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Oh, and btw, I think we should just ignore him, idiots don't get bored of doing what they do best.
Tiax a dit:
Why are you talking about this on this topic ? It was supposed to be a thread to talk about the current issues, and now you're talking esoterism with the guy who's responsible for all this, like nothing happened.
He said something about this site in that post. So I asked him what he meant. That's entirely on topic.

CaduceusMercurius a dit:
If so, please explain what you intend to do.
I intend to let the debate continue.

If you don't want to deal with this situation yourself, why don't you let someone else do it ? Name an old timer (spice, drugless, GOD, fork or anyone who's been here for a long time and who really contributed to the community) as a sort of super-moderator with the rights to ban people.
Are dealing with a situation and banning someone synonymous to you? They can be, but here there is no necessity of urgently banning anyone.
I intend to let the debate continue.
mes jeux sont faits.

I have other worries than playing child games and loop loop. Bye Bye.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
We are not in a movie theater... a community extends beyond the 2d pages of this site, well into your respective imaginations, and some people are playing with fire in my opinion.

The analogy is still valid, the point being your DIVISIVENESS and DISRUPTION and JABBERWOCKY are intrusive, and, for the most part, unwelcome.

....as to the 'some peope are playing with fire in my opinion'

You're right about that
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Are dealing with a situation and banning someone synonymous to you? They can be, but here there is no necessity of urgently banning anyone.

Then you should re-read this thirteen page topic.

CaduceusMercurius a dit:
I intend to let the debate continue.

To what end ? Everyone gave his opinion, you're still doing nothing. Are you afraid to act ? Don't want to ? That's your right, but then you're not fulfilling your role as a site administrator.

Give us at least a clear and developped opinion on this, the way you act seems very strange to me, and I think that a lot of members share the same feeling.
No, but it might be said that at this point we're unseparable. A ban isn't really an option right now. That's why I said it's better not to rush this.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
No, but it might be said that at this point we're unseparable. A ban isn't really an option right now. That's why I said it's better not to rush this.

Ok this is it, you're letting your personal interest get in the way of your role as a site admnistrator.

And that, my friend, trully, terribly sucks.
I'm not doing politics, ever.

And I don't intend to divide people, quite the contrary ; I have just given every psychonaut a root to operate from. It's not because some people will become glorious that they will be famous heroes, this inherently dosen't divide them from the rest. Thats a sophism.

A kind "son of man" mushroom with the principles of male and female united. It's a miracle in itself.

Whatever we do we will come back to Jesus in our studies, whatever you all might think about some people who think it's all about the word, and you name being written in the "book of life". Those people are not true catholics.

The tricky part is not making it into a god, and remaining human as we discuss its implications.
There is no real conflict of interest here.

I'm saying that without the root, the exploration is pointless ; it seems to be a truth in anyway we look at it.

You people are saying : no I won't even try to cultivate a grail, if I get sick I'll go take the doctors antibiotics instead of the natural gift of Jesus.

You are also saying : I prefer my LSD, I prefer my MDMA... etc etc...

You are doing politics, I'm not.
I don't know how to name the attitude you have CM.

You obviously made up your mind on not banning Ayathing, but it seems to me that you're so afraid of stating it that you instead chose to open a topic to give us the illusion that we had a word to say in this matter.

Doesn't the word "community" represents anything to you ? Everyone gave his opinion and we reached a consensus, yet you're applying your admin's veto right to discard it, without even ever clearly stating it (maybe you think we'll "talk about this" forever ?).

Either something's *really* strange is happening between Aya and you, or you're simply too afraid to act in a responsible way. This is what I hate most in lots of neo-hippies jerks, the lazyness/cowardice/irresponsibility when it comes to making choices and defending them.

I'm sorry to say that, but I'm really beginning to think that you're Aya, and if that's the case, that's really sad.

you are practicing politics, whether you want to call it that or something else....

Anyway, you act as if this 'root' is an absolute, which IT'S NOT,and in this sense you remind me of fundamentalist Christians.

Not a good thing.

Take the points being sent your way, and quit ignoring them.
Tiax a dit:
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
No, but it might be said that at this point we're unseparable. A ban isn't really an option right now. That's why I said it's better not to rush this.

Ok this is it, you're letting your personal interest get in the way of your role as a site admnistrator.
I didn't say it's my personal interest that binds me. If this website degrades to a place where new members can be banned by popular vote or the whims of senior members, it will have lost all meaning to me. If you want this person banned, present your case.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
If you want this person banned, present your case.

Here you go again.

The reasons are statted in the 14th previous pages of this topic, so stop acting like you don't already know them.

CaduceusMercurius a dit:
If this website degrades to a place where new members can be banned by popular vote or the whims of senior members, it will have lost all meaning to me.

Why ? Because if that happens, you won't be able to be the one who imposes his views on every members ? Talk about ego-shit.

Besides, if that's not personal interest that "binds" you, what is ? Why don't you simply tell us ? Is he holding you captive in his basement or what ? Is he the boss of the smartshop you're working in, and you don't want to lose your job ?
CM if you and ayathing are inseparable why don't you just excange email adresses or open a esoterics section so no one else gets bothered.
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