Elfe Mécanique
- Inscrit
- 7/2/08
- Messages
- 288
Oh yes, loudmouth or not, many people of you dismiss all these phenomenons because you worship your 'precious' plus you want to defend your use [reckless and stupid in many cases use, if you ask me].
Let me tell you about hppd, because you're in the dark, I suppose.. Fuck HPPD, fuck names.. get a grip, we're not talkin about names here but about common phenomenons..
The D in HPPD is for Disorder... Now note this...
Psychedelics DO enhance vision. They do. Actually they enhance everything! And boy, they change you. You are not the same person even after a single use. So , if you do a lot of them, your vision might 'alter' a bit. It's a given. It might occur. Many heavy users have them, but they don't admit easily.
But note this
this persistent visual phenomenons come as a disorder if the sufferer 'sees' them as such, if he's annoyed, if his life is becoming significantly worse because of this... these visuals while being sober might put predisposed to anxiety people into peing more anxious about what has happened.. it's natural, it's not some fucking myth, get over this!! but you know what? these cases never come as visions problem only... anxiety, depression, panic attacks, dp/dr [depersonalisation/derealisation] very often exist too...
read the fucking site to maybe get an idea of what HPPD is from the point of view of the 'sufferer' . Most of them have so serious symptoms that they never even smoke pot! Many of them had at least some mental 'issues' to start with, plus warning signs they dismissed. A lot of them used psychedelics abusively both in frequency of dosing and in the doses themselves.
And you know what??? don't fucking complain about names, labels, 'disorders' like dp/dr etc to me, geddit? I don't name these things. Others have described and given names to debiliating psychophenomenons. I never expereinced these things either. I voted 'No' ! But I read about them everywhere! I don't care how YOU see it, some people are actually not at all fond of the states they're in and feel sick.
many people fuck their heads with shitty use of drugs, why fucking deny that?? don't you understand most users [as most people anyway] are idiots?
Dismissing with such arrogance and hostility such casualties is childish, preoccupied, in the bottom line pathetic and mean... Let alone misinforming, dangerous, dogmatic and closeminded
At least show the honesty to admit only few are chosen, gifted, lucky. Most people are stupid and idiots and in the big picture I believe they're often victims of their own mistakes... but dont fucking blame it on a government conspiracy damn it!! are you dellusional or something? This is not just about 'HPPD' . There is such a thing as 'good' or 'bad' mental health, of course relative, not black&white. And Drugs can fuck that if the taker is and idiot or , hey, more sensitive... did this occur to you?? Or you're too much blurred from the 8-dimentional mechanical elf from outer space?
Why the fuck deny people can do damage to their brains if they fuck it up with any drug, including psychs?
YES, one of the possible symptoms of psychedelics misuse is Persisting Visial Phenomenons -
Fuck I would name it PVP. A symptom , not a disorder itself
Let me tell you about hppd, because you're in the dark, I suppose.. Fuck HPPD, fuck names.. get a grip, we're not talkin about names here but about common phenomenons..
The D in HPPD is for Disorder... Now note this...
Psychedelics DO enhance vision. They do. Actually they enhance everything! And boy, they change you. You are not the same person even after a single use. So , if you do a lot of them, your vision might 'alter' a bit. It's a given. It might occur. Many heavy users have them, but they don't admit easily.
But note this
this persistent visual phenomenons come as a disorder if the sufferer 'sees' them as such, if he's annoyed, if his life is becoming significantly worse because of this... these visuals while being sober might put predisposed to anxiety people into peing more anxious about what has happened.. it's natural, it's not some fucking myth, get over this!! but you know what? these cases never come as visions problem only... anxiety, depression, panic attacks, dp/dr [depersonalisation/derealisation] very often exist too...
read the fucking site to maybe get an idea of what HPPD is from the point of view of the 'sufferer' . Most of them have so serious symptoms that they never even smoke pot! Many of them had at least some mental 'issues' to start with, plus warning signs they dismissed. A lot of them used psychedelics abusively both in frequency of dosing and in the doses themselves.
And you know what??? don't fucking complain about names, labels, 'disorders' like dp/dr etc to me, geddit? I don't name these things. Others have described and given names to debiliating psychophenomenons. I never expereinced these things either. I voted 'No' ! But I read about them everywhere! I don't care how YOU see it, some people are actually not at all fond of the states they're in and feel sick.
many people fuck their heads with shitty use of drugs, why fucking deny that?? don't you understand most users [as most people anyway] are idiots?
Dismissing with such arrogance and hostility such casualties is childish, preoccupied, in the bottom line pathetic and mean... Let alone misinforming, dangerous, dogmatic and closeminded
At least show the honesty to admit only few are chosen, gifted, lucky. Most people are stupid and idiots and in the big picture I believe they're often victims of their own mistakes... but dont fucking blame it on a government conspiracy damn it!! are you dellusional or something? This is not just about 'HPPD' . There is such a thing as 'good' or 'bad' mental health, of course relative, not black&white. And Drugs can fuck that if the taker is and idiot or , hey, more sensitive... did this occur to you?? Or you're too much blurred from the 8-dimentional mechanical elf from outer space?
Why the fuck deny people can do damage to their brains if they fuck it up with any drug, including psychs?
YES, one of the possible symptoms of psychedelics misuse is Persisting Visial Phenomenons -
Fuck I would name it PVP. A symptom , not a disorder itself