CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Notes about the video:
IN 2009
Hm, this sounds like scaremongering on the part of the makers of the video to me. In any case it's not a fact, just an assumption, weakening the video.
Lots of music and images in this video, lots of question, but very little information. Unless you're already well versed in the subject, this video is going to appear pretty meaningless to you. If you already know what it is about, however, it's going to reinforce your beliefs and fears, and concommitant neurotic tendency to tell yourself "Infinite love is the only reality, everything else is an illusion."
The video claims people like George Bush and Gordon Brown know all about 2012 and the significance (?!) of the Venus transit. It repeats this assumption several times, but makes no attempt to prove it.
I had expected a better video from you zezt.
Well you must admit that from times past the elites have been into astrology right? As a way of trying to influence their power moves? Well that--amongst other thhings--is what the video is emphasizing. Ie., also remember that they call Venus 'Lucifer' and have a myth all about that, and are known as Luciferians
They are into mindcontrol and creating myths as a form of control. by saying this I am not meaning that mythology as a creative human way of understanding reality is bad, or wrong. But Am saying that these people, like the Bible writers--the patriarchy--write myth/coopt myth for control
This is in part what I have been exploring throughout this thread and reason i titled it like I have, The Goddess and the Occultocracy. because I am pointing out that these male/solar supremacists coopt primiordial images of the Goddess, like the Serpent, etc for their own toxic purposes, And that 99.9 % of the investigators into this esoteric issue fail to dig this or mention it! Which is why I am doing
As 'conspiracy theorist' has been used to ridicule and quell debate and investigation, so it getting so with the term 'fear mongerer'. So I want us to be aware of this. you only become aware of something when you point it out/highlight it. OR it becomes UN-conscious, doesn't it?
So 'fear monger'--what does it mean?
I am aware that Alex Jones is called a fear monger. So I then look at what he is saying. And I see he misses a lot of important stuff out. Like he wont mention the Zionists role in the New World order, nor the Vatican and Jesuits. But keeps with terms like 'Illuminati' 'globalists'. So is he a disinformer?
Ie., will only go So far?
IF in the rise of Nazi germany i had begun warning of what was going down, would I be a 'fear mongerer'?
let me know