QUALITATIVE COMMENTS (with 0 mg) I was present at a group meeting, but was only an observer.
With zero milligrams of 2C-I, I was able to get to a delightful plus 2.5 in about five minutes after I arrived at your place, and absorbed the ambience of the folks who had actually imbibed the material. My level lasted about four hours and came down at about the same time as did the others. There were no after-effects experienced except for a pleasant languor.
[Erowid Note: We received several requests for clarification of this note. Alexander Shulgin confirmed that this experience was a contact-high from being near a group of people on 2C-I. He writes:
I realize that some readers think that Ann and I are the authors of all the commentaries but in reality they have come from many different authors.
I have dug around in my notes and have finally found the origin of the zero milligram comment. It was a group experiment with 2C-I. Two members of the group arrived after everyone else had started and decided not to make a late entry, simply enjoy being observers. They reported that one of them turned on almost immediately, and went up to a plus two and a half. Further into his research notes he wrote that he had "absorbed the ambience of the folks who had actually imbibed the material," and this was transferred directly to Pihkal. I hoped that this would make it obvious that it was a contact high, not a drug-induced high. -- Alexander Shulgin, Oct 2004 personal communication.
We hope that clarifies the issue.]