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This Goddess and the Occultocracy

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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i used to worry so much about what indeed would constitute a positive effect in "the whole". but it's so complex, every action it's so intertwined with every other, that it's certain that some of them are going to in some way bring about a negative effect, even if i intended a positive one. so now i instead just try not to cause negative effects...
i agree, as soon as you start making judgement calls on a certain scale, since no one has a complete picture of the whole, your actions even with positive intent can have very negative effects. but acknowledging that we are incapable of understanding the whole of our actions is a very positive thing IMO. too many people make massive assumptions about the world on surprisingly small amounts of information.

what i mean specifically though, is showing positive energy on a smaller, more fundamental, everyday scale. how you treat others, treat yourself, etc.

an example of what i'm thinking of is the poem called the "japanese ideal".. a positive way by which to live one's life that really isn't affected by whatever perceived enemies and evils of the day that there are. i'm not a buddhist but this poem definitely had an influence on my thought patterns, i used to read it a lot a long time ago. (loses something in the translation but definitely gets the point across).

If you knew there was a child being abused next door you would help right?
You wouldn't worry over 'what if me doing something creates a negative effect'? You just do something to try and help the kid--hopefully. And if you were that kid surely you'd WANt that help. Not some philosophy about not helping

So it is for all the abuse going on in the world. We HAVE to stand up to it, and find the roots of it.
please check this out:
The 9/11 Occult New World Order - Shift from Ridiculization to Realization

Also notice how the comments to the video all seem to be from Christians! Ie., who are depending on 'Jesus' coming to save them from this 'New World Order'.
Not realizing--very ironically--that the Bible is writ by the same mindset who wants control over nature, animals, people!
i liked the poem :)

zezt a dit:
If you knew there was a child being abused next door you would help right?

yeah but i wasn't thinking of such a particular black/white scenario. rather when you think in terms of how you can prevent negative stuff around you. this is where it gets tricky. it is in this way that i think that not letting negative situations arise is a better strategy than going out of your way to find some evil to fight. because shitty situations will arise no matter what. it's a fight you can't win. and i think one has to keep an eye for those things, when they come. yeah maybe am not that zesty but i find my stance an acceptable one. like st.bot (saint robot? hehe) said knowing you don't know is the first step. i say that after you realize that, all you can do is pay attention. at the end it all comes down to just being nice to your surroundings, basically.
???????? a dit:
i liked the poem :)

zezt a dit:
If you knew there was a child being abused next door you would help right?

yeah but i wasn't thinking of such a particular black/white scenario. rather when you think in terms of how you can prevent negative stuff around you. this is where it gets tricky. it is in this way that i think that not letting negative situations arise is a better strategy than going out of your way to find some evil to fight. because shitty situations will arise no matter what. it's a fight you can win. and i think one has to keep an eye for those things, when they come. yeah maybe am not that zesty but i find my stance an acceptable one. like st.bot (saint robot? hehe) said knowing you don't know is the first step. i say that after you realize that, all you can do is pay attention. at the end it all comes down to just being nice to your surroundings, basically.

but if people come into your home to attack your kids, loved ones, parents, dog, surely you have to respond. Its not about 'creating negativity'. YOU instinctually will respond. Or maybe you could become paralyzed with fear. And/or choose to do nothing while they torture the ones you love, and you, and murder etc.

The Jews etc...many went to the camps without a fight also, The RISE of the nazi regime. Many people didn't act. Didn't see. Didn't want to see.

You can couch this apathy in 'i dont want to create negativity' but it is still apathy. When you see, and feel, wrong but do nothing!

Did you see that video I just linked you to? What do you think? Your reflections?
Notes about the video:

IN 2009

Hm, this sounds like scaremongering on the part of the makers of the video to me. In any case it's not a fact, just an assumption, weakening the video.

Lots of music and images in this video, lots of question, but very little information. Unless you're already well versed in the subject, this video is going to appear pretty meaningless to you. If you already know what it is about, however, it's going to reinforce your beliefs and fears, and concommitant neurotic tendency to tell yourself "Infinite love is the only reality, everything else is an illusion."

The video claims people like George Bush and Gordon Brown know all about 2012 and the significance (?!) of the Venus transit. It repeats this assumption several times, but makes no attempt to prove it.

I had expected a better video from you zezt.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
But if you don't fight, you simply become a lazy hippie, consuming drug culture (rave parties, goa festivals, ayahuasca ceremonies, coffeeshops, smartshops) but never defending it. Fighting injustice should be part of every hero's adventure.

Of course I'm not talking about a physical fight. The pen is mightier than the sword.

Of course we should defend our freedom. But I don´t believe in an occult conspiracy to keep us from having this freedom.

You talk about fighting for the freedom to do drugs (psychedelics), while Zezt is talking about an vague occult conspiracy to rule us all. I think there is a big difference.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Notes about the video:

IN 2009

Hm, this sounds like scaremongering on the part of the makers of the video to me. In any case it's not a fact, just an assumption, weakening the video.

Lots of music and images in this video, lots of question, but very little information. Unless you're already well versed in the subject, this video is going to appear pretty meaningless to you. If you already know what it is about, however, it's going to reinforce your beliefs and fears, and concommitant neurotic tendency to tell yourself "Infinite love is the only reality, everything else is an illusion."

The video claims people like George Bush and Gordon Brown know all about 2012 and the significance (?!) of the Venus transit. It repeats this assumption several times, but makes no attempt to prove it.

I had expected a better video from you zezt.

Well you must admit that from times past the elites have been into astrology right? As a way of trying to influence their power moves? Well that--amongst other thhings--is what the video is emphasizing. Ie., also remember that they call Venus 'Lucifer' and have a myth all about that, and are known as Luciferians

They are into mindcontrol and creating myths as a form of control. by saying this I am not meaning that mythology as a creative human way of understanding reality is bad, or wrong. But Am saying that these people, like the Bible writers--the patriarchy--write myth/coopt myth for control

This is in part what I have been exploring throughout this thread and reason i titled it like I have, The Goddess and the Occultocracy. because I am pointing out that these male/solar supremacists coopt primiordial images of the Goddess, like the Serpent, etc for their own toxic purposes, And that 99.9 % of the investigators into this esoteric issue fail to dig this or mention it! Which is why I am doing

As 'conspiracy theorist' has been used to ridicule and quell debate and investigation, so it getting so with the term 'fear mongerer'. So I want us to be aware of this. you only become aware of something when you point it out/highlight it. OR it becomes UN-conscious, doesn't it?

So 'fear monger'--what does it mean?

I am aware that Alex Jones is called a fear monger. So I then look at what he is saying. And I see he misses a lot of important stuff out. Like he wont mention the Zionists role in the New World order, nor the Vatican and Jesuits. But keeps with terms like 'Illuminati' 'globalists'. So is he a disinformer?
Ie., will only go So far?

IF in the rise of Nazi germany i had begun warning of what was going down, would I be a 'fear mongerer'?

let me know
That was the best post that you have posted on the forum .
zezt a dit:
Well you must admit that from times past the elites have been into astrology right? As a way of trying to influence their power moves?
I'm in to astrology myself, and in the past everyone was into astrology, not just the elite, although they could afford the services of the best astrologers around.

But as an astrologer I must say the year 2012 has no significance, and neither does the Venus transit. Venus is one of the natural benefics in astrology. It rules art, love and prosperity.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
zezt a dit:
Well you must admit that from times past the elites have been into astrology right? As a way of trying to influence their power moves?
I'm in to astrology myself, and in the past everyone was into astrology, not just the elite, although they could afford the services of the best astrologers around.

But as an astrologer I must say the year 2012 has no significance, and neither does the Venus transit. Venus is one of the natural benefics in astrology. It rules art, love and prosperity.

Your view seems to be at odds with McKenna and his ideas about 2012, John Major Jenkins, all supposedly influenced by Mayan prophecy to do with that date

I know that New Ageists have coopted this date for their own predictive programming as they usually do. A myth has been created about 2012. That is for sure

And I dont think everyone was into astrology.
I guess that our anceint ancestors were more aware of the star systems for navigation, planting etc. But it was the elites who creeated the static ideas of the stars and their motions. I have some notes on this. For knowledge and power. I must fish them out later.
I thought I would bring this thread back to life. WOW 2008! I didn't know I had been with this forum that long!

I found this because for ages I have been wanting to do a blog about the TABOO surrounding this subject (though I have also done one in the past too), and was wondering what to use in subtitle to describe a power structure that is into the occult, and so Googled 'occultocracy and immediately recognozed first link was this old thread, and have just been reading it.

I have news for you. This subject is STILL VERY VERY taboo. I cannot get a whipsper from most, leaders and followers in the psychedelic movement about it. When I joined Facebook I made sure to get as many contacts I could who are a diverse portion of the psychedelic community, however only one of them bothered to respond and this was so-called radical activist Charles Shaw, and it was negative. He insisted I do not 'confuse' his followers with this subject, quietly censored my posts, and then when I challenged him he banned me!

The latest weird taboo experience is with the philosopher Bernado Kastrup. I have been familiar with his ideas for several years, and find them interesting. he seemed a friendly guy who responds to challenges to his ideas, and questions so I pmed him on his FB explaining as well as I could. SILENCE! So, I then publically commented on his youtube video, and his response was VERY odd, cold, and he said quite clearly he does not want to talk about this subject. His whole manner was really unfriendly. I smelt fear.

So hmmmm. We are in dire straights. The globalists are marching on with their false flags and staged shootings etc, and are using this sorcery as mind control and noone wants to talk about it...?
Not long ago many in the psychedelic community were putting all their hopes on '2012'. Jack all happened, except things have got worse and worse and worse. it is So lazy for the mindset who imagines theres gonna be some 'saviour' gonna sort all their problems out, and they think they din't have to make ANY effort to look deep into what is going on? That is the vibe I get
FFS Why do you think everything is staged???
It isn't because politicians and the media exploit such events they are staged, now are they?

Which shootings are you referring to?
Demahdi a dit:
FFS Why do you think everything is staged???
It isn't because politicians and the media exploit such events they are staged, now are they?

Which shootings are you referring to?

I am sorry mate, you are going on ignore. Reasons. Well I am still not happy with your earlier disrespect, but you also stop my flow. I want to move on and explore with people who understand, and not have to back track for someone who has missed the class -so to speak. Like I dig it, you do not agree with me, but me having to deal with your relentless ignore-ance is trying so --ignored!
the irony is though that without your (you the ignored) at least efforts this place is D E A D! lol...Which doesn't say very much for 'psychonauts'
I wasn't disrespectful intentionally. Like I said I was being familiar. And who says I don't agree on a thing or two?
I am not trying to stop anyone. But not answering any question isn't getting us anywhere, is it?
I find it sad you put me on ignore after I changed my ways. :angel:

All has opinion but not too many aspire for a consensus. Most stick to their own paradigm endlessly forever.
And that's ok, but the irony in you is funny as well "friend".
I hope we can move on because I still have lots to offer. I am like a hawk scanning certain topics and I will open a topic about European migration etc somewhere end of this year.
Zezt just calls everyone who doesn,t agree with him disrespectfull and rude. If you don,t agree with zezt, zezt will put you on ignore.
The problem with zezt is that he suffers from conspiranoia. a dangerous disease that stops all logical thinking. Patients are sucked in to the conspiranoid reality tunnel and develope tunnel vision. It is very sad that he needs to spread his conspiranoia all over this forum. This forum is NOT about occult illuminati NWO conspiracy,s. This forum is NOT about eyes in paramids or 9/11.
I said this many times before. There are a LOT of other forums that deal with these subjects.
This subjects is about psychonauts and for psychonauts. Please let him take his conspiranoia somewhere else. Please let him STOP shooting his conspiranoia jizz all over the tits of this forum.
I said this all before, zezt is not communicating. Zezt is just talking to himself all the time. Zezt does not feel the need to answer questions or to debate his worldview. It is a solo preformance. And if someone dares to question his worldview or does not agree or asks questions he calls them rude and put,s them on ignore.
That being said, the topic can be closed. Nothing to see here people.
Or in other words, we found you zezt in here as well :)