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This Goddess and the Occultocracy

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
  • Date de début Date de début
???????? wisely said a dit:
bacteria have wars. you can actually see how they organizedly kill their opponents over resources on a petri dish.

I actually heard that the farting of the cows and the methane they make is an important source for global warming. Are the fish also involved in this? Uh, fuck, nature is taking revenge by making all the animals fart.....
The latest explenation for the ship sinkings in the bermuda triangle are that whole herds of fish get the farts , the sea gets full of bubbles and the ships above loose their boyancy and sink in seconds .

"As far as i`m aware"

Exactly . Get some knowledge , some experience and learn to think before you talk so much confused , one sided shit .

"what I am putting down is fairly unique,"

No its not . Its the same old paranoid conspiracy crap that you and others post in one forum / thread after another .

"hence why I am wanting to share it. "

Its natural for people to want to be respected / seen as an authority . Everyone wants to give the knowledge they have gathered to others . Thats why you are doing it . And your doing it like a little kid in a room full of adults that are ignoring him . The more you feel inferior the more you talk crap and the louder , more insulting you get .

Its not the themes that a person is interested in that define weather hes ill or not its the fanatism . The lack of objectivity , scepsis and neutrality that does that . = Its not what you do its how you do it . If you are a normal rational person sit down and think about what you want to achieve with your posts and what the results actualy are . You havent converted anyone , you havent solved any problems all you have done is be very loud , insulting , annoy some people and make yourself a dodgy reputation as a confused trouble maker .
One other example--school. It IS hostile, and its purpose is for indoctrination and dominance over yours and all other children by the State. And they are drugging kids in their millions, labelling them with bogus 'mental diseases' they call 'ADHD' etc.
Schizophrenia is another one.

And change this evil shit. USE your will power.
Maybe instead of having long discussions, we'd better brainstorm over what to do about it? As much as I hate the suppression and suffering caused by those in power, I love engaging in the fight. It's not boring. Their evil and ignorance has given my life a purpose. And as long as the pen is mightier than the sword, all is not lost just yet. Hurray!
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
[quote:8v0o9yyy]One other example--school. It IS hostile, and its purpose is for indoctrination and dominance over yours and all other children by the State. And they are drugging kids in their millions, labelling them with bogus 'mental diseases' they call 'ADHD' etc.
Schizophrenia is another one.

Yes, it is connected with that also. The mental illness myth. People have ignored it and now its profit reapers are after our children, in their millions. So now you can have the situation where a teacher has the power to diagnose a child as 'defective' with ADHD, etc. They even are giving children a hybrid of big pharma tabs including so-called 'anti-psychotics'. This is very serious.
The mental illness myth is so all pervasive that to question it is on par with questioning the previous all-pervasive indoctrination of Medieval Christianity.
Of course people will experience visionary experience, which is called 'schizophrenia', but this is not a disease like they claim. It is a self-healing process that needs love and support.
IF the person chooses to take medication that is their choice, but they must be treated with respect and not lied to that they have a disease that needs harmful medication.
Questioning this mental illness myth goes right to the rotting heart of our current paradigm.

And change this evil shit. USE your will power.

Maybe instead of having long discussions, we'd better brainstorm over what to do about it? As much as I hate the suppression and suffering caused by those in power, I love engaging in the fight. It's not boring. Their evil and ignorance has given my life a purpose. And as long as the pen is mightier than the sword, all is not lost just yet. Hurray!

Well its a forum, and thats where we discuss. I am also interested in brainstorming, but you have to get thing in context and that demands elaboration. This is really complex. I mean culture is very fucked, I am sure most here have noticed. Species going extinct, invasion, freedoms going, false flags where atrocities happen. A secret Cryptocracy seemingly behind much of this. Tale and more talk by the big wigs about a New World order, and apthy, even from people who know psychedelic experience--as can be observed here. That wont shut me up of course. It makes me BETTER 8)
zezt a dit:
Of course people will experience visionary experience, which is called 'schizophrenia', but this is not a disease like they claim. It is a self-healing process that needs love and support.

Well its a forum, and thats where we discuss.
Yes, you're right about that too.
I am officially out of this discussion...
Orders from moscow ?
:lol: you forgot that I speak German but you will never forget my Russian roots. I have no russian passport at the moment, I am going underground for the Kremlin, just hunting some journalists, as usual, and how's you?
I`s OK , hows your spy ring ?

I didnt forget you speak German . I wrote that incase anyone else was reading .
ah sorry. Glad you're fine. Maybe you will PM me your name and adress so we can come and visit you? We'd be really happy to invite you to our special rooms for special people. We're OK now, as usual, long name list to work through, but it's worth it.
please us pms for your personal chit chat, not my thread thankyou :wink:
So then, let me provide a present summary for anyone who might have dropped in at the end posts of this fairly long thread and thought wtf

The reason I started this thread was to draw attention to the Occultocracy, and/or Cryptocracy who are this very strange 'hidden' force in world culture that seems to be obsessed by numbers and 'the power of names and places' , and is very much connected with the drive--which is coming out of the woodwork allround--for a 'New World Order'. And that this plan has been in the making for quite a while. For example, check out--if you use this money--your one dollar bill and the symbolism. It is all about this Occultocracy and its pyrmadical hierarchical structure, and its taking over of all money, and its plans for a New World Order, where the ones at the top--represented by the 'All-Seeing-Eye' --seeing themselves as the 'Illuminated Ones' who are fit to guide all of us, 'the masses', who they see as a form of cattle stock to be herded and manipulated.

Their 'religion' can be understood in the New Age beliefs that have basiscally derived via Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement which when seen for what it is is racist, misogynist, and antagonistic towards animals and nature!
A great book that goes into great depth about exposing the New Age agenda is Monica Sjoo's book, Return of the Dark/Light Mother or New Age Armegeddon?
She shows how very devious many of these New Age movements, and institutions, and speakers are. How they pretend to care for nature, and a Goddess, etc but really do not.
So this is why in the section of psychonaut forums that specifically is for Goddess oriented explorations, I think this is extremely important to be expressed. Monica Sjoo is deeply respected by people who know about authentic Goddess spirituality!

I am aware that many investigators of the 'Illuminati', like Christian investigators are all confused. They will associate the Goddess, and/or Goddesses and Paganism with the Illuminati without having any knowledge about Sjoo's research into this. And they themselves have always been anti the Goddess and anti nature. hence their desire is to escape nature and 'return' to 'heaven' until their 'Jesus' (solar god) 'puts nature right'. In other words their belief is really of the same stock and roots as the one--Illuminati/'Satanists'--they condemn. So that needs pointing out.

Then we have the David Ickian theories which are more along the lines of Eastern Idealism which itself may seem more mystical than Christianity, but also denigrates nature by claiming it is an illusionary trap. Icke and his followers add to this world-denying belief by throwing in demonic entities he believes are Draconian reptilians.

The only other researchers I am aware of about this weird subject are Freeman from the Freeman Perspective, and although sympathetic twards Paganism unlike the Christian researchers, yet he clings to ickian theories of reptillians and reality as an illusionary trap.

Alan Watt who although seeing through religious indctrination and the Ickian reptillian theories--which Watt rightly IMO sees as put out by the Illuminati themselves--yet is anti psychedelics!

Another poster above 'Druglessdouglas' acused me of just rehashing what 'thousands of others' have said about this. But I called his bluff and asked him for ONE researcher who is on similar wavelength to me, and of this date he seems to have not found one.....hmmmmm. Anyway watch this space.
Iactually hope he does, because it would be fun to swap ideas ;) and enrich the exploration
In order to find solutions to this unbelieveable manipulation which has been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years, I would say we have to see what is the common oppressive tactics shared by the supposedly different groups, supposedly in conflict with each other.

For example, getting right to a crucial oppression which is shared by all the factions is psychedelic suppression:
The Judaic-Christian-Islamic Church;


secular culture, based on science;

and the covert Occultocracy running the show (in control of the money!), and pushing for a New World Order;

All condemn FREE access to entheogenic vegetation

I admit that there is the beginnings of a resurregence of psychedelic therapies, but it is all VERY niche. NOT accessable for everyone. And in a world with SO much distress and suffering caused by the very ones who enforce the suppression
This guy

(someone on this forum showed it dunno who) 8)
Stop taking drugs for at least 6 months ( better 2 years ) , try to clear your head up , try to start thinking rationaly and that will do a lot to stopping the downwards mental / psychelogical spiral that you are in . Give yourself the chance to heal yourself , to get your prioritys right and then people might start to take you seriously and help you .

Again . What do you want ? and is what you are doing and the way you are doing it achieving what you want ? Or do you want people to keep thinking your either mentaly confused and / or a troll .

Another thing . It would help you if you stoped claiming that some of your loony fringe ideas were facts and basing other confused personal theorys on it .

"well. did you find ONE then?"

Exactly what do you want ? Please explain as clearly and simply as you can .
restin a dit:
This guy

(someone on this forum showed it dunno who) 8)

:) You mean 'synchromysticism'? OK, at least you presented something. I will explain about this:
Not that long ago, I kind of entertained it, but was disturbed by Jake Kotze's (and by the way, he's ripped these ideas from another person who is more anonymous and is pissed off with Jake about this. There is a story here, but I wont gossip too much) seeming accepatance of such horrors as the 9/11 atrocity, and after math as being some kind of 'Stargate' that is intended to catapult us into higher states of consciousness.
It disturbed me because the synchromystic argument seems to suggest that writ into reality is spontanaous mystical correspondences which manifest as number, and place symbolism etc.

I tried to say how--maybe so--but that the 9/11 occultist signature was definately deliberate.

Then, one day, I found this set of videos: 911 Hidden in Hollywood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L1k8AxG ... playnext=1

because as is explained, Hollywood, as is mass media, is full of Freemasons in positions of power, and most of the 'stars' have affiliations with these groups too. So when we see 'hidden' references to 9/11 (and some blatant as you'll see if you make the effort to watch this series--and I know where the rest of his series can be viewed too if your interested) years before the event, and predictive programming, well this aint 'synchromysticism, it is deliberate insider knowledge and manipulation! And the synchromyticism myth is really part and parcel of the New Age myth they seek to propigate as part of their 'mystique'. because these elites always want to make myths that they are the Illumined and are gods, and/or in connection with gods/aliens etc. When what they are is obsessed with control, and having contacts in positions of power. There is NOTHING beautiful and synchromystical about Hiroshima, Nagasaki, JFK murder, 9/11, and Iraqi invasion and genocide, etc etc etc!

So I am not saying the same

So who else?
So when we see 'hidden' references to 9/11

I asked Moscow if I could stay in the "discussion" as it is funny and killes some boredom-virusses and they gave me the OK...................

Show me plz 10 movies with hidden references thx cu.
Show me ONE SINGLE REAL reference to any of your fantasys . You keep declairing your paranoid fantasys to be fact . Then you use your fantasy facts to pretend to validate more fantasys .