So then, let me provide a present summary for anyone who might have dropped in at the end posts of this fairly long thread and thought wtf
The reason I started this thread was to draw attention to the Occultocracy, and/or Cryptocracy who are this very strange 'hidden' force in world culture that seems to be obsessed by numbers and 'the power of names and places' , and is very much connected with the drive--which is coming out of the woodwork allround--for a 'New World Order'. And that this plan has been in the making for quite a while. For example, check out--if you use this money--your one dollar bill and the symbolism. It is all about this Occultocracy and its pyrmadical hierarchical structure, and its taking over of all money, and its plans for a New World Order, where the ones at the top--represented by the 'All-Seeing-Eye' --seeing themselves as the 'Illuminated Ones' who are fit to guide all of us, 'the masses', who they see as a form of cattle stock to be herded and manipulated.
Their 'religion' can be understood in the New Age beliefs that have basiscally derived via Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement which when seen for what it is is racist, misogynist, and antagonistic towards animals and nature!
A great book that goes into great depth about exposing the New Age agenda is Monica Sjoo's book,
Return of the Dark/Light Mother or New Age Armegeddon?
She shows how very devious many of these New Age movements, and institutions, and speakers are. How they pretend to care for nature, and a Goddess, etc but really do not.
So this is why in the section of psychonaut forums that specifically is for Goddess oriented explorations, I think this is extremely important to be expressed. Monica Sjoo is deeply respected by people who know about authentic Goddess spirituality!
I am aware that many investigators of the 'Illuminati', like Christian investigators are all confused. They will associate the Goddess, and/or Goddesses and Paganism with the Illuminati without having any knowledge about Sjoo's research into this. And they themselves have always been anti the Goddess and anti nature. hence their desire is to escape nature and 'return' to 'heaven' until their 'Jesus' (solar god) 'puts nature right'. In other words their belief is really of the same stock and roots as the one--Illuminati/'Satanists'--they condemn. So that needs pointing out.
Then we have the David Ickian theories which are more along the lines of Eastern Idealism which itself may seem more mystical than Christianity, but also denigrates nature by claiming it is an illusionary trap. Icke and his followers add to this world-denying belief by throwing in demonic entities he believes are Draconian reptilians.
The only other researchers I am aware of about this weird subject are Freeman from the Freeman Perspective, and although sympathetic twards Paganism unlike the Christian researchers, yet he clings to ickian theories of reptillians and reality as an illusionary trap.
Alan Watt who although seeing through religious indctrination and the Ickian reptillian theories--which Watt rightly IMO sees as put out by the Illuminati themselves--yet is anti psychedelics!
Another poster above 'Druglessdouglas' acused me of just rehashing what 'thousands of others' have said about this. But I called his bluff and asked him for ONE researcher who is on similar wavelength to me, and of this date he seems to have not found one.....hmmmmm. Anyway watch this space.
Iactually hope he does, because it would be fun to swap ideas

and enrich the exploration