CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Family dinner tonight... :?
Uhuh, that's a thoughie
Personally, I'm a bit fucked up at the moment, I'm beggining to think that university isn't for me, but I don't know what else to do.
My personal life is fine, I got nice friends, a great gf, I have a passion (that helps *alot*!) and stuff, but I'm totally lost on a professional level.
Actually what I'd like is to be able to start working, earning some cash, and in a job that'll give me an useful formation for latter development.
I don't need much ATM, I just want to be able to live your normal, young guy level of life, which means having enough money to pay for a studio to live in, food a bit more varied than pastas everyday and having a bit of extra money for what I like (going out, music).
But I feel like if I do that, I'll be totally fucked when I'll be like 30, not enough money to support a familly, tedious and uninteresting job, etc...
Basically, I have the feeling that university is like the only way to go (except for a few exceptions) if you want to do ok in your future life (I know it's not true, it's just my actual, irrational feeling toward all this).
Hey, I'm even beggining to feel old (I'm 21) if I compare my age to my situation
Yay, plain youngster angst