddhism!
But belief systems like Christianity, and Islam, and Judaism, and Hinduism, and Buddhism deny this right, and pretend you can be free in a hostile oppressive space. Why? Because they dream of eventual escape from the prison their belief systems create! They have lost contact with the land.
What prison does your belief system create? Isn't that precisely what this thread is about?
Freedom comes when the will to dominate ceases to be. Yet a struggle is always a relationship between to parties. If you cease the will to dominate, the other looses power over you. The hostile oppressive space is in fact not that hostile. Perceiving it as hostile is creating the want to dominate others. All you need to do to be free is live in harmony, submit yourself to the natural way of being.
No I don't agree. For one such a philosophy doesn't help other species from the ignorant dominance of man. because their myth writ BY dominiant males makes the believers in it believe it comes from a 'God' that told them they had right to dominate. The animals know nothing (as far as I am aware) of Eastern idealistic cliches.
Many species have, and continue to go extinct, and it just goes on!
Or take the situation of a relationship where the woman (or man) is being abused by their partner. The one being abused is not dominating when they choose to not take any more. That is their POWER! And using this power can be very effective against a dominator who is usually a coward and knows he can get away with murder when bullying a weak-willed other.
Also the battered dog might come back with such a bite it will make its abuser think twice from trying it on again
You surely must have seen that video I asked you to watch by now 'the fourth world war'...? You see lots of examples of people who have had enough and join hands against the perpetrators of great abuse. THAt is community finding its voice, and power.
Our world is VERY hostile. There is great abuse going on. But because of their mindcontrol, which will include beliefs like you seem to share, this creates a much welcomed apathy for these tyrants. they LOVE it when people wont speak up for their liberties. It then is so easy, and they aint going to suddenly not do it if you sit and meditate on a rock.
Listen man, think about the animals, all species, and the children, and generations to come. We HAVE to make an effort.
One other example--school. It IS hostile, and its purpose is for indoctrination and dominance over yours and all other children by the State. And they are drugging kids in their millions, labelling them with bogus 'mental diseases' they call 'ADHD' etc. Harmful drugs. To challenge this abuse to your child you have to speak up. And
change this evil shit. USE your will power.