The bouncers came after me, and I wriggled out of many a choke hold before they piled on top of me outside. I wriggled out of this somehow and climbed on top of a vehicle out front. I have a memory of calling my pursuers assholes and then puking on top of the van... I then apologized and came down.
The police came and threw me in the back of a squad car. I tried to kick out the windows. They took me out and put me in an ambulance, instead.
I harrassed the police officers and told them that I was a British subject (I'm American) and that I'd never join in their filthy war in Iraq-- I affected a British accent and told them that I had diplomatic immunity, which drew some laughs. I told a female cop to suck my dick, and then the paramedic said, 'OK-- that's enough' and stuck me with what I think was valium.